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 -
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Harvard Business School
Chao Center
Location……………………………………..Boston, MA
Rating System…………………….……….LEED-NC v3
Certification Achieved………………….………… Gold
Total Points Awarded.…………………………...69/110
Sustainable Sites…………………………………. 23/26
Water Efficiency…….…………………………….....5/10
Energy and Atmosphere………...…………….... 20/35
Materials and Resources………..……….……..... 2/14
Indoor Environmental Quality…………………… 9/15
Innovation and Design………………………….…...6/6
Regional Priority……………………………………...4/4
percent indoor water savings compared to
an Energy Policy Act of 1992 baseline
percent of site area that is vegetated open
percent reducon in total building energy
costs compared to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA
Standard 90.1-2007
percent reducon in annual potable water
used for landscape irrigaon
percent of workspaces have individual
lighng controls
percent decrease in the volume of
stormwater runo from a 2-year 24-hour
design storm
The Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Center (Chao Center) serves as a
“Gateway” building to the HBS Execuve Educaon precinct
and provides sustainable dining, meeng, learning, and oce
spaces meeng HBS’s emerging needs. The resulng design
supports the necessies of the Execuve Educaon program
and features state-of-the-art pracces in technology and
sustainability. Comprising approximately 87,000 GSF across
three stories, the building delivers a central Hub for Execuve
Educaon parcipants and the larger Harvard community to
collaborate, learn, dine together, and build relaonships. The
project makes meaningful physical and symbolic connecons
with the historic HBS campus, completes the Execuve
Educaon Quad, and creates spaces that reect the
contemporary mission of the Execuve Educaon programs
and HBS.
The project team applied an integrated approach to sustainable
design, which incorporated environmental strategies that inuenced all aspects of the building’s design. The site and landscape
were designed to create a comfortable outdoor environment and reduce the use of potable water for irrigaon. The energy ecient
lighng system creates well-lit places for students and sta while also reducing energy consumpon. The high eciency HVAC
system provides comfort, high indoor air quality, user controls, and energy conservaon, while the plumbing design strategy
conserves potable water use. The project design will achieve LEED Gold cercaon in December 2017.
Photo Copyright: Goody Clancy, 2016
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Harvard Business School
CSL Consulting
Goody Clancy
Reed Hilderbrand Associates, Inc.
Vanderweil Engineers
Nitsch Engineering
Lee Kennedy Company
BR+A (Building Systems)
3iVE (Building Envelope)
Atelier Ten
The high indoor environmental quality of the Chao Center was a
signicant focus of the project. The selecon of low-VOC building
and nish materials as well as appropriate construcon measures
helped ensure a high level of indoor air quality and occupant
health throughout the building. All main entryways have oor
mats to help reduce contaminants brought in from the outdoors.
Other strategies to enhance the indoor environmental quality
High eciency low-mercury lighng with appropriate light
Increase amount of outdoor air venlaon
Lighng controls for individual and mul-occupant spaces
Compliance with ASHRAE 55-2004 standard for thermal
Developing and implemenng an indoor air quality
management plan during construcon
Daylight and views to the outdoors for oce, admin, and
public gathering spaces
Photo Copyright: Goody Clancy, 2016
Photo Copyright: Goody Clancy, 2016
Photo Copyright: Goody Clancy, 2016
Photo Copyright: Goody Clancy, 2016
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Decreasing the demand for potable water is the rst step
towards sustainable water management. Sinks, toilets, uri-
nals, and irrigaon systems that are designed to use less
water than typical xtures and systems are widely available
and when combined with conscienous occupant use
paerns and controls, can result in a large reducon in water
Some of the water conservaon strategies incorporated in
the project include:
Low-ow plumbing xtures (urinals: 0.125 GPF; toilets:
1.28 GPF; lavatory faucets: 0.5 GPM; pantry sinks: 1.5
Water ecient irrigaon system
These strategies are predicted to lead to a 36% reducon in
water use, compared to the EPAct 1992 baseline and plumb-
ing code.
The Chao Center landscape and site were designed to provide
a gathering space for the Harvard Business School campus
and the surrounding community. The design is centered on
reducing potable water use for irrigaon, migang the ur-
ban heat island eect, and creang a comfortable outdoor
Irrigaon is controlled by the Rain Bird Maxicom system,
which monitors day-to-day weather paerns via the weather
staon on campus and provides irrigaon when needed. The
rain sensor system helps reduce outdoor potable water use
by 54%.
The project’s site design strategy includes a mixture of
hardscape and vast vegetated areas. The project also includes
a green roof, which helps migate urban heat island eect
and reduces stormwater runo.
The Chao Center is conveniently situated in a highly transit-
served area. The building is located less than a quarter mile
from two bus stops, connecng the Business School to both
Cambridge and Boston.
Further more, the Chao Center has been built in close proxim-
ity to a shared fuel-ecient vehicle which occupants may
ulize in addion to providing access to 25 bicycle racks. The
building is also equipped with shower and changing rooms.
1.28 GPF Toilet: Copyright Sloan, 2012
0.125 GPF Urinal: Sloan, 2012
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ECM 1: Highly Insulated Envelope System with High Performance Glazing
ECM 2: Occupancy, Vacancy, and Daylight Sensors
ECM 3: ENERGY STAR Kitchen Equipment and Water-cooled Refrigeration Systems
ECM 4: Air Handling Unit Energy Recovery
ECM 5: Efficient Light Fixtures
ECM 6: Active Chilled Beams and Radiant Heating in Select Spaces
ECM 7: Demand Control Ventilation
ECM 8: Make-up Air Unit for Kitchen Exhaust
ECM 9: Roof-mounted Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Hot Water Systems
The Chao Center project design includes a highly insulated envelope system with high performance glazing, which both help to
decrease heang energy-usage. Cooling is provided by the exisng HBS central chilled water system to new air handling units and
terminal cooling equipment and includes demand control venlaon. Heang hot water is sourced from a steam plant in addion to
ulizing a solar thermal hot water system for domesc hot water. The rst, second, and third oors of the building are condioned via
central air handling units with energy recovery located in the penthouse mechanical room. Select spaces are also served by acve
chilled beams and radiant heang systems. The basement and kitchen are condioned via a new air handling unit with the addion of
a dedicated make-up air unit, bringing in tempered outside make-up air for the kitchen exhaust hoods. Furthermore, the kitchen is
equipped with ENERGY STAR kitchen equipment and water-cooled refrigeraon systems, resulng in addional energy savings.
Lighng is provided by a mixture of energy ecient LED and uorescent xtures. The lighng system consists of a Lutron networked
lighng control system to serve the public spaces and the large dining venues as well as local stand alone sensors for individual rooms.
Occupancy and vacancy sensors are used for automac o control with photo sensors used along the perimeter of the building for
daylight harvesng. The newly installed roof-mounted photovoltaic (PV) array provides 81.122 MWh per year, oseng the total
energy costs of the lighng system by 8%.
Photo Copyright: Goody Clancy, 2016 Photo Copyright: Goody Clancy, 2016
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Please note that while many products are described in this project profile, these are provided for informational purposes only,
to show a representative sample of what was included in this project. Harvard University and its affiliates do not specifically
endorse nor recommend any of the products listed in this project profile and this profile may not be used in commercial or
political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of Harvard
Ceiling Suspension System
Prelude Plus XL
23% post-consumer recycled content
7% pre-consumer recycled content
The material selecon process was driven by the goal of creang a healthy working environment that will improve occupant produc-
vity and well-being. Materials were also selected for their high recycled content, and whenever possible, local extracon and manu-
facture. Local materials can be environmentally preferable because they reduce transportaon energy and support local economies.
These sustainable choices allowed the project to have a posive impact on both building occupants and the building industry. Imple-
menng these strategies also allowed the following thresholds to be met:
 recycled content value as a percentage of total materials cost
 of the wood used is FSC cered
 of adhesives, sealants, ooring systems, composite wood, paints and coangs are low-eming
Interior Hardwood
Columbia Forest Products
White Maple
100% FSC certified
No added urea-formaldehyde
Rubber Flooring Adhesive
965 Adhesive
VOC content: 0 g/L
Concrete Curing Agent
Curecrete Chemical
Ashford Formula
VOC content: 0 g/L
Interior Flat Paint
N536 Ultra Spec
Benjamin Moore
VOC content: 0 g/L
Waterproofing Sealer
VOC content: 2.39 g/L
Indoor Carpet
Illuminated Linen
Bentley Price Street
Meets CRI Green Label Plus
Mineral-Based Tile Flooring
CT-1B Modern Dimensions
FloorScore Certified
Particle Board
No added urea-formaldehyde
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Harvard Business School: hp://
HBS Sustainability: hp://
Harvard—Green Building Resource: hp://www.energyandfacili
Harvard—Green Building Services: hp://www.energyandfacili
One of the Chao Center’s key sustainability features is the installaon of a photovoltaic (PV) array. The rooop system is designed to
generate an esmated 81.122 MWh per year, which is the equivalent to $10,984 in ulity cost savings. The PV system is predicted to
oset 8% of the Chao Center’s annual energy cost and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 25.635 MTCDE per year.
Another one of the Chao Center’s key sustainability features is the ulizaon of a solar thermal hot water system shared with Esteves
Hall. The solar thermal system uses energy provided by the sun and transfers this energy to create domesc hot water through the use
of 28 ‘direct ow’ style evacuated tube collectors. The hot water system is installed on Baker Hall, but the collecon tank is located in
a central vault, thus allowing both buildings to ulize this hot water. In total, the system can store up to 1,560 gallons of solar thermal
hot water. It is esmated the system will generate enough energy to lower steam usage by 2701.2 Therms annually, which is equiva-
lent to a reducing GHG emissions by 14.366 MTCDE. This system is an excellent way to lower energy consumed for domesc hot