Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34,
Engineer Operations
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEER OPERATIONS ........................................ 1
Chapter 2: CIVIL ENGINEER ORGANIZATION ............................................................ 5
Chapter 3: CIVIL ENGINEER FUNCTIONS ................................................................... 7
Chapter 4: CIVIL ENGINEER TEAMS ......................................................................... 15
Chapter 5: CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS ................................................................ 21
Chapter 6: INTEGRATED BASE RESPONSE AND RECOVERY ............................... 24
Chapter 8: CIVIL ENGINEER MODERNIZATION........................................................ 31
APPENDIX A: PRIME BEEF AND RED HORSE CAPABILITIES ............................... 32
CAPABILITIES DESCRIPTIONS.................................................................................. 38
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
The Air Force organizes, trains, and equips forces to be an air component to a
joint force commander (JFC). As part of the joint force’s air component, our
forces must be prepared to accomplish JFC objectives. The air component
commander’s administrative authorities are derived from Title 10, U.S. Code,
and exercised as the commander, Air Force forces (COMAFFOR). The air
component commander’s operational authorities are delegated from the JFC
and exercised as both the COMAFFOR, over Air Force Forces, and as the
functional joint force air component commander (JFACC), over joint air forces
made available for tasking. Thus, the air component commander leads Air
Force forces as the COMAFFOR and the JFC’s joint air operations as the
JFACC. This duality of authorities is expressed in the axiom: Airmen work for
Airmen and the senior Airman works for the JFC.”
--Air Force Doctrine Publication (AFDP) 1, The Air Force
Since the COMAFFOR and JFACC are nearly always the same individual,
this AFDP will use the term “air component commander” when referring
to duties or functions that could be carried out by either or both, unless
explicit use of the term “COMAFFOR” or “JFACC” is necessary for clarity.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Doctrine embodies the fundamental principles by which military forces guide their
actions in support of national objectives. It is a body of carefully developed, authoritative
ideas that have been officially approved or ratified corporately, establishing a common
frame of reference for solving military problems. However, to be an effective guide, the
challenge for doctrine is to be simultaneously focused on the past, applicable in the
present, and facing toward the future; all in equal measure.
The US Air Force must anticipate a new reality; one in which decision advantage,
freedom of maneuver, and freedom of action are increasingly challenged. To deter,
compete, and win across the competition continuum, Airmen must advance solutions
that enable operations in highly contested environments. Broadly, the joint force’s
approach to meet this challenge is encapsulated in joint all-domain operations (JADO).
Together with joint all-domain command and control (JADC2), JADO provides joint force
commanders (JFC) the means to integrate, synchronize, and deconflict the
convergence of effects across all domains to achieve operational advantage.
AFDP-1, The Air Force, supports this effort by establishing mission command as the
Airman’s philosophy for the command and control (C2) of airpower. Despite our
advances, adversaries will likely retain an ability to deny or degrade our
communications. Decision makers at all echelons must have the ability to develop
understanding, make decisions, and converge effects when disconnected from higher
echelons. Mission command embraces centralized command, distributed control, and
decentralized execution as the foundation for the responsiveness, flexibility, and
initiative necessary at the tactical edge, and ensures capabilities continue to function,
even when information is degraded or denied.
AFDP 3-34, Engineer Operations, though firmly rooted in the past, also looks to the
future, adapting where needed to ensure continued utility and efficacy for the challenges
to come. Properly planned and executed, engineer operations are a crucial element of
combat support to enable achievement of joint force commander objectives in
cooperation, competition, and conflict. What worked in the past, WILL work in the future;
but NOT in the same way. Airmen must be trained to plan operations in a distributed or
decentralized manner, and execute the mission when isolated from higher echelons in
distributed environments. Airmen at all levels must be comfortable making decisions
and operating based on the commander’s intent and the principles of mission
Though not fully adapted to the challenges identified above, this doctrine represents
what we believe to be true based on the evidence to date. As we continue to press
toward a more capable future force, it is critical that we continue to evolve our doctrine,
ensuring a grounded foundation perpetually set to meet our nations’ security
challenges. Throughout our history, innovative Airmen have adapted technologies and
developed methods of employment to meet the challenges our nation has faced. We will
continue to do so.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Engineers provide a critical capability because the Air Force projects airpower from
installations and engineers build, maintain, and recover those installations. From the
beginning of military aviation in the United States (US) to today, engineers have been
pivotal players by ensuring airfields, facilities, and infrastructure help set the conditions
for operational dominance.
Just as a runway is foundational to
air operations, the Civil Engineer
(CE) Truths are the basic
foundational beliefs of Air Force
civil engineers. They set the basis
for civil engineers to deliver Air
Force and Space Force
installations effectively and
efficiently, using modern principles
to maximize contributions to the
installation and its diverse mission
sets. Engineers focus outwardly to
support other mission readiness
issues, as well as develop and
support a total force of engineers--
civilian and military, regular and air
reserve components--to support
the warfighter at home and abroad,
ensuring their power projection
platforms are ready for
Founded on these truths, engineer
operations doctrine provides a
guide to effectively organize and
employ engineer forces through the
complexities of the competition
Air bases are a determining factor in the success of air
operations. The two-legged stool of men and planes
would topple over without this equally important third leg.
- General Henry H. “Hap” Arnold
Installations are power projection
Asset management
principles drive how
we mitigate risk to installation health.
Airmen engineers measure readiness
first and foremost by the readiness of the
weapon system they support.
Total force development at home
enables ready Airmen engineers to
rapidly employ forces and adapt to full-
spectrum threats.
Presenting agile CE capabilities
supports combatant commanders’
(CCDRs’) and air component
commanders’ projection of airpower.
Installations are built by, maintained by,
and recovered by ready Airmen
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
continuum. As the Air Force continuously improves its airpower capabilities, its ability to
identify the latest best practices and incorporate new concepts and technologies will
revolutionize engineer doctrine and shape future engineer operations.
The competition continuum is a central consideration when determining best practices
for the Air Force. Consideration of peer competition and conflict is a continuing concern
as the Air Force supports the joint fight. All Airman have the capability to innovate and
are integral parts in improving and developing processes and practicessucceeding as
they connect, share, and learn together. Engineer operations in a contested
environment against a peer enemy require the air component to be adaptive, resilient,
and agile in its deployment, employment, and leadership philosophies.
Installations are power projection platforms built, maintained, and recovered by ready
engineers, trained and equipped to carry out combat support operations within their
assigned unit type codes (UTCs). Engineers are trained at home station, regional
training sites, exercise deployments, and Silver Flag sites on pre-identified engineering
operations. This training permits the rapid employment of Prime Base Engineer
Emergency Force (Prime BEEF), Emergency Services, and RED HORSE Squadron
engineers to support global military operations. Additionally, by incorporating asset
management and lifecycle practices to power projection platforms, risks to the
installation mission are reduced or mitigated through modernization. Finally, Air Force
engineers are the force multiplier to execute general engineer operations described in
Joint Publication (JP) 3-34, Joint Engineer Operations.
Air Force CE enhances the joint force commander's (JFC’s) ability to accomplish the
mission and enable joint operations. The primary tasking for Air Force engineers is to
enable Air Force and Space Force missions. Air Force engineers are trained and
equipped with organic capabilities to support all aspects of projecting airpower.
Secondarily, they also provide general engineering support for other Service
requirements. Air Force engineers also conduct combat engineering functions in
contingency and warfighting environments, both on the installation and off.
Engineers prepare for contingencies by training as units, employing lessons learned,
and exercising their capabilities in preparation for deploying fully capable engineer
forces to rapidly establish airbases as power projection platforms, repair battle-
damaged facilities and infrastructure, and recover installations from man-made and
force; and provide support to civilian authorities and other nations.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
natural disasters. A ready Airman engineer is one who is prepared to execute mission
essential tasks, UTC mission capabilities, and wartime and contingency skills in all
types of military operations. They are able to complete their missions at bare bases,
main operating bases, joint bases, forward operating bases, collocated operating bases,
and combat outposts. The Air Force sees these locations or installations in the context
of an airfield, described as an area prepared for the takeoff, landing, and
accommodation of aircraft (including any buildings, installations, and equipment
Most Services provide the capability to establish and maintain bases. However, each of
those Services maintains core engineering capabilities stemming from its traditional
roles to meet specific operational needs. Engineers have the capability of opening
airfields, once secured by ground or host nation forces. Engineers have expertise in
providing support to the maneuver of conventional and unconventional Air Force
Furthermore, engineers enable airpower and spacepower operations in and through any
environment via integrated base response and recovery. Engineers assist air and
ground maneuver operations via the construction of expeditionary landing surfaces and
structures to counter the effects of direct and indirect weapons through hardening.
Engineers possess organic general engineering capabilities involving the planning,
building, maintaining, protecting, responding, recovering, sustaining, and closing of
facilities and infrastructure on military installations that support CCDRs during steady-
state conditions. The experience gained from performing these functions at home
stations and during deployments, when complemented with task qualification, combat
skills, career field, and UTC-specific training in the employment of contingency
equipment, prepares Air Force engineers for the demands of contingency base
operations, Service and joint staff duty, or theater engineer duties as tasked in any
environment. The Air Force embeds military engineers, civilians, and contractors within
the home station workforce. Providing general engineering, geospatial engineering,
installation support and service, emergency services, engineer logistics services, and
partnership building capabilities in this manner is a force multiplier. Mixing military
(regular and Air Reserve Component), civilian, and contractor personnel creates an
environment to leverage technical expertise and experience of long-term civilians to
train military engineer forces, while simultaneously accomplishing the home station
mission, which includes projecting airpower into multiple theaters simultaneously as well
as ensuring readiness of the installation’s primary weapon systems.
Engineer capabilities enable operational and tactical maneuver by supporting actions
necessary for the commander to meet mission objectives. CE core operational pillars,
structured to meet JFC and other operational requirements, are:
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Prime BEEF.
Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD).
Fire and emergency services.
Emergency management (EM) and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
(CBRN) specialist teams.
Other specialized teams.
Staff augmentation teams.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
The CE enterprise consists of a total force mix of regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve,
Air National Guard, and civilians. Air Force engineers are assigned or attached to
organizations performing installation operations support, construction projects, and
emergency response. Normally, the operational forces are organized as CE flights or
CE squadrons, with several instances of CE groups. The institutional forces are
organized in functions not aligned with the numbered units they deploy with at the
installation level. These include higher than wing-level staffs, the Air Force Installation
and Mission Support Center, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC), and the Air
Force Institute of Technology. Civil engineers participate in training activities that
support base and homeland operations, major commands, and numbered air forces,
along with their subordinate wings. The CE leadership structure provides standardized
guidance, training, equipment, and procedures through a corporate process. While at
home station, civil engineers posture main operating bases for resiliency against
possible attack by peer adversaries. Preparation and training at main operating bases
are designed to protect and recover the bases and power projection platforms.
Prime BEEF and RED HORSE force deployments are
executed through the joint deployment system and
conducted using guidance issued by Headquarters Air
Force. During deployments, civil engineer forces are part
of an air expeditionary task force (AETF) and follow
command relationships affecting all Air Force forces.
Most deployed Prime BEEF engineer units support an air
expeditionary wing construct. Engineers may be placed
under the tactical control of a joint force engineer
command structure if established by the JFC. The air
component commander, through the appropriate
organizational structure, normally retains operational
control of Air Force CE units.
The organization of Prime BEEF and RED HORSE forces under a single Air Force
engineering commander is an alternate operational structure to support air component
commander requirements. Under this construct, limited theater-wide engineering forces
can be leveraged to prioritize and mass engineering capabilities at the right time and
place to meet demands. Maintaining unit integrity should be considered during design
and planning. Unit integrity enables engineers who train together also to deploy
together, providing the air component commander an integrated mission-ready team.
Air Force civil
engineers deploy as
combat support units
to provide general and
geospatial engineering
capabilities, protection,
response, recovery,
and sustainment
across the competition
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Under air component commander tasking, engineers can be deployed as a Prime
BEEF, RED HORSE, or specialized capabilities. They train as organic units and remain
fully prepared to deploy rapidly as a full UTC or as tailored force packages. UTCs are
designed to provide the right set of capabilities and skill sets to meet mission
Prime BEEF organizations rapidly respond worldwide to offer a wide range
of engineer support required that establish, operate, sustain, protect, recover,
and reconstitute installations.
RED HORSE is a self-sufficient, mobile heavy construction unit capable of
rapid response and independent operations in a contested peer or terrorist
threat environment. They provide heavy repair and construction capability
that exceeds Prime BEEF capabilities.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Air Force civil engineers have dual roles in maintaining military readiness and providing
support to the home-station installation, which also serves as a force projection platform
supporting multiple operations. These roles are intricately related. The total force team
works together to hone contingency skills while maintaining the installation.
Engineer functions are categories of related activities grouped to enable installation and
air component commander missions. CE provides engineering support to home stations
and throughout all phases of military operations, including airbase opening, establishing
operating locations, force beddown, sustainment, recovery, transitioning, and closure of
operating locations. CE reconnaissance capability is also embedded in the contingency
response wings and AFCEC to perform airfield site assessments. These functions
contribute to achieving operational and tactical objectives. These capabilities allow the
air component commander and JFC to integrate, synchronize, and direct engineer
Engineer functions can be grouped
into key areas: general engineering,
geospatial engineering, and
installation support and services.
These functions working in
combination result in deliberate
consolidation of power projection
platform (PPP) readiness and status
information, enabling air component
commander and JFC decisions
regarding application of airpower
capabilities across the competition
continuum. In effect, this information
is a critical engineer function that
enables the Air Force to operate
from the PPP capabilities engineers
provide. With the emerging potential
of peer-contested environments at
main operating bases, engineers are prepared to employ in place to support joint all-
domain operations at home, as well.
Engineers plan, build, maintain, protect, respond, recover, sustain, and close facilities
and infrastructure on military installations. Trained engineers apply these skills across
the competition continuum. Ready Airmen engineers provide all engineer functions at
identified operating locations to protect and recover these PPPs to ensure mission
Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan:
405th Expeditionary Support
Squadron Civil Engineers execute
rapid spall repairs exercise.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
General engineering consists of engineer capabilities and activities that provide
infrastructure; modify, maintain, or protect the physical environment; and respond
rapidly to establish, sustain, and recover airbases. Examples include:
Infrastructure repair.
Infrastructure maintenance.
Storage area requirements.
Lines of communications (supply chain).
Protection of natural and cultural resources.
Terrain modification and reconstruction.
The general engineering requirements for an operation could exceed the capabilities of
available military engineers. Air component commanders may need to employ a
combination of military engineers, civilians, contractors, and multinational and host
nation capabilities to fulfill these requirements based on the operational environment.
Geospatial engineering provides
capabilities and activities that portray
and refine data about the geographic
location and characteristics of natural
and constructed features and
boundaries. Geospatial engineering
requires highly technical and
specialized capabilities, which may
Nonstandard tailored map products.
Precision survey.
Geospatial data management.
Baseline survey data.
Civil engineers from the 379
Expeditionary Civil Engineer
Squadron collect and use
geospatial data.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Identification of significant cultural sites and natural resources.
Facility and infrastructure support.
Force beddown analysis.
Digital data.
Existing topographic product and other collateral data.
Geospatial engineer reconnaissance related to terrain, airfield, and site surveys.
Geospatial engineering supports operational needs through reconnaissance including
terrain, airfield, and site surveys to assist the air component commander’s decision
cycle on general engineering efforts. Engineers can assist in the predictive analysis of
terrain and weather system effects during planning and construction. Geospatial
engineering personnel evaluate potential construction sites and perform field tests on
soils, asphalt, and concrete.
Engineers provide installation support and services necessary to support military forces,
to include activities essential for effective real property lifecycle management and
installation services. This capability focuses on managing real property facilities and
infrastructure in the US and bases in other CCDRs areas of responsibility while
providing protection, safety, security, and sustainability for personnel and mission-
critical built and natural assets. Installation support activities may take place before,
after, or concurrent with general engineering activities. These actions apply across
military operations and include real property life cycle management, operations,
emergency services, and related activities.
Engineers provide for planning, acquisition, recapitalization, disposal, and economic
adjustment activities of real property assets to meet operational requirements.
Planning: With the mission owners, engineers identify mission priorities and the
most pressing needs for Air Force or joint installations and then translate plans into
base infrastructure through a combination of real estate, basing, and facility options.
Effective planners understand the requirements. They look to the future created by
high technology weapons systems and new operational concepts, including
cybersecurity concerns. Planning:
 Focuses on base layout, environmental factors, infrastructure, and necessary
subsystems, ensuring all requirements meet theater construction standards.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
 Provides a logical progression of facilities and infrastructure development that
fits together with provisions for long-range growth or mission realignment and
issues such as flexibility, redundancy, resilience, and survivability.
 Maintains awareness of base support plans to identify resources and shortfalls
required to support specific operation and concept plans.
Includes research, development, and funding needed to provide mission-
capable facilities.
Takes into consideration force protection concerns wherever bases are to be
Acquisition: Engineers translate base plans into infrastructure through a range of
real estate, basing, and facility options. Engineers work with contracting and legal
functions to purchase, lease, construct, or gain installation assets. An acquisition
can include land, natural resources, buildings, structures, portable facilities, airfields
and roads, installed equipment, and all interests in the property.
Recapitalization: Using asset management principles, engineers restore,
modernize, and replace installation assets to meet mission requirements and comply
with construction standards and statutory / regulatory requirements.
Disposal of Installation Assets:
Disposal actions may become
necessary when facilities and
infrastructure deteriorate beyond the
point of economical repair, become a
safety hazard, interfere with new
construction, or are no longer capable
of meeting mission requirements and
disposal will not create a deficiency.
Engineers do this by any authorized
method (e.g., demolition, transfer) of
permanently divesting the Department
of Defense (DOD) of accountability for,
and control of, a real property asset of
the United States.
Economic Adjustment: The engineering enterprise also assists communities
impacted by base beddown, realignment, expansion, closure, or other significant
military operations, to include assessing hardships, evaluating alternatives for local
recovery, identifying resource requirements, creating action plans, and implementing
mitigation measures approved by the appropriate authority. Engineers in an
expeditionary environment work with the Department of State (DOS) to assist
Demolition of 325th Fighter Wing
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
communities in mitigating adverse impacts of military operations, promote local
cooperation, and further US-host nation relations. At enduring bases, measurable
reduction or expansion of operations requires coordinating actions with the US
Office of Economic Adjustment (for locations within US territory) or the DOS (for
locations outside US territory).
Continuing the real property cycle, engineers bridge the gap between new facilities and
those at the end of their life cycle by employing smart and secure asset management
principles to operate and sustain facilities and infrastructure.
Installation Operations: Engineers operate and maintain the infrastructure
necessary to support missions. The requirement is to balance mission effectiveness
versus the efficient performance of infrastructure supporting base activities. They
provide functional real property installation assets with utilities such as energy,
water, and disposal of wastewater, and provide contract and real property
management, pollution prevention, and other essential services.
Sustainment: Regular surveys of base layout, facilities, infrastructure, and
equipment are conducted to enhance force protection and strengthen the combat
capability of the base. Environmental and energy conservation and reduction plans
are developed to protect the population's health, preserve the environment, and
reduce waste. These include natural and cultural resources by practical assessment,
maintenance, and repair of current assets and planning for future missions.
Maintenance requirements are prioritized, taking into account resources, cost,
timing, energy efficiency, operational need, reliability, maintainability, environmental
impacts, safety, and quality of life.
Utilities: Engineers provide
production, infrastructure, and
distribution for electrical and water or
wastewater systems. They plan and
build backup and redundancy in utility
systems to minimize impacts and
ensure continued supply to key
missions. These utilities and services
include power production with high and
low voltage systems; well drilling,
water storage, and water treatment;
collection and treatment or disposal of
wastewater; and pest management.
Cybersecurity: Control systems with
integrated hardware and software designed to monitor and control the operation of
equipment, infrastructure, or associated devices are growing in capability within Air
Renewable energy reduces
carbon footprint at the 436th
Airlift Wing
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Force facilities. These systems are a critical part of automation and are used
extensively to optimize resources supporting nearly all aspects of Air Force core
mission areas. However, modernization requirements expose control systems, data
infrastructure, and underlying networks to cyberspace threats. Engineers integrate
cybersecurity assessments and best practices throughout facilities planning, design,
commissioning, and sustainment lifecycles to reduce or eliminate threats and
vulnerabilities through control systems access. Tailored and verified cybersecurity
solutions for specific control system environments ensure the ability to respond to
threats, absorb cyberattacks, and recover to normal operations.
Air Force emergency services include fire emergency services (FES), EOD, and EM
activities. These activities protect the base from intentional or unintentional damage,
minimize loss of life, and protect property and the environment.
Fire and Emergency Services:
Engineers provide facility protection
through a robust fire prevention
program. They provide asset protection
through a series of facility systems and
fire response capabilities. They provide
personnel protection by responding to
emergencies and provide immediate
pre-hospital care. In many cases, they
respond to calls for mutual aid with
local communities and jurisdictions.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal: EOD mitigates hazards to personnel and property
posed by weapons and explosive materials in all physical domains, at the home
station and in the contingency environment. Their responsibilities range from small
arms cartridges to nuclear weapons. EOD serves roles in defense support of civil
authorities (DSCA) response as they execute military units' requirements to dispose
of all military munitions discovered in the community, as well as the Joint EOD Very
Important Person Protection Activity, providing counter-explosive search teams in
support of the United States Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and
Department of State.
Emergency Management: Emergency managers are multi-skilled engineers
specialized in providing all-hazards emergency management and countering
weapons of mass destruction consequence management. They are postured to
operate across the competition continuum at home and abroad. They are critical in
the prevent, protect, respond, and recover realms. Their responsibilities include
integrated risk management, all-domain installation command and control (C2), force
development, building partnership capacity, DSCA, and emergency response to
nuclear weapon accidents and international CBRN response.
Team Offutt battles floodwaters
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Engineers provide additional services to the installation at contingency locations and to
advance CCDR steady-state campaign objectives. These tasks are aligned with other
joint functions.
Contingency Base Services: An engineer activity that supports logistical services.
Examples include shelter beddown, water, waste management, hygiene services,
and liquid fuel capabilities. When Air Force forces are deployed in support of major
operations where beddown and sustainment support is unavailable, the supported
command, Service, or agency provides logistical sustainment requirements.
Building Partnership Capacity: Engineers execute a wide array of programs and
integrate those programs into solutions that contribute to accomplishing national
security objectives. These programs are designed to advance partner nation (PN)
capacity and capabilities through the provision of training and equipment. They
include a series of humanitarian-based programs that provide DOD the ability to
accomplish national security objectives through military-civilian engagement.
Engineers can provide C2 structures while working alongside local engineers and
US Government (USG) agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
Engineers support development of the air component commander’s campaign
support plan and operations plans designed to shape the steady-state environment
in support of a CCDR's campaign plan. Engineers facilitate security cooperation
through the exchange of knowledge, technology, and personnel. Providing
engineering and construction expertise to PNs assists an air component
commander’s, JFC’s, or CCDR's ability to influence and maintain access in critical
regions and helps build PN capability and capacity in essential services. Civil
engineers advise, assist, train, and enable PNs to promote themselves as well as
support third nation requests. Building this combined warfighter capability ensures
that other nations can contribute to an international engineer warfighting mission.
Theater-level C2 and Specialized Technical Expertise: Reserve component
engineers provide specialized technical expertise gained as practicing engineers
when not in uniform. Their industry contacts and specialized experience infuse the
Air Force with critical competencies for planning and coordinating theater-level
engineering activities, including C2, in a cost-effective manner.
Power Projection Platform Readiness and Status Information: Within the context
of the joint function of information, engineers consolidate and provide critical PPP
readiness and status information throughout C2 actions. Engineers posture this
information in support of air component and combatant command future plans
(readiness) and current operations (status). Furthermore, this Information directly
supports the JFC’s ability to integrate, synchronize, and direct joint operations
primarily concerning fires, movement and maneuver, sustainment, and force
protection. In simplest terms, if a disaster or enemy attack compromises and
degrades PPP capability, engineers ensure tactical, operational, and strategic levels
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
are informed to support operational decision making (e.g., adjust the air tasking
order, time-phased force deployment data flow, availability of alternate PPPs, etc.).
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
As part of an organized force, Air Force engineers are presented in teams with varying
capabilities who contribute general engineering, geospatial engineering, and emergency
services to several joint functions including sustainment and protection. Teams are
generally presented as Prime BEEF (including emergency services) or RED HORSE.
Prime BEEF teams consist of total force personnel with Air Force CE specialties and
capabilities. These teams are capable of responding worldwide in support of agile
combat employment to provide engineering expertise and emergency services needed
to establish, sustain, protect, and recover bases for the employment of Air Force
weapon systems supporting joint, interagency, and multinational operations.
Prime BEEF core competencies are expeditionary general engineering and emergency
services. Expeditionary engineering consists of those capabilities Prime BEEF teams
provide to establish, sustain, and recover bases, while emergency services include
FES, EOD, and EM activities. Prime BEEF units can deploy as part of an AETF to
establish and maintain all types of joint operating locations throughout the operational
Prime BEEF capability consists of activities to establish, sustain, protect, and recover
airfields and conduct force beddown operations, infrastructure maintenance, base
sustainment activities, and force protection, with the focus on the following capabilities:
Installation development planning, project programming, and design; construction
project and contract management; and construction quality assurance.
Light horizontal and vertical construction.
Construction of temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent facilities.
Installation Geospatial Information and Services (GI&S).
Recover the installation after an attack, to include repairs to facilities and
infrastructure systems.
Infrastructure support.
Power generation and distribution systems.
Utility system installation and maintenance.
Airfield surfaces maintenance.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Operating and maintaining aircraft arresting systems.
Airfield lighting and emergency airfield lighting systems.
Remote area lighting.
Heavy equipment operations.
Road construction and repair.
Concrete and asphalt paving.
Pest management and environmental services.
Cybersecurity of industrial control systems.
Collective protection operations and support.
Structural firefighting.
Aircraft rescue and firefighting.
Disposal of unexploded ordnance or improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
Emergency operations center operations.
CBRN defense.
Airfield damage assessment teams (ADAT) check and report the condition of the
installation's airfield after an attack or disaster to provide leaders with instant
Rapid airfield damage recovery (RADR) teams span most engineer specialties to
include some specific logistics readiness specialties. It encompasses all actions
required to rapidly repair runways and runway support structures to recover
operations on an airfield after an attack.
Damage assessment and response teams (DART) provide damage assessments,
reporting, and repair or demolition estimation for critical installation facilities, utilities,
and infrastructure.
CBRN reconnaissance teams deploy to detect, identify, quantify, and collect CBRN
material to presumptively confirm the presence of a CBRN agent.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Capabilities provide terrain, geographic, line-of-sight, base expeditionary airfield
resources (BEAR) base beddown; aircraft parking analysis; terrain visualization;
general, baseline, expeditionary, and precision surveys; general and special purpose
map products; and data management of the built and natural infrastructure.
Services include FES, EOD, and EM activities. These activities protect the base from
intentional or unintentional damage, minimize loss of life, and protect property and the
FES provides incident management, fire prevention, and protection to minimize loss
to lives, property, and the environment occurring throughout all phases of military
operations based on the following specializations:
 Fire suppression.
 Hazard mitigation.
 Rescue.
 Mitigation or containment of hazmat releases.
 Emergency medical responses.
EOD can be employed alone or as part of an Air Force, joint, interagency, or
coalition force to support JFC or air component commander objectives. EOD
provides Air Force and joint commanders the capability to mitigate or defeat enemy
or friendly explosive hazards, including CBRN, incendiary or homemade explosives,
and IEDs. It provides expertise to protect the mission, resources, and the
environment in airfield operations, ground combat, homeland operations, Defense
Security Cooperation Agency, and worldwide contingencies to include traditional and
irregular warfare operations. EOD flights provide very important persons protective
support counter-explosive search teams in support of the US Secret Service and
 Primary support to airbase operations, missions sortie generation, and force
protection by eliminating explosive threats to airfield operations.
 Support of base security zones and EOD missions outside the base security
zone in support of air operations or land operations, enabling freedom of
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
 Weapons technical intelligence investigating explosive events to capture bomb
emplacers, identify bomb builders, and unravel extremist networks.
EM personnel can be employed alone or as part of an Air Force, joint, interagency,
or coalition force to support JFC or air component commander objectives.
Emergency managers provide the Air Force and joint commanders an all-hazards
emergency management and countering weapons of mass destruction (CWMD)
consequence management capability. They provide expertise to protect, prepare,
respond, recover, and mitigate natural, man-made or technological hazards
occurring across the competition continuum.
 Primary core all-hazards mission area tasks include education and training, C2,
incident response and recovery, and integrated risk management.
 Primary core CWMD consequence management tasks include building joint and
combined partner CBRN defense inoperability, providing CBRN warning and
reporting, and domestic and international CBRN response.
RED HORSE organizations are manned and equipped to provide highly mobile, rapidly
deployable echelons to support force beddown and provide airfield and base heavy
construction and repair capability, along with many specialized capabilities that allow
the JFC to move and support missions as operations dictate at any level of global
competition. RED HORSE teams achieve high mobility through air insertion, air delivery,
or surface transportation. Some inherent specialized capabilities include water-well
drilling, explosive demolition, quarry operations, rock crushing, concrete and asphalt
batch plant operations, material testing, contingency airfield evaluations, and concrete
and asphalt paving. RED HORSE provides CCDRs with a highly mobile heavy
construction force capable of independent operations to meet theater construction
requirements. These organizations contain self-sustaining logistical support for vehicle
maintenance, secure communications, food service, supply, security, and medical
support with additional Air Force specialties other than engineers. This support allows
the unit to operate independently for 30 days with resupply to sustain continued
RED HORSE maintains other vital capabilities, which include initial site survey
assessment or assessment of a site for CBRN materials, removal or demolition of
obstructions, expedient force protection construction, repair of airfield surfaces for
limited airlift operations, testing for potable water sources, and performance of airfield
pavement assessment evaluations. RED HORSE forces can be augmented by EOD to
conduct limited clearance of unexploded explosive ordnance, IEDs, and other explosive
hazards, and by FES to perform limited firefighting, rescue, and emergency medical
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
During peacetime, continental US-assigned regular Air Force RED HORSE units report
to the 800th RED HORSE Group. Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)-assigned RED HORSE
units report to the 36th Contingency Response Group. Air National Guard (ANG)-
assigned RED HORSE units report to ANG/A4X and Air Force Reserve Command-
assigned RED HORSE units report to the 622d Civil Engineer Group. During
contingency operations, RED HORSE units are normally used as a theater asset
reporting to the air component commander or an engineer commander with theater-
wide responsibilities. RED HORSE provides the air component commander a
dedicated, flexible airfield and base heavy construction and repair capability along with
many unique capabilities that allow the JFC to move and support missions as the
operation dictates.
The CE enterprise has other specialized teams working across installations. While not
precisely aligned with Prime BEEF or RED HORSE, they are organized to support both
home station and contingency installations.
Civil Engineer Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair Team (CEMIRT). CEMIRT
provides intermediate and depot-level repair support for power generation, electrical
distribution, and aircraft arresting systems. CEMIRT also offers technical support for
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and electronic industrial controls
and monitoring systems for infrastructure elements.
Airfield pavement evaluation (APE) teams provide technical inspection and
evaluation of airfields across the globe, testing the strength and condition of airfield
Base expeditionary airfield resources (BEAR) base teams provide technical
expertise on war reserve material (WRM) assets. The 635th Materiel Maintenance
Squadron (MMS) is the pilot unit for BEAR UTCs and advises on acquisition of
BEAR assets in support of Air Force forces requirements. The 635 MMS provides
expertise associated with planning, set-up, and employment of BEAR assets in a
contingency environment where little or no infrastructure exists. The 635 MMS is the
sole training location in the construction, inspection, maintenance, and repair of
large area shelters to ensure life cycle management of these assets. As enablers,
635 MMS engineer teams deploy to support JFCs when needed and can employ
rapid response teams for camp beddowns and recovery efforts after natural
disasters where WRM assets may be required.
AFCEC’s Airbase Technologies Branch performs research and development, and
fielding for civil engineering to close capability gaps with new equipment and
materials to meet national defense objectives.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Staff augmentation teams (S-Teams) provide command staff augmentation for
engineer management, technical design, construction management, and C2 during
contingency planning and operations to synchronize the air component
commanders global response commitments. S-Teams are aligned with the air
component commander for theater- and operational-level capabilities at PACAF, US
Air Forces in Europe, and Air Forces Central. They advise the air component
commander on engineering-related issues affecting the JFC, provide input on global
campaign plans, including theater posturing and infrastructure master plans to
project airpower. They conduct operational area and environment assessments
contributing to both planning and intelligence preparation of the operational
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Engineer units are manned with both civilian and military members. Together, they are
equally responsible for contingency operations at the home station. The civilians
remaining at the home station are able to conduct the same activities to protect,
respond, and recover from a full spectrum of threats, both man-made and natural. The
military are ready to deploy to other contingency locations to perform missions. These
missions away from the home station are considered expeditionary engineering
Air Force expeditionary engineering
capability consists of engineers' activities
to open, establish, operate, sustain,
protect, recover, and close bases. It can
operate at any level of global competition,
including agile combat employment
scenarios. It focuses on operating and
maintaining aircraft arresting systems;
airfield lighting; heavy equipment; airfield
surfaces; roads; and temporary, semi-
permanent, or permanent facilities and
includes the specialized capabilities of
power generation and distribution
systems. Teams perform horizontal and vertical construction; provide pest management
and environmental services; provide overall installation development planning, design,
and contract support, to include specialized augmentation at echelons above wing level;
and conduct base response and recovery, to include airfield damage repair and repairs
to facilities and infrastructure systems. Engineers can deploy in large squadron-sized
formations or as small as two-person teams. Engineers are able to move around the
battlespace using air or ground transportation. Engineers are fully qualified and
proficient in their weapons and are able to provide work party security and participate in
integrated base defense.
Expeditionary engineer units are normally organized as an expeditionary civil engineer
squadron (ECES) or flight as part of an air expeditionary wing. The ECES is normally
assigned as the general engineer and emergency services support to a specific
installation. This expeditionary organization mirrors the home station squadron with the
normal flights in the unit. Engineers can also be presented as an expeditionary civil
engineer group (ECEG). An ECEG can be organized in a hub-and-spoke configuration
with direct reporting to the air component commander.
Readiness Challenge 2019
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
This configuration provides unity of command and effort while offering robust installation
engineering, master planning, project management, and repair and construction, as
illustrated in “Expeditionary Civil Engineering Group Hub and Spoke Configuration. CE
forces support theater plans, joint engineer constructions, or sustainment. They provide
robust capabilities for contingencies and other operating locations, focusing on priorities
and maximizing the efficiency of limited engineering resources. This allows Air Force
engineer leadership increased responsiveness, flexibility, and theater-wide integration
of engineer forces to ensure the most efficient and effective use of assets in meeting the
air component commander's priorities.
An ECEG provides construction and repair capability throughout the combatant
command area of responsibility when requirements or threat levels exceed assigned
engineer unit capabilities. Additionally, ECEGs provide a model to meet theater
engineer requirements through effective and efficient engineer capabilities. The ECEG
can be used to surge engineer capability to existing or new locations and provides an
immediate engineer response force.
An ECEG can be comprised of regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National
Guard members. The ECEG can range in size and can provide more than 600
engineers to meet a full range of mission requirements. The group consists of a group
Expeditionary Civil Engineering Group Hub and Spoke Configuration
ECEG: expeditionary civil engineering group; EPB: expeditionary Prime BEEF; EPBS: EPB
squadron; ERH: expeditionary RED HORSE; ERHS: ERH squadron; OTW: outside the wire
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
staff, one or more Prime BEEF squadrons, and one or more RED HORSE squadrons.
Within the hub-and-spoke structure, each expeditionary Prime BEEF squadron (EPBS)
and expeditionary RED HORSE squadron (ERHS) has its leadership and planning
function for the hub located with elements at spoke locations as required.
Contingency operations beyond initial beddown and support could not be accomplished
without contract support. AFCEC runs the Air Force Contract Augmentation Program
(AFCAP) that provides a critical capability to augment civil engineering government
capability involving natural disasters, humanitarian relief, and military operations.
AFCAP can respond within hours under emergency situations. AFCAP contract support
provides design/construction, commodities, and support services for all civil engineer
missions (less mitigation of unexploded ordnance) and most other Air Force combat
support missions (aircraft maintenance, food services, etc.).
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Engineers receive specialized training to recover installations. This training includes
basic medical training, casualty collection, closing gas valves, isolating electrical
breakers, etc. Additionally, all units identify and train Airmen as teams to conduct post
attack reconnaissance. These skilled teams are eyes and ears of C2 once an attack or
event is over. They provide invaluable information in determining a response. Engineers
lead the integrated base response and recovery (IBRR) efforts for the installation and
direct other units, teams, and personnel to restore operations.
Knowing how to prepare,
respond, and recover an
installation from any event is vital
to the installation mission during
any level of global competition.
Engineers are proficient in
executing their part of IBRR
actions. IBRR's focus is restoring
mission (operational and support)
capabilities after a damaging
event, which causes a
degradation of the installations
missions. Damaging or mission-
impacting events range from
natural and man-made disasters
to CBRN, kinetic, and cyber
attacks. Engineers are trained
and ready to perform life-saving
measures, and prioritize and
conduct expedient repairs.
Engineers are typically assigned to specialized teams to perform several critical
functions for IBRR. The DARTs conduct rapid evaluations and inspections for each
facility. The team is responsible for determining if a building is safe enough to occupy,
and if not, to decide what restrictions to place on its use or re-entry. An ADAT surveys
airfields for damage, such as craters and unexploded ordnance. They coordinate with
the minimum operating strip selection team and optimize repair time and efforts to
launch mission aircraft as soon as feasible. CBRN reconnaissance teams deploy and
maintain the base CBRN detection network and conduct post-attack reconnaissance of
the installation. These teams coordinate with C2 nodes and enable rapid threat
assessments and safe mission accomplishment, repair damage, and return the
installation to an operational condition.
Hurricane Michael makes a direct hit on
Tyndall AFB, 10 October 2018
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Emerging threats drive engineers to improve airfield damage repair equipment and
tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for airfield recovery. Adversaries
continuously seek to counter Air Force mission strengths using the anti-access and area
denial (A2/AD) approach. Engineers are expected to respond to attacks that could leave
hundreds of craters and thousands of unexploded explosive ordnance (UXO) on an
airfield. Modernization of RADR addresses these threats and provides the capability to
recover the airfield within a drastically reduced timeframe. Engineers continue to seek
opportunities to improve RADR processes as adversaries continue to advance their
A2/AD. Equipment, materials, and TTPs provide effective and robust crater repair
capabilities that maximize available aircraft sortie generation, while minimizing mission
downtime. The Air Force maintains the ability to rapidly recover damaged airfield
surfaces to continue air operations after an A2/AD attack at locations with various
manpower levels to receive and launch all airframe types. This capability becomes even
more vital when agile combat employment is in play.
Engineers can respond anywhere to crises or limited contingencies. Initial engineering
assessments are critical to identifying available support and other resources needed to
meet anticipated requirements based on the situation. Plans are tailored to the actual
capability required for the response. Tasking only those capabilities needed reduces the
burden on the deployment system and minimizes the engineering footprint. As
operations continue, some efforts may transfer to contractors, local governments, other
federal agencies, or host nations. AFCAP can provide an addition tool augmenting the
initial response and short-term recovery efforts.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Focusing on engineer planning, execution, and assessment functions may require
special efforts based on the type of operation support. This focus also describes the
skills Air Force civil engineers provide throughout the competition continuum. These
military operations require engineers to understand the situation and apply the best
engineering solutions. Engineers are active in all phases, from shaping the theater to
returning control to civil authority. Engineers understand these differing military
operations and apply critical thinking skills to enable the mission.
Engineer planning, execution, and assessment for engagement, cooperation, and
deterrence operations are similar to those activities required in support of other military
operations. However, engineers should be familiar with different C2 structures, different
cultures, and different languages while working alongside local engineers, USG
agencies, and NGOs. Engineers support the development of the air component
commander's support plan and country plans designed to shape the steady-state
environment in support of a CCDR's or other JFC's campaign plan.
Engineers facilitate security cooperation through the exchange of knowledge,
technology, and personnel. Providing engineering and construction expertise to PNs
assists a CCDR's or other JFC's ability to maintain access in influential critical regions.
It helps build PN capability and capacity in essential services. Engineers advise, assist,
train, and enable PNs to promote themselves as support to third nation requests.
Engineers support both forward presence and force projection as deterrence options.
Engineers establish and maintain basing platforms, including forward operating bases
and combat outposts, to project airpower. These bases may be permanent, semi-
permanent, or temporary, depending on US international agreements and the JFC's
intent. Engineers support these operations with smaller, tailored teams. As agile combat
employment becomes a more necessary aspect of Air Force operations, engineers will
be called upon to perform their duties in direct support of such operations.
Engineer planning for homeland operations differs from major operations planning in
coordinating planning efforts between installations and the community. All other aspects
of engineer beddown planning remain the same for homeland humanitarian and
disaster response or contingency operations.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Additionally, engineers support joint
task forces with DSCA in the
immediate aftermath of natural or man-
made disasters. When military support
to civilian operations are approved,
engineers assist federal, state, local,
and tribal emergency response
agencies. Engineers support the
Federal Emergency Management
Agency by providing beddown support
as an incident support base, or when
the DOD establishes a base support
installation, to help recover
communities and missions as needed.
Engineer competencies developed for wartime also lend themselves exceptionally well
to assisting NGOs during a humanitarian crisis. When a response is authorized,
engineers respond with the following capabilities:
Plan and construct surface transportation systems.
Drill wells.
Clear debris.
Dispose of solid waste.
Provide sewage treatment.
Provide flood control.
Construct relief centers and camps for dislocated persons.
Provide environmental management to control hazardous waste and disposal.
Provide potable water production and distribution.
Provide emergency power and lighting.
Restore public facilities and transportation routes.
Provide incident command and emergency response.
Construct temporary facilities for governmental services and others as required.
National Guard response to
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
In supporting NGOs, it is critical to establish effective communications with an
engineering liaison to coordinate and execute engineering support. Based on the
severity of a disaster, the level of support provided can be limited or involve specialized
Prime BEEF or RED HORSE capabilities.
Engineers maintain critical infrastructure and emergency services in support of the
nuclear enterprise. Engineers provide nuclear incident response, render safe
capabilities, decontamination expertise, and consequence management expertise. For
additional information, see AFDP 3-72, Nuclear Operations.
Engineers building partnerships outside a secure area should be familiar with culture
and languages while working with local nationals or combined forces. Engineers
maintain the ability to assist communities in restoring essential services and becoming
self-sufficient, reducing their dependence on insurgents and reinforcing US support for
the PNs. Commanders should consider employing the local populace to accomplish
some tasks even while it may be more efficient for engineers to accomplish the tasks on
their own over the long term.
This capability requires a different approach to planning. Stabilization tends to be of
long duration, requiring sustained support of forces and significant resources. Engineers
may be working within communities in high-threat areas, making force protection a
critical aspect of planning. Engineers assist local communities by providing emergency
services and restoring essential services such as:
Electrical power.
Potable water production.
Sewage treatment.
Expedient repair of critical infrastructures, like shelters, clinics, schools, and roads.
Engineers also focus on permanent infrastructure development (e.g., roads, railways,
airports, electrical power sectors, and municipal services). These projects should
employ local populations and contribute to stabilization. While executing stability
actions, the engineers focus on training host-nation personnel and assist local
communities in sustaining themselves. It is essential to involve the host population in all
stages of the construction process, including planning, construction, maintenance, and
operation of any facilities and infrastructure. Without host community support, the
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
infrastructure provided may lack long-term value and purpose and may ultimately be a
waste of resources.
Derived from JP 3-34
Engineer Support by (Notional) Joint Phase
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Engineers provide a component of combat support to the air component commander
during military operations. Engineers provide sustainable installations as PPP through
general, geospatial engineering installation support, installation services, emergency
services, and building partnerships support across the full mission spectrum. See the
chart above, Engineer Support by (Notional) Joint Phase.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Engineers are innovative in their approach to problem solving. They seek effective and
efficient solutions to problems across the doctrine, organization, training, materiel,
leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy lines of effort. Modernization
of CE capabilities, infrastructure, equipment, and TTPs (to include the CBRN defense
areas) is essential to keeping pace with peer competitors. Infrastructure that provides
redundancy, resiliency, and flexibility is critical to maintaining power projection
capabilities in a highly contested environment. Smarter, more efficient practices reduce
waste and promote the economy of assets. Emerging advances in control systems
provide efficiencies in energy savings and monitoring, but potentially open up avenues
for cyberspace attacks. Modernization enables the Air Force to outpace its competitors
through industry technological innovations and increased resiliency. Estimated funding,
contracting, and execution timelines for Class IV material (construction and barrier
materials, like lumber, nails, barbed wire, and sandbags) and construction contract
support help develop clarity for engineering projects.
AFCEC’s Civil Engineer Capability Requirements, Research and Development, and
Acquisition Division within the Readiness Directorate takes input from multiple sources
to drive innovation, research and development to field new capabilities to the civil
engineer Airmen at home station and during contingency operations.
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
This appendix describes the capabilities of Prime BEEF and RED HORSE teams when
organized, trained, and equipped to support military operations. These are consistent
with established precepts, typical operational plan phases, Air Force CE wartime task
standards, and current joint engineer operations.
It is important to differentiate between primary and secondary capabilities listed in the
table below. A primary capability (P) is one in which the ability to perform the function is
organic to the unit and is a specified task within the unit mission; the unit is also
equipped and trained to accomplish the task. A secondary capability (S) is one in which
the unit has a limited ability (training, expertise, equipment) to achieve the task.
Note: Planners should refer to Air Force War and Mobilization Plan-1, Basic Plan and
Supporting Supplements, CE Supplement, and the CE Unit Type Code Guide for
planning purposes. These documents describe the capabilities listed in more detail
reference Appendix B for more detailed capability descriptions.
Primary capability
Secondary capability
Prime BEEF Construction Trades
Prime BEEF Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
Prime BEEF Fire Emergency Services (FES)
Prime BEEF Emergency Management (EM)
Prime BEEF Specialized Team
General Engineering
The ability to develop, rehabilitate, and maintain bases and installations by providing
design, real estate, construction, and environmental services, which extend through final
disposition. Base development is accomplished through a process of planning,
programming, project development, design, and construction.
Base Denial
Batch Plant Operations
Contingency Contract Management
Engineer Recon/Site Survey
Explosive Demolition Operations
Provide Technical Engineer Advice
Quarry Operations
Staff Augmentation (Air component commander staff)
Targeting Assistance
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Develop and Maintain Facilities
The ability to develop, rehabilitate, and maintain bases and installations by providing design, real estate,
construction, and environmental services, which extend through final disposition. (Joint Capability Areas
Area Lighting
Asphalt Paving Operations
Installation Management
Berm and Dike Construction
Concrete Paving Operations
Construct Temporary Facilities
Construction Materials Testing
Construction Surveying
Cybersecurity of CE industrial control systems
Disease Vector Surveillance/Control
Erect Expeditionary Facilities
Expedient Locksmith
Fire Protection Systems
Horizontal Construction
, S
HVAC/Refrigeration Systems
Lightning Arresting Protection
Installation Development Planning
Passive Defense Measures
Pest, Animal, and Vegetation Control
Power Generation/Distribution Systems
Project Management & Execution
Project Planning & Programming
Service Contract Management
Vertical Construction
Waste Collection/Disposal Systems
Waste Water Collection/Disposal Systems
Water Production/Distribution Systems
Well drilling (up to 1500 feet)
Establish Lines of Communication (Airfield)
The ability to assess, construct, repair, and improve routes, railroads, intermodal facilities, and supporting
infrastructure allows the speedy flow of personnel, supplies, and equipment into the theater and forward to
tactical units.
Aircraft Arresting System
Airfield Damage Assessment/Repair
Airfield Lighting and Marking
Airfield Pavement Evaluation
Asphalt/Concrete Milling Operations
Asphalt/Concrete Paving Operations
Installation Management
Improve Airfields
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Limited CBRN Assessment/Support
Limited Firefighting/EMS
Limited Explosive Ordnance Disposal
(EOD)/Unexploded Explosive Ordnance
(UXO)/Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Clearance
Snow/Ice Control
Repair and Restore Infrastructure
Rehabilitate critical infrastructure. This capability includes repairing or demolishing damaged buildings,
restoring utilities such as electrical power, and bringing essential facilities such as hospitals, water
treatment plants, and waste management facilities online. (JCAs)
Airfield Damage Assessment/Repair
Area Lighting
Installation Management
Facilities/Infrastructure Damage Assessment/Repair
HVAC/Refrigeration Systems
Power Generation/Distribution Systems
Waste Collection/Disposal Systems
Waste Water Collection/Disposal Systems
Water Production/Distribution Systems
Well drilling (up to 1500 feet)
Harden Key Infrastructure and Facilities
The ability to apply site- and threat-adaptable plans and designs, advanced construction techniques, and
materials to enhance the prevention or mitigation of hostile actions against materiel resources, facilities,
and infrastructure. (JCAs)
Fixed and Expeditionary Collective Protection
Develop Force Protection Plans
Provide Installation Force Protection Measures
Facility Design
The ability to integrate land use, bills of material and forecasts, and construction requirements facilitates
project execution and development of infrastructure and facilities. (JCAs)
Installation Management
Installation Master Planning
Project Planning & Programming
Project Design
Geospatial Engineering
Portray and refine data about the geographic location and characteristics of natural or
constructed features and boundaries to provide engineer services. Examples include
terrain analyses, terrain visualization, digitized terrain products, nonstandard tailored
map products, facility support, and force beddown analysis.
Use Geospatial Data
The ability to provide the joint force commander with the foundation layer of the operational environment
for collaborative decision-support and terrain analysis tools. (JCAs)
Geospatial Information Systems
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Real Property Life-Cycle Management
The ability to provide for the acquisition, operation, sustainment, recapitalization,
realignment, and disposal of real property assets to meet the requirements of the force.
Installation Management
Installation Development Planning
Staff Augmentation (Echelon Above Wing)
Provide Installation Assets
The ability to purchase, lease, program for construction, or gain real property installation assets by any
other means, including all land, natural resources, anything growing on the land, buildings, structures,
housing, stationary, mobile facilities, linear structures, firmly attached and integrated equipment (such as
light fixtures), plus all interests in the property such as easements, oil and mineral rights, or use water and
airspace. (JCAs)
Installation Management
Identify Facility Requirements
Facilities Support
The ability to provide functional real property installation assets with utilities; energy, water, and
wastewater; contract and real property management; pollution prevention; and essential services
throughout natural or man-made disasters. (JCAs)
Installation Management
Base Operating Support
Design Management
Utilities Security
Operational Range Clearance (Testing & Training)
Real Property Collective Protection Systems
Real Property HVAC/Refrigeration Systems
Real Property Management
Real Property Power Generation/Distribution
Real Property Waste Collection/Disposal Systems
Real Property Waste Water Collection/Disposal
Real Property Water Production/Distribution
Sustainment of Installation Assets
The ability to assess, preserve, maintain, and repair any built, natural, and cultural installation assets.
Includes regular surveys and inspections and measures to comply with environmental and conservation
requirements. (JCAs)
Installation Management
Environmental Program Management and
Preventive Maintenance & Inspection of Installation
Facilities, Utilities, and Infrastructure
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Recapitalization of Installation Assets
Perform the restoration, modernization, and replacement of installation assets to meet tenant requirements
and comply with safety and environmental laws to include cleanup of contamination from hazardous
substances, pollutants, and contaminants.
Installation Management
Installation Master Planning
Project Design
Project Management & Execution
Project Planning & Programming
Remediation/Restoration of Environmental Sites
Disposal of Installation Assets
The ability to conduct demolition and disposal activities resulting in the removal of installation assets from
the asset inventory by any means, considering the impact on local communities. (JCAs)
Installation Management
Redeploy AF Expeditionary Facilities, Utilities,
Infrastructure and Vehicles/Equipment
Installation Services
Selected services not related to real property (or personnel services) to meet mission
Emergency Services
The ability to protect and rescue people, facilities, aircrews, aircraft, and other assets from loss due to
accident or disaster. (JCAs)
Aerospace Vehicle Mishap Response/Recovery
Aircraft Rescue Firefighting
All-Hazards Response
Antiterrorism (Counter-IED Operations)
Detecting, Sampling, and Analyzing/Identification of
CBRN and Toxic Industrial Material (TIM) Hazards.
Emergency Medical Service (Basic Life Support)
EOC Operations
EOD Initial Threat Assessment, Confirmation, Risk
Mitigation, Site Stabilization
Federal Agency & Civil Authority Support
Fire Prevention
Hazardous Material Incident Response
Incident Command
Integrated Early Warning
Integrated Incident Management
Mortuary Services Explosive Hazard
Nuclear Weapons/ Accident Response
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Federal Agency & Civil Authority Support
Fire Prevention
Hazardous Material Incident Response
Incident Command
Integrated Early Warning
Integrated Incident Management
Mortuary Services Explosive Hazard
Nuclear Weapons/ Accident Response
WMD (CBRN) Incident Response
Operational Range Clearance
Structural Firefighting
Structural/Aircraft Rescue
UXO Recovery Operations
Urban Search and Rescue
Weapons Technical Intelligence
Build Capabilities and Capacities of Partners and Institutions
Enhance Partner Capabilities and Capacities
Engineer Skills Training for Building Partnerships
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Base DenialRemoval of resources from a threatened area, rendering resources
unusable by fire or explosives, removal of parts, contamination (other than by
nuclear, biological, or chemical means), immobilizing, partially or destroying military
equipment, supplies, or infrastructure.
Batch Plant Operations (Asphalt and Concrete)Performing batch plant
operations, training, procuring, maintaining the batch plant, designing, and planning
asphalt and concrete batch mix and operations.
Contingency Contract ManagementManaging and inspecting construction and
maintenance contracts and interpreting plans, specifications, and other contract
documents and coordinating, evaluating, monitoring, and documenting contract
activities and progress and preparing recommendations for contract modifications
and reviewing material submittals for compliance with contract specifications and
conducting pre-final, acceptance, and post-acceptance inspections.
Engineer Reconnaissance and Site SurveyConducting reconnaissance, site
location, construction, and mapping surveys.
Explosive Demolition OperationsConducting explosive demolition for
construction purposes, quarry operations, facility demolition, or base denial.
Provide Technical Engineer AdviceProviding technical advice on all matters
about general engineering and installation support (e.g., force beddown and
sustainment, capabilities and limitations, environmental concerns, installation
geospatial data).
Quarry OperationsUsing explosives, rock drilling, rock crushing, and conveyor
operations to produce aggregate to support asphalt and concrete operations.
Staff Augmentation (Echelon Above Wing)Providing command force staff
augmentation for operational planning, engineer management, technical design,
construction management, C2 expeditionary site planning, and reporting in support of
Term descriptions in this appendix are provided to describe Air Force engineer capabilities to the air
component commander and staff for planning purposes. They are derived from multiple sources, including
civil engineer working groups, career field analyst descriptions, the civil engineer supplement to the War
and Mobilization Plan-1 (WMP-1), Joint Capability Area taxonomy definitions, JP 3-34, Joint Engineer
Operations, and US Central Command Regulation 415-1, Construction and Base Camp Development in
the US Central Command Area of Responsibility (“The Sand Book”).
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
wartime or stability operations.
Targeting AssistanceProviding advice on the effects of targeting to avoid
unnecessary destruction of infrastructure and estimate repair efforts for friendly
Develop and Maintain Facilities
Area LightingInstalling, operating, and maintaining remote area lighting systems.
Asphalt Paving OperationsDesigning and constructing asphalt paved surfaces
required for lines of communications and other purposes.
Berm and Dike ConstructionConstructing and maintaining berms and dikes for
force protection and control of other resources.
Concrete Paving OperationsDesigning and constructing concrete surfaces
required for lines of communications and other purposes.
Construction Materials TestingPerforming soil exploration, classifying soils in
field conditions, and determining the strength of materials.
Construction SurveyingDetermining distances, areas, and angles; establishing
reference points for horizontal and vertical control; marking lines, grades, and
principal points; preparing maps, layout structures, determining the vertical and
horizontal placement of utilities, etc.
Construct Temporary FacilitiesErecting temporary facilities and equipment, to
include wooden structures, storage structures, underground water, and power
distribution systems.
Disease Vector Surveillance and ControlPerforming integrated pest
management functions, and conducting pest management surveys, determining pest
management actions needed to control and prevent infestations by plant and animal
pests. Interacting and coordinating with medical personnel to control health hazards.
Erect Expeditionary FacilitiesErecting expeditionary facilities and equipment to
include deployable shelter systems, latrines, shower and shave units, environmental
control units, generators, boilers, water production equipment, etc.
Expedient LocksmithTroubleshooting, repairing, and installing commercially
manufactured locking devices such as key, combination, cipher, panic hardware and
exit devices, and padlocks; this does not include General Services Administration
certification unless line items require it.
Fire Protection SystemsInspecting, testing, repairing, and maintaining wet pipe,
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
dry pipe, deluge, foam, and specialized fire protection systems.
Horizontal ConstructionAirfield repair and new construction, asphalt milling and
paving, concrete repair, heavy earthwork including fuel and munitions berms, roads,
and expedient airstrips and certain specialized capabilities quarry operations, asphalt
batch plant operations, and concrete batch plant operations.
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) Systems
Installing, operating, and maintaining HVAC/R systems, combustion equipment, and
industrial air compressors.
Lightning Arresting ProtectionInstalling, maintaining, testing, and
troubleshooting lightning protection systems.
Installation Development PlanningPerforming comprehensive planning to
address the full range of issues affecting or affected by the installation's
development. Through this process, goals and objectives are defined, problems are
identified, information is gathered, alternative solutions are developed, and a sound
decision-making process is employed to select a preferred alternative for
Passive Defense MeasuresEnsuring appropriate standoff; designing the effective
facility and road layout; constructing berms, revetments, ditches, and fences;
employing barriers; installing lighting; assisting in asset dispersal, facility hardening,
Pest, Animal, and Vegetation ControlPerforming integrated pest management
functions and conducting pest management surveys, and determining pest
management actions needed to control and prevent infestations by plant and animal
Power Generation and Distribution SystemsInstalling and operating electrical
power production systems and equipment.
Project Management and ExecutionPlanning, organizing, and overseeing
installation facility and infrastructure projects, ensuring the entire scope of work is
accomplished by performance work statements and other predetermined criteria, on
time and within budget.
Project Planning and ProgrammingProviding quality facilities needed to perform
the mission. Ensuring project requests meet validated requirements, comply with all
applicable standards, are programmed at the lowest lifecycle cost, achieve optimum
resource efficiency and minimize damage to the natural and human environments,
and are within authorities and available resources.
Service Contract ManagementValidating contract requirements, preparing
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
performance work statements, preparing surveillance plans, and conducting quality
assurance evaluations for facilities operation and maintenance activities.
Vertical ConstructionManaging, constructing, repairing, and modifying temporary
or permanent structural systems and wooden, masonry, metal, and concrete
buildings. Fabricating and repairing components of structures, utility systems, and
real property to include pre-engineered buildings and super spans.
Waste Collection and Disposal SystemsEstablishing and maintaining field
sanitary landfills or other similar systems for disposal of trash and refuse. Providing
design and construction services for waste collection disposal.
Waste Water Collection and Disposal SystemsInstalling, maintaining, and
repairing wastewater collection systems. It does not include support to operate and
maintain domestic wastewater treatment plants. Wastewater disposal limited to
evaporation and facultative lagoons.
Water Production and Distribution SystemsOperating and maintaining water
production in field conditions. Installing, maintaining, and repairing water production
system components (e.g., pumps, valves, motors). It does not provide support to
operate and maintain domestic water treatment plants. Installing, maintaining, and
repairing water distribution piping systems (e.g., valves, fire hydrants, booster
stations, well pumps, and chlorination).
Well Drilling (up to 1,500 feet)Drilling and piping groundwater sources to produce
potable and non-potable water. Capacity is 6-inch diameter wells at a maximum
depth of 1,500 feet.
Establish Lines of Communication (Airfields)
Aircraft Arresting SystemInstalling equipment used to stop aircraft by absorbing
its momentum via a mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic braking system for routine
and emergency landings or aborted takeoffs.
Airfield Assessment Repair, Initial (RED HORSE)Rapidly deploying to establish
initial airfield operations with personnel from supporting units. Assessing airfield
capabilities, preparing helicopter or aircraft landing areas, clearing obstacles, making
expedient airfield damage repairs, and providing an initial assessment of required
follow-on forces and material resources to establish airfield operations. It does not
include the capture of airfields via forcible entry or operating on airfields controlled by
other US or PN forces, or opening airfields not held by enemy forces.
Airfield Damage Assessment and RepairAll actions including damage
assessment, explosive ordnance reconnaissance, minimum airfield operating surface
selection, unexploded explosive ordnance hazard mitigation, pavement repair, airfield
marking, airfield lighting, arresting system installation, and utility system repairs
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
required to establish, sustain, or recover flying operations capability at an airfield.
Airfield Lighting and MarkingInstalling and maintaining airfield lighting to permit
night flying and defining the boundaries on an aircraft landing strip or pad. Note: RED
HORSE does not support this capability.
Airfield Pavement EvaluationPerforming tests and training personnel in airfield
pavement standards, procuring and maintaining equipment, and generating reports.
Asphalt and Concrete Milling OperationsConducting asphalt and concrete
milling operations. Heavy transport is required for milling equipment.
Asphalt and Concrete Paving OperationsConducting asphalt and concrete
paving operations to include roads, taxiways, runways, ramps, ramp expansions,
airfield damage repair, and other concrete operations. Heavy transport is required for
paving equipment.
Improve AirfieldsConducting pavement evaluations, expanding width and length
of runways, reducing obstacles to air operations, improving runway surfaces,
marking, lighting, arresting systems, etc.
Limited UXO, EOD, and IED ClearancePerforming rapid narrow scoped
clearance of UXO, EOD, and IEDs needed for initial beddown and site survey
operations. During this phase, the initial EOD teams should conduct surveys to
determine the need for follow-on forces, with additional resources (people,
equipment, and explosives) to conduct large-scale, sustained operations.
Limited Firefighting and EMSContaining or hindering the spread of fires and
assisting trained firefighters in protecting RED HORSE resources.
Limited CBRN Assessment and SupportConducting limited site assessments to
determine the presence of toxic industrial materials or CBRN hazards; includes
aircraft CBRN contamination assessments.
RevetmentsAssembling and erecting revetments to protect aircraft, critical
equipment, and facilities.
Snow and Ice ControlMaintaining continuous mission capability by removing
snow and ice from airfields and base pavements.
Repair and Restore Infrastructure
Airfield Damage Assessment and RepairAssembling and placing fiberglass
foreign object damage covers on runways, assembling and placing aluminum matting
for taxiways and ramps, based on aircraft use. Performing airfield marking
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
Area LightingInstalling, operating, and maintaining remote area lighting systems.
Facilities and Infrastructure Damage Assessment and RepairInspecting
damaged facilities, determining the priority of repairs based on information provided
from the emergency response plan, and performing expedient repairs and permanent
repairs at a later time.
HVAC/R SystemsRepairing, HVAC/R systems, combustion equipment, and
industrial air compressors.
Power Generation and Distribution SystemsMaintaining, modifying, and
repairing electric power generating and control systems.
Waste Collection and Disposal SystemsProviding design and construction
services for waste collection disposal.
Waste Water Collection and Disposal SystemsProviding design and
construction services for wastewater collection disposal.
Water Production and Distribution SystemsRepairing water production system
components and water distribution piping systems and providing design and
construction support for water distribution.
Well Drilling (up to 1,500 feet)Drilling and piping groundwater sources to produce
potable and non-potable water. Capability is 6-inch diameter wells at a maximum
depth of 1,500 feet.
Harden Key Infrastructure and Facilities
Collective Protection Instructing assembly of systems to owner users to protect
personnel inside a building.
Develop Force Protection (FP) PlanAssisting in developing an FP plan consisting
of specific measures to protect facilities and critical assets. Engineer aspects of the
FP plan should include elements that contribute to protecting personnel and essential
aspects of FP, such as site layout, barrier placement, berm construction, security
lighting, backup power, water source protection, expedient hardening, terrain
modification, etc.
Provide Installation FP MeasuresProtecting personnel using site layout methods,
barrier placement, berm construction, security lighting, backup power, water source
protection, expedient hardening, terrain modification, etc.
Master Facility Design
Project Planning and ProgrammingIdentifying and validating requirements for
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
facilities and infrastructure needed to satisfy current and future requirements,
determining the most economical methods based on construction standards,
developing estimates, obtaining funding, developing a project timeline and schedule.
Project DesignDesigning facilities and utilities necessary to support the estimated
population, mission, and anticipated life span.
Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)Collecting and using GIS data for
installation planning.
Real Property Life-Cycle Management
Installation Master PlanningIdentifying requirements, planning alternatives, and
proposing facilities and infrastructure to support assigned missions and operation
plan requirements. Installation master planning is focused on the base layout, taking
into account the environment, base infrastructure, and necessary subsystems,
ensuring requirements meet theater construction standards and comply with unified
Staff AugmentationProviding command force staff augmentation for operational
planning, engineer management, technical design, construction management, C2
expeditionary site planning, and reporting in support of wartime or stability operations.
Provide Installation Assets
Identify Facility RequirementsCoordinating with contracting and legal functions to
purchase, lease, and program for construction, or gain installation assets, including
all land, natural resources, buildings, structures, portable facilities, airfields, and
roads, installed equipment, etc.
Facilities Support
Base Operating SupportDirectly assisting, maintaining, supplying, and distributing
support of forces at the operating location to achieve the mission and maintain the
operation of its infrastructure.
CybersecurityPreventing damage to, protection of, and restoration of control
systems, including information contained therein; ensures its availability, integrity,
authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation.
Design ManagementProviding technical support and contract management for
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
planning and designing base infrastructure.
Installations and FacilitiesProviding, operating, maintaining, restoring, and
protecting the built and natural infrastructure necessary to support the Air Force
Operational Range Clearance (Testing and Training) SupportClearing
operational ranges and test and evaluation ranges of UXO. Normally, a surface
clearance, operational test, and evaluation of ranges sometimes require sub-surface
recovery of deeply buried experimental ordnance.
Real Property ManagementMaintaining an accurate inventory of all Air Force-
controlled real property and real property installed equipment with descriptions of
current physical condition, capacity, sizes, and uses.
Real Property Power Generation and Distribution SystemsInstalling, operating,
maintaining, and repairing electrical power production systems and associated
Real Property HVAC/R SystemsInstalling, operating, maintaining, and repairing
heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration systems, combustion equipment,
and industrial air compressors.
Real Property Waste Collection and Disposal SystemsDeveloping performance
work statements to procure waste collection and disposal equipment and services;
developing waste management plans; providing administrative oversight for waste
collection and disposal activities.
Real Property Waste Water Collection and Disposal SystemsInstalling,
inspecting, maintaining, troubleshooting, modifying, and managing wastewater
treatment systems.
Real Property Water Production and Distribution SystemsInstalling, inspecting,
maintaining, troubleshooting, modifying, and managing plumbing and water
distribution systems.
Utilities SecurityEstablishing and executing a facility infrastructure utility program.
Sustainment of Installation Assets
Environmental Program Management and ComplianceDeveloping
environmental plans to protect the health of the population, preserve the
environment, reduce waste, and comply with international treaties, overseas
environmental baseline guidance documents, the final governing standards, etc.
Preventive Maintenance and Inspection of Installation Facilities, Utilities, and
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
InfrastructureProviding practical assessment, maintenance, and repair of current
assets and planning for future missions. Regularly surveying the installation layout,
facilities, and equipment, and performing preventive maintenance as needed.
Recapitalization of Installation Assets
Installation ManagementThe process of better quantifying, articulating, and
managing risk, while supporting the mission with assets of the right size, condition,
and cost to maximize value and utility of built and natural infrastructure. Installation
management applies standard levels of service across the Air Force and integrates
existing processes across all CE divisions and flights. Installation management
provides resource visibility, supports advocacy and resource allocation, and enables
analysis to balance costs, risks, and benefits.
Installation Master PlanningPlanning focused on the base layout, taking into
account the environment, base infrastructure, and necessary subsystems, ensuring
all requirements meet theater construction standards and comply with unified facilities
Project Planning and ProgrammingSee the previous description.
Project DesignSee the previous description.
Project Management and ExecutionSee the previous description.
Environmental CleanupConducting cleanup of spills and environmental
contamination that poses known imminent and substantial endangerment to the
health and safety of US and PN forces and host nation noncombatants.
Aircraft Rescue and FirefightingFirefighting actions taken to rescue persons and
to control or extinguish a fire involving or adjacent to aircraft on the ground.
All-Hazards ResponseDescribing an incident, natural or man-made, that warrants
action to protect life, property, environment, and public health or safety, and to
minimize disruptions of government, social, or economic activities.
Aerospace Vehicle Mishap Response and RecoverySupporting sortie
generation and space operations by responding to airfield emergencies to render
safe ordnance and aerospace launch platforms during inflight and ground
emergencies. Planning, organizing, directing, and assisting in safing, removing, and
disposing of explosive ordnance, explosive hazards, and classified components on or
in operational aerospace platforms during crash situations.
AntiterrorismLocating, identifying, and neutralizing explosive hazards and
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
triggering devices, defeating criminal and terrorist explosive devices, and training
others on improvised explosive device recognition, hazards, and precautions, and
providing terrorist response and terrorist consequence management planning and
Detect, Sample, and Identify CBRN and Toxic Industrial Material (TIM)
HazardsLocating CBRN and TIM hazards using CBRN detectors or monitoring or
survey teams. Collecting representative amounts of gas, liquid, solid, or
characteristics of one of these, such as gamma or pH, to analyze. Determining which
CBRN or TIM material or pathogen is present.
Emergency Operations CenterThe C2 support element that directs, monitors,
and supports the installation's actions before, during, and after an incident. The
physical location at which the coordination of information and resources to support
incident management activities usually occurs.
EOD Initial Threat Assessment, Confirmation, Risk Mitigation, and Site
StabilizationObtaining as much information as possible to develop a plan of attack
to include gathering information on perpetrator or target, threat analysis, employing
detection assets, providing safe approach, and conducting diagnostics.
Emergency Medical Service (Basic Life Support)Services provided to patients
facing immediate medical emergencies that occur outside of military treatment
Federal Agency and Civil Authority SupportAssisting federal and civil
authorities by preparing for, deterring, or responding to terrorist or criminal acts,
accidents, found explosive items, and other requests for support. (Note: Support
includes US Secret Service, DOS, and Joint EOD very important persons protection
support activity taskings.)
Fire PreventionMeasures such as training, public education, plans reviews,
surveys/inspections, engineering reviews, and life safety code enforcement directed
toward avoiding the inception of fire and minimizing consequences if a fire occurs.
Hazardous Material Incident ResponseResponding to an incident where
hazardous material is present. A hazardous material is a substance (solid, liquid, or
gas) that, when released, is capable of creating harm to people, the environment, and
Incident CommandProviding incident command system organizational element
responsible for the overall management of the incident and consisting of the incident
commander (either single or unified command structure) and any supporting staff.
Integrated Incident ManagementAssisting with the broad spectrum of activities
and organizations, providing effective and efficient operations, coordination, and
Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-34, Engineer Operations
support applied at all levels of government, using both governmental and
nongovernmental resources to plan for, respond to, and recover from an incident.
Mortuary ServicesExplosive Hazard Analysis and RemovalDetecting,
identifying, and removing explosive hazards left on or embedded in human remains
during port mortuary operations, theater remains processing, POW and MIA
recoveries, mass fatality support operations, and other operations involving human
Nuclear Weapons, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), and CBRN Accident
and Incident ResponseLocating CBRN contamination, assessing the damage,
and aiding in the recovery and cleanup following a WMD attack. For nuclear
weapons, efforts may include locating, securing, assessing, recovering a nuclear
weapon involved in an accident, and preparing the recovered weapon for transfer to
the Department of Energy.
Operational Range ClearanceClearing active bombing and gunnery ranges in
coordination with range management officials and environmental agencies.
Structural FirefightingPerforming rescue, fire suppression, and property
conservation activities in buildings, enclosed structures, aircraft interiors, vehicles,
vessels, aircraft, or like properties that are involved in a fire or emergency.
Unexploded Explosive Ordnance Recovery OperationsClearing UXO during
runway and airbase recovery operations and neutralizing hazards from explosive-
related incidents, which, because of unusual circumstances, present a threat to
operations, installations, personnel, or materiel.
Weapons Technical IntelligenceConducting post-blast analysis and explosive
device exploitation to gather information to build a common picture of enemy
capabilities, inform commanders of new enemy tactics, techniques, and procedures,
and support material developers in developing necessary countermeasures.
BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS: Enhance Partner Capabilities and Capacities
Engineer Skills Training for Building PartnershipsAir Force CEs are a valuable
asset to building partnerships providing skills, knowledge, and experience to assist
local governments recovering from disasters or become self-sufficient.