Amtrak Roadway Worker Fatality
Bowie, Maryland
April 24, 2018
Accident Report
Safety Board
Notation 67454
Adopted September 27, 2021
Railroad Accident Report
Amtrak Roadway Worker Fatality
Bowie, Maryland
April 24, 2018
Safety Board
490 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20594
National Transportation Safety Board. 2021. Amtrak Roadway Worker Fatality, Bowie Maryland,
April 24, 2018. Publication Type NTSB/RAR-21/02. Washington, DC: NTSB.
Abstract: On April 24, 2018, about 8:58 a.m. local time, northbound Amtrak (National Railroad
Passenger Corporation) train 86 struck and killed an Amtrak rail gang watchman near the Bowie State
Train Station in Bowie, Maryland. The accident occurred on main track 1 at milepost 119.2 on Amtrak’s
Northeast Corridor. At the time of the accident, main track 2 was out of service under a continuous track
outage for track maintenance, and the adjacent tracks immediately to the east and west of main track 2
(main tracks 1 and 3, respectively) were in service for train movements. Three watchmen were protecting
the roadway workers and watching for trains moving on adjacent tracks to warn workers of approaching
trains. One watchman was positioned near the boarding platform, another was positioned in a nearby
curve, and the third watchman was positioned toward the end of the curve, near a work gang of welders.
The third watchman was the employee struck by the train. No passengers or crewmembers on Amtrak
train 86 were injured. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) identified the following safety
issues: inadequate site-specific safety risk assessment, unsafe train speeds in established work zones, and
ineffective roadway worker protection. As a result of this investigation, the NTSB makes safety
recommendations to the Federal Railroad Administration; Amtrak; and Amtrak and all Class I Railroads.
NTSB also reiterated a recommendation to Amtrak and reiterated and classified a recommendation to the
Federal Railroad Administration.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an independent federal agency dedicated to promoting
aviation, railroad, highway, marine, and pipeline safety. Established in 1967, the agency is mandated by Congress
through the Independent Safety Board Act of 1974, to investigate transportation accidents, determine the probable
causes of the accidents, issue safety recommendations, study transportation safety issues, and evaluate the safety
effectiveness of government agencies involved in transportation. The NTSB makes public its actions and decisions
through accident reports, safety studies, special investigation reports, safety recommendations, and statistical
The NTSB does not assign fault or blame for an accident or incident; rather, as specified by NTSB regulation,
“accident/incident investigations are fact-finding proceedings with no formal issues and no adverse parties … and
are not conducted for the purpose of determining the rights or liabilities of any person” (Title 49 Code of Federal
Regulations section 831.4). Assignment of fault or legal liability is not relevant to the NTSB’s statutory mission to
improve transportation safety by investigating accidents and incidents and issuing safety recommendations. In
addition, statutory language prohibits the admission into evidence or use of any part of an NTSB report related to an
accident in a civil action for damages resulting from a matter mentioned in the report (Title 49 United States Code
section 1154(b)).
For more detailed background information on this report, visit the NTSB investigations website and search for
NTSB accident ID RRD18FR006. Recent publications are available in their entirety on the NTSB website. Other
information about available publications also may be obtained from the website or by contacting
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Figures ........................................................................................................................................... iii
Tables ............................................................................................................................................ iv
Abbreviations and Acronyms .......................................................................................................v
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... vi
Probable Cause............................................................................................................................... vi
Safety Issues.................................................................................................................................. vii
Findings......................................................................................................................................... vii
Recommendations ........................................................................................................................ viii
New Recommendations ........................................................................................................ viii
Previous Recommendation Reiterated in this Report ........................................................... viii
Previous Recommendation Reiterated and Classified in this Report ..................................... ix
1. Factual Information .................................................................................................................1
1.1. Accident ....................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Site Description ........................................................................................................................3
1.3. Work Project .............................................................................................................................4
1.4. Site-Specific Safety Work Plan ................................................................................................5
1.5. Work Zone Hazards ..................................................................................................................6
1.5.1. Physical Environment ....................................................................................................6
1.5.2. Sound Levels at the Time of the Accident .....................................................................7
1.6. Amtrak Train 86 .......................................................................................................................7
1.7. Personnel Information ..............................................................................................................7
1.7.1. Rail Gang Watchman .....................................................................................................7
1.7.2. Amtrak Train 86 Engineer .............................................................................................8
1.8. Roadway Worker Protection ....................................................................................................9
1.8.1. Amtrak Special Instructions ...........................................................................................9
1.8.2. Train Approach Warning .............................................................................................10
1.8.3. Working Limits ............................................................................................................10
1.8.4. Positive Train Control ..................................................................................................10
1.9. Postaccident Inspections .........................................................................................................11
1.9.1. Sight Distance Observations ........................................................................................11
1.10. Postaccident Actions ....................................................................................................12
2. Analysis ...................................................................................................................................13
2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................13
2.2. Site-Specific Safety Work Plan ..............................................................................................14
2.3. Train Speeds in Work Zones ..................................................................................................16
2.4. Roadway Worker Protection ..................................................................................................17
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
3. Findings ...................................................................................................................................20
3.1. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................20
3.2. Probable Cause .......................................................................................................................20
4. Recommendations ..................................................................................................................21
4.1 New Recommendations ..........................................................................................................21
4.2. Previous Recommendation Reiterated in this Report .............................................................21
4.3 Previous Recommendation Reiterated and Classified in this Report .....................................22
Appendix A. The Investigation ......................................................................................................23
Appendix B. Consolidated Recommendation Information ............................................................24
Appendix C. Prior Train Approach Warning Accidents ................................................................26
Providence, Rhode Island .......................................................................................................26
Edgemont, South Dakota ........................................................................................................26
Queens Village, New York .....................................................................................................27
References .....................................................................................................................................28
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Figure 1. Graphic of accident site. ................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2. Photograph of the accident area, facing north. ............................................................... 6
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Table 1. Rail Gang Watchman work history hours. ....................................................................... 8
Table 2. Amtrak train 86 engineer work history hours. ................................................................. 9
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACSES Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System
Amtrak National Railroad Passenger Corporation
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
FAMES Fatality Analysis of Maintenance-of-Way Employees and Signalmen
FRA Federal Railroad Administration
MARC Maryland Area Rail Commuter
MAS maximum authorized speed
MP milepost
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
NORAC Northeast Operating Rules Advisory Committee
PTC positive train control
RWIC roadway worker-in-charge
RWP roadway worker protection
SSSWP site-specific safety work plan
TAW train approach warning
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Executive Summary
On April 24, 2018, about 8:58 a.m. local time, northbound Amtrak train 86 struck and
killed an Amtrak rail gang watchman near the Bowie State Train Station in Bowie, Maryland. The
accident occurred on main track 1 at milepost 119.2 on the Philadelphia to Washington line,
located on Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor. At the time of the accident, main track 2 was out of
service under a continuous track outage for track maintenance, and the adjacent tracks immediately
to the east and west of main track 2 (main tracks 1 and 3, respectively) were in service for train
movements. Three watchmen were protecting the roadway workers and watching for trains moving
on adjacent tracks to warn workers of approaching trains. One watchman was positioned near the
boarding platform, another was positioned in a nearby curve, and the third watchman was
positioned toward the end of the curve, near a work gang of welders. The third watchman was the
employee struck by the train. No passengers or crewmembers on Amtrak train 86 were injured.
Amtrak train 86 departed Washington, D.C.’s Union Station about 8:40 a.m., destined for
New York’s Penn Station. The train was authorized to operate on main track 1 at maximum
authorized speeds between 105 and 110 mph. The accident occurred when Amtrak train 86 entered
the work zone. Immediately before Amtrak train 86 arrived at the work zone, Maryland Area Rail
Commuter train 421 was traveling southbound through the work zone on main track 3, preparing
to service the southbound passenger platform at the Bowie State Train Station. When Amtrak
train 86 passed the Bowie State Train Station on main track 1, the engineer noticed that the rail
gang watchman was standing too close to the track’s edge, facing the roadway workers on main
track 2 and the passing Maryland Area Rail Commuter train on main track 3. He was not looking
toward Amtrak train 86’s approach and did not respond to the horn from the train nor the warnings
from the other watchmen. The engineer applied emergency train braking, slowing the train to
98 mph, before striking and killing the rail gang watchman.
Probable Cause
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the Bowie
accident was Amtrak’s insufficient site-specific safety work plan for the Bowie project that (1) did
not consider the multiple main tracks in a high noise environment and (2) did not provide the rail
gang watchman with a safe place to stand with level footing and sufficient sight distance to perform
his duties, which led the rail gang watchman to stand on an active track in a work zone in the path
of Amtrak train 86. Contributing to this accident was Amtrak’s decision to use train approach
warning for roadway worker protection in lieu of the protections that could have been provided by
the positive train control system.
For more information, see the factual information and analysis sections of this report. Additional information
can be found in the public docket for this National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) accident investigation (case
number RRD18FR006) by accessing the Accident Dockets link at
. For information about our safety
recommendations, see the CAROL Safety Recommendation Database at the same website.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Safety Issues
Inadequate site-specific safety risk assessment. Although Amtrak had developed a
site-specific safety work plan for its maintenance project, an analysis of that plan revealed
that Amtrak’s safety risk assessment did not identify and mitigate obvious risks and dangers
placed on roadway workers, specifically, watchmen being struck by trains and other
on-track equipment in a high-density, high-decibel, high-speed, multiple main track work
Unsafe train speeds in established work zones. On the day of the accident, trains were
permitted to operate at speeds up to 125 mph through the work zone. Amtrak’s policy that
permits the operation of trains at high speeds through work zones continued after the April
3, 2016, accident in Chester, Pennsylvania, in which a train collided with maintenance-of-
way equipment, killing 2 people and injuring 39 others.
Ineffective roadway worker protection. Although Federal Railroad Administration
regulations and Amtrak policies permit the use of train approach warning to establish
on-track protection for roadway workers, Amtrak’s decision to use this form of protection
in a high-risk area allowed roadway workers to be exposed to the dangers of simultaneous
bidirectional train movements at speeds up to 125 mph. The decision to use train approach
warning protection permitted trains to operate through the multiple main track work zone
at high speeds, solely relying on the situational awareness of the watchmen to provide
warnings to workers.
None of the following were factors in the accident: (1) mechanical condition of the train;
(2) train handling and warnings from the engineer of Amtrak train 86; (3) employee fatigue;
(4) employee training; (5) rail gang watchman impairment from alcohol and other
tested-for drugs; and (6) cell phone usage.
The rail gang watchman was most likely standing on the crosstie ends to obtain stable
footing and to improve the visibility between himself and the roadway workers, as well as
to improve his ability to see approaching trains from the north.
The rail gang watchman likely did not realize that he was in imminent danger from
northbound Amtrak train 86 because his attention was focused on warning the rail gang of
the approaching southbound Maryland Area Regional Commuter train.
Amtrak’s site-specific safety work plan did not consider all work zone hazards for roadway
workers, including the watchmen, because it did not identify the specific hazards relating
to the multiple track work zone, such as simultaneous train movements, steep ballast
shoulders, high noise levels, and trains operating at high speeds.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Had Amtrak required trains to approach at significantly slower speeds through the Bowie
work zone, the rail gang watchman would have had more time to become aware of the
approaching train and relocate to a place of safety.
Train approach warning is a weak system of on-track safety that fails to protect roadway
workers, including watchmen, in controlled track territory.
Had Amtrak established working limits or speed restrictions on main tracks 1 and 3 that
enabled the protections available under positive train control, rather than relying on the use
of train approach warning, the accident may have been prevented.
The National Transportation Safety Board proposes the following new safety
New Recommendations
To the Federal Railroad Administration:
Modify Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 214 to prohibit the use of train approach
warning in controlled track territory during planned maintenance and inspection activities.
To Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation):
Modify your site-specific safety work plan to require all work zone hazards for roadway
workers and watchmen be identified and mitigated, including hazards associated with multiple
main track work zones. (R-21-4)
To Amtrak and all Class I Railroads:
Eliminate the use of train approach warning protection in controlled track territory during
planned maintenance and inspection activities. (R-21-5)
Previous Recommendation Reiterated in this Report
The National Transportation Safety Board proposes reiterating the following safety
To Amtrak:
Conduct a risk assessment for all engineering projects and use the results to issue significant
speed restrictions for trains passing any engineering project that involves safety risks for
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
workers, equipment, or the traveling public, such as ballast vacuuming, as part of a
risk-mitigation policy. (R-17-23)
This safety recommendation is classified “Open⸻Acceptable Response.”
Previous Recommendation Reiterated and Classified in this Report
The National Transportation Safety Board proposes classifying the following safety
To the Federal Railroad Administration:
Define when the risks associated with using train approach warning are unacceptable and
revise Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations 214.329 to prohibit the use of train approach
warning when the defined risks are unacceptable. (R-20-6)
This safety recommendation was previously classified “Open⸻Initial Response Received
on April 16, 2021. This recommendation is now classified “Open⸺Unacceptable Response.”
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
1. Factual Information
1.1. Accident
On April 24, 2018, about 8:58 a.m. local time, northbound National Railroad Passenger
Corporation (Amtrak) train 86 struck and killed an Amtrak watchman in Bowie, Maryland.
passengers or crewmembers on Amtrak train 86 were injured. The accident occurred on main
track 1 at milepost (MP) 119.2 on the Philadelphia to Washington line, located on Amtrak’s
Northeast Corridor, about 1,500 feet north of the Bowie State Train Station.
The accident occurred
in three-track signal-controlled territory, with many curves, an active passenger train station, and
maximum authorized speeds (MAS) up to 105 mph on main track 1 and 125 mph on main track 3.
Scheduled maintenance work began on March 9, 2018, and main track 2, the center track
in a multiple main track territory, was placed out of service under a continuous track outage
between Bowie State, MP 120.5, and Grove, MP 112.4. Trains moving through the work zone
were operating under the authority of two-way track signal indications and dispatcher control.
Three watchmen were positioned along the east side of main track 1 with instructions to use train
approach warning (TAW) to protect the roadway workers and watch for trains on the two tracks
in service that ran immediately adjacent to the working limits: main track 1 and main track 3,
which were east and west, respectively, of main track 2.
Figure 1 shows the accident site,
including the location of the three watchmen. The struck watchman (referred to in this report as
the rail gang watchman) was positioned along main track 1 protecting a group of track welders
working on main track 2. One watchman (referred to in this report as the platform watchman), was
posted at the Bowie State Train Station platform; this position allowed him to detect trains
approaching the working limits from the south on main tracks 1 and 3. The other watchman
(referred to in this report as the middle watchman), was posted along the sloped ballast shoulder,
about 800 feet north of the watchman posted at the Bowie State Train Station. From this location,
the middle watchman had sufficient time to detect trains approaching the working limits from the
north. The rail welding foreman positioned the rail gang watchman at MP 119.2, directly across
from the rail welders and roadway maintenance machinery because there was additional noise due
A watchman is designated by the roadway worker-in-charge (RWIC) and can be any member of the roadway
worker work group who has received the proper training, which is offered annually.
This location consists of three main tracks.
Maximum authorized speed (MAS) is the highest speed permitted for the movement of trains permanently
established by timetable/special instructions, general order, or track bulletin.
Two-way track signal indication (Northeast Operating Rules Advisory Committee [NORAC] rule 261) allows
trains to operate on the same track in both directions.
(a) Train approach warning is a method of establishing on-track safety by warning roadway workers of the
approach of trains in ample time for them to move to or remain in a place of safety. (b) Working limits refers to a
segment of track with definite boundaries within which trains and engines may move only as authorized by the
roadway worker in control of that segment of track.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
to the equipment and the watchman would be in a better position to get the attention of the
At this location he was about 660 feet north of the middle watchman.
Figure 1. Graphic of accident site.
Roadway maintenance machinery is a device powered by any means of energy other than hand power which is
being used on or near railroad track for maintenance, repair, construction or inspection of track, bridges, roadway,
signal, communications, or electric traction systems. Roadway maintenance machines may have road or rail wheels
or may be stationary. Welding track and rail heaters are examples of roadway maintenance machinery.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Immediately before Amtrak train 86 arrived at the work zone, Maryland Area Rail
Commuter (MARC) train 421 was traveling southbound on main track 3 and was scheduled to
service the southbound passenger platform at the Bowie State Train Station at 8:58 a.m. As it
approached the roadway workers working on main track 2, the train began to reduce its speed to
service the station on main track 3. (See figure 1.) The watchmen, including the rail gang
watchman, detected the approaching MARC train and alerted the roadway workers by blowing
their hand-held air horns and raising their orange watchman’s warning discs.
Work personnel told
investigators that the roadway maintenance machinery operators then blew their
equipment-mounted air horns to provide additional audible warnings.
As the last three cars of MARC train 421 were passing the roadway workers, northbound
Amtrak train 86 approached the work zone on main track 1 at a speed of about 99 mph. The middle
watchman later told the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) that he noticed the train but
that its approach “caught him off guard” because there was no break between the audible alerts
from the other watchmen for the MARC train, and he did not hear another horn to alert him. He
then noticed that the rail gang watchman was standing on the edge of the main track 1 ties, fouling
the track, and did not appear to be aware of the approaching northbound train.
The middle
watchman said that he attempted to alert the rail gang watchman but could not get his attention.
Forward-facing image recordings from Amtrak train 86 showed that the rail gang watchman was
wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up underneath his hard hat with his left shoulder facing
Amtrak train 86.
According to event recorder data, as Amtrak train 86 entered the work zone, the engineer
sounded the train’s horn and warning bell in a series of five warning blasts, lasting between 1 and
5 seconds each, between 8:57:40 a.m. and 8:58:10 a.m. The engineer later told the NTSB that he
noticed that the rail gang watchman was standing too close to the tracks edge, facing the roadway
workers on main track 2 and the MARC train on main track 3, so the rail gang watchman did not
see the trains approach. The engineer initiated emergency train braking, slowing the train down
to 98 mph, before striking and killing the rail gang watchman.
1.2. Site Description
The accident site consisted of three main line-controlled tracks that ran parallel in a
timetable north-south direction.
The tracks were equipped with Amtrak’s Advanced Civil Speed
Enforcement System (ACSES), a positive train control (PTC) technology used on Amtrak
Details of the job responsibilities of watchmen are found at Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 214.329
Train Approach Warning Provided by Watchmen/Lookouts.”
Fouling a track means the placement of an individual or an item of equipment in such proximity to a track that
the individual or equipment could be struck by a moving train or on-track equipment or, in any case, is within 4 feet
of the field side of the near running rail.
(a) Controlled track means track upon which the railroad's operating rules require that all movements of trains
must be authorized by a train dispatcher or a control operator. (b) Positive train control (PTC) is an advanced train
control system that uses communication-based and processor-based technology and must reliably and functionally
prevent train-to-train collisions, overspeed derailments, incursions into established work zone limits, and movements
of trains through switches in the wrong position. (c) Timetable direction refers to the geographical origin and
termination locations of the trains. Often the track will be oriented on an opposing compass direction.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
The tracks are geographically situated east to west with main track 1 to the east and
main track 3 to the west. (See figure 1.)
Trains operating on main track 1 were under the movement authority of a permanent speed
restriction of 105 mph between MP 121.0 and MP 119.0. Train speeds could increase to 110 mph
between MP 119.0 and MP 118.4, north of the accident location. Trains operating on main track 3
had a MAS of 125 mph. Trains operating through the work zone were under the authority of
two-way track signal indications and dispatcher control. In multiple track territories, trains may
operate on any track, at any time, and in any direction. There were no established work zone speed
restrictions for trains operating on main tracks 1 and 3 through the work zone.
1.3. Work Project
On March 9, 2018, main track 2 was placed out of service under a continuous
24-hour-per-day/7-day-per-week track outage between Bowie State, MP 120.5, and Grove,
MP 112.4, so that the Amtrak maintenance-of-way roadway workers could perform production
track undercutting and other maintenance and repair work of main track 2.
According to interviews with the roadway workers, on the morning of the accident, the
undercutter roadway workers met for roll call and job assignments. The track supervisor met with
his foremen and assigned the undercutter surfacing foreman as the roadway worker-in-charge
(RWIC) of the working limits. At 7:00 a.m., the roadway workers arrived at their work locations
where the rail gang foreman (referred to as the employee-in-charge in this report), conducted an
initial job safety briefing with the roadway workers.
This initial briefing was one of two required
The details of the briefing included information on the work location, personal
protective equipment requirements, job duties, and Amtrak’s safety rule of the day. All workers
who were in attendance acknowledged their understanding of the job safety briefing by signing
the job briefing documentation sheet.
At 7:50 a.m., the employee-in-charge received a text message from the RWIC that included
a copy of the Form D for track 2, which allowed the roadway work crew to control the track, along
with a message granting the work gang permission to begin work.
About 8:00 a.m., the
employee-in-charge conducted the on-track safety briefing with the roadway workers.
The focus
Amtrak has activated the Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement System (ACSES) on the tracks it owns in the
Northeast Corridor and on the Amtrak-owned portion of the Michigan line. ACSES, in combination with cab signaling,
is a PTC cab-signaling system designed to prevent train-to-train collisions, protect against overspeed, and protect work
crews with temporary speed restrictions. It meets the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) requirements of a PTC
(a) The accident occurred in the south working limits of the undercutter project. (b) An undercutter is an
on-track machine that removes ballast from beneath the track so it can be cleaned.
Employee-in-charge is an employee responsible for a work group under the overarching authority of the RWIC.
Title 49 CFR 214.315 “Supervision and Communication.”
Form D is a form that grants the RWIC authority of the track, rather than the dispatcher. It basically provides
the name of a contact person with authority of the track in case of an emergency. Although main track 2 was under a
continuous outage, Amtrak’s internal processes required that a Form D be submitted on a daily basis.
On-track safety means a state of freedom from the danger of being struck by a moving railroad train or other
railroad equipment, provided by operating and safety rules that govern track occupancy by personnel, trains, and
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
points of this briefing included the track outage number, protective limits and type of on-track
safety for main track 2, adjacent track speeds, adjacent track on-track protection, total number of
needed watchmen, and the predetermined place(s) of safety.
All roadway workers who were in
attendance, including the rail gang watchman, acknowledged their understanding of the on-track
safety briefing by signing the on-track safety briefing documentation sheet.
1.4. Site-Specific Safety Work Plan
In March 2018, Amtrak developed a 16-page site-specific safety work plan (SSSWP) for
the Bowie project in collaboration with management, supervisors, maintenance employees, and
the safety department. The SSSWP’s objective was to identify existing or potential hazards and
determine how best to eliminate, control, or minimize all identified hazards to an acceptable level
of risk.
One of the hazards identified in the SSSWP for the Bowie project was “On-Track
Protection.” The mitigation for this identified hazard was to “comply with all RWP [roadway
worker protection] rules and procedures.” However, the SSSWP did not contain any detailed
language about the RWP rules and procedures for the work site or the type of on-track safety to be
used for adjacent on-track protection. (See section 1.8 for more information on the RWP rule.) The
SSSWP did specifically address the undercutting between MP 120.5 and MP 112.2, stating that
the project was starting in hot spot” territory, where extra watchmen would be required to
effectively provide the required RWP protection to the roadway workers.
Amtrak uses the term “hot spots” to identify locations along the railroad where additional
on-track safety is required due to watchmen line-of-sight issues, obstructions, work zone
characteristics, close clearing/no clearing points, and work zone noise levels. The SSSWP did not
define and provide guidance on what the “hot spotswere in the Bowie work zone, the risks to
roadway workers when working within this “hot spot” territory, or the risk mitigations to
implement when working within the “hot spot” territory. Moreover, in 2014, some 4 years before
this accident, Amtrak removed all training on “hot spots” from its RWP curriculum, and in 2017,
Amtrak removed all references of “hot spot” from its RWP manual. Although not defined, the term
is referenced within the Bowie undercutter project SSSWP and Amtrak’s job safety and on-track
job safety briefing forms.
When the NTSB interviewed the RWIC, he was asked whether he requested foul time for
the work zone. Foul time is a method of establishing working limits on controlled track in which
a roadway worker is notified by the train dispatcher or control operator that no trains will operate
within a specific segment of controlled track until the roadway worker reports clear of the track,
as prescribed in Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 214.323 “Foul Time.” (Working
limits are further discussed in section 1.8.3.) The RWIC indicated that, because it was rush hour,
he would not have been granted foul time for the work zone at the time of the accident. The RWIC
further elaborated that the time between trains, the length of the work zone (8 miles), and the
A predetermined place of safety is the specific location that a roadway worker must occupy upon receiving a
watchman’s warning of approaching train movements on a track.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
MARC train stops within the working limits would have hindered his ability to be granted foul
1.5. Work Zone Hazards
1.5.1. Physical Environment
During an examination of the accident scene, the NTSB noted that the ballast shoulder was
steep at the location where the rail gang watchman was posted and did not provide stable footing.
Figure 2 shows the work environment. The NTSB asked the platform watchman about the rail
gang watchmans position on the steep ballast. The platform watchman indicated that, in general,
it was difficult to find stable footing anywhere along the steep ballast shoulder throughout the work
Figure 2. Photograph of the accident area, facing north.
The middle watchman indicated that the steep ballast shoulder was uncomfortable to stand
on while watching for trains. The slope was steep enough that standing on the rocks that made up
the ballast caused unstable footing.
Another roadway worker, who at times performed watchman duties, told investigators that
near where the accident occurred, he felt it was necessary to stand right on the edge of the ties
Ballast is material selected for placement on the roadbed, usually crushed stone, for the purpose of holding the
track in line and at surface. It is applied to the roadbed to hold track to proper alignment.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
because the steep ballast slope made it too difficult to safely stand and properly watch for trains.
He also suggested to the NTSB that watchman platforms be built to reduce the safety hazards of
unstable footing. Another employee stated that when watching for trains, he often found it
necessary to move and pack the ballast around with his feet to make “step like” indentations in the
steep ballast slope. He stated that when a train approached, he usually would go behind a catenary
pole for added protection due to the flying debris and dust that the train kicked up.
1.5.2. Sound Levels at the Time of the Accident
The middle watchman provided his perspective to the NTSB about sound levels at the time
of the accident. Noises generated from the passing train horns, roadway maintenance machine
horns, and air horns from the platform watchman and middle watchman were prevalent. The
middle watchman reported that he was caught “off guard” when he saw Amtrak train 86 coming
from the south because he did not hear the platform watchman blow his horn. He said that the
watchmen were still blowing their horns for the MARC train that had entered the work zone from
the north, but he did not hear another horn to alert everyone to the second train approaching from
the south. He said that when he noticed Amtrak train 86 entering the area, he sounded his horn in
an attempt to get the attention of the rail gang watchman to his north. The middle watchman
indicated that it was possible that the struck watchman did not hear his horn, which was his only
means of getting his attention.
1.6. Amtrak Train 86
Amtrak train 86, a Northeast Regional Direct train, departed Washington, D.C.’s Union
Station about 8:40 a.m. on the day of the accident, destined for New York’s Penn Station. It
consisted of two electrified locomotives and eight passenger railcars.
1.7. Personnel Information
1.7.1. Rail Gang Watchman
The rail gang watchman was hired by Amtrak in July 2017. He attended a 2-week new-hire
employee training program in Wilmington, Delaware, between July 31 and August 11, 2017. The
training program instructed new-hire employees on basic railroad safety rules and instructions,
including Amtrak-required safety training such as electrical safety near catenary tracks, initial
RWP training, training on Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) regulations, and bridge worker
The rail gang watchman completed his initial training on Northeast Operating Rules
Advisory Committee (NORAC) operating rules on October 31, 2017, and was requalified on
February 16, 2018. He was also requalified on RWP on February 17, 2018. He started Amtrak’s
initial watchman certification training program on November 6, 2017, completing the certification
training on November 15, 2017. He received his watchman qualification certification on
A catenary pole is an upright support pole that supports the weight of Amtrak’s overhead electrified system.
They are placed every 265 feet on the Northeast Corridor.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
November 29, 2017. Testing records show that Amtrak conducted and documented 11 random,
unscheduled efficiency test examinations on safety rules for the rail gang watchman between
September 2017 and March 2018, and he passed all of them. Sleep/Wake/Work Hours
The rail gang watchman was working Monday through Thursday between 6:00 a.m. and
4:30 p.m., with an unpaid 30-minute lunch break. The rail gang watchman had 3 consecutive
regular days off on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, which he did not work. Table 1 shows his work
hours in the 8 days before the April 24 accident.
Table 1. Rail Gang Watchman work history hours.
Date Straight Time Hours Overtime Hours Total Hours
April 16, 2018
April 17, 2018
April 18, 2018
April 19, 2018
April 20, 2018
Day off
April 21, 2018
Day off
April 22, 2018
Day off
April 23, 2018
11.50 Postaccident Toxicology Testing
The FRA conducted postaccident toxicology testing on the rail gang watchman. The testing
screened for substances including amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, alcohol
and marijuana metabolites, methadone, methaqualone, MDA-analogues, opiates,
6-acetylmorphine, oxycodone, opiates, phencyclidine, and propoxyphene. The results were
negative for the presence of these drugs. Cell Phone Usage
Forward-facing image recording from Amtrak train 86 revealed no evidence to suggest that
the rail gang watchman was talking on or using his cell phone or any other type of electronic device
when he was struck by the train.
1.7.2. Amtrak Train 86 Engineer
The engineer of Amtrak train 86 was hired in 2003 after previously working as an engineer
for CSX Transportation. A review of his training records shows that he was trained on specialized
Amtrak NORAC operating rules/Northeast Corridor special instructions and the characteristics of
the route and was certified as a passenger locomotive engineer under 49 CFR Part 240
“Qualification and Certification of Locomotive Engineers” regulations. Amtrak efficiency testing
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
records show that the engineer received both observational and written tests on April 19, 2018. He
successfully completed the on-track obstructions and restricted speed test sections.
19 Hours-of-Service
NTSB investigators reviewed about 2 months of the train engineers work history and
hours-of-service records to determine his compliance with the hours-of-service requirements in
49 CFR Part 228.
The engineer was regularly scheduled to work Monday through Friday, with
rest days on Saturday and Sunday, which he did not work. Table 2 shows his work hours in the
8 days before the April 24 accident.
Table 2. Amtrak train 86 engineer work history hours.
Date Straight Time Hours Overtime Hours Total Hours
April 16, 2018
April 17, 2018
April 18, 2018
April 19, 2018
April 20, 2018
April 21, 2018
Day off
April 22, 2018
Day off
April 23, 2018
1.8. Roadway Worker Protection
FRA’s RWP regulation (49 CFR Part 214, Subpart C) requires railroads to have an on-track
safety program that includes rules, procedures, training, and equipment to be used to protect
roadway workers.
The rule states that railroads should develop and adopt procedures to protect
their roadway workers from being struck by trains and other on-track machinery. It also requires
the roadway workers to follow those rules and procedures to protect themselves and others.
Amtrak’s on-track safety program manual contained sections concerning on-track safety
protections, definitions, and procedures for implementation, which will be discussed later in this
1.8.1. Amtrak Special Instructions
Although not mandated for use by Amtrak management, work zone speed restrictions are
an option RWICs can use for on-track safety. At the time of the accident, Amtrak Special
Instruction 175.S2 directed train dispatchers to issue an 80-mph slow-by speed restriction to trains
operating next to where roadway workers and track machinery were performing work. It also
directed train dispatchers to always slow trains as they passed by work zones where a track laying
Restricted speed is a method of operation that permits stopping within one-half the range of vision, and includes
specific provisions for controlling the movement, maintaining vigilance, and MAS. NORAC Rule 80 governs
movements made at restricted speed and requires that trains operate at speeds no greater than 20 mph while under
restricted speed.
Title 49 CFR 228.11 “Hours of Duty Records.”
Title 49 CFR 214.7 “Definitions” includes watchmen in the list of employees considered to be roadway workers.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
machine or an undercutter were working on an out-of-service track. However, this instruction did
not automatically apply and had to be specifically requested by the RWIC. Although the speed
restriction was available for the work zone at the time of the accident and was mentioned in the
project’s SSSWP, it was not implemented.
1.8.2. Train Approach Warning
FRA regulations and FRA’s Track and Rail and Infrastructure Integrity Compliance
Manual, Volume 3, Chapter 3, require that roadway workers fouling track outside of working
limits be given warning of approaching trains by one or more watchmen (FRA 2018).
protection to be effective, the warning must be given in sufficient time to allow each roadway
worker, including watchmen, to move to and occupy a previously arranged place of safety at least
15 seconds before the train’s arrival. The minimum 15-second warning time is calculated by using
the MAS of the trains operating through that location. Furthermore, the place of safety to be
occupied upon the approach of a train may not be on a track, unless working limits are established
on that track. The manual outlines specific requirements for watchmen and states that watchmen
must use distinctive and clear signals to all roadway workers, including other watchmen, warning
that a train or other on-track equipment is approaching. The watchmen assigned to provide TAW
are instructed to devote full attention to detecting the approach of trains and communicating a
warning and cannot be assigned any other duties while functioning as watchmen. The manual also
states that every roadway worker who is assigned the duties of a watchman must be trained,
qualified, and designated in writing by the employer to serve as a watchman in accordance with
the provisions in 49 CFR 214.349 “Training and Qualification of Watchmen/Lookouts.”
Furthermore, the manual states that the watchmen should communicate the warnings in a way that
can be detected by the roadway workers regardless of noise or work distractions, and that does not
require the roadway workers to be looking in one particular direction (FRA 2018).
1.8.3. Working Limits
Another form of on-track protection for roadway workers are working limits. According to
49 CFR 214.7 “Definitions,” working limits means a segment of track with definite boundaries
established upon which trains and engines may move only as authorized by the RWIC having
control over that defined segment of track. When the RWIC establishes working limits, the
authority to move trains is removed from the train dispatcher and granted to the roadway worker.
When working limits are established, the dispatcher makes an entry into the dispatching system to
show that segment of track is out of service, which activates the protections implemented by PTC
(see next section) or redundant signal protections. Working limits were not established for main
tracks 1 or 3 at the Bowie work zone; they were in place for main track 2 only.
1.8.4. Positive Train Control
The Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 mandated that all Class I and passenger railroads
fully implement PTC systems. That requirement was enacted nationwide on December 31, 2020;
For more information on the Bowie project’s SSSWP, see section 2.2.
Title 49 CFR 214.329 “Train Approach Warning Provided by Watchmen/Lookouts.”
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
however, this train and track were equipped with ACSES (a PTC system) before the date of this
accident. PTC is a technology-based system to prevent train accidents caused by human error,
including train-to-train collisions, overspeed derailments, incursions into established working
limits, and movements of trains through a switch left in the wrong position.
1.9. Postaccident Inspections
Amtrak train 86 was terminated at the accident site so that event and image recorder
downloads and mechanical inspections could be carried out. FRA motive power and equipment
inspectors performed a comprehensive inspection of Amtrak train 86. All mechanical systems were
inspected, including the braking system, horn, headlight, and auxiliary lights (ditch lights). FRA
test records were also reviewed. All systems inspected were found to be working as intended and
in compliance with federal regulations. Damage estimates and materials replacement costs for
Amtrak train 86 were estimated at $900.
An FRA signal and train control inspector examined the on-board cab signal system and
the ACSES PTC system on the lead locomotive for proper operation and compliance with FRA
regulations. The inspector also reviewed FRA-required test records. Both systems were working
as intended and in compliance with federal regulations.
Once the initial inspection of Amtrak train 86 was complete, it was released to return to
Washington, D.C.’s Ivy City Maintenance Facility for additional investigative and mechanical
compliance inspections by FRA and Amtrak investigators. The inspections and a review of
mechanical records indicated that no mechanical defects were found on the consist of Amtrak
train 86.
1.9.1. Sight Distance Observations
The NTSB performed sight distance observations in the area of the accident to determine
the struck watchman’s sight distance and warning time for trains approaching from the north on
main tracks 1 and 3, both in the position he was standing and at the bottom of the east ballast
shoulder, away from the track.
Where the rail gang watchman was standing on main track 1, he would have had a sight
distance of 4,770 feet looking north. For main track 1, this equates to about 30 seconds of warning
time for trains approaching from the north and operating at a MAS of 105 mph. For main track 3,
this equates to about 26 seconds of warning time for trains approaching from the north and
operating at a MAS of 125 mph. Because advance watchmen were located south of the rail gang
watchman and were responsible for alerting the rail gang watchman to trains approaching from the
south, the total warning time for the rail gang watchman for trains approaching from the south
would have been greater than that which his direct sight distance would have allowed; the total
warning time was greater than required by FRA regulations.
Title 49 CFR 214.329 “Train Approach Warning Provided by Watchmen/Lookouts” and Amtrak’s Roadway
Worker Protection Manual Rule 329.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
The NTSB also estimated the rail gang watchman’s sight distance and warning time had
he been standing at the bottom of the east ballast shoulder by the access road and in line with the
catenary poles. When standing at this location and looking north, the left-hand curves and the
catenary poles on main track 1 obstructed the line-of-sight distances for both main tracks 1 and 3.
This reduced the sight distance to about 3,445 feet for main track 1, equating to about 22 seconds
of warning time for trains approaching from the north, operating at the MAS of 105 mph. For main
track 3, roadway workers would have had about 18 seconds of warning time for trains approaching
from the north.
1.10. Postaccident Actions
Amtrak made several changes to its work zone processes in response to this accident. These
actions include:
Revised Special Instruction 175-S2 “80 mph slow-by” speed restriction to a “60 mph
slow-by” speed restriction for trains operating on tracks immediately adjacent to a track
laying machine or undercutter. These speed restrictions originally applied only to the
areas immediately adjacent to the track laying machine or undercutter, not the entire
work zone. The speed restriction now covers the entire work zone, rather than specific
locations of work equipment.
Evaluated Amtrak safety risk management processes through working groups that
include management and field personnel. These groups identified the greatest risks in
work location and scope. Safety risks identified in this process include: RWP, exposure
to trains (both high speed and frequency), electrical hazards, and equipment collisions.
Safety risk findings are now being reported to Amtrak’s Executive Safety Council and
operating department heads.
Revised and reintroduced the Hot Spotsguide. The revisions included a sight
distance chart to aid roadway workers and watchmen in sight assessments when using
TAW. This manual was not provided to employees between 2014 and 2018. Amtrak
also included a job briefing requirement to guide employees in properly performing the
sight distance evaluation process. This information is now included in an SSSWP.
Ordered additional portable aerial stands. Because it considers watchman aerial stands
useful to preventing accidents such as this one, Amtrak ordered more portable aerial
stands to supplement the 20 that it had in stock at the time of a December 19, 2019,
NTSB Record of Conversation between NTSB and Amtrak.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
2. Analysis
2.1. Introduction
On April 24, 2018, about 8:58 a.m. local time, northbound Amtrak train 86 struck and
killed an Amtrak watchman in Bowie, Maryland. The train strike occurred on main track 1, about
1,500 feet north of the Bowie State Train Station on Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor. At the time of
the accident, the watchman was fouling the track while providing TAW to a group of rail welders
working on main track 2, the center track of a three-track territory. Working limits were established
on main track 2, which had been placed out of service under a continuous exclusive track outage
for maintenance on March 9, 2018. When the accident occurred, two trains were traveling in
opposite directions simultaneously through the work zone on main tracks 1 and 3.
This analysis discusses the accident and the following safety issues:
Inadequate site safety risk assessment. (See section 2.2.)
Unsafe train speeds in established work zones. (See section 2.3.)
Ineffective roadway worker protection. (See section 2.4.)
Having completed a comprehensive review of the circumstances that led to the accident,
the investigation established that the following factors did not contribute to its cause:
Mechanical condition of the train. FRA motive power and equipment inspectors
performed a comprehensive inspection on Amtrak train 86. The inspectors found that
all mechanical systems inspected, including the train’s braking system, horn, headlight,
and auxiliary lights, were working as intended and in compliance with federal
Train handling and warnings. A review of the event recorder data from Amtrak train 86
revealed that the engineer was operating the train at 99 mph, which was below the MAS
for main track 1 and that the engineer provided a series of five 1-5 second warning
blasts of his horn and bell between 8:57:40 a.m. and 8:58:10 a.m. to alert the roadway
workers as the train traversed through the work zone.
Sight distance. NTSB investigators determined that the rail gang watchman’s sight
distance to detect approaching trains from the north was appropriate and consistent with
the minimum requirements outlined in 49 CFR 214.329 “Train Approach Warning
Provided by Watchmen/Lookouts.”
Employee fatigue. The work/rest histories for both the rail gang watchman and the
engineer of Amtrak train 86 indicated that both employees had adequate opportunity
for rest in the days before the accident.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Employee training. The training records for the rail gang watchman and the engineer
of Amtrak train 86 indicate that both employees were trained on Amtrak’s railroad
operating rules (NORAC) and all specialized training specific to their job.
Impairment from drugs and alcohol. Postaccident toxicology testing on the rail gang
watchman were negative for drugs and alcohol.
Cell phone use. Forward-facing image recording from Amtrak train 86 revealed no
evidence to suggest that the rail gang watchman was talking on or using his cell phone
or any other type of electronic device when he was struck by the train.
Thus, the NTSB concludes that none of the following were factors in the accident:
(1) mechanical condition of the train; (2) train handling and warnings from the engineer of Amtrak
train 86; (3) employee fatigue; (4) employee training; (5) watchman impairment from alcohol and
other tested-for drugs; and (6) cell phone usage.
2.2. Site-Specific Safety Work Plan
Forward-facing image recordings from Amtrak train 86 show that, in the moments before
he was struck by the train, the rail gang watchman was standing in the foul of main track 1 looking
toward the MARC train. According to the middle watchman, the rail gang watchman was standing
on the outside of the curved track on the ends of two crossties (a flat surface), just inches away
from the track.
The forward-facing image recordings from Amtrak train 86 appeared to indicate that the
rail gang watchman had a hood pulled up over his head and under his hardhat, which would have
impaired his hearing and possibly his range of vision. He was holding up an orange watchman’s
warning disc with his left hand and facing west in the direction of the southbound MARC train
that had entered the work zone on main track 3.
The rail gang watchman took a large risk when he assumed a position on the two crossties
on a live track. To understand why the rail gang watchman placed himself in the foul of a live
track, the NTSB interviewed four Amtrak employees who have worked as watchmen. Most of the
watchmen suggested that he likely stood on the crosstie ends for better stability, as the sloped
shoulder ballast along the east side of main track 1 was unstable and difficult to stand on. The
slope of the shoulder ballast along the west side of main track 1 was steep and consisted of loose,
slippery ballast, which created a tendency for the ballast to shift under the workersfeet and caused
them to slide downhill. The NTSB notes that watchmen are expected to maintain one position for
extended periods of time and require safe and adequate footing to do so; the crossties provided
more stability than the steeply sloped ballast. Moreover, the rail gang watchman, when standing
on the crossties on main track 1, had a better view of the roadway workers on main track 2 and
trains approaching from the north on main tracks 1 and 3, compared with the view he had standing
on or at the bottom of the sloped wayside. Thus, the NTSB concludes that the rail gang watchman
was most likely standing on the crosstie ends to obtain stable footing and to improve the visibility
between himself and the roadway workers, as well as to improve his ability to see approaching
trains from the north.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Several roadway workers described the work site as noisy due to the construction work and
the equipment that was repairing the track. The workers also indicated that the MARC train crew
had activated the train’s horn and that several equipment operators had activated the horns on their
rail equipment. Additionally, as the southbound MARC train approached and passed through the
work zone from the north, the watchmen were providing approaching train warnings to the workers
for the MARC train.
The middle watchman positioned to the south of the rail gang watchman reported that he
could not hear the platform watchman’s horn when the Amtrak train was approaching. When he
detected the approaching Amtrak train and tried to get the attention of the rail gang watchman
using a handheld air horn, he could not attract the attention of the rail gang watchman, who
continued to look in the direction of the passing MARC train on main track 3. The noisy
environment necessitated the roadway workers to be vigilant and conduct visual scans to be alerted
to oncoming trains from both directions. The NTSB concludes that the rail gang watchman likely
did not realize that he was in imminent danger from northbound Amtrak train 86 because his
attention was focused on warning the rail gang of the southbound MARC train.
Before starting the project, Amtrak completed a SSSWP, a document intended to identify
existing or potential hazards and determine how best to eliminate, control, or minimize all
identified hazards to an acceptable level of risk. However, the SSSWP did not explicitly contain a
discussion of the safest forms of on-track protection for multiple-track environments, which the
NTSB believes is concerning given the critical role on-track safety has in protecting roadway
workers from being struck by a train. The SSSWP instructed roadway workers to follow RWP
rules; however, it did not provide instruction on how to safely comply with those rules. There was
no discussion in the SSSWP for this project on the speed of trains moving on adjacent tracks,
simultaneous train movements on adjacent tracks, or the unstable ballast conditions and the impact
of these on the watchmen’s ability to successfully perform their duties.
The SSSWP identified “on-track protection” as a hazard, but the instructions to control or
eliminate the hazard was simply to “comply with roadway worker protection rules and
procedures.Amtrak’s safety risk assessment did not identify or define the specific hazards related
to on-track safety at this site. Moreover, the SSSWP failed to identify a safe and sufficient system
of on-track safety to adequately protect roadway workers from being struck by a train. For
example, the hazard assessment worksheet evaluated general safety topics, such as fall protection
and working in confined spaces, but contained little evaluation of the safety risks encountered
within the multiple track work zone, such as simultaneous train movements; steep ballast
shoulders; high noise levels; and trains operating at high speeds.
Amtrak’s SSSWP did not ensure that the locations where the watchmen would be working
were safe and effective. Given the multiple-track, high-speed environment, the position and safety
of the watchmen should have been a priority in the project safety planning. As discussed in
section 1.4, the term “hot spots” was used in the SSSWP, but it was not defined or adequately
explained, nor was additional information provided to workers in the 4 years before the accident.
Because “hot spots” identify locations where additional on-track safety is required, the term should
have been clearly defined in the SSSWP and remedies put in place to address the risks associated
with this hot spot.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
The rail gang watchman was in an unsafe work position and was responsible for detecting
approaching trains moving in opposite directions on multiple tracks in a noisy environment.
Watchmen are critical in providing on-track protection, and the conditions under which they are
working must not hamper their ability to continuously sustain attention, perceive threats, process
information, and act. Watchmen are roadway workers and cannot properly protect others if they
are not properly protected themselves. The NTSB concludes that Amtrak’s SSSWP did not
consider all work zone hazards for roadway workers, including the watchmen, because it did not
identify the specific hazards relating to the multiple track work zone, such as simultaneous train
movements, steep ballast shoulders, high noise levels, and trains operating at high speeds.
Therefore, the NTSB recommends that Amtrak modify its SSSWP to require all work zone hazards
for roadway workers and watchmen be identified and mitigated, including hazards associated with
multiple main track work zones.
2.3. Train Speeds in Work Zones
At the time of the Bowie, Maryland, accident, trains were allowed to operate at MAS up to
125 mph on main track 3 and speeds up to 110 mph on main track 1. When Amtrak train 86 neared
the Bowie State Train Station, it was traveling northbound through the work zone on main track 1
at 99 mph, 6 mph below the posted 105 mph speed limit. The engineer placed the train in
emergency braking when he saw the rail gang watchman, which slowed the train to 98 mph. Had
Amtrak train 86 been operating at restricted speed (no greater than 20 mph) through the entire
work zone, the rail gang watchman would have had significantly more time (50 seconds) to detect
the signal from the watchman to the south that there was an oncoming train and move to a place
of safety. Moreover, under NORAC Rule 80, restricted speed requires engineers to operate at a
speed where they can be prepared to stop in advance of an obstruction on the track. Thus, the
Amtrak engineer would have been able to bring the train to a safe stop upon observing the rail
gang watchman fouling the track.
The SSSWP Amtrak produced prior to the Bowie accident was inadequate and did not
identify and mitigate all anticipated risks, such as the speeds of the trains, as noted above. The
NTSB found in its investigation of an April 3, 2016, collision of an Amtrak train with
maintenance-of-way workers and equipment in Chester, Pennsylvania, that Amtrak did not prepare
a SSSWP before the initiation of that project and concluded that had Amtrak instructed dispatchers
to operate trains at significantly slower speeds through the Chester work zone, the severity of the
accident would have been diminished (NTSB 2017). As a result, on December 28, 2017, the NTSB
issued Safety Recommendation R-17-23 to Amtrak.
Conduct a risk assessment for all engineering projects and use the results to issue
significant speed restrictions for trains passing any engineering project that
involves safety risks for workers, equipment, or the traveling public, such as ballast
vacuuming, as part of a risk-mitigation policy. (R-17-23)
Safety Recommendation R-17-23 is on the NTSB’s 2021-2022 Most Wanted List of
Transportation Safety Improvements in the issue area “Improve Rail Worker Safety.
In response to this recommendation, effective June 25, 2018, Amtrak expanded existing
special instructions regarding speed restrictions for specific situations in work zones to include a
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
speed reduction to 60 mph past a continuous and planned track outage when undercutters or track
laying machines were being used. Amtrak also contracted with an engineering firm to conduct a
risk assessment and evaluate its TAW procedures. On August 13, 2019, the engineering firm’s
study identified safety enhancements for all of Amtrak’s maintenance-of-way activities, which
Amtrak adopted. Among these enhancements, TAW works zones were addressed with a
slow-order process that decreased train speeds entering TAW work zones from 80 mph to no
greater than 60 mph, which also allowed for a lower speed restriction in higher-risk locations.
On February 19, 2020, the NTSB replied to the FRA that a risk assessment of TAW speed
restrictions must consider sight distances and the resulting warning time for work crews and that
our review of Amtrak’s risk assessment and evaluation of its TAW procedures did not find any
analysis of available sight distances and resulting warning times for work crews nor any guidance
for how to determine when a lower slow-by speed is needed.
On August 23, 2020, Amtrak replied that reductions in speed below 60 mph allow a
minimum of 15 seconds between when a train is first sighted and when it reaches the work site, as
mandated by the FRA in 49 CFR 214.329. On May 13, 2021, the NTSB replied that the sight
distance calculations did not appear to include time for factors such as mental processing and a
worker navigating terrain before reaching the preplanned position of safety. The NTSB also said
that the reduction of train speed from 80 mph to 60 mph was insufficient and that it was imperative
to further reduce train speed as well as provide additional watchmen/lookouts to ensure the safety
of roadway workers. The NTSB asked Amtrak to revise its risk assessment guidance for
higher-risk work areas to mandate significantly slower train speeds than 60 mph. Safety
Recommendation R-17-23, remained classified “OpenAcceptable Response.
Although reducing the speed to 60 mph would have resulted in an additional 7 seconds of
warning time for the watchman, the NTSB is concerned that this speed reduction may still not
allow enough time for roadway workers to be alerted to an oncoming train, process the
information, and navigate terrain to reach a place of safety before the approaching train arrives at
the roadway worker’s location. This is particularly true in higher-risk areas such as the Bowie
work zone where simultaneous train movements, steep ballast shoulders, and high noise levels are
present. The NTSB concludes that had Amtrak required trains to approach at significantly lower
speeds through the Bowie work zone, the rail gang watchman would have had more time to become
aware of the approaching train and relocate to a place of safety. Although Amtrak produced a
SSSWP for the Bowie project, it did not identify the need for reduced speeds, which would have
provided additional safety benefits through the work zone. The NTSB believes that the
circumstances of the accident in Bowie support the need for risk assessments that include
significant speed restrictions, as recommended in Safety Recommendation R-17-23. Therefore,
the NTSB reiterates Safety Recommendation R-17-23.
2.4. Roadway Worker Protection
Title 49 CFR 214.7 “Definitions” defines TAW as a method of establishing on-track
safety by warning roadway workers of the approach of trains in ample time for them to move to
or remain in a place of safety.TAW relies critically upon watchmen to detect, recognize, and
announce the approach of trains into the work site. In this accident, the rail gang watchman did not
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
detect the approach of the train, thus, the use of TAW did not provide sufficient on-track
The effectiveness of TAW is predicated on human performance and rules compliance and
relies on administrative controls. Multiple factors, including a noisy, challenging physical
environment and high train speeds with multiple trains transiting the area from opposite directions,
made TAW an ineffective choice for on-track safety protection. Prior NTSB reports identify that
the use of TAW did not protect roadway workers, and this accident further demonstrates the
failures of TAW (NTSB 2009, 2018, 2020). Title 49 CFR 214.329(e) states that
Watchmen/lookouts shall communicate train approach warnings by a means that does not require
a warned employee to be looking in any particular direction at the time of the warning, and that
can be detected by the warned employee regardless of noise or distraction of work.” This portion
of the TAW regulation was clearly not met in this accident because of the multiple tracks and a
high-noise environment.
In the NTSB’s investigation of a June 10, 2017, accident in Queens Village, New York, in
which the foreman of a work crew for the Long Island Rail Road was killed when he stepped into
the path of an oncoming train, the NTSB found that “train approach warning regulations do not
ensure protection for roadway workers to inspect and work on tracks where trains are allowed to
continue to operate (NTSB 2020).”
As a result of the Queens Village accident investigation, on
May 14, 2020, the NTSB issued Safety Recommendation R-20-6 to the FRA.
Define when the risks associated with using train approach warning are
unacceptable and revise Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations 214.329 to prohibit
the use of train approach warning when the defined risks are unacceptable. (R-20-6)
This recommendation applies to all uses of TAW in all territories and is on the NTSB’s
2021-2022 Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements in the issue area Improve
Rail Worker Safety.
On April 21, 2021, the FRA replied that it disagreed with R-20-6. The FRA stated that the
findings from the Queens Village accident, which were the basis for this recommendation, were
faulty. The FRA said that roadway workers involved in the Queens Village accident did not comply
with basic requirements of FRA regulations governing TAW because they failed to occupy or even
discuss a predetermined place of safety from oncoming trains. Therefore, the FRA stated that it
believed that these failures were the cause of the accident, not the decision to use TAW. The Bowie
accident clearly illustrates the risks associated with using TAW in controlled track territory.
Amtrak did not consider these various risks when they established TAW for the work zone, which
included a multiple track location, high noise levels, and difficult footing for trackside watchmen.
Despite these risks, 49 CFR 214.329 permitted the use of TAW.
In June 2018, the Fatality Analysis of Maintenance-of-Way Employees and Signalmen
(FAMES) Committee issued a report that estimated that between 1997 and February 1, 2017, of
the 55 roadway worker fatalities, 13 fatal accidents occurred where TAW was being used as the
This and other previous investigations are discussed in greater detail in appendix C.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
method of on-track safety, resulting in 16 fatalities (FAMES 2018).
The FAMES data showed
that 12 of the 13 accidents occurred in locations where there were multiple tracks, such as the
Bowie accident location.
As illustrated in earlier NTSB investigations, roadway worker fatalities continue to occur
when TAW is used for on-track safety (NTSB 2009, 2018, 2020). Multiple breakdowns in safety
observed in these accidents that used TAW protection included failures in communicating critical
on-track safety information, providing correct information in job briefings, calculating sight
distance assessments, positioning watchmen appropriately, and supplying required equipment. The
NTSB concludes that TAW is a weak system of on-track safety that fails to protect roadway
workers, including watchmen, in controlled track territory. Therefore, the NTSB reiterates Safety
Recommendation R-20-6. Because the FRA was unresponsive to Safety Recommendation R-20-
6, it is classified “OpenUnacceptable Response.”
Further, TAW does not use working limits or speed restrictions and, therefore, circumvents
the protections that would be provided by PTC in controlled track territory. For a PTC system to
protect roadway workers, an RWIC of on-track safety for a work group must establish working
limits with the train dispatcher.
When working limits are established, the PTC system prevents
incursions into that segment of track. Alternatively, temporary speed restrictions can also provide
protection. When a temporary speed restriction is placed on the track by the dispatcher, PTC
enforces that speed restriction. Working limits were established for main track 2; however, neither
working limits nor a speed restriction were established for main tracks 1 and 3. As previously
discussed, in controlled track territory, the risk of roadway workers being struck by a train can be
reduced by using working limits or speed restrictions, which would enable PTC protections. The
NTSB concludes that had Amtrak established working limits or speed restrictions on main tracks 1
and 3 that enabled the protections available under PTC, rather than relying on the use of TAW, the
accident may have been prevented. Therefore, the NTSB recommends that Amtrak and all Class I
railroads eliminate the use of TAW protection in controlled track territory during planned
maintenance and inspection activities. Because of the significant risk associated with using TAW
in controlled track territories, the NTSB further recommends that the FRA modify 49 CFR
Part 214 to prohibit the use of TAW in controlled track territory during planned maintenance and
inspection activities.
The FAMES Committee was formed by the FRA, in collaboration with railroad labor and management
representatives, to form an ad-hoc committee to review roadway worker fatalities. FAMES is a voluntary, consensus-
based committee focused on identifying risks, trends, and factors impacting roadway worker safety. FAMES focuses
primarily on education and prevention and periodically issues findings and recommendations based upon its review
of available safety data.
Title 49 CFR 214.7 defines a work group as two or more roadway workers organized to work together on a
common task.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
3. Findings
3.1. Conclusions
1. None of the following were factors in the accident: (1) mechanical condition of the train;
(2) train handling and warnings from the engineer of Amtrak train 86; (3) employee fatigue;
(4) employee training; (5) watchman impairment from alcohol and tested-for drugs; and
(6) cell phone usage.
2. The rail gang watchman was most likely standing on the crosstie ends to obtain stable
footing and to improve the visibility between himself and the roadway workers, as well as
to improve his ability to see approaching trains from the north.
3. The rail gang watchman likely did not realize that he was in imminent danger from
northbound Amtrak train 86 because his attention was focused on warning the rail gang of
the approaching southbound Maryland Area Regional Commuter train.
4. Amtrak’s site-specific safety work plan did not consider all work zone hazards for roadway
workers, including the watchmen, because it did not identify the specific hazards relating
to the multiple track work zone, such as simultaneous train movements, steep ballast
shoulders, high noise levels, and trains operating at high speeds.
5. Had Amtrak required trains to approach at significantly slower speeds through the Bowie
work zone, the rail gang watchman would have had more time to become aware of the
approaching train and relocate to a place of safety.
6. Train approach warning is a weak system of on-track safety that fails to protect roadway
workers, including watchmen, in controlled track territory.
7. Had Amtrak established working limits or speed restrictions on main tracks 1 and 3 that
enabled the protections available under positive train control, rather than relying on the use
of train approach warning, the accident may have been prevented.
3.2. Probable Cause
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the Bowie
accident was Amtrak’s insufficient site-specific safety work plan for the Bowie project that (1) did
not consider the multiple main tracks in a high noise environment and (2) did not provide the rail
gang watchman with a safe place to stand with level footing and sufficient sight distance to perform
his duties, which led the rail gang watchman to stand on an active track in a work zone in the path
of Amtrak train 86. Contributing to this accident was Amtrak’s decision to use train approach
warning for roadway worker protection in lieu of the protections that could have been provided by
the positive train control system.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
4. Recommendations
4.1 New Recommendations
As a result of this investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board makes the
following new safety recommendations:
To the Federal Railroad Administration:
Modify Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 214 to prohibit the use of train
approach warning in controlled track territory during planned maintenance and
inspection activities. (R-21-3)
To Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation):
Modify your site-specific safety work plan to require all work zone hazards for
roadway workers and watchmen be identified and mitigated, including hazards
associated with multiple track work zones. (R-21-4)
To Amtrak and all Class I railroads:
Eliminate the use of train approach warning protection in controlled track territory
during planned maintenance and inspection activities. (R-21-5)
4.2. Previous Recommendation Reiterated in this Report
As a result of this investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board reiterates the
following safety recommendation:
To Amtrak:
Conduct a risk assessment for all engineering projects and use the results to issue
significant speed restrictions for trains passing any engineering project that
involves safety risks for workers, equipment, or the traveling public, such as ballast
vacuuming, as part of a risk-mitigation policy. (R-17-23)
This safety recommendation is currently classified “Open⸻Acceptable Response.”
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
4.3 Previous Recommendation Reiterated and Classified in this
As a result of this investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board proposes
classifying the following safety recommendation:
To the Federal Railroad Administration:
Define when the risks associated with using train approach warning are
unacceptable and revise Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations 214.329 to prohibit
the use of train approach warning when the defined risks are unacceptable.
This safety recommendation was previously classified “Open⸻Initial Response Received”
on April 16, 2021. This recommendation is now classified “Open⸺Unacceptable Response.”
Chair Member
Vice Chairman Member
Date: September 27, 2021
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Appendix A. The Investigation
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was notified on April 24, 2018, that a
northbound Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) train had struck an Amtrak
watchman near Bowie, Maryland, on Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor. The NTSB launched an
investigator-in-charge and a system safety investigator to investigate the accident on April 24,
Parties to the investigation included Amtrak, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA),
the Brotherhood of Maintenance-of-Way Employes Division, and the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Trainmen.
The Brotherhood of Maintenance-of-Way Employes Division spells the word “Employes” in its name with one
e. Therefore, we are using that spelling in this report.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Appendix B. Consolidated Recommendation Information
Title 49 United States Code (USC) 1117(b) requires the following information on the
recommendations in this report.
For each recommendation
(1) a brief summary of the NTSB’s collection and analysis of the specific accident
investigation information most relevant to the recommendation:
(2) a description of the NTSB’s use of external information, including studies,
reports, and experts, other than the findings of a specific accident investigation, if
any were used to inform or support the recommendation, including a brief summary
of the specific safety benefits and other effects identified by each study, report, or
expert; and
(3) a brief summary of any examples of actions taken by regulated entities before
the publication of the safety recommendation, to the extent such actions are known
to the Board, that were consistent with the recommendation.
To the Federal Railroad Administration:
Modify Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 214 to prohibit the use of train
approach warning in controlled track territory during planned maintenance and
inspection activities.
Information that addresses the requirements of 49 USC 1117(b), as applicable, can
be found in section 2.4, Roadway Worker Protection. Information supporting (b)(1) can be
found in section 2.4, Roadway Worker Protection; Information supporting (b)(2) can be
found in section 2.4, Roadway Worker Protection; (b)(3) can be found on pages 31-34.
To Amtrak:
Modify your site-specific safety work plan to require all work zone hazards for
roadway workers and watchmen be identified and mitigated, including hazards in
multiple main track work zones.
Information that addresses the requirements of 49 USC 1117(b), as applicable, can
be found in section 2.2, Site-Specific Safety Work Plan. Information supporting (b)(1) can
be found in section 2.2, Site-Specific Safety Work Plan; Information supporting (b)(2) can
be found in section 2.2, Site-Specific Safety Work Plan; (b)(3) can be found on
pages 24-28.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
To Amtrak and the Class I Railroads:
Eliminate the use of train approach warning protection in controlled track territory
during planned maintenance and inspection activities.
Information that addresses the requirements of 49 USC 1117(b), as applicable, can
be found in section 2.4, Roadway Worker Protection. Information supporting (b)(1) can be
found in section 2.4, Roadway Worker Protection; Information supporting (b)(2) can be
found in section 2.4, Roadway Worker Protection; (b)(3) can be found on pages 31-34.
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
Appendix C. Prior Train Approach Warning Accidents
Roadway worker protection (RWP) and the use of train approach warning (TAW) have
been safety issues in recent NTSB railroad accident investigations. In addition to this accident, the
NTSB has completed several investigations in recent years where TAW was being used as the
method of on-track protection.
Providence, Rhode Island
On March 13, 2008, about 1:11 p.m. local time, eastbound Amtrak Acela train 2154,
en route from New York to Boston, struck a contractor and an Amtrak maintenance-of-way track
foreman at milepost (MP) 185+515 in Providence, Rhode Island (NTSB 2009). The train was
traversing a 4° 23’ curve at about 51 mph when the engineer initiated an emergency brake
application just prior to the collision. The train came to a stop 564 feet past the point of impact.
Train 2154, consisting of two power cars and six coaches, was carrying 162 passengers. There
were no reported injuries to any of the passengers or train crew. As a result of the train strike, a
contractor was killed, and an Amtrak track foreman and watchman were seriously injured. At the
time of the accident, the Amtrak track foreman had released foul time on the active track and the
crew was being protected by a watchman providing TAW.
As a result of this investigation, the NTSB determined that the probable cause of the
accident was the foremans failure to communicate critical changes made to on-track safety
protections and to utilize all assigned trackmen as watchmen while working in a hot spot.
Contributing to the accident was the watchmans failure to recognize that he was poorly positioned
to perform his duties.”
Edgemont, South Dakota
On January 17, 2017, about 10:09 a.m. local time, BNSF Railway (BNSF) westbound train
E DOLEBM0 01E, traveling at 35 mph, struck and killed two roadway workers, including the
watchman (NTSB 2018). The accident occurred at MP 477, on the Black Hills subdivision, in
Edgemont, South Dakota. The three-member roadway work group had been cleaning snow and
ice from the track switch on the main track to prepare for the movement of a train that was to have
its air brake system tested in a stationary test on the main track. The crew of the striking train
sounded the train horn and bell, and both members of the train crew applied emergency braking;
however, there was no response from the roadway work group, and the train was unable to stop
before reaching the work location.
The NTSB determined that the probable cause of the accident was:
the improper use of TAW by the BNSF roadway work group to provide on-track
safety. Contributing to the accident was incorrect information provided in the job
briefing, including a miscalculated sight-distance assessment. Also contributing to
the accident was the failure of BNSF to provide the watchman with the necessary
equipment to alert the work group of oncoming trains and equipment. Further
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
contributing to the accident was the FRA’s inconsistent enforcement of federal
regulations requiring that railroads equip watchmen.
As a result of the Edgemont investigation, the NTSB issued Safety Alert
Watchman/Lookout: Your coworkers depend on you (NTSB 2017a). The safety alert was
distributed to the Class I railroads, the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen, and the Brotherhood
of Maintenance of Way Employes. The alert was meant to: (1) highlight the hazards involved in
the use of TAW as a form of on-track safety for roadway work groups, and (2) to heighten
awareness of these hazards by the roadway workers who depend on this form of on-track safety.
Queens Village, New York
On June 10, 2017, at 10:12 a.m. local time, Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) train 7623 on
track 3 approached a five-member crew of roadway workers at the Queens Interlocking in Queens
Village, New York (NTSB 2020). The foreman and three roadway workers were inspecting and
making minor repairs to track 1 within the Queens Interlocking. A fifth roadway worker was clear
of the tracks, keeping pace with the work group. Upon seeing train 7623, the watchman sounded
a handheld horn, yelled at the other workmen, and raised a paddle that told the engineer to sound
the trains horn. The engineer then sounded the train’s horn. Three of the roadway workers
remained in track 1, but the foreman stepped into the path of the train on track 3 and was killed.
The train was traveling about 78 mph when the engineer applied the emergency brakes just before
As a result of the investigation, the NTSB determined that the probable cause of the
accident was LIRR’s decision to use TAW to protect the roadway workers. Also contributing was
LIRR’s labor-management agreements that impact safe work/rest periods and may allow employee
NTSB Railroad Accident Report
FAMES (Fatality Analysis of Maintenance-of-Way Employees and Signalmen). 2018. Fatal
Accidents Under Train Approach Warning (Watchman/Lookout), Washington, DC: US
Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, FAMES.
FRA (Federal Railroad Administration). 2018. Track and Rail and Infrastructure Integrity
Compliance Manual, Volume III Railroad Workplace Safety, Chapter 3 Roadway Worker
Protection. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, FRA.
NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board). 2020. Long Island Rail Road Roadway Worker
Fatality, Queens Village, New York, June 10, 2017. RAR-20/01. Washington, DC: NTSB.
----. 2018. BNSF Railway Roadway Worker Fatalities, Edgemont, South Dakota, January 17,
2017. RAR-18/01. Washington, DC: NTSB.
----. 2017. Amtrak Train Collision with Maintenance-of-Way Equipment, Chester, Pennsylvania,
April 3, 2016. RAR-17/02. Washington, DC: NTSB.
----. 2017a. Watchman/Lookout: Your coworkers depend on you. SA-066. Washington, DC:
----. 2009. Roadway Workers Struck by Amtrak Acela Train 2154, Providence, Rhode Island,
March 13, 2008. RAB-09/04. Washington, DC: NTSB.