The Cooperative Education Program in the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
(CEMS) was created to enhance student education and provide opportunities that prepare
students for active, productive, and successful postgraduate careers.
A co-op is an educational program where the student alternates periods of academic study with
full-time employment in positions related to their academic and/or career interests. During
their co-op experience, CEMS students apply knowledge gained in the classroom to practical
work situations, and gain additional knowledge and skills that will enhance future coursework
and career preparation. The experience also gives students the opportunity to clarify career
goals and aspirations.
All co-op positions are paid though salaries may vary (see co-op compensation). Employers may
or may not offer housing and transportation options.
Participation in the CEMS co-op program is voluntary. To participate, students must be
registered in the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at UVM, be in good
academic standing, and have a GPA of 2.5 or better to participate. Students may participate in a
co-op between their sophomore and junior year or between their junior and senior year. First
year students, seniors, and graduate students are not eligible to apply.
Overview of the Program
Employers who join the CEMS Co-op Program collaborate with the CEMS Career Readiness
Coordinator to create a co-op position. Guidance and mentorship is also offered to students
who wish to apply for co-ops in companies outside of the CEMS Co-Op Program (see Other Co-
op Programs below). The CEMS Career Readiness Program Coordinator, Becca Kronenbitter,
works closely with the employer to ensure a robust, professional co-op that benefits both the
student and the company.
Students interested in a co-op position work with the CEMS Career Readiness Program
Coordinator to plan their co-op experience and work with their Advisor to incorporate their
coop into their degree plan. Becca will work with the student to identify interests and potential
opportunities, and help the student prepare application materials. The student will then apply
(recommended application materials: resume, cover letter, and letter of recommendation or
references) to available co-op positions of their choice on an organization’s website, or through
Handshake. Employers will contact applicants to let them know if they have been selected for
an interview or not. Becca is also available to help students prepare for those interviews.
Students will then be notified of the employment offer and will be provided a written offer
letter with salary and benefit information. Students must then notify Becca Kronenbitter
([email protected]) if they have accepted their offer and provide a copy of their
hire letter. The student and his/her company supervisor will be required to complete a few
simple assignments to ensure a meaningful learning experience (see Assignments &
Requirements below).
Duration & Timeline
The duration of a co-op ranges from 9-12 months. To ensure students are able to complete
necessary courses, these opportunities will typically begin in the Summer or early Fall through
the following Spring. Specific start and end dates are dependent upon the needs of the
***Other time periods may be possible, but must be discussed with the CEMS Career
Readiness Program Coordinator.
Co-op Expectations
The CEMS Career Readiness Program Expects that the Employer/Supervisor conduct the
following with their Co-op Student:
1. Introduction to the organization, colleagues, and a smooth on-boarding process when the
student begins work.
2. An individual assigned to the student to act as their co-op supervisor/mentor.
3. Tasks and role expectations, weekly feedback, and task completion reviews.
4. Meetings between the student and the co-op supervisor to report progress and discuss
expectations and any potential areas of improvement.
5. Participation in group meetings and discussions.
6. Adequate work space/desk for the duration of their co-op that includes any tools, and
equipment needed to accomplish tasks and projects.
7. Opportunities to interact with many members of the organization.
Co-op Compensation
Co-ops are paid, full-time, professional positions. The hourly rate for a Co-Op is determined by
the employer. Employers can choose the rate based on the student’s skills and experience. The
range averages $15-28 per hour.
Average Co-op Hourly Pay
Civil/Environmental Engineering - $19.63 (Minimum $18.00, Maximum $22.50)
Electrical Engineering - $23.00 (Minimum $18.00, Maximum $28.00)
Mechanical/Biomedical Engineering - $20.56 (Minimum $15.00, Maximum $27.00)
Requirements & Assignments
CEMS students who participate in a co-op during their tenure at UVM must register for a 12
credit non-billable course for each semester of their co-op experience. Students will complete
and submit a learning agreement within the first two weeks of co-op employment to ensure a
meaningful learning experience and to make sure all parties are clear on roles and expectations.
The UVM CEMS learning agreement lists learning objectives for the student, and roles and
responsibilities of the student, co-op supervisor, and Career Readiness Program coordinator. It
must be signed by the student and co-op supervisor. Note: Co-op courses act as “placeholders”,
and they are intended to maintain students’ status as active UVM students. Students do not pay
tuition or earn credit for the courses.
After the student has completed 6-8 weeks of employment, the student and co-op supervisor
will be asked to complete a student evaluation form and then meet to discuss the student’s
progress. Finally, students and co-op supervisors will be asked to complete a final evaluation
form and meet to discuss it at the end of the co-op experience. These evaluations can help a
student identify areas where they need more work and things they can do to help develop as
professional. Meetings to review evaluations can also be a great time to discuss career planning
and training with the student.
In the event that a student is not meeting expectations, please contact the CEMS Career
Readiness Program Coordinator – Becca Kronenbitter ([email protected]).
Tuition & Fees
Students are NOT charged tuition while on co-op UNLESS they take additional courses during
that time. Students may take a maximum of 4 additional credits each semester that they are
enrolled in a co-op and are responsible for paying tuition and fees for the additional credits
they take.
Other Co-op Programs
Students also have the option of applying to other co-op programs with employers that have
not specifically partnered with the University of Vermont’s College of Engineering and
Mathematical Sciences Co-op Program (e.g., NASA’s co-op program). Application and interview
processes for these programs differ, but students are still required to complete all
requirements and assignments listed above including registering for a 12-credit non-billable
course and completing learning agreements and evaluations.
Health Insurance & Health Services
Students are required to have health insurance while participating in a co-op. Students have the
option of paying for University health insurance, joining a parent’s health insurance (if
applicable), or using other services. If a student opts to buy the University health insurance,
they are required to pay the Student Health Center Fee and are eligible to use services offered
by the University Health Center. For all other health insurance options, students are not eligible
to use University Health services.
Library, Gym, Ski passes etc.
When a student participates in a co-op, he or she will not have access to University services
including, but not limited to, the library, and gym UNLESS they are simultaneously enrolled in
courses offered by the University. Students ARE still eligible to receive discounted ski passes
while on co-op because they are considered full-time active students.
Verification of Full-time Student Status
Students are considered full-time active students while participating in a co-op and letters
verifying this status are available from the registrar upon request.
Taking Courses while on Co-op
Students are eligible to enroll in a maximum of 4 credits each semester that they are enrolled in
a co-op and are responsible for paying tuition and fees for the credits they take. If a student
enrolls in a class while on co-op, they are eligible to use University services such as the library
and gym.
Federal Student Aid & Scholarships
Students are not eligible to receive federal student financial aid or scholarships while
participating in a co-op whether they take courses or not. Students are still considered active
students and will not lose scholarships or financial aid, but will not receive those forms of aid
during the co-op experience. Students are responsible for completing FASFA applications and
requirements while on co-op. All co-ops are paid to help defray costs of living during the co-op
UVM Email and Course Registration
Students will have an active UVM netID that will allow them to check email and register for
courses while on co-op. Students are responsible for registering for the co-op course EACH
SEMESTER they are on co-op.
Students will also have access to UVM email and are REQUIRED to monitor their UVM email
while on co-op. All University communication will occur through UVM email including
important emails about financial aid and co-op requirements.
Students who are participating in a co-op are NOT eligible to participate in athletic events
associated with the University, including, but not limited to varsity sports and intramural sports.
Housing & Transportation
Students are responsible for finding their own housing and transportation while participating in
a co-op. Co-op students are NOT eligible for on-campus student housing.