Appendix CB
-002003 & RM05-25-001, -002003
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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COMMON SERVICE PROVISIONS...................................................................10
1 DEFINITIONS...........................................................................................................10
1.1 Affiliate:.........................................................................................................10
1.2 Ancillary Services: ........................................................................................10
1.3 Annual Transmission Costs:..........................................................................10
1.4 Application: ...................................................................................................10
1.5 Commission:..................................................................................................11
1.6 Completed Application:.................................................................................11
1.7 Control Area: .................................................................................................11
1.8 Curtailment: ................................................................................................... 12
1.9 Delivering Party:............................................................................................12
1.10 Designated Agent: ......................................................................................... 12
1.11 Direct Assignment Facilities: ........................................................................12
1.12 Eligible Customer:.........................................................................................12
1.13 Facilities Study: .............................................................................................13
1.14 Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:..................................................13
1.15 Good Utility Practice:....................................................................................14
1.16 Interruption: ................................................................................................... 14
1.17 Load Ratio Share: ..........................................................................................14
1.18 Load Shedding:..............................................................................................15
1.19 Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service: ..............................15
1.20 Native Load Customers: ................................................................................15
1.21 Network Customer:........................................................................................15
1.22 Network Integration Transmission Service:..................................................16
1.23 Network Load:...............................................................................................16
1.24 Network Operating Agreement: ....................................................................16
1.25 Network Operating Committee: ....................................................................16
1.26 Network Resource: ........................................................................................ 17
1.27 Network Upgrades:........................................................................................17
1.28 Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service: .........................................17
1.29 Non-Firm Sale: ..............................................................................................18
1.30 Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS): .............................18
1.31 Part I: .............................................................................................................18
1.32 Part II: ............................................................................................................18
1.33 Part III:...........................................................................................................19
1.34 Parties: ...........................................................................................................19
1.35 Point(s) of Delivery: ......................................................................................19
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Point(s) of Receipt:........................................................................................19
1.37 Point-To-Point Transmission Service: ..........................................................20
1.38 Power Purchaser: ...........................................................................................20
1.39 Pre-Confirmed Application: ..........................................................................20
1.40 Receiving Party: ............................................................................................20
1.41 Regional Transmission Group (RTG): ..........................................................20
1.42 Reserved Capacity:........................................................................................21
1.43 Service Agreement: .......................................................................................21
1.44 Service Commencement Date: ......................................................................21
1.45 Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:..............................21
1.46 System Condition ..........................................................................................22
1.47 System Impact Study:.................................................................................... 22
1.48 Third-Party Sale:............................................................................................22
1.49 Transmission Customer:................................................................................22
1.50 Transmission Provider:..................................................................................23
1.51 Transmission Provider's Monthly Transmission System Peak: ....................23
1.52 Transmission Service:....................................................................................23
1.53 Transmission System:....................................................................................23
2 INITIAL ALLOCATION AND RENEWAL PROCEDURES.............................................. 24
2.1 Initial Allocation of Available Transfer Capability: .....................................24
2.2 Reservation Priority For Existing Firm Service Customers:.........................24
3 ANCILLARY SERVICES ...........................................................................................26
3.1 Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service:......................................29
3.2 Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other Sources
Service: ......................................................................................................................29
3.3 Regulation and Frequency Response Service: ..............................................29
3.4 Energy Imbalance Service:............................................................................29
3.5 Operating Reserve - Spinning Reserve Service: ...........................................29
3.6 Operating Reserve - Supplemental Reserve Service:....................................29
3.7 Generator Imbalance Service: .......................................................................30
4 OPEN ACCESS SAME-TIME INFORMATION SYSTEM (OASIS)................................30
5 LOCAL FURNISHING BONDS...................................................................................31
5.1 Transmission Providers That Own Facilities Financed by Local Furnishing
Bonds: ....................................................................................................................... 31
Alternative Procedures for Requesting Transmission Service:.....................31
6 RECIPROCITY..........................................................................................................33
7 BILLING AND PAYMENT .........................................................................................34
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Billing Procedure:..........................................................................................34
7.2 Interest on Unpaid Balances:......................................................................... 35
7.3 Customer Default:..........................................................................................35
8.1 Transmission Revenues:................................................................................36
8.2 Study Costs and Revenues: ...........................................................................36
9 REGULATORY FILINGS ...........................................................................................37
10 FORCE MAJEURE AND INDEMNIFICATION .............................................................. 37
10.1 Force Majeure:...............................................................................................37
10.2 Indemnification:.............................................................................................38
11 CREDITWORTHINESS ..............................................................................................39
12 DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURES .....................................................................39
12.1 Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures:.......................................................39
12.2 External Arbitration Procedures:...................................................................39
12.3 Arbitration Decisions:....................................................................................40
12.4 Costs: .............................................................................................................41
12.5 Rights Under The Federal Power Act: .......................................................... 41
II. POINT-TO-POINT TRANSMISSION SERVICE...............................................41
13 NATURE OF FIRM POINT-TO-POINT TRANSMISSION SERVICE ...............................42
13.1 Term: .............................................................................................................42
13.2 Reservation Priority:...................................................................................... 42
13.3 Use of Firm Transmission Service by the Transmission Provider:...............44
13.4 Service Agreements:......................................................................................45
13.5 Transmission Customer Obligations for Facility Additions or Redispatch
Costs: .......................................................................................................................46
Curtailment of Firm Transmission Service: ..................................................47
13.7 Classification of Firm Transmission Service: ...............................................49
13.8 Scheduling of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service: ..........................51
14.1 Term: .............................................................................................................52
14.2 Reservation Priority:...................................................................................... 53
14.3 Use of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service by the Transmission
Provider: ....................................................................................................................54
14.4 Service Agreements:......................................................................................54
14.5 Classification of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:..............55
14.6 Scheduling of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:..................56
14.7 Curtailment or Interruption of Service: .........................................................57
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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SERVICE AVAILABILITY ......................................................................................... 59
15.1 General Conditions:....................................................................................... 59
15.2 Determination of Available Transfer Capability:..........................................59
15.3 Initiating Service in the Absence of an Executed Service Agreement:.........59
15.4 Obligation to Provide Transmission Service that Requires Expansion or
Modification of the Transmission System, Redispatch or Conditional Curtailment:60
15.5 Deferral of Service: .......................................................................................62
15.6 Other Transmission Service Schedules: ........................................................63
15.7 Real Power Losses:........................................................................................ 63
16 TRANSMISSION CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................63
16.1 Conditions Required of Transmission Customers:........................................63
16.2 Transmission Customer Responsibility for Third-Party Arrangements:.......64
17.1 Application: ................................................................................................... 65
17.2 Completed Application:.................................................................................66
17.3 Deposit:.......................................................................................................... 68
17.4 Notice of Deficient Application: ...................................................................69
17.5 Response to a Completed Application: .........................................................70
17.6 Execution of Service Agreement:..................................................................71
17.7 Extensions for Commencement of Service: ..................................................71
SERVICE .........................................................................................................................72
18.1 Application: ................................................................................................... 72
18.2 Completed Application:.................................................................................73
18.3 Reservation of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:.................74
18.4 Determination of Available Transfer Capability:..........................................75
SERVICE REQUESTS........................................................................................................ 75
19.1 Notice of Need for System Impact Study:..................................................... 75
19.2 System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement: .......................76
19.3 System Impact Study Procedures:.................................................................77
19.4 Facilities Study Procedures: ..........................................................................79
19.5 Facilities Study Modifications:......................................................................81
19.6 Due Diligence in Completing New Facilities:...............................................81
19.7 Partial Interim Service:..................................................................................82
19.8 Expedited Procedures for New Facilities: .....................................................82
19.9 Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:.............................................83
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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20.1 Delays in Construction of New Facilities:.....................................................85
20.2 Alternatives to the Original Facility Additions: ............................................86
20.3 Refund Obligation for Unfinished Facility Additions:.................................. 87
SYSTEMS OF OTHER UTILITIES ......................................................................................87
21.1 Responsibility for Third-Party System Additions:........................................87
21.2 Coordination of Third-Party System Additions: ...........................................88
22 CHANGES IN SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................. 89
22.1 Modifications On a Non-Firm Basis: ............................................................89
22.2 Modification On a Firm Basis: ...................................................................... 90
23 SALE OR ASSIGNMENT OF TRANSMISSION SERVICE ..............................................91
23.1 Procedures for Assignment or Transfer of Service: ......................................91
23.2 Limitations on Assignment or Transfer of Service: ......................................92
23.3 Information on Assignment or Transfer of Service: .....................................93
POINTS(S) ....................................................................................................................... 93
24.1 Transmission Customer Obligations: ............................................................93
24.2 Transmission Provider Access to Metering Data:.........................................94
24.3 Power Factor:.................................................................................................94
25 COMPENSATION FOR TRANSMISSION SERVICE ......................................................94
26 STRANDED COST RECOVERY ................................................................................. 94
28.1 Scope of Service:...........................................................................................96
28.2 Transmission Provider Responsibilities: .......................................................96
28.3 Network Integration Transmission Service:..................................................97
28.4 Secondary Service: ........................................................................................97
28.5 Real Power Losses:........................................................................................ 98
28.6 Restrictions on Use of Service: ..................................................................... 98
29 INITIATING SERVICE...............................................................................................99
29.1 Condition Precedent for Receiving Service: .................................................99
29.2 Application Procedures: ..............................................................................100
29.3 Technical Arrangements to be Completed Prior to Commencement of
Service: ....................................................................................................................106
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Network Customer Facilities:......................................................................107
29.5 Filing of Service Agreement: ......................................................................107
30 NETWORK RESOURCES ........................................................................................108
30.1 Designation of Network Resources:............................................................108
30.2 Designation of New Network Resources: ...................................................108
30.3 Termination of Network Resources: ...........................................................109
30.4 Operation of Network Resources: ...............................................................111
30.5 Network Customer Redispatch Obligation:.................................................112
30.6 Transmission Arrangements for Network Resources Not Physically
Interconnected With The Transmission Provider:...................................................113
30.7 Limitation on Designation of Network Resources:.....................................113
30.8 Use of Interface Capacity by the Network Customer: ................................113
30.9 Network Customer Owned Transmission Facilities:...................................114
31 DESIGNATION OF NETWORK LOAD ......................................................................115
31.1 Network Load:.............................................................................................115
31.2 New Network Loads Connected With the Transmission Provider: ............115
31.3 Network Load Not Physically Interconnected with the Transmission
Provider: ..................................................................................................................115
31.4 New Interconnection Points: .......................................................................116
31.5 Changes in Service Requests:...................................................................... 116
31.6 Annual Load and Resource Information Updates: ......................................117
SERVICE REQUESTS...................................................................................................... 118
32.1 Notice of Need for System Impact Study:...................................................118
32.2 System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement: .....................119
32.3 System Impact Study Procedures:...............................................................120
32.4 Facilities Study Procedures: ........................................................................121
32.5 Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:...........................................123
33 LOAD SHEDDING AND CURTAILMENTS ................................................................123
33.1 Procedures: ..................................................................................................123
33.2 Transmission Constraints: ...........................................................................124
33.3 Cost Responsibility for Relieving Transmission Constraints: ....................125
33.4 Curtailments of Scheduled Deliveries:........................................................125
33.5 Allocation of Curtailments: .........................................................................125
33.6 Load Shedding:............................................................................................126
33.7 System Reliability: ......................................................................................126
34 RATES AND CHARGES ..........................................................................................127
34.1 Monthly Demand Charge: ...........................................................................127
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Determination of Network Customer's Monthly Network Load:................128
34.3 Determination of Transmission Provider's Monthly Transmission System
Load: .....................................................................................................................128
Redispatch Charge:......................................................................................128
34.5 Stranded Cost Recovery: .............................................................................129
35 OPERATING ARRANGEMENTS .............................................................................. 129
35.1 Operation under The Network Operating Agreement:................................129
35.2 Network Operating Agreement: ..................................................................129
35.3 Network Operating Committee: ..................................................................131
SCHEDULE 1................................................................................................................132
SCHEDULING, SYSTEM CONTROL AND DISPATCH SERVICE ....................................132
SCHEDULE 2................................................................................................................133
SERVICE ...................................................................................................................... 133
SCHEDULE 3................................................................................................................135
REGULATION AND FREQUENCY RESPONSE SERVICE............................................... 135
SCHEDULE 4................................................................................................................136
ENERGY IMBALANCE SERVICE.................................................................................. 136
SCHEDULE 5................................................................................................................138
OPERATING RESERVE - SPINNING RESERVE SERVICE............................................. 138
SCHEDULE 6................................................................................................................139
OPERATING RESERVE - SUPPLEMENTAL RESERVE SERVICE .................................. 139
SCHEDULE 7................................................................................................................140
LONG-TERM FIRM AND SHORT-TERM FIRM POINT-TO-POINT..............................140
SCHEDULE 8................................................................................................................142
NON-FIRM POINT-TO-POINT TRANSMISSION SERVICE........................................... 142
SCHEDULE 9................................................................................................................144
GENERATOR IMBALANCE SERVICE...........................................................................144
ATTACHMENT A........................................................................................................147
SERVICE ...................................................................................................................... 147
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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ATTACHMENT A-1.....................................................................................................151
OF FIRM POINT-TO-POINT TRANSMISSION SERVICE ..............................................151
ATTACHMENT B ........................................................................................................155
SERVICE ...................................................................................................................... 155
ATTACHMENT C........................................................................................................157
ATTACHMENT D........................................................................................................159
ATTACHMENT E ........................................................................................................160
ATTACHMENT F.........................................................................................................161
ATTACHMENT G........................................................................................................162
NETWORK OPERATING AGREEMENT........................................................................162
ATTACHMENT H........................................................................................................163
TRANSMISSION SERVICE ............................................................................................163
ATTACHMENT I..........................................................................................................164
ATTACHMENT J.........................................................................................................165
PROCEDURES FOR ADDRESSING PARALLEL FLOWS ................................................165
ATTACHMENT K........................................................................................................166
TRANSMISSION PLANNING PROCESS.........................................................................166
ATTACHMENT L ........................................................................................................168
CREDITWORTHINESS PROCEDURES ..........................................................................168
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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1 Definitions
1.1 Affiliate:
With respect to a corporation, partnership or other entity, each such other
corporation, partnership or other entity that directly or indirectly, through one
or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control
with, such corporation, partnership or other entity.
1.2 Ancillary Services:
Those services that are necessary to support the transmission of capacity and
energy from resources to loads while maintaining reliable operation of the
Transmission Provider's Transmission System in accordance with Good
Utility Practice.
1.3 Annual Transmission Costs:
The total annual cost of the Transmission System for purposes of Network
Integration Transmission Service shall be the amount specified in Attachment
H until amended by the Transmission Provider or modified by the
1.4 Application:
A request by an Eligible Customer for transmission service pursuant to the
provisions of the Tariff.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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1.5 Commission:
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
1.6 Completed Application:
An Application that satisfies all of the information and other requirements of
the Tariff, including any required deposit.
1.7 Control Area:
An electric power system or combination of electric power systems to which a
common automatic generation control scheme is applied in order to:
1. match, at all times, the power output of the generators within the
electric power system(s) and capacity and energy purchased from
entities outside the electric power system(s), with the load within the
electric power system(s);
2. maintain scheduled interchange with other Control Areas, within the
limits of Good Utility Practice;
3. maintain the frequency of the electric power system(s) within
reasonable limits in accordance with Good Utility Practice; and
4. provide sufficient generating capacity to maintain operating reserves in
accordance with Good Utility Practice.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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1.8 Curtailment:
A reduction in firm or non-firm transmission service in response to a transfer
capability shortage as a result of system reliability conditions.
1.9 Delivering Party:
The entity supplying capacity and energy to be transmitted at Point(s) of
1.10 Designated Agent:
Any entity that performs actions or functions on behalf of the Transmission
Provider, an Eligible Customer, or the Transmission Customer required under
the Tariff.
1.11 Direct Assignment Facilities:
Facilities or portions of facilities that are constructed by the Transmission
Provider for the sole use/benefit of a particular Transmission Customer
requesting service under the Tariff. Direct Assignment Facilities shall be
specified in the Service Agreement that governs service to the Transmission
Customer and shall be subject to Commission approval.
1.12 Eligible Customer:
i. Any electric utility (including the Transmission Provider and any
power marketer), Federal power marketing agency, or any person
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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generating electric energy for sale for resale is an Eligible Customer
under the Tariff. Electric energy sold or produced by such entity may
be electric energy produced in the United States, Canada or Mexico.
However, with respect to transmission service that the Commission is
prohibited from ordering by Section 212(h) of the Federal Power Act,
such entity is eligible only if the service is provided pursuant to a state
requirement that the Transmission Provider offer the unbundled
transmission service, or pursuant to a voluntary offer of such service by
the Transmission Provider.
ii. Any retail customer taking unbundled transmission service pursuant to
a state requirement that the Transmission Provider offer the
transmission service, or pursuant to a voluntary offer of such service by
the Transmission Provider, is an Eligible Customer under the Tariff.
1.13 Facilities Study:
An engineering study conducted by the Transmission Provider to determine
the required modifications to the Transmission Provider's Transmission
System, including the cost and scheduled completion date for such
modifications, that will be required to provide the requested transmission
1.14 Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Transmission Service under this Tariff that is reserved and/or scheduled
between specified Points of Receipt and Delivery pursuant to Part II of this
1.15 Good Utility Practice:
Any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant
portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period, or any of
the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment
in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been
expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with
good business practices, reliability, safety and expedition. Good Utility
Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method, or act
to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods, or
acts generally accepted in the region, including those practices required by
Federal Power Act section 215(a)(4).
1.16 Interruption:
A reduction in non-firm transmission service due to economic reasons
pursuant to Section 14.7.
1.17 Load Ratio Share:
Ratio of a Transmission Customer's Network Load to the Transmission
Provider's total load computed in accordance with Sections 34.2 and 34.3 of
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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the Network Integration Transmission Service under Part III of the Tariff and
calculated on a rolling twelve month basis.
1.18 Load Shedding:
The systematic reduction of system demand by temporarily decreasing load in
response to transmission system or area capacity shortages, system instability,
or voltage control considerations under Part III of the Tariff.
1.19 Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service under Part II of the Tariff with a
term of one year or more.
1.20 Native Load Customers:
The wholesale and retail power customers of the Transmission Provider on
whose behalf the Transmission Provider, by statute, franchise, regulatory
requirement, or contract, has undertaken an obligation to construct and operate
the Transmission Provider's system to meet the reliable electric needs of such
1.21 Network Customer:
An entity receiving transmission service pursuant to the terms of the
Transmission Provider's Network Integration Transmission Service under Part
III of the Tariff.
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1.22 Network Integration Transmission Service:
The transmission service provided under Part III of the Tariff.
1.23 Network Load:
The load that a Network Customer designates for Network Integration
Transmission Service under Part III of the Tariff. The Network Customer's
Network Load shall include all load served by the output of any Network
Resources designated by the Network Customer. A Network Customer may
elect to designate less than its total load as Network Load but may not
designate only part of the load at a discrete Point of Delivery. Where a
Eligible Customer has elected not to designate a particular load at discrete
points of delivery as Network Load, the Eligible Customer is responsible for
making separate arrangements under Part II of the Tariff for any Point-To-
Point Transmission Service that may be necessary for such non-designated
1.24 Network Operating Agreement:
An executed agreement that contains the terms and conditions under which the
Network Customer shall operate its facilities and the technical and operational
matters associated with the implementation of Network Integration
Transmission Service under Part III of the Tariff.
1.25 Network Operating Committee:
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A group made up of representatives from the Network Customer(s) and the
Transmission Provider established to coordinate operating criteria and other
technical considerations required for implementation of Network Integration
Transmission Service under Part III of this Tariff.
1.26 Network Resource:
Any designated generating resource owned, purchased or leased by a Network
Customer under the Network Integration Transmission Service Tariff.
Network Resources do not include any resource, or any portion thereof, that is
committed for sale to third parties or otherwise cannot be called upon to meet
the Network Customer's Network Load on a non-interruptible basis, except for
purposes of fulfilling obligations under a Commission
-approved reserve
sharing program.
1.27 Network Upgrades:
Modifications or additions to transmission-related facilities that are integrated
with and support the Transmission Provider's overall Transmission System for
the general benefit of all users of such Transmission System.
1.28 Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
Point-To-Point Transmission Service under the Tariff that is reserved and
scheduled on an as-available basis and is subject to Curtailment or
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Interruption as set forth in Section 14.7 under Part II of this Tariff. Non-Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service is available on a stand-alone basis for
periods ranging from one hour to one month.
1.29 Non-Firm Sale:
An energy sale for which receipt or delivery may be interrupted for any reason
or no reason, without liability on the part of either the buyer or seller.
1.30 Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS):
The information system and standards of conduct contained in Part 37 of the
Commission's regulations and all additional requirements implemented by
subsequent Commission orders dealing with OASIS.
1.31 Part I:
Tariff Definitions and Common Service Provisions contained in Sections 2
through 12.
1.32 Part II:
Tariff Sections 13 through 27 pertaining to Point-To-Point Transmission
Service in conjunction with the applicable Common Service Provisions of Part
I and appropriate Schedules and Attachments.
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1.33 Part III:
Tariff Sections 28 through 35 pertaining to Network Integration Transmission
Service in conjunction with the applicable Common Service Provisions of Part
I and appropriate Schedules and Attachments.
1.34 Parties:
The Transmission Provider and the Transmission Customer receiving service
under the Tariff.
1.35 Point(s) of Delivery:
Point(s) on the Transmission Provider's Transmission System where capacity
and energy transmitted by the Transmission Provider will be made available to
the Receiving Party under Part II of the Tariff. The Point(s) of Delivery shall
be specified in the Service Agreement for Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service.
1.36 Point(s) of Receipt:
Point(s) of interconnection on the Transmission Provider's Transmission
System where capacity and energy will be made available to the Transmission
Provider by the Delivering Party under Part II of the Tariff. The Point(s) of
Receipt shall be specified in the Service Agreement for Long-Term Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service.
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1.37 Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
The reservation and transmission of capacity and energy on either a firm or
non-firm basis from the Point(s) of Receipt to the Point(s) of Delivery under
Part II of the Tariff.
1.38 Power Purchaser:
The entity that is purchasing the capacity and energy to be transmitted under
the Tariff.
1.39 Pre-Confirmed Application:
An Application that commits the Eligible Customer to execute a Service
Agreement upon receipt of notification that the Transmission Provider can
provide the requested Transmission Service.
1.40 Receiving Party:
The entity receiving the capacity and energy transmitted by the Transmission
Provider to Point(s) of Delivery.
1.41 Regional Transmission Group (RTG):
A voluntary organization of transmission owners, transmission users and other
entities approved by the Commission to efficiently coordinate transmission
planning (and expansion), operation and use on a regional (and interregional)
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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1.42 Reserved Capacity:
The maximum amount of capacity and energy that the Transmission Provider
agrees to transmit for the Transmission Customer over the Transmission
Provider's Transmission System between the Point(s) of Receipt and the
Point(s) of Delivery under Part II of the Tariff. Reserved Capacity shall be
expressed in terms of whole megawatts on a sixty (60) minute interval
(commencing on the clock hour) basis.
1.43 Service Agreement:
The initial agreement and any amendments or supplements thereto entered
into by the Transmission Customer and the Transmission Provider for service
under the Tariff.
1.44 Service Commencement Date:
The date the Transmission Provider begins to provide service pursuant to the
terms of an executed Service Agreement, or the date the Transmission
Provider begins to provide service in accordance with Section 15.3 or Section
29.1 under the Tariff.
1.45 Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service under Part II of the Tariff with a
term of less than one year.
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1.46 System Condition
A specified condition on the Transmission Provider’s system or on a
neighboring system, such as a constrained transmission element or flowgate,
that may trigger Curtailment of Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission
Service using the curtailment priority pursuant to Section 13.6. Such
conditions must be identified in the Transmission Customer’s Service
1.47 System Impact Study:
An assessment by the Transmission Provider of (i) the adequacy of the
Transmission System to accommodate a request for either Firm Point-To-
Point Transmission Service or Network Integration Transmission Service and
(ii) whether any additional costs may be incurred in order to provide
transmission service.
1.48 Third-Party Sale:
Any sale for resale in interstate commerce to a Power Purchaser that is not
designated as part of Network Load under the Network Integration
Transmission Service.
1.49 Transmission Customer:
Any Eligible Customer (or its Designated Agent) that (i) executes a Service
Agreement, or (ii) requests in writing that the Transmission Provider file with
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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the Commission, a proposed unexecuted Service Agreement to receive
transmission service under Part II of the Tariff. This term is used in the Part I
Common Service Provisions to include customers receiving transmission
service under Part II and Part III of this Tariff.
1.50 Transmission Provider:
The public utility (or its Designated Agent) that owns, controls, or operates
facilities used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce
and provides transmission service under the Tariff.
1.51 Transmission Provider's Monthly Transmission System Peak:
The maximum firm usage of the Transmission Provider's Transmission
System in a calendar month.
1.52 Transmission Service:
Point-To-Point Transmission Service provided under Part II of the Tariff on a
firm and non-firm basis.
1.53 Transmission System:
The facilities owned, controlled or operated by the Transmission Provider that
are used to provide transmission service under Part II and Part III of the Tariff.
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2 Initial Allocation and Renewal Procedures
2.1 Initial Allocation of Available Transfer Capability:
For purposes of determining whether existing capability on the Transmission
Provider's Transmission System is adequate to accommodate a request for
firm service under this Tariff, all Completed Applications for new firm
transmission service received during the initial sixty (60) day period
commencing with the effective date of the Tariff will be deemed to have been
filed simultaneously. A lottery system conducted by an independent party
shall be used to assign priorities for Completed Applications filed
simultaneously. All Completed Applications for firm transmission service
received after the initial sixty (60) day period shall be assigned a priority
pursuant to Section 13.2.
2.2 Reservation Priority For Existing Firm Service Customers:
Existing firm service customers (wholesale requirements and transmission-
only, with a contract term of five years or more), have the right to continue to
take transmission service from the Transmission Provider when the contract
expires, rolls over or is renewed. This transmission reservation priority is
independent of whether the existing customer continues to purchase capacity
and energy from the Transmission Provider or elects to purchase capacity and
energy from another supplier. If at the end of the contract term, the
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Transmission Provider's Transmission System cannot accommodate all of the
requests for transmission service, the existing firm service customer must
agree to accept a contract term at least equal to the longe
st a competing
request by any new Eligible Customer and to pay the current just and
reasonable rate, as approved by the Commission, for such service; provided
that, the firm service customer shall have a right of first refusal at the end of
such service only if the new contract is for five years or more. The existing
firm service customer must provide notice to the Transmission Provider
whether it will exercise its right of first refusal no less than one year prior to
the expiration date of its transmission service agreement. This transmission
reservation priority for existing firm service customers is an ongoing right that
may be exercised at the end of all firm contract terms of five years or longer.
Service agreements subject to a right of first refusal entered into prior to [the
date of the Transmission Provider’s filing adopting the reformed rollover
language herein in compliance with Order No. 890] or associated with a
transmission service request received prior to July 13, 2007, unless
terminated, will become subject to the five year/one year requirement on the
first rollover date after [the date of the Transmission Provider’s filing adopting
the reformed rollover language herein in compliance with Order No. 890];
provided that, the one-year notice requirement shall apply to such service
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agreements with five years or more left in their terms as of the [date of the
Transmission Provider’s filing adopting the reformed rollover language herein
in compliance with Order No. 890].
3 Ancillary Services
Ancillary Services are needed with transmission service to maintain
reliability within and among the Control Areas affected by the transmission
service. The Transmission Provider is required to provide (or offer to arrange with
the local Control Area operator as discussed below), and the Transmission
Customer is required to purchase, the following Ancillary Services (i) Scheduling,
System Control and Dispatch, and (ii) Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from
Generation or Other Sources.
The Transmission Provider is required to offer to provide (or offer to
arrange with the local Control Area operator as discussed below) the following
Ancillary Services only to the Transmission Customer serving load within the
Transmission Provider's Control Area (i) Regulation and Frequency Response, (ii)
Energy Imbalance, (iii) Operating Reserve - Spinning, and (iv) Operating Reserve
- Supplemental. The Transmission Customer serving load within the
Transmission Provider's Control Area is required to acquire these Ancillary
Services, whether from the Transmission Provider, from a third party, or by self-
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The Transmission Provider is required to provide (or offer to arrange with
the local Control Area Operator as discussed below), to the extent it is physically
feasible to do so from its resources or from resources available to it, Generator
Imbalance Service when Transmission Service is used to deliver energy from a
generator located within its Control Area. The Transmission Customer using
Transmission Service to deliver energy from a generator located within the
Transmission Provider’s Control Area is required to acquire Generator Imbalance
Service, whether from the Transmission Provider, from a third party, or by self-
The Transmission Customer may not decline the Transmission Provider's
offer of Ancillary Services unless it demonstrates that it has acquired the Ancillary
Services from another source. The Transmission Customer must list in its
Application which Ancillary Services it will purchase from the Transmission
Provider. A Transmission Customer that exceeds its firm reserved capacity at any
Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery or an Eligible Customer that uses
Transmission Service at a Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery that it has not
reserved is required to pay for all of the Ancillary Services identified in this
section that were provided by the Transmission Provider associated with the
unreserved service. The Transmission Customer or Eligible Customer will pay for
Ancillary Services based on the amount of transmission service it used but did not
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If the Transmission Provider is a public utility providing transmission
service but is not a Control Area operator, it may be unable to provide some or all
of the Ancillary Services. In this case, the Transmission Provider can fulfill its
obligation to provide Ancillary Services by acting as the Transmission Customer's
agent to secure these Ancillary Services from the Control Area operator. The
Transmission Customer may elect to (i) have the Transmission Provider act as its
agent, (ii) secure the Ancillary Services directly from the Control Area operator, or
(iii) secure the Ancillary Services (discussed in Schedules 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9) from a
third party or by self-supply when technically feasible.
The Transmission Provider shall specify the rate treatment and all related
terms and conditions in the event of an unauthorized use of Ancillary Services by
the Transmission Customer.
The specific Ancillary Services, prices and/or compensation methods are
described on the Schedules that are attached to and made a part of the Tariff.
Three principal requirements apply to discounts for Ancillary Services provided
by the Transmission Provider in conjunction with its provision of transmission
service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by the Transmission Provider
must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2)
any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one's
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wholesale merchant or an Affiliate's use) must occur solely by posting on the
OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted
on the OASIS. A discount agreed upon for an Ancillary Service must be offered
for the same period to all Eligible Customers on the Transmission Provider's
system. Sections 3.1 through 3.7 below list the seven Ancillary Services.
3.1 Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service:
The rates and/or methodology are described in Schedule 1.
3.2 Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other
Sources Service:
The rates and/or methodology are described in Schedule 2.
3.3 Regulation and Frequency Response Service:
Where applicable the rates and/or methodology are described in Schedule 3.
3.4 Energy Imbalance Service:
Where applicable the rates and/or methodology are described in Schedule 4.
3.5 Operating Reserve - Spinning Reserve Service:
Where applicable the rates and/or methodology are described in Schedule 5.
3.6 Operating Reserve - Supplemental Reserve Service:
Where applicable the rates and/or methodology are described in Schedule 6.
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3.7 Generator Imbalance Service:
Where applicable the rates and/or methodology are described in Schedule 9.
4 Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS)
Terms and conditions regarding Open Access Same-Time Information
System and standards of conduct are set forth in 18 CFR § 37 of the Commission's
regulations (Open Access Same-Time Information System and Standards of
Conduct for Public Utilities) and 18 C.F.R. § 38 of the Commission’s regulations
(Business Practice Standards and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities).
In the event available transfer capability as posted on the OASIS is insufficient to
accommodate a request for firm transmission service, additional studies may be
required as provided by this Tariff pursuant to Sections 19 and 32.
The Transmission Provider shall post on OASIS and its public website an
electronic link to all rules, standards and practices that (i) relate to the terms and
conditions of transmission service, (ii) are not subject to a North American Energy
Standards Board (NAESB) copyright restriction, and (iii) are not otherwise
included in this Tariff. The Transmission Provider shall post on OASIS and on its
public website an electronic link to the NAESB website where any rules, standards
and practices that are protected by copyright may be obtained. The Transmission
Provider shall also post on OASIS and its public website an electronic link to a
statement of the process by which the Transmission Provider shall add, delete or
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otherwise modify the rules, standards and practices that are not included in this
tariff. Such process shall set forth the means by which the Transmission Provider
shall provide reasonable advance notice to Transmission Customers and Eligible
Customers of any such additions, deletions or modifications, the associated
effective date, and any additional implementation procedures that the
Transmission Provider deems appropriate.
5 Local Furnishing Bonds
5.1 Transmission Providers That Own Facilities Financed by Local
Furnishing Bonds:
This provision is applicable only to Transmission Providers that have financed
facilities for the local furnishing of electric energy with tax-exempt bonds, as
described in Section 142(f) of the Internal Revenue Code ("local furnishing
bonds"). Notwithstanding any other provision of this Tariff, the Transmission
Provider shall not be required to provide transmission service to any Eligible
Customer pursuant to this Tariff if the provision of such transmission service
would jeopardize the tax-exempt status of any local furnishing bond(s) used to
finance the Transmission Provider's facilities that would be used in providing
such transmission service.
5.2 Alternative Procedures for Requesting Transmission Service:
(i) If the Transmission Provider determines that the provision of
transmission service requested by an Eligible Customer would
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jeopardize the tax-exempt status of any local furnishing bond(s)
used to finance its facilities that would be used in providing such
transmission service, it shall advise the Eligible Customer within
thirty (30) days of receipt of the Completed Application.
(ii) If the Eligible Customer thereafter renews its request for the same
transmission service referred to in (i) by tendering an application
under Section 211 of the Federal Power Act, the Transmission
Provider, within ten (10) days of receiving a copy of the Section
211 application, will waive its rights to a request for service under
Section 213(a) of the Federal Power Act and to the issuance of a
proposed order under Section 212(c) of the Federal Power Act.
The Commission, upon receipt of the Transmission Provider's
waiver of its rights to a request for service under Section 213(a)
of the Federal Power Act and to the issuance of a proposed order
under Section 212(c) of the Federal Power Act, shall issue an
order under Section 211 of the Federal Power Act. Upon issuance
of the order under Section 211 of the Federal Power Act, the
Transmission Provider shall be required to provide the requested
transmission service in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this Tariff.
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6 Reciprocity
A Transmission Customer receiving transmission service under this Tariff
agrees to provide comparable transmission service that it is capable of providing to
the Transmission Provider on similar terms and conditions over facilities used for
the transmission of electric energy owned, controlled or operated by the
Transmission Customer and over facilities used for the transmission of electric
energy owned, controlled or operated by the Transmission Customer's corporate
Affiliates. A Transmission Customer that is a member of, or takes transmission
service from, a power pool, Regional Transmission Group, Regional Transmission
Organization (RTO), Independent System Operator (ISO) or other transmission
organization approved by the Commission for the operation of transmission
facilities also agrees to provide comparable transmission service to the
transmission-owning members of such power pool and Regional Transmission
Group, RTO, ISO or other transmission organization on similar terms and
conditions over facilities used for the transmission of electric energy owned,
controlled or operated by the Transmission Customer and over facilities used for
the transmission of electric energy owned, controlled or operated by the
Transmission Customer's corporate Affiliates.
This reciprocity requirement applies not only to the Transmission Customer
that obtains transmission service under the Tariff, but also to all parties to a
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transaction that involves the use of transmission service under the Tariff, including
the power seller, buyer and any intermediary, such as a power marketer. This
reciprocity requirement also applies to any Eligible Customer that owns, controls
or operates transmission facilities that uses an intermediary, such as a power
marketer, to request transmission service under the Tariff. If the Transmission
Customer does not own, control or operate transmission facilities, it must include
in its Application a sworn statement of one of its duly authorized officers or other
representatives that the purpose of its Application is not to assist an Eligible
Customer to avoid the requirements of this provision.
7 Billing and Payment
7.1 Billing Procedure:
Within a reasonable time after the first day of each month, the Transmission
Provider shall submit an invoice to the Transmission Customer for the charges
for all services furnished under the Tariff during the preceding month. The
invoice shall be paid by the Transmission Customer within twenty (20) days
of receipt. All payments shall be made in immediately available funds
payable to the Transmission Provider, or by wire transfer to a bank named by
the Transmission Provider.
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7.2 Interest on Unpaid Balances:
Interest on any unpaid amounts (including amounts placed in escrow) shall be
calculated in accordance with the methodology specified for interest on
refunds in the Commission's regulations at 18 C.F.R. 35.19a(a)(2)(iii).
Interest on delinquent amounts shall be calculated from the due date of the bill
to the date of payment. When payments are made by mail, bills shall be
considered as having been paid on the date of receipt by the Transmission
7.3 Customer Default:
In the event the Transmission Customer fails, for any reason other than a
billing dispute as described below, to make payment to the Transmission
Provider on or before the due date as described above, and such failure of
payment is not corrected within thirty (30) calendar days after the
Transmission Provider notifies the Transmission Customer to cure such
failure, a default by the Transmission Customer shall be deemed to exist.
Upon the occurrence of a default, the Transmission Provider may initiate a
proceeding with the Commission to terminate service but shall not terminate
service until the Commission so approves any such request. In the event of a
billing dispute between the Transmission Provider and the Transmission
Customer, the Transmission Provider will continue to provide service under
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the Service Agreement as long as the Transmission Customer (i) continues to
make all payments not in dispute, and (ii) pays into an independent escrow
account the portion of the invoice in dispute, pending resolution of such
dispute. If the Transmission Customer fails to meet these two requirements
for continuation of service, then the Transmission Provider may provide
notice to the Transmission Customer of its intention to suspend service in
sixty (60) days, in accordance with Commission policy.
8 Accounting for the Transmission Provider's Use of the Tariff
The Transmission Provider shall record the following amounts, as outlined
8.1 Transmission Revenues:
Include in a separate operating revenue account or subaccount the revenues it
receives from Transmission Service when making Third-Party Sales under
Part II of the Tariff.
8.2 Study Costs and Revenues:
Include in a separate transmission operating expense account or subaccount,
costs properly chargeable to expense that are incurred to perform any System
Impact Studies or Facilities Studies which the Transmission Provider conducts
to determine if it must construct new transmission facilities or upgrades
necessary for its own uses, including making Third-Party Sales under the
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Tariff; and include in a separate operating revenue account or subaccount the
revenues received for System Impact Studies or Facilities Studies performed
when such amounts are separately stated and identified in the Transmission
Customer's billing under the Tariff.
9 Regulatory Filings
Nothing contained in the Tariff or any Service Agreement shall be
construed as affecting in any way the right of the Transmission Provider to
unilaterally make application to the Commission for a change in rates, terms and
conditions, charges, classification of service, Service Agreement, rule or
regulation under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act and pursuant to the
Commission's rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
Nothing contained in the Tariff or any Service Agreement shall be
construed as affecting in any way the ability of any Party receiving service under
the Tariff to exercise its rights under the Federal Power Act and pursuant to the
Commission's rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
10 Force Majeure and Indemnification
10.1 Force Majeure:
An event of Force Majeure means any act of God, labor disturbance, act of the
public enemy, war, insurrection, riot, fire, storm or flood, explosion, breakage
or accident to machinery or equipment, any Curtailment, order, regulation or
restriction imposed by governmental military or lawfully established civilian
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authorities, or any other cause beyond a Party’s control. A Force Majeure
event does not include an act of negligence or intentional wrongdoing.
Neither the Transmission Provider nor the Transmission Customer will be
considered in default as to any obligation under this Tariff if prevented from
fulfilling the obligation due to an event of Force Majeure. However, a Party
whose performance under this Tariff is hindered by an event of Force Majeure
shall make all reasonable efforts to perform its obligations under this Tariff.
10.2 Indemnification:
The Transmission Customer shall at all times indemnify, defend, and save the
Transmission Provider harmless from, any and all damages, losses, claims,
including claims and actions relating to injury to or death of any person or
damage to property, demands, suits, recoveries, costs and expenses, court
costs, attorney fees, and all other obligations by or to third parties, arising out
of or resulting from the Transmission Provider’s performance of its
obligations under this Tariff on behalf of the Transmission Customer, except
in cases of negligence or intentional wrongdoing by the Transmission
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11 Creditworthiness
The Transmission Provider will specify its Creditworthiness procedures in
Attachment L.
12 Dispute Resolution Procedures
12.1 Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures:
Any dispute between a Transmission Customer and the Transmission Provider
involving transmission service under the Tariff (excluding applications for
rate changes or other changes to the Tariff, or to any Service Agreement
entered into under the Tariff, which shall be presented directly to the
Commission for resolution) shall be referred to a designated senior
representative of the Transmission Provider and a senior representative of the
Transmission Customer for resolution on an informal basis as promptly as
practicable. In the event the designated representatives are unable to resolve
the dispute within thirty (30) days [or such other period as the Parties may
agree upon] by mutual agreement, such dispute may be submitted to
arbitration and resolved in accordance with the arbitration procedures set forth
12.2 External Arbitration Procedures:
Any arbitration initiated under the Tariff shall be conducted before a single
neutral arbitrator appointed by the Parties. If the Parties fail to agree upon a
single arbitrator within ten (10) days of the referral of the dispute to
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arbitration, each Party shall choose one arbitrator who shall sit on a three-
member arbitration panel. The two arbitrators so chosen shall within twenty
(20) days select a third arbitrator to chair the arbitration panel. In either case,
the arbitrators shall be knowledgeable in electric utility matters, including
electric transmission and bulk power issues, and shall not have any current or
past substantial business or financial relationships with any party to the
arbitration (except prior arbitration). The arbitrator(s) shall provide each of
the Parties an opportunity to be heard and, except as otherwise provided
herein, shall generally conduct the arbitration in accordance with the
Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association and
any applicable Commission regulations or Regional Transmission Group
12.3 Arbitration Decisions:
Unless otherwise agreed, the arbitrator(s) shall render a decision within ninety
(90) days of appointment and shall notify the Parties in writing of such
decision and the reasons therefor. The arbitrator(s) shall be authorized only to
interpret and apply the provisions of the Tariff and any Service Agreement
entered into under the Tariff and shall have no power to modify or change any
of the above in any manner. The decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and
binding upon the Parties, and judgment on the award may be entered in any
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court having jurisdiction. The decision of the arbitrator(s) may be appealed
solely on the grounds that the conduct of the arbitrator(s), or the decision
itself, violated the standards set forth in the Federal Arbitration Act and/or the
Administrative Dispute Resolution Act. The final decision of the arbitrator
must also be filed with the Commission if it affects jurisdictional rates, terms
and conditions of service or facilities.
12.4 Costs:
Each Party shall be responsible for its own costs incurred during the
arbitration process and for the following costs, if applicable:
1. the cost of the arbitrator chosen by the Party to sit on the three member
panel and one half of the cost of the third arbitrator chosen; or
2. one half the cost of the single arbitrator jointly chosen by the Parties.
12.5 Rights Under The Federal Power Act:
Nothing in this section shall restrict the rights of any party to file a Complaint
with the Commission under relevant provisions of the Federal Power Act.
The Transmission Provider will provide Firm and Non-Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions of this Tariff.
Point-To-Point Transmission Service is for the receipt of capacity and energy at
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designated Point(s) of Receipt and the transfer of such capacity and energy to designated
Point(s) of Delivery.
13 Nature of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
13.1 Term:
The minimum term of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be one
day and the maximum term shall be specified in the Service Agreement.
13.2 Reservation Priority:
(i) Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be
available on a first-come, first-served basis, i.e.
, in the
chronological sequence in which each Transmission Customer has
requested service.
(ii) Reservations for Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service will be conditional based upon the length of the requested
transaction or reservation. However, Pre-Confirmed Applications
for Short-Term Point-to-Point Transmission Service will receive
priority over earlier-submitted requests that are not Pre-
Confirmed and that have equal or shorter duration. Among
requests or reservations with the same duration and, as relevant,
pre-confirmation status (pre-confirmed, confirmed, or not
confirmed), priority will be given to an Eligible Customer’s
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request or reservation that offers the highest price, followed by
the date and time of the request or reservation.
(iii) If the Transmission System becomes oversubscribed, requests for
service may preempt competing reservations up to the following
conditional reservation deadlines: one day before the
commencement of daily service, one week before the
commencement of weekly service, and one month before the
commencement of monthly service. Before the conditional
reservation deadline, if available transfer capability is insufficient
to satisfy all requests and reservations, an Eligible Customer with
a reservation for shorter term service or equal duration service
and lower price has the right of first refusal to match any longer
term request or equal duration service with a higher price before
losing its reservation priority. A longer term competing request
for Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will be
granted if the Eligible Customer with the right of first refusal does
not agree to match the competing request within 24 hours (or
earlier if necessary to comply with the scheduling deadlines
provided in section 13.8) from being notified by the Transmission
Provider of a longer-term competing request for Short-Term Firm
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Point-To-Point Transmission Service. When a longer duration
request preempts multiple shorter duration reservations, the
shorter duration reservations shall have simultaneous
opportunities to exercise the right of first refusal. Duration, price
and time of response will be used to determine the order by which
the multiple shorter duration reservations will be able to exercise
the right of first refusal. After the conditional reservation
deadline, service will commence pursuant to the terms of Part II
of the Tariff.
(iv) Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will always have a
reservation priority over Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service under the Tariff. All Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service will have equal reservation priority with
Native Load Customers and Network Customers. Reservation
priorities for existing firm service customers are provided in
Section 2.2.
13.3 Use of Firm Transmission Service by the Transmission Provider:
The Transmission Provider will be subject to the rates, terms and conditions of
Part II of the Tariff when making Third-Party Sales under (i) agreements
executed on or after [insert date sixty (60) days after publication in Federal
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Register] or (ii) agreements executed prior to the aforementioned date that the
Commission requires to be unbundled, by the date specified by the
Commission. The Transmission Provider will maintain separate accounting,
pursuant to Section 8, for any use of the Point-To-Point Transmission Service
to make Third-Party Sales.
13.4 Service Agreements:
The Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service Agreement (Attachment A) to an Eligible Customer
when it submits a Completed Application for Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service. The Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service Agreement (Attachment A) to an
Eligible Customer when it first submits a Completed Application for Short-
Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service pursuant to the Tariff.
Executed Service Agreements that contain the information required under the
Tariff shall be filed with the Commission in compliance with applicable
Commission regulations. An Eligible Customer that uses Transmission
Service at a Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery that it has not reserved and
that has not executed a Service Agreement will be deemed, for purposes of
assessing any appropriate charges and penalties, to have executed the
appropriate Service Agreement. The Service Agreement shall, when
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applicable, specify any conditional curtailment options selected by the
Transmission Customer. Where the Service Agreement contains conditional
curtailment options and is subject to a biennial reassessment as described in
Section 15.4, the Transmission Provider shall provide the Transmission
Customer notice of any changes to the curtailment conditions no less than 90
days prior to the date for imposition of new curtailment conditions.
Concurrent with such notice, the Transmission Provider shall provide the
Transmission Customer with the reassessment study and a narrative
description of the study, including the reasons for changes to the number of
hours per year or System Conditions under which conditional curtailment may
13.5 Transmission Customer Obligations for Facility Additions or
Redispatch Costs:
In cases where the Transmission Provider determines that the Transmission
System is not capable of providing Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
without (1) degrading or impairing the reliability of service to Native Load
Customers, Network Customers and other Transmission Customers taking
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service, or (2) interfering with the
Transmission Provider's ability to meet prior firm contractual commitments to
others, the Transmission Provider will be obligated to expand or upgrade its
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Transmission System pursuant to the terms of Section 15.4. The Transmission
Customer must agree to compensate the Transmission Provider for any
necessary transmission facility additions pursuant to the terms of Section 27.
To the extent the Transmission Provider can relieve any system constraint by
redispatching the Transmission Provider's resources, it shall do so, provided
that the Eligible Customer agrees to compensate the Transmission Provider
pursuant to the terms of Section 27 and agrees to either (i) compensate the
Transmission Provider for any necessary transmission facility additions or (ii)
accept the service subject to a biennial reassessment by the Transmission
Provider of redispatch requirements as described in Section 15.4. Any
redispatch, Network Upgrade or Direct Assignment Facilities costs to be
charged to the Transmission Customer on an incremental basis under the
Tariff will be specified in the Service Agreement prior to initiating service.
13.6 Curtailment of Firm Transmission Service:
In the event that a Curtailment on the Transmission Provider's Transmission
System, or a portion thereof, is required to maintain reliable operation of such
system and the system directly and indirectly interconnected with
Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, Curtailments will be made on
a non-discriminatory basis to the transaction(s) that effectively relieve the
constraint. Transmission Provider may elect to implement such Curtailments
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pursuant to the Transmission Loading Relief procedures specified in
Attachment J. If multiple transactions require Curtailment, to the extent
practicable and consistent with Good Utility Practice, the Transmission
Provider will curtail service to Network Customers and Transmission
Customers taking Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service on a basis
comparable to the curtailment of service to the Transmission Provider's Native
Load Customers. All Curtailments will be made on a non-discriminatory
basis, however, Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be
subordinate to Firm Transmission Service. Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point
Service subject to conditions described in Section 15.4 shall be curtailed with
secondary service in cases where the conditions apply, but otherwise will be
curtailed on a pro rata basis with other Firm Transmission Service. When the
Transmission Provider determines that an electrical emergency exists on its
Transmission System and implements emergency procedures to Curtail Firm
Transmission Service, the Transmission Customer shall make the required
reductions upon request of the Transmission Provider. However, the
Transmission Provider reserves the right to Curtail, in whole or in part, any
Firm Transmission Service provided under the Tariff when, in the
Transmission Provider's sole discretion, an emergency or other unforeseen
condition impairs or degrades the reliability of its Transmission System. The
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Transmission Provider will notify all affected Transmission Customers in a
timely manner of any scheduled Curtailments.
13.7 Classification of Firm Transmission Service:
(a) The Transmission Customer taking Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service may (1) change its Receipt and Delivery
Points to obtain service on a non-firm basis consistent with the
terms of Section 22.1 or (2) request a modification of the Points
of Receipt or Delivery on a firm basis pursuant to the terms of
Section 22.2.
(b) The Transmission Customer may purchase transmission service to
make sales of capacity and energy from multiple generating units
that are on the Transmission Provider's Transmission System. For
such a purchase of transmission service, the resources will be
designated as multiple Points of Receipt, unless the multiple
generating units are at the same generating plant in which case the
units would be treated as a single Point of Receipt.
(c) The Transmission Provider shall provide firm deliveries of
capacity and energy from the Point(s) of Receipt to the Point(s) of
Delivery. Each Point of Receipt at which firm transmission
capacity is reserved by the Transmission Customer shall be set
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forth in the Firm Point-To-Point Service Agreement for Long-
Term Firm Transmission Service along with a corresponding
capacity reservation associated with each Point of Receipt. Points
of Receipt and corresponding capacity reservations shall be as
mutually agreed upon by the Parties for Short-Term Firm
Transmission. Each Point of Delivery at which firm transfer
capability is reserved by the Transmission Customer shall be set
forth in the Firm Point-To-Point Service Agreement for Long-
Term Firm Transmission Service along with a corresponding
capacity reservation associated with each Point of Delivery.
Points of Delivery and corresponding capacity reservations shall
be as mutually agreed upon by the Parties for Short-Term Firm
Transmission. The greater of either (1) the sum of the capacity
reservations at the Point(s) of Receipt, or (2) the sum of the
capacity reservations at the Point(s) of Delivery shall be the
Transmission Customer's Reserved Capacity. The Transmission
Customer will be billed for its Reserved Capacity under the terms
of Schedule 7. The Transmission Customer may not exceed its
firm capacity reserved at each Point of Receipt and each Point of
Delivery except as otherwise specified in Section 22. The
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Transmission Provider shall specify the rate treatment and all
related terms and conditions applicable in the event that a
Transmission Customer (including Third-Party Sales by the
Transmission Provider) exceeds its firm reserved capacity at any
Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery or uses Transmission
Service at a Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery that it has not
13.8 Scheduling of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
Schedules for the Transmission Customer's Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service must be submitted to the Transmission Provider no later than 10:00
a.m. [or a reasonable time that is generally accepted in the region and is
consistently adhered to by the Transmission Provider] of the day prior to
commencement of such service. Schedules submitted after 10:00 a.m. will be
accommodated, if practicable. Hour-to-hour schedules of any capacity and
energy that is to be delivered must be stated in increments of 1,000 kW per
hour [or a reasonable increment that is generally accepted in the region and is
consistently adhered to by the Transmission Provider]. Transmission
Customers within the Transmission Provider's service area with multiple
requests for Transmission Service at a Point of Receipt, each of which is under
1,000 kW per hour, may consolidate their service requests at a common point
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 52 -
of receipt into units of 1,000 kW per hour for scheduling and billing purposes.
Scheduling changes will be permitted up to twenty (20) minutes
[or a
reasonable time that is generally accepted in the region and is consistently
adhered to by the Transmission Provider] before the start of the next clock
hour provided that the Delivering Party and Receiving Party also agree to the
schedule modification. The Transmission Provider will furnish to the
Delivering Party's system operator, hour-to-hour schedules equal to those
furnished by the Receiving Party (unless reduced for losses) and shall deliver
the capacity and energy provided by such schedules. Should the Transmission
Customer, Delivering Party or Receiving Party revise or terminate any
schedule, such party shall immediately notify the Transmission Provider, and
the Transmission Provider shall have the right to adjust accordingly the
schedule for capacity and energy to be received and to be delivered.
14 Nature of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
14.1 Term:
Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will be available for periods
ranging from one (1) hour to one (1) month. However, a Purchaser of Non-
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service will be entitled to reserve a
sequential term of service (such as a sequential monthly term without having
to wait for the initial term to expire before requesting another monthly term)
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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so that the total time period for which the reservation applies is greater than
one month, subject to the requirements of Section 18.3.
14.2 Reservation Priority:
Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be available from
transfer capability in excess of that needed for reliable service to Native Load
Customers, Network Customers and other Transmission Customers taking
Long-Term and Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service. A
higher priority will be assigned first to requests or reservations with a longer
duration of service and second to Pre-Confirmed Applications. In the event
the Transmission System is constrained, competing requests of the same Pre-
Confirmation status and equal duration will be prioritized based on the highest
price offered by the Eligible Customer for the Transmission Service. Eligible
Customers that have already reserved shorter term service have the right of
first refusal to match any longer term request before being preempted. A
longer term competing request for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service will be granted if the Eligible Customer with the right of first refusal
does not agree to match the competing request: (a) immediately for hourly
Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service after notification by the
Transmission Provider; and, (b) within 24 hours (or earlier if necessary to
comply with the scheduling deadlines provided in section 14.6) for Non-Firm
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Point-To-Point Transmission Service other than hourly transactions after
notification by the Transmission Provider. Transmission service for Network
Customers from resources other than designated Network Resources will have
a higher priority than any Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service.
Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service over secondary Point(s) of
Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery will have the lowest reservation priority
under the Tariff.
14.3 Use of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service by the
Transmission Provider:
The Transmission Provider will be subject to the rates, terms and conditions of
Part II of the Tariff when making Third-Party Sales under (i) agreements
executed on or after [insert date sixty (60) days after publication in Federal
Register] or (ii) agreements executed prior to the aforementioned date that the
Commission requires to be unbundled, by the date specified by the
Commission. The Transmission Provider will maintain separate accounting,
pursuant to Section 8, for any use of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service to make Third-Party Sales.
14.4 Service Agreements:
The Transmission Provider shall offer a standard form Non-Firm Point-To-
Point Transmission Service Agreement (Attachment B) to an Eligible
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Customer when it first submits a Completed Application for Non-Firm Point-
To-Point Transmission Service pursuant to the Tariff. Executed Service
Agreements that contain the information required under the Tariff shall be
filed with the Commission in compliance with applicable Commission
14.5 Classification of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be offered under terms
and conditions contained in Part II of the Tariff. The Transmission Provider
undertakes no obligation under the Tariff to plan its Transmission System in
order to have sufficient capacity for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service. Parties requesting Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
for the transmission of firm power do so with the full realization that such
service is subject to availability and to Curtailment or Interruption under the
terms of the Tariff. The Transmission Provider shall specify the rate treatment
and all related terms and conditions applicable in the event that a
Transmission Customer (including Third-Party Sales by the Transmission
Provider) exceeds its non-firm capacity reservation. Non-Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service shall include transmission of energy on an hourly basis
and transmission of scheduled short-term capacity and energy on a daily,
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 56 -
weekly or monthly basis, but not to exceed one month's reservation for any
one Application, under Schedule 8.
14.6 Scheduling of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
Schedules for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service must be
submitted to the Transmission Provider no later than 2:00 p.m.
[or a
reasonable time that is generally accepted in the region and is consistently
adhered to by the Transmission Provider] of the day prior to commencement
of such service. Schedules submitted after 2:00 p.m. will be accommodated, if
practicable. Hour-to-hour schedules of energy that is to be delivered must be
stated in increments of 1,000 kW per hour [or a reasonable increment that is
generally accepted in the region and is consistently adhered to by the
Transmission Provider]. Transmission Customers within the Transmission
Provider's service area with multiple requests for Transmission Service at a
Point of Receipt, each of which is under 1,000 kW per hour, may consolidate
their schedules at a common Point of Receipt into units of 1,000 kW per hour.
Scheduling changes will be permitted up to twenty (20) minutes
[or a
reasonable time that is generally accepted in the region and is consistently
adhered to by the Transmission Provider] before the start of the next clock
hour provided that the Delivering Party and Receiving Party also agree to the
schedule modification. The Transmission Provider will furnish to the
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 57 -
Delivering Party's system operator, hour-to-hour schedules equal to those
furnished by the Receiving Party (unless reduced for losses) and shall deliver
the capacity and energy provided by such schedules. Should the Transmission
Customer, Delivering Party or Receiving Party revise or terminate any
schedule, such party shall immediately notify the Transmission Provider, and
the Transmission Provider shall have the right to adjust accordingly the
schedule for capacity and energy to be received and to be delivered.
14.7 Curtailment or Interruption of Service:
The Transmission Provider reserves the right to Curtail, in whole or in part,
Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service provided under the Tariff for
reliability reasons when an emergency or other unforeseen condition threatens
to impair or degrade the reliability of its Transmission System or the systems
directly and indirectly interconnected with Transmission Provider’s
Transmission System. Transmission Provider may elect to implement such
Curtailments pursuant to the Transmission Loading Relief procedures
specified in Attachment J. The Transmission Provider reserves the right to
Interrupt, in whole or in part, Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
provided under the Tariff for economic reasons in order to accommodate (1) a
request for Firm Transmission Service, (2) a request for Non-Firm Point-To-
Point Transmission Service of greater duration, (3) a request for Non-Firm
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 58 -
Point-To-Point Transmission Service of equal duration with a higher price, (4)
transmission service for Network Customers from non-designated resources,
or (5) transmission service for Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
during conditional curtailment periods as described in Section 15.4. The
Transmission Provider also will discontinue or reduce service to the
Transmission Customer to the extent that deliveries for transmission are
discontinued or reduced at the Point(s) of Receipt. Where required,
Curtailments or Interruptions will be made on a non-discriminatory basis to
the transaction(s) that effectively relieve the constraint, however, Non-Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be subordinate to Firm
Transmission Service. If multiple transactions require Curtailment or
Interruption, to the extent practicable and consistent with Good Utility
Practice, Curtailments or Interruptions will be made to transactions of the
shortest term (e.g.
, hourly non-firm transactions will be Curtailed or
Interrupted before daily non-firm transactions and daily non-firm transactions
will be Curtailed or Interrupted before weekly non-firm transactions).
Transmission service for Network Customers from resources other than
designated Network Resources will have a higher priority than any Non-Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service under the Tariff. Non-Firm Point-To-
Point Transmission Service over secondary Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Delivery will have a lower priority than any Non-Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service under the Tariff. The Transmission Provider will
provide advance notice of Curtailment or Interruption where such notice can
be provided consistent with Good Utility Practice.
15 Service Availability
15.1 General Conditions:
The Transmission Provider will provide Firm and Non-Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service over, on or across its Transmission System to any
Transmission Customer that has met the requirements of Section 16.
15.2 Determination of Available Transfer Capability:
A description of the Transmission Provider's specific methodology for
assessing available transfer capability posted on the Transmission Provider's
OASIS (Section 4) is contained in Attachment C of the Tariff. In the event
sufficient transfer capability may not exist to accommodate a service request,
the Transmission Provider will respond by performing a System Impact Study.
15.3 Initiating Service in the Absence of an Executed Service
If the Transmission Provider and the Transmission Customer requesting Firm
or Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service cannot agree on all the
terms and conditions of the Point-To-Point Service Agreement, the
Transmission Provider shall file with the Commission, within thirty (30) days
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 60 -
after the date the Transmission Customer provides written notification
directing the Transmission Provider to file, an unexecuted Point-To-Point
Service Agreement containing terms and conditions deemed appropriate by
the Transmission Provider for such requested Transmission Service. The
Transmission Provider shall commence providing Transmission Service
subject to the Transmission Customer agreeing to (i) compensate the
Transmission Provider at whatever rate the Commission ultimately determines
to be just and reasonable, and (ii) comply with the terms and conditions of the
Tariff including posting appropriate security deposits in accordance with the
terms of Section 17.3.
15.4 Obligation to Provide Transmission Service that Requires
Expansion or Modification of the Transmission System, Redispatch
or Conditional Curtailment:
(a) If the Transmission Provider determines that it cannot
accommodate a Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service because of insufficient capability on its
Transmission System, the Transmission Provider will use due
diligence to expand or modify its Transmission System to provide
the requested Firm Transmission Service, consistent with its
planning obligations in Attachment K, provided the Transmission
Customer agrees to compensate the Transmission Provider for
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 61 -
such costs pursuant to the terms of Section 27. The Transmission
Provider will conform to Good Utility Practice and its planning
obligations in Attachment K, in determining the need for new
facilities and in the design and construction of such facilities. The
obligation applies only to those facilities that the Transmission
Provider has the right to expand or modify.
(b) If the Transmission Provider determines that it cannot
accommodate a Completed Application for Long-Term Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service because of insufficient
capability on its Transmission System, the Transmission Provider
will use due diligence to provide redispatch from its own
resources until (i) Network Upgrades are completed for the
Transmission Customer, (ii) the Transmission Provider
determines through a biennial reassessment that it can no longer
reliably provide the redispatch, or (iii) the Transmission Customer
terminates the service because of redispatch changes resulting
from the reassessment. A Transmission Provider shall not
unreasonably deny self-provided redispatch or redispatch
arranged by the Transmission Customer from a third party
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 62 -
(c) If the Transmission Provider determines that it cannot
accommodate a Completed Application for Long-Term Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service because of insufficient
capability on its Transmission System, the Transmission Provider
will offer the Firm Transmission Service with the condition that
the Transmission Provider may curtail the service prior to the
curtailment of other Firm Transmission Service for a specified
number of hours per year or during System Condition(s). If the
Transmission Customer accepts the service, the Transmission
Provider will use due diligence to provide the service until (i)
Network Upgrades are completed for the Transmission Customer,
(ii) the Transmission Provider determines through a biennial
reassessment that it can no longer reliably provide such service, or
(iii) the Transmission Customer terminates the service because
the reassessment increased the number of hours per year of
conditional curtailment or changed the System Conditions.
15.5 Deferral of Service:
The Transmission Provider may defer providing service until it completes
construction of new transmission facilities or upgrades needed to provide Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service whenever the Transmission Provider
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 63 -
determines that providing the requested service would, without such new
facilities or upgrades, impair or degrade reliability to any existing firm
15.6 Other Transmission Service Schedules:
Eligible Customers receiving transmission service under other agreements on
file with the Commission may continue to receive transmission service under
those agreements until such time as those agreements may be modified by the
15.7 Real Power Losses:
Real Power Losses are associated with all transmission service. The
Transmission Provider is not obligated to provide Real Power Losses. The
Transmission Customer is responsible for replacing losses associated with all
transmission service as calculated by the Transmission Provider. The
applicable Real Power Loss factors are as follows: [To be completed by the
Transmission Provider].
16 Transmission Customer Responsibilities
16.1 Conditions Required of Transmission Customers:
Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall be provided by the Transmission
Provider only if the following conditions are satisfied by the Transmission
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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(a) The Transmission Customer has pending a Completed
Application for service;
(b) The Transmission Customer meets the creditworthiness criteria
set forth in Section 11;
(c) The Transmission Customer will have arrangements in place for
any other transmission service necessary to effect the delivery
from the generating source to the Transmission Provider prior to
the time service under Part II of the Tariff commences;
(d) The Transmission Customer agrees to pay for any facilities
constructed and chargeable to such Transmission Customer under
Part II of the Tariff, whether or not the Transmission Customer
takes service for the full term of its reservation;
(e) The Transmission Customer provides the information required by
the Transmission Provider’s planning process established in
Attachment K; and
(f) The Transmission Customer has executed a Point-To-Point
Service Agreement or has agreed to receive service pursuant to
Section 15.3.
16.2 Transmission Customer Responsibility for Third-Party
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Any scheduling arrangements that may be required by other electric systems
shall be the responsibility of the Transmission Customer requesting service.
The Transmission Customer shall provide, unless waived by the Transmission
Provider, notification to the Transmission Provider identifying such systems
and authorizing them to schedule the capacity and energy to be transmitted by
the Transmission Provider pursuant to Part II of the Tariff on behalf of the
Receiving Party at the Point of Delivery or the Delivering Party at the Point of
Receipt. However, the Transmission Provider will undertake reasonable
efforts to assist the Transmission Customer in making such arrangements,
including without limitation, providing any information or data required by
such other electric system pursuant to Good Utility Practice.
17 Procedures for Arranging Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
17.1 Application:
A request for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service for periods of one
year or longer must contain a written Application to: [Transmission Provider
Name and Address], at least sixty (60) days in advance of the calendar month
in which service is to commence. The Transmission Provider will consider
requests for such firm service on shorter notice when feasible. Requests for
firm service for periods of less than one year shall be subject to expedited
procedures that shall be negotiated between the Parties within the time
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 66 -
constraints provided in Section 17.5. All Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service requests should be submitted by entering the information listed below
on the Transmission Provider's OASIS. Prior to implementation of the
Transmission Provider's OASIS, a Completed Application may be submitted
by (i) transmitting the required information to the Transmission Provider by
telefax, or (ii) providing the information by telephone over the Transmission
Provider's time recorded telephone line. Each of these methods will provide a
time-stamped record for establishing the priority of the Application.
17.2 Completed Application:
A Completed Application shall provide all of the information included in 18
CFR 2.20 including but not limited to the following:
(i) The identity, address, telephone number and facsimile number of
the entity requesting service;
(ii) A statement that the entity requesting service is, or will be upon
commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under the Tariff;
(iii) The location of the Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery
and the identities of the Delivering Parties and the Receiving
(iv) The location of the generating facility(ies) supplying the capacity
and energy and the location of the load ultimately served by the
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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capacity and energy transmitted. The Transmission Provider will
treat this information as confidential except to the extent that
disclosure of this information is required by this Tariff, by
regulatory or judicial order, for reliability purposes pursuant to
Good Utility Practice or pursuant to RTG transmission
information sharing agreements. The Transmission Provider shall
treat this information consistent with the standards of conduct
contained in Part 37 of the Commission's regulations;
(v) A description of the supply characteristics of the capacity and
energy to be delivered;
(vi) An estimate of the capacity and energy expected to be delivered
to the Receiving Party;
(vii) The Service Commencement Date and the term of the requested
Transmission Service;
(viii) The transmission capacity requested for each Point of Receipt and
each Point of Delivery on the Transmission Provider's
Transmission System; customers may combine their requests for
service in order to satisfy the minimum transmission capacity
(ix) A statement indicating that, if the Eligible Customer submits a
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Pre-Confirmed Application, the Eligible Customer will execute a
Service Agreement upon receipt of notification that the
Transmission Provider can provide the requested Transmission
Service; and
(x) Any additional information required by the Transmission
Provider’s planning process established in Attachment K.
The Transmission Provider shall treat this information consistent with the
standards of conduct contained in Part 37 of the Commission's regulations.
17.3 Deposit:
A Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service also
shall include a deposit of either one month's charge for Reserved Capacity or
the full charge for Reserved Capacity for service requests of less than one
month. If the Application is rejected by the Transmission Provider because it
does not meet the conditions for service as set forth herein, or in the case of
requests for service arising in connection with losing bidders in a Request For
Proposals (RFP), said deposit shall be returned with interest less any
reasonable costs incurred by the Transmission Provider in connection with the
review of the losing bidder's Application. The deposit also will be returned
with interest less any reasonable costs incurred by the Transmission Provider
if the Transmission Provider is unable to complete new facilities needed to
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 69 -
provide the service. If an Application is withdrawn or the Eligible Customer
decides not to enter into a Service Agreement for Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service, the deposit shall be refunded in full, with interest, less
reasonable costs incurred by the Transmission Provider to the extent such
costs have not already been recovered by the Transmission Provider from the
Eligible Customer. The Transmission Provider will provide to the Eligible
Customer a complete accounting of all costs deducted from the refunded
deposit, which the Eligible Customer may contest if there is a dispute
concerning the deducted costs. Deposits associated with construction of new
facilities are subject to the provisions of Section 19. If a Service Agreement
for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service is executed, the deposit, with
interest, will be returned to the Transmission Customer upon expiration or
termination of the Service Agreement for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service. Applicable interest shall be computed in accordance with the
Commission's regulations at 18 CFR 35.19a(a)(2)(iii), and shall be calculated
from the day the deposit check is credited to the Transmission Provider's
17.4 Notice of Deficient Application:
If an Application fails to meet the requirements of the Tariff, the Transmission
Provider shall notify the entity requesting service within fifteen (15) days of
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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receipt of the reasons for such failure. The Transmission Provider will
attempt to remedy minor deficiencies in the Application through informal
communications with the Eligible Customer. If such efforts are unsuccessful,
the Transmission Provider shall return the Application, along with any
deposit, with interest. Upon receipt of a new or revised Application that fully
complies with the requirements of Part II of the Tariff, the Eligible Customer
shall be assigned a new priority consistent with the date of the new or revised
17.5 Response to a Completed Application:
Following receipt of a Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service, the Transmission Provider shall make a determination
of available transfer capability as required in Section 15.2. The Transmission
Provider shall notify the Eligible Customer as soon as practicable, but not later
than thirty (30) days after the date of receipt of a Completed Application
either (i) if it will be able to provide service without performing a System
Impact Study or (ii) if such a study is needed to evaluate the impact of the
Application pursuant to Section 19.1. Responses by the Transmission
Provider must be made as soon as practicable to all completed applications
(including applications by its own merchant function) and the timing of such
responses must be made on a non-discriminatory basis.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 71 -
17.6 Execution of Service Agreement:
Whenever the Transmission Provider determines that a System Impact Study
is not required and that the service can be provided, it shall notify the Eligible
Customer as soon as practicable but no later than thirty (30) days after receipt
of the Completed Application. Where a System Impact Study is required, the
provisions of Section 19 will govern the execution of a Service Agreement.
Failure of an Eligible Customer to execute and return the Service Agreement
or request the filing of an unexecuted service agreement pursuant to Section
15.3, within fifteen (15) days after it is tendered by the Transmission Provider
will be deemed a withdrawal and termination of the Application and any
deposit submitted shall be refunded with interest. Nothing herein limits the
right of an Eligible Customer to file another Application after such withdrawal
and termination.
17.7 Extensions for Commencement of Service:
The Transmission Customer can obtain, subject to availability, up to five (5)
one-year extensions for the commencement of service. The Transmission
Customer may postpone service by paying a non-refundable annual
reservation fee equal to one-month's charge for Firm Transmission Service for
each year or fraction thereof within 15 days of notifying the Transmission
Provider it intends to extend the commencement of service. If during any
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 72 -
extension for the commencement of service an Eligible Customer submits a
Completed Application for Firm Transmission Service, and such request can
be satisfied only by releasing all or part of the Transmission Customer's
Reserved Capacity, the original Reserved Capacity will be released unless the
following condition is satisfied. Within thirty (30) days, the original
Transmission Customer agrees to pay the Firm Point-To-Point transmission
rate for its Reserved Capacity concurrent with the new Service
Commencement Date. In the event the Transmission Customer elects to
release the Reserved Capacity, the reservation fees or portions thereof
previously paid will be forfeited.
18 Procedures for Arranging Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
18.1 Application:
Eligible Customers seeking Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
must submit a Completed Application to the Transmission Provider.
Applications should be submitted by entering the information listed below on
the Transmission Provider's OASIS. Prior to implementation of the
Transmission Provider's OASIS, a Completed Application may be submitted
by (i) transmitting the required information to the Transmission Provider by
telefax, or (ii) providing the information by telephone over the Transmission
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 73 -
Provider's time recorded telephone line. Each of these methods will provide a
time-stamped record for establishing the service priority of the Application.
18.2 Completed Application:
A Completed Application shall provide all of the information included in 18
CFR § 2.20 including but not limited to the following:
(i) The identity, address, telephone number and facsimile number of
the entity requesting service;
(ii) A statement that the entity requesting service is, or will be upon
commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under the Tariff;
(iii) The Point(s) of Receipt and the Point(s) of Delivery;
(iv) The maximum amount of capacity requested at each Point of
Receipt and Point of Delivery; and
(v) The proposed dates and hours for initiating and terminating
transmission service hereunder.
In addition to the information specified above, when required to properly
evaluate system conditions, the Transmission Provider also may ask the
Transmission Customer to provide the following:
(vi) The electrical location of the initial source of the power to be
transmitted pursuant to the Transmission Customer's request for
service; and
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 74 -
(vii) The electrical location of the ultimate load.
The Transmission Provider will treat this information in (vi) and (vii) as
confidential at the request of the Transmission Customer except to the extent
that disclosure of this information is required by this Tariff, by regulatory or
judicial order, for reliability purposes pursuant to Good Utility Practice, or
pursuant to RTG transmission information sharing agreements. The
Transmission Provider shall treat this information consistent with the
standards of conduct contained in Part 37 of the Commission's regulations.
(viii) A statement indicating that, if the Eligible Customer submits a
Pre-Confirmed Application, the Eligible Customer will execute a
Service Agreement upon receipt of notification that the
Transmission Provider can provide the requested Transmission
18.3 Reservation of Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service:
Requests for monthly service shall be submitted no earlier than sixty (60) days
before service is to commence; requests for weekly service shall be submitted
no earlier than fourteen (14) days
before service is to commence, requests for
daily service shall be submitted no earlier than two (2) days
before service is
to commence, and requests for hourly service shall be submitted no earlier
than noon the day before service is to commence. Requests for service
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 75 -
received later than 2:00 p.m.
prior to the day service is scheduled to
commence will be accommodated if practicable [or such reasonable times that
are generally accepted in the region and are consistently adhered to by the
Transmission Provider].
18.4 Determination of Available Transfer Capability:
Following receipt of a tendered schedule the Transmission Provider will make
a determination on a non-discriminatory basis of available transfer capability
pursuant to Section 15.2. Such determination shall be made as soon as
reasonably practicable after receipt, but not later than the following time
periods for the following terms of service (i) thirty (30) minutes for hourly
service, (ii) thirty (30) minutes for daily service, (iii) four (4) hours for weekly
service, and (iv) two (2) days for monthly service. [Or such reasonable times
that are generally accepted in the region and are consistently adhered to by the
Transmission Provider].
19 Additional Study Procedures For Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service Requests
19.1 Notice of Need for System Impact Study:
After receiving a request for service, the Transmission Provider shall
determine on a non-discriminatory basis whether a System Impact Study is
needed. A description of the Transmission Provider's methodology for
completing a System Impact Study is provided in Attachment D. If the
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 76 -
Transmission Provider determines that a System Impact Study is necessary to
accommodate the requested service, it shall so inform the Eligible Customer,
as soon as practicable. Once informed, the Eligible Customer shall timely
notify the Transmission Provider if it elects to have the Transmission Provider
study redispatch or conditional curtailment as part of the System Impact
Study. If notification is provided prior to tender of the System Impact Study
Agreement, the Eligible Customer can avoid the costs associated with the
study of these options. The Transmission Provider shall within thirty (30) days
of receipt of a Completed Application, tender a System Impact Study
Agreement pursuant to which the Eligible Customer shall agree to reimburse
the Transmission Provider for performing the required System Impact Study.
For a service request to remain a Completed Application, the Eligible
Customer shall execute the System Impact Study Agreement and return it to
the Transmission Provider within fifteen (15) days. If the Eligible Customer
elects not to execute the System Impact Study Agreement, its application shall
be deemed withdrawn and its deposit, pursuant to Section 17.3, shall be
returned with interest.
19.2 System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement:
(i) The System Impact Study Agreement will clearly specify the
Transmission Provider's estimate of the actual cost, and time for
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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completion of the System Impact Study. The charge shall not
exceed the actual cost of the study. In performing the System
Impact Study, the Transmission Provider shall rely, to the extent
reasonably practicable, on existing transmission planning studies.
The Eligible Customer will not be assessed a charge for such
existing studies; however, the Eligible Customer will be
responsible for charges associated with any modifications to
existing planning studies that are reasonably necessary to evaluate
the impact of the Eligible Customer's request for service on the
Transmission System.
(ii) If in response to multiple Eligible Customers requesting service in
relation to the same competitive solicitation, a single System
Impact Study is sufficient for the Transmission Provider to
accommodate the requests for service, the costs of that study shall
be pro-rated among the Eligible Customers.
(iii) For System Impact Studies that the Transmission Provider
conducts on its own behalf, the Transmission Provider shall
record the cost of the System Impact Studies pursuant to Section
19.3 System Impact Study Procedures:
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Upon receipt of an executed System Impact Study Agreement, the
Transmission Provider will use due diligence to complete the required System
Impact Study within a sixty (60) day period. The System Impact Study shall
identify (1) any system constraints, identified with specificity by transmission
element or flowgate, (2) redispatch options (when requested by an Eligible
Customer) including an estimate of the cost of redispatch, (3) conditional
curtailment options (when requested by an Eligible Customer) including the
number of hours per year and the System Conditions during which conditional
curtailment may occur, and (4) additional Direct Assignment Facilities or
Network Upgrades required to provide the requested service. For customers
requesting the study of redispatch options, the System Impact Study shall (1)
identify all resources located within the Transmission Provider’s Control Area
that can significantly contribute toward relieving the system constraint and (2)
provide a measurement of each resource’s impact on the system constraint. If
the Transmission Provider possesses information indicating that any resource
outside its Control Area could relieve the constraint, it shall identify each such
resource in the System Impact Study. In the event that the Transmission
Provider is unable to complete the required System Impact Study within such
time period, it shall so notify the Eligible Customer and provide an estimated
completion date along with an explanation of the reasons why additional time
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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is required to complete the required studies. A copy of the completed System
Impact Study and related work papers shall be made available to the Eligible
Customer as soon as the System Impact Study is complete. The Transmission
Provider will use the same due diligence in completing the System Impact
Study for an Eligible Customer as it uses when completing studies for itself.
The Transmission Provider shall notify the Eligible Customer immediately
upon completion of the System Impact Study if the Transmission System will
be adequate to accommodate all or part of a request for service or that no costs
are likely to be incurred for new transmission facilities or upgrades. In order
for a request to remain a Completed Application, within fifteen (15) days of
completion of the System Impact Study the Eligible Customer must execute a
Service Agreement or request the filing of an unexecuted Service Agreement
pursuant to Section 15.3, or the Application shall be deemed terminated and
19.4 Facilities Study Procedures:
If a System Impact Study indicates that additions or upgrades to the
Transmission System are needed to supply the Eligible Customer's service
request, the Transmission Provider, within thirty (30) days of the completion
of the System Impact Study, shall tender to the Eligible Customer a Facilities
Study Agreement pursuant to which the Eligible Customer shall agree to
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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reimburse the Transmission Provider for performing the required Facilities
Study. For a service request to remain a Completed Application, the Eligible
Customer shall execute the Facilities Study Agreement and return it to the
Transmission Provider within fifteen (15) days. If the Eligible Customer
elects not to execute the Facilities Study Agreement, its application shall be
deemed withdrawn and its deposit, pursuant to Section 17.3, shall be returned
with interest. Upon receipt of an executed Facilities Study Agreement, the
Transmission Provider will use due diligence to complete the required
Facilities Study within a sixty (60) day period. If the Transmission Provider is
unable to complete the Facilities Study in the allotted time period, the
Transmission Provider shall notify the Transmission Customer and provide an
estimate of the time needed to reach a final determination along with an
explanation of the reasons that additional time is required to complete the
study. When completed, the Facilities Study will include a good faith estimate
of (i) the cost of Direct Assignment Facilities to be charged to the
Transmission Customer, (ii) the Transmission Customer's appropriate share of
the cost of any required Network Upgrades as determined pursuant to the
provisions of Part II of the Tariff, and (iii) the time required to complete such
construction and initiate the requested service. The Transmission Customer
shall provide the Transmission Provider with a letter of credit or other
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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reasonable form of security acceptable to the Transmission Provider
equivalent to the costs of new facilities or upgrades consistent with
commercial practices as established by the Uniform Commercial Code. The
Transmission Customer shall have thirty (30) days to execute a Service
Agreement or request the filing of an unexecuted Service Agreement and
provide the required letter of credit or other form of security or the request
will no longer be a Completed Application and shall be deemed terminated
and withdrawn.
19.5 Facilities Study Modifications:
Any change in design arising from inability to site or construct facilities as
proposed will require development of a revised good faith estimate. New
good faith estimates also will be required in the event of new statutory or
regulatory requirements that are effective before the completion of
construction or other circumstances beyond the control of the Transmission
Provider that significantly affect the final cost of new facilities or upgrades to
be charged to the Transmission Customer pursuant to the provisions of Part II
of the Tariff.
19.6 Due Diligence in Completing New Facilities:
The Transmission Provider shall use due diligence to add necessary facilities
or upgrade its Transmission System within a reasonable time. The
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Transmission Provider will not upgrade its existing or planned Transmission
System in order to provide the requested Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service if doing so would impair system reliability or otherwise impair or
degrade existing firm service.
19.7 Partial Interim Service:
If the Transmission Provider determines that it will not have adequate transfer
capability to satisfy the full amount of a Completed Application for Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service, the Transmission Provider nonetheless
shall be obligated to offer and provide the portion of the requested Firm Point-
To-Point Transmission Service that can be accommodated without addition of
any facilities and through redispatch. However, the Transmission Provider
shall not be obligated to provide the incremental amount of requested Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service that requires the addition of facilities or
upgrades to the Transmission System until such facilities or upgrades have
been placed in service.
19.8 Expedited Procedures for New Facilities:
In lieu of the procedures set forth above, the Eligible Customer shall have the
option to expedite the process by requesting the Transmission Provider to
tender at one time, together with the results of required studies, an "Expedited
Service Agreement" pursuant to which the Eligible Customer would agree to
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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compensate the Transmission Provider for all costs incurred pursuant to the
terms of the Tariff. In order to exercise this option, the Eligible Customer
shall request in writing an expedited Service Agreement covering all of the
above-specified items within thirty (30) days of receiving the results of the
System Impact Study identifying needed facility additions or upgrades or costs
incurred in providing the requested service. While the Transmission Provider
agrees to provide the Eligible Customer with its best estimate of the new
facility costs and other charges that may be incurred, such estimate shall not
be binding and the Eligible Customer must agree in writing to compensate the
Transmission Provider for all costs incurred pursuant to the provisions of the
Tariff. The Eligible Customer shall execute and return such an Expedited
Service Agreement within fifteen (15) days of its receipt or the Eligible
Customer's request for service will cease to be a Completed Application and
will be deemed terminated and withdrawn.
19.9 Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:
Sections 19.3 and 19.4 require a Transmission Provider to use due diligence to
meet 60-day study completion deadlines for System Impact Studies and
Facilities Studies.
(i) The Transmission Provider is required to file a notice with the
Commission in the event that more than twenty (20) percent of
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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non-Affiliates’ System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies
completed by the Transmission Provider in any two consecutive
calendar quarters are not completed within the 60-day study
completion deadlines. Such notice must be filed within thirty (30)
days of the end of the calendar quarter triggering the notice
(ii) For the purposes of calculating the percent of non-Affiliates’
System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies processed outside of
the 60-day study completion deadlines, the Transmission Provider
shall consider all System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies
that it completes for non-Affiliates during the calendar quarter.
The percentage should be calculated by dividing the number of
those studies which are completed on time by the total number of
completed studies. The Transmission Provider may provide an
explanation in its notification filing to the Commission if it
believes there are extenuating circumstances that prevented it
from meeting the 60-day study completion deadlines.
(iii) The Transmission Provider is subject to an operational penalty if
it completes ten (10) percent or more of non-Affiliates’ System
Impact Studies and Facilities Studies outside of the 60-day study
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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completion deadlines for each of the two calendar quarters
immediately following the quarter that triggered its notification
filing to the Commission. The operational penalty will be
assessed for each calendar quarter for which an operational
penalty applies, starting with the calendar quarter immediately
following the quarter that triggered the Transmission Provider’s
notification filing to the Commission. The operational penalty
will continue to be assessed each quarter until the Transmission
Provider completes at least ninety (90) percent of all non-
Affiliates’ System Impact Studies and Facilities Studies within
the 60-day deadline.
(iv) For penalties assessed in accordance with subsection (iii) above,
the penalty amount for each System Impact Study or Facilities
Study shall be equal to $500 for each day the Transmission
Provider takes to complete that study beyond the 60-day deadline.
20 Procedures if The Transmission Provider is Unable to Complete New
Transmission Facilities for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
20.1 Delays in Construction of New Facilities:
If any event occurs that will materially affect the time for completion of new
facilities, or the ability to complete them, the Transmission Provider shall
promptly notify the Transmission Customer. In such circumstances, the
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Transmission Provider shall within thirty (30) days of notifying the
Transmission Customer of such delays, convene a technical meeting with the
Transmission Customer to evaluate the alternatives available to the
Transmission Customer. The Transmission Provider also shall make available
to the Transmission Customer studies and work papers related to the delay,
including all information that is in the possession of the Transmission
Provider that is reasonably needed by the Transmission Customer to evaluate
any alternatives.
20.2 Alternatives to the Original Facility Additions:
When the review process of Section 20.1 determines that one or more
alternatives exist to the originally planned construction project, the
Transmission Provider shall present such alternatives for consideration by the
Transmission Customer. If, upon review of any alternatives, the Transmission
Customer desires to maintain its Completed Application subject to
construction of the alternative facilities, it may request the Transmission
Provider to submit a revised Service Agreement for Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service. If the alternative approach solely involves Non-Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service, the Transmission Provider shall
promptly tender a Service Agreement for Non-Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service providing for the service. In the event the Transmission
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Provider concludes that no reasonable alternative exists and the Transmission
Customer disagrees, the Transmission Customer may seek relief under the
dispute resolution procedures pursuant to Section 12 or it may refer the
dispute to the Commission for resolution.
20.3 Refund Obligation for Unfinished Facility Additions:
If the Transmission Provider and the Transmission Customer mutually agree
that no other reasonable alternatives exist and the requested service cannot be
provided out of existing capability under the conditions of Part II of the Tariff,
the obligation to provide the requested Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service shall terminate and any deposit made by the Transmission Customer
shall be returned with interest pursuant to Commission regulations
35.19a(a)(2)(iii). However, the Transmission Customer shall be responsible
for all prudently incurred costs by the Transmission Provider through the time
construction was suspended.
21 Provisions Relating to Transmission Construction and Services on the
Systems of Other Utilities
21.1 Responsibility for Third-Party System Additions:
The Transmission Provider shall not be responsible for making arrangements
for any necessary engineering, permitting, and construction of transmission or
distribution facilities on the system(s) of any other entity or for obtaining any
regulatory approval for such facilities. The Transmission Provider will
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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undertake reasonable efforts to assist the Transmission Customer in obtaining
such arrangements, including without limitation, providing any information or
data required by such other electric system pursuant to Good Utility Practice.
21.2 Coordination of Third-Party System Additions:
In circumstances where the need for transmission facilities or upgrades is
identified pursuant to the provisions of Part II of the Tariff, and if such
upgrades further require the addition of transmission facilities on other
systems, the Transmission Provider shall have the right to coordinate
construction on its own system with the construction required by others. The
Transmission Provider, after consultation with the Transmission Customer and
representatives of such other systems, may defer construction of its new
transmission facilities, if the new transmission facilities on another system
cannot be completed in a timely manner. The Transmission Provider shall
notify the Transmission Customer in writing of the basis for any decision to
defer construction and the specific problems which must be resolved before it
will initiate or resume construction of new facilities. Within sixty (60) days of
receiving written notification by the Transmission Provider of its intent to
defer construction pursuant to this section, the Transmission Customer may
challenge the decision in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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pursuant to Section 12 or it may refer the dispute to the Commission for
22 Changes in Service Specifications
22.1 Modifications On a Non-Firm Basis:
The Transmission Customer taking Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
may request the Transmission Provider to provide transmission service on a
non-firm basis over Receipt and Delivery Points other than those specified in
the Service Agreement ("Secondary Receipt and Delivery Points"), in amounts
not to exceed its firm capacity reservation, without incurring an additional
Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service charge or executing a new
Service Agreement, subject to the following conditions.
(a) Service provided over Secondary Receipt and Delivery Points
will be non-firm only, on an as-available basis and will not
displace any firm or non-firm service reserved or scheduled by
third-parties under the Tariff or by the Transmission Provider on
behalf of its Native Load Customers.
(b) The sum of all Firm and non-firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service provided to the Transmission Customer at any time
pursuant to this section shall not exceed the Reserved Capacity in
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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the relevant Service Agreement under which such services are
(c) The Transmission Customer shall retain its right to schedule Firm
Point-To-Point Transmission Service at the Receipt and Delivery
Points specified in the relevant Service Agreement in the amount
of its original capacity reservation.
(d) Service over Secondary Receipt and Delivery Points on a non-
firm basis shall not require the filing of an Application for Non-
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service under the Tariff.
However, all other requirements of Part II of the Tariff (except as
to transmission rates) shall apply to transmission service on a
non-firm basis over Secondary Receipt and Delivery Points.
22.2 Modification On a Firm Basis:
Any request by a Transmission Customer to modify Receipt and Delivery
Points on a firm basis shall be treated as a new request for service in
accordance with Section 17 hereof, except that such Transmission Customer
shall not be obligated to pay any additional deposit if the capacity reservation
does not exceed the amount reserved in the existing Service Agreement.
While such new request is pending, the Transmission Customer shall retain its
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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priority for service at the existing firm Receipt and Delivery Points specified
in its Service Agreement.
23 Sale or Assignment of Transmission Service
23.1 Procedures for Assignment or Transfer of Service:
Subject to Commission approval of any necessary filings, a Transmission
Customer may sell, assign, or transfer all or a portion of its rights under its
Service Agreement, but only to another Eligible Customer (the Assignee).
The Transmission Customer that sells, assigns or transfers its rights under its
Service Agreement is hereafter referred to as the Reseller. Compensation to
Resellers shall not exceed the higher of (i) the original rate paid by the
Reseller, (ii) the Transmission Provider’s maximum rate on file at the time of
the assignment, or (iii) the Reseller’s opportunity cost capped at the
Transmission Provider’s cost of expansion; provided that, for service prior to
October 1, 2010, compensation to Resellers shall be at rates established by
agreement between the Reseller and the Assignee.
The Assignee must execute a service agreement with the Transmission
Provider governing reassignments of transmission service prior to the date on
which the reassigned service commences. The Transmission Provider shall
charge the Reseller, as appropriate, at the rate stated in the Reseller’s Service
Agreement with the Transmission Provider or the associated OASIS schedule
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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and credit the Reseller with the price reflected in the Assignee’s Service
Agreement with the Transmission Provider or the associated OASIS schedule;
provided that, such credit shall be reversed in the event of non-payment by the
Assignee. If the Assignee does not request any change in the Point(s) of
Receipt or the Point(s) of Delivery, or a change in any other term or condition
set forth in the original Service Agreement, the Assignee will receive the same
services as did the Reseller and the priority of service for the Assignee will be
the same as that of the Reseller. The Assignee will be subject to all terms and
conditions of this Tariff. If the Assignee requests a change in service, the
reservation priority of service will be determined by the Transmission
Provider pursuant to Section 13.2.
23.2 Limitations on Assignment or Transfer of Service:
If the Assignee requests a change in the Point(s) of Receipt or Point(s) of
Delivery, or a change in any other specifications set forth in the original
Service Agreement, the Transmission Provider will consent to such change
subject to the provisions of the Tariff, provided that the change will not impair
the operation and reliability of the Transmission Provider's generation,
transmission, or distribution systems. The Assignee shall compensate the
Transmission Provider for performing any System Impact Study needed to
evaluate the capability of the Transmission System to accommodate the
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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proposed change and any additional costs resulting from such change. The
Reseller shall remain liable for the performance of all obligations under the
Service Agreement, except as specifically agreed to by the Transmission
Provider and the Reseller through an amendment to the Service Agreement.
23.3 Information on Assignment or Transfer of Service:
In accordance with Section 4, all sales or assignments of capacity must be
conducted through or otherwise posted on the Transmission Provider’s OASIS
on or before the date the reassigned service commences and are subject to
Section 23.1. Resellers may also use the Transmission Provider's OASIS to
post transmission capacity available for resale.
24 Metering and Power Factor Correction at Receipt and Delivery Points(s)
24.1 Transmission Customer Obligations:
Unless otherwise agreed, the Transmission Customer shall be responsible for
installing and maintaining compatible metering and communications
equipment to accurately account for the capacity and energy being transmitted
under Part II of the Tariff and to communicate the information to the
Transmission Provider. Such equipment shall remain the property of the
Transmission Customer.
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24.2 Transmission Provider Access to Metering Data:
The Transmission Provider shall have access to metering data, which may
reasonably be required to facilitate measurements and billing under the
Service Agreement.
24.3 Power Factor:
Unless otherwise agreed, the Transmission Customer is required to maintain a
power factor within the same range as the Transmission Provider pursuant to
Good Utility Practices. The power factor requirements are specified in the
Service Agreement where applicable.
25 Compensation for Transmission Service
Rates for Firm and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service are
provided in the Schedules appended to the Tariff: Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service (Schedule 7); and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission
Service (Schedule 8). The Transmission Provider shall use Part II of the Tariff to
make its Third-Party Sales. The Transmission Provider shall account for such use
at the applicable Tariff rates, pursuant to Section 8.
26 Stranded Cost Recovery
The Transmission Provider may seek to recover stranded costs from the
Transmission Customer pursuant to this Tariff in accordance with the terms,
conditions and procedures set forth in FERC Order No. 888. However, the
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Transmission Provider must separately file any specific proposed stranded cost
charge under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act.
27 Compensation for New Facilities and Redispatch Costs
Whenever a System Impact Study performed by the Transmission Provider
in connection with the provision of Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
identifies the need for new facilities, the Transmission Customer shall be
responsible for such costs to the extent consistent with Commission policy.
Whenever a System Impact Study performed by the Transmission Provider
identifies capacity constraints that may be relieved by redispatching the
Transmission Provider's resources to eliminate such constraints, the Transmission
Customer shall be responsible for the redispatch costs to the extent consistent with
Commission policy.
The Transmission Provider will provide Network Integration Transmission
Service pursuant to the applicable terms and conditions contained in the Tariff and
Service Agreement. Network Integration Transmission Service allows the Network
Customer to integrate, economically dispatch and regulate its current and planned
Network Resources to serve its Network Load in a manner comparable to that in which
the Transmission Provider utilizes its Transmission System to serve its Native Load
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Customers. Network Integration Transmission Service also may be used by the Network
Customer to deliver economy energy purchases to its Network Load from non-designated
resources on an as-available basis without additional charge. Transmission service for
sales to non-designated loads will be provided pursuant to the applicable terms and
conditions of Part II of the Tariff.
28 Nature of Network Integration Transmission Service
28.1 Scope of Service:
Network Integration Transmission Service is a transmission service that
allows Network Customers to efficiently and economically utilize their
Network Resources (as well as other non-designated generation resources) to
serve their Network Load located in the Transmission Provider's Control Area
and any additional load that may be designated pursuant to Section 31.3 of the
Tariff. The Network Customer taking Network Integration Transmission
Service must obtain or provide Ancillary Services pursuant to Section 3.
28.2 Transmission Provider Responsibilities:
The Transmission Provider will plan, construct, operate and maintain its
Transmission System in accordance with Good Utility Practice and its
planning obligations in Attachment K in order to provide the Network
Customer with Network Integration Transmission Service over the
Transmission Provider's Transmission System. The Transmission Provider,
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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on behalf of its Native Load Customers, shall be required to designate
resources and loads in the same manner as any Network Customer under Part
III of this Tariff. This information must be consistent with the information
used by the Transmission Provider to calculate available transfer capability.
The Transmission Provider shall include the Network Customer's Network
Load in its Transmission System planning and shall, consistent with Good
Utility Practice and Attachment K, endeavor to construct and place into
service sufficient transfer capability to deliver the Network Customer's
Network Resources to serve its Network Load on a basis comparable to the
Transmission Provider's delivery of its own generating and purchased
resources to its Native Load Customers.
28.3 Network Integration Transmission Service:
The Transmission Provider will provide firm transmission service over its
Transmission System to the Network Customer for the delivery of capacity
and energy from its designated Network Resources to service its Network
Loads on a basis that is comparable to the Transmission Provider's use of the
Transmission System to reliably serve its Native Load Customers.
28.4 Secondary Service:
The Network Customer may use the Transmission Provider's Transmission
System to deliver energy to its Network Loads from resources that have not
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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been designated as Network Resources. Such energy shall be transmitted, on
an as-available basis, at no additional charge. Secondary service shall not
require the filing of an Application for Network Integration Transmission
Service under the Tariff. However, all other requirements of Part III of the
Tariff (except for transmission rates) shall apply to secondary service.
Deliveries from resources other than Network Resources will have a higher
priority than any Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service under Part II
of the Tariff.
28.5 Real Power Losses:
Real Power Losses are associated with all transmission service. The
Transmission Provider is not obligated to provide Real Power Losses. The
Network Customer is responsible for replacing losses associated with all
transmission service as calculated by the Transmission Provider. The
applicable Real Power Loss factors are as follows: [To be completed by the
Transmission Provider].
28.6 Restrictions on Use of Service:
The Network Customer shall not use Network Integration Transmission
Service for (i) sales of capacity and energy to non-designated loads, or (ii)
direct or indirect provision of transmission service by the Network Customer
to third parties. All Network Customers taking Network Integration
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Transmission Service shall use Point-To-Point Transmission Service under
Part II of the Tariff for any Third-Party Sale which requires use of the
Transmission Provider's Transmission System. The Transmission Provider
shall specify any appropriate charges and penalties and all related terms and
conditions applicable in the event that a Network Customer uses Network
Integration Transmission Service or secondary service pursuant to Section
28.4 to facilitate a wholesale sale that does not serve a Network Load.
29 Initiating Service
29.1 Condition Precedent for Receiving Service:
Subject to the terms and conditions of Part III of the Tariff, the Transmission
Provider will provide Network Integration Transmission Service to any
Eligible Customer, provided that (i) the Eligible Customer completes an
Application for service as provided under Part III of the Tariff, (ii) the Eligible
Customer and the Transmission Provider complete the technical arrangements
set forth in Sections 29.3 and 29.4, (iii) the Eligible Customer executes a
Service Agreement pursuant to Attachment F for service under Part III of the
Tariff or requests in writing that the Transmission Provider file a proposed
unexecuted Service Agreement with the Commission, and (iv) the Eligible
Customer executes a Network Operating Agreement with the Transmission
Provider pursuant to Attachment G, or requests in writing that the
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Transmission Provider file a proposed unexecuted Network Operating
29.2 Application Procedures:
An Eligible Customer requesting service under Part III of the Tariff must
submit an Application, with a deposit approximating the charge for one month
of service, to the Transmission Provider as far as possible in advance of the
month in which service is to commence. Unless subject to the procedures in
Section 2, Completed Applications for Network Integration Transmission
Service will be assigned a priority according to the date and time the
Application is received, with the earliest Application receiving the highest
priority. Applications should be submitted by entering the information listed
below on the Transmission Provider's OASIS. Prior to implementation of the
Transmission Provider's OASIS, a Completed Application may be submitted
by (i) transmitting the required information to the Transmission Provider by
telefax, or (ii) providing the information by telephone over the Transmission
Provider's time recorded telephone line. Each of these methods will provide a
time-stamped record for establishing the service priority of the Application. A
Completed Application shall provide all of the information included in 18
CFR § 2.20 including but not limited to the following:
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(i) The identity, address, telephone number and facsimile number of
the party requesting service;
(ii) A statement that the party requesting service is, or will be upon
commencement of service, an Eligible Customer under the Tariff;
(iii) A description of the Network Load at each delivery point. This
description should separately identify and provide the Eligible
Customer's best estimate of the total loads to be served at each
transmission voltage level, and the loads to be served from each
Transmission Provider substation at the same transmission
voltage level. The description should include a ten (10) year
forecast of summer and winter load and resource requirements
beginning with the first year after the service is scheduled to
(iv) The amount and location of any interruptible loads included in the
Network Load. This shall include the summer and winter
capacity requirements for each interruptible load (had such load
not been interruptible), that portion of the load subject to
interruption, the conditions under which an interruption can be
implemented and any limitations on the amount and frequency of
interruptions. An Eligible Customer should identify the amount
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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of interruptible customer load (if any) included in the 10 year load
forecast provided in response to (iii) above;
(v) A description of Network Resources (current and 10-year
projection). For each on-system Network Resource, such
description shall include:
Unit size and amount of capacity from that unit to be
designated as Network Resource
VAR capability (both leading and lagging) of all generators
Operating restrictions
Any periods of restricted operations throughout the year
Maintenance schedules
Minimum loading level of unit
Normal operating level of unit
Any must-run unit designations required for system
reliability or contract reasons
Approximate variable generating cost ($/MWH) for
redispatch computations
Arrangements governing sale and delivery of power to third
parties from generating facilities located in the Transmission
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Provider Control Area, where only a portion of unit output is
designated as a Network Resource;
For each off-system Network Resource, such description shall
Identification of the Network Resource as an off-system
Amount of power to which the customer has rights
Identification of the control area from which the power will
Delivery point(s) to the Transmission Provider’s
Transmission System
Transmission arrangements on the external transmission
Operating restrictions, if any
Any periods of restricted operations throughout the year
Maintenance schedules
Minimum loading level of unit
Normal operating level of unit
Any must-run unit designations required for system
reliability or contract reasons
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Approximate variable generating cost ($/MWH) for
redispatch computations;
(vi) Description of Eligible Customer's transmission system:
Load flow and stability data, such as real and reactive parts of
the load, lines, transformers, reactive devices and load type,
including normal and emergency ratings of all transmission
equipment in a load flow format compatible with that used by
the Transmission Provider
Operating restrictions needed for reliability
Operating guides employed by system operators
Contractual restrictions or committed uses of the Eligible
Customer's transmission system, other than the Eligible
Customer's Network Loads and Resources
Location of Network Resources described in subsection (v)
10 year projection of system expansions or upgrades
Transmission System maps that include any proposed
expansions or upgrades
Thermal ratings of Eligible Customer's Control Area ties with
other Control Areas;
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(vii) Service Commencement Date and the term of the requested
Network Integration Transmission Service. The minimum term
for Network Integration Transmission Service is one year;
(viii) A statement signed by an authorized officer from or agent of the
Network Customer attesting that all of the network resources
listed pursuant to Section 29.2(v) satisfy the following conditions:
(1) the Network Customer owns the resource, has committed to
purchase generation pursuant to an executed contract, or has
committed to purchase generation where execution of a contract is
contingent upon the availability of transmission service under Part
III of the Tariff; and (2) the Network Resources do not include
any resources, or any portion thereof, that are committed for sale
to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be called
upon to meet the Network Customer's Network Load on a non-
interruptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations
under a reserve sharing program; and
(ix) Any additional information required of the Transmission
Customer as specified in the Transmission Provider’s planning
process established in Attachment K.
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Unless the Parties agree to a different time frame, the Transmission Provider
must acknowledge the request within ten (10) days of receipt. The
acknowledgement must include a date by which a response, including a
Service Agreement, will be sent to the Eligible Customer. If an Application
fails to meet the requirements of this section, the Transmission Provider shall
notify the Eligible Customer requesting service within fifteen (15) days of
receipt and specify the reasons for such failure. Wherever possible, the
Transmission Provider will attempt to remedy deficiencies in the Application
through informal communications with the Eligible Customer. If such efforts
are unsuccessful, the Transmission Provider shall return the Application
without prejudice to the Eligible Customer filing a new or revised Application
that fully complies with the requirements of this section. The Eligible
Customer will be assigned a new priority consistent with the date of the new
or revised Application. The Transmission Provider shall treat this information
consistent with the standards of conduct contained in Part 37 of the
Commission's regulations.
29.3 Technical Arrangements to be Completed Prior to Commencement
of Service:
Network Integration Transmission Service shall not commence until the
Transmission Provider and the Network Customer, or a third party, have
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completed installation of all equipment specified under the Network Operating
Agreement consistent with Good Utility Practice and any additional
requirements reasonably and consistently imposed to ensure the reliable
operation of the Transmission System. The Transmission Provider shall
exercise reasonable efforts, in coordination with the Network Customer, to
complete such arrangements as soon as practicable taking into consideration
the Service Commencement Date.
29.4 Network Customer Facilities:
The provision of Network Integration Transmission Service shall be
conditioned upon the Network Customer's constructing, maintaining and
operating the facilities on its side of each delivery point or interconnection
necessary to reliably deliver capacity and energy from the Transmission
Provider's Transmission System to the Network Customer. The Network
Customer shall be solely responsible for constructing or installing all facilities
on the Network Customer's side of each such delivery point or
29.5 Filing of Service Agreement:
The Transmission Provider will file Service Agreements with the Commission
in compliance with applicable Commission regulations.
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30 Network Resources
30.1 Designation of Network Resources:
Network Resources shall include all generation owned, purchased or leased by
the Network Customer designated to serve Network Load under the Tariff.
Network Resources may not include resources, or any portion thereof, that are
committed for sale to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be
called upon to meet the Network Customer's Network Load on a non-
interruptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a reserve
sharing program. Any owned or purchased resources that were serving the
Network Customer's loads under firm agreements entered into on or before the
Service Commencement Date shall initially be designated as Network
Resources until the Network Customer terminates the designation of such
30.2 Designation of New Network Resources:
The Network Customer may designate a new Network Resource by providing
the Transmission Provider with as much advance notice as practicable. A
designation of a new Network Resource must be made through the
Transmission Provider’s OASIS by a request for modification of service
pursuant to an Application under Section 29. This request must include a
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statement that the new network resource satisfies the following conditions: (1)
the Network Customer owns the resource, has committed to purchase
generation pursuant to an executed contract, or has committed to purchase
generation where execution of a contract is contingent upon the availability of
transmission service under Part III of the Tariff; and (2) The Network
Resources do not include any resources, or any portion thereof, that are
committed for sale to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be
called upon to meet the Network Customer's Network Load on a non-
interruptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a reserve
sharing program. The Network Customer’s request will be deemed deficient
if it does not include this statement and the Transmission Provider will follow
the procedures for a deficient application as described in Section 29.2 of the
30.3 Termination of Network Resources:
The Network Customer may terminate the designation of all or part of a
generating resource as a Network Resource by providing notification to the
Transmission Provider through OASIS as soon as reasonably practicable, but
not later than the firm scheduling deadline for the period of termination. Any
request for termination of Network Resource status must be submitted on
OASIS, and should indicate whether the request is for indefinite or temporary
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termination. A request for indefinite termination of Network Resource status
must indicate the date and time that the termination is to be effective, and the
identification and capacity of the resource(s) or portions thereof to be
indefinitely terminated. A request for temporary termination of Network
Resource status must include the following:
(i) Effective date and time of temporary termination;
(ii) Effective date and time of redesignation, following period of
temporary termination;
(iii) Identification and capacity of resource(s) or portions thereof to be
temporarily terminated;
(iv) Resource description and attestation for redesignating the network
resource following the temporary termination, in accordance with
Section 30.2; and
(v) Identification of any related transmission service requests to be
evaluated concomitantly with the request for temporary
termination, such that the requests for undesignation and the
request for these related transmission service requests must be
approved or denied as a single request. The evaluation of these
related transmission service requests must take into account the
termination of the network resources identified in (iii) above, as
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well as all competing transmission service requests of higher
As part of a temporary termination, a Network Customer may only redesignate
the same resource that was originally designated, or a portion thereof.
Requests to redesignate a different resource and/or a resource with increased
capacity will be deemed deficient and the Transmission Provider will follow
the procedures for a deficient application as described in Section 29.2 of the
30.4 Operation of Network Resources:
The Network Customer shall not operate its designated Network Resources
located in the Network Customer's or Transmission Provider's Control Area
such that the output of those facilities exceeds its designated Network Load,
plus Non-Firm Sales delivered pursuant to Part II of the Tariff, plus losses,
plus power sales under a Commission
-approved reserve sharing program, plus
sales that permit curtailment without penalty to serve its designated Network
Load. This limitation shall not apply to changes in the operation of a
Transmission Customer's Network Resources at the request of the
Transmission Provider to respond to an emergency or other unforeseen
condition which may impair or degrade the reliability of the Transmission
System. For all Network Resources not physically connected with the
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Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, the Network Customer may
not schedule delivery of energy in excess of the Network Resource’s capacity,
as specified in the Network Customer’s Application pursuant to Section 29,
unless the Network Customer supports such delivery within the Transmission
Provider’s Transmission System by either obtaining Point-to-Point
Transmission Service or utilizing secondary service pursuant to Section 28.4.
The Transmission Provider shall specify the rate treatment and all related
terms and conditions applicable in the event that a Network Customer’s
schedule at the delivery point for a Network Resource not physically
interconnected with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System exceeds
the Network Resource’s designated capacity, excluding energy delivered
using secondary service or Point-to-Point Transmission Service.
30.5 Network Customer Redispatch Obligation:
As a condition to receiving Network Integration Transmission Service, the
Network Customer agrees to redispatch its Network Resources as requested by
the Transmission Provider pursuant to Section 33.2. To the extent practical,
the redispatch of resources pursuant to this section shall be on a least cost,
non-discriminatory basis between all Network Customers, and the
Transmission Provider.
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30.6 Transmission Arrangements for Network Resources Not Physically
Interconnected With The Transmission Provider:
The Network Customer shall be responsible for any arrangements necessary to
deliver capacity and energy from a Network Resource not physically
interconnected with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System. The
Transmission Provider will undertake reasonable efforts to assist the Network
Customer in obtaining such arrangements, including without limitation,
providing any information or data required by such other entity pursuant to
Good Utility Practice.
30.7 Limitation on Designation of Network Resources:
The Network Customer must demonstrate that it owns or has committed to
purchase generation pursuant to an executed contract in order to designate a
generating resource as a Network Resource. Alternatively, the Network
Customer may establish that execution of a contract is contingent upon the
availability of transmission service under Part III of the Tariff.
30.8 Use of Interface Capacity by the Network Customer:
There is no limitation upon a Network Customer's use of the Transmission
Provider's Transmission System at any particular interface to integrate the
Network Customer's Network Resources (or substitute economy purchases)
with its Network Loads. However, a Network Customer's use of the
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Transmission Provider's total interface capacity with other transmission
systems may not exceed the Network Customer's Load.
30.9 Network Customer Owned Transmission Facilities:
The Network Customer that owns existing transmission facilities that are
integrated with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System may be
eligible to receive consideration either through a billing credit or some other
mechanism. In order to receive such consideration the Network Customer
must demonstrate that its transmission facilities are integrated into the plans or
operations of the Transmission Provider, to serve its power and transmission
customers. For facilities added by the Network Customer subsequent to the
[the effective date of a Final Rule in RM05-25-000], the Network Customer
shall receive credit for such transmission facilities added if such facilities are
integrated into the operations of the Transmission Provider’s facilities;
provided however, the Network Customer’s transmission facilities shall be
presumed to be integrated if such transmission facilities, if owned by the
Transmission Provider, would be eligible for inclusion in the Transmission
Provider’s annual transmission revenue requirement as specified in
Attachment H. Calculation of any credit under this subsection shall be
addressed in either the Network Customer's Service Agreement or any other
agreement between the Parties.
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31 Designation of Network Load
31.1 Network Load:
The Network Customer must designate the individual Network Loads on
whose behalf the Transmission Provider will provide Network Integration
Transmission Service. The Network Loads shall be specified in the Service
31.2 New Network Loads Connected With the Transmission Provider:
The Network Customer shall provide the Transmission Provider with as much
advance notice as reasonably practicable of the designation of new Network
Load that will be added to its Transmission System. A designation of new
Network Load must be made through a modification of service pursuant to a
new Application. The Transmission Provider will use due diligence to install
any transmission facilities required to interconnect a new Network Load
designated by the Network Customer. The costs of new facilities required to
interconnect a new Network Load shall be determined in accordance with the
procedures provided in Section 32.4 and shall be charged to the Network
Customer in accordance with Commission policies.
31.3 Network Load Not Physically Interconnected with the Transmission
This section applies to both initial designation pursuant to Section 31.1 and
the subsequent addition of new Network Load not physically interconnected
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with the Transmission Provider. To the extent that the Network Customer
desires to obtain transmission service for a load outside the Transmission
Provider's Transmission System, the Network Customer shall have the option
of (1) electing to include the entire load as Network Load for all purposes
under Part III of the Tariff and designating Network Resources in connection
with such additional Network Load, or (2) excluding that entire load from its
Network Load and purchasing Point-To-Point Transmission Service under
Part II of the Tariff. To the extent that the Network Customer gives notice of
its intent to add a new Network Load as part of its Network Load pursuant to
this section the request must be made through a modification of service
pursuant to a new Application.
31.4 New Interconnection Points:
To the extent the Network Customer desires to add a new Delivery Point or
interconnection point between the Transmission Provider's Transmission
System and a Network Load, the Network Customer shall provide the
Transmission Provider with as much advance notice as reasonably practicable.
31.5 Changes in Service Requests:
Under no circumstances shall the Network Customer's decision to cancel or
delay a requested change in Network Integration Transmission Service (e.g.
the addition of a new Network Resource or designation of a new Network
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Load) in any way relieve the Network Customer of its obligation to pay the
costs of transmission facilities constructed by the Transmission Provider and
charged to the Network Customer as reflected in the Service Agreement.
However, the Transmission Provider must treat any requested change in
Network Integration Transmission Service in a non-discriminatory manner.
31.6 Annual Load and Resource Information Updates:
The Network Customer shall provide the Transmission Provider with annual
updates of Network Load and Network Resource forecasts consistent with
those included in its Application for Network Integration Transmission
Service under Part III of the Tariff including, but not limited to, any
information provided under section 29.2(ix) pursuant to the Transmission
Provider’s planning process in Attachment K. The Network Customer also
shall provide the Transmission Provider with timely written notice of material
changes in any other information provided in its Application relating to the
Network Customer's Network Load, Network Resources, its transmission
system or other aspects of its facilities or operations affecting the
Transmission Provider's ability to provide reliable service.
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32 Additional Study Procedures For Network Integration Transmission
Service Requests
32.1 Notice of Need for System Impact Study:
After receiving a request for service, the Transmission Provider shall
determine on a non-discriminatory basis whether a System Impact Study is
needed. A description of the Transmission Provider's methodology for
completing a System Impact Study is provided in Attachment D. If the
Transmission Provider determines that a System Impact Study is necessary to
accommodate the requested service, it shall so inform the Eligible Customer,
as soon as practicable. In such cases, the Transmission Provider shall within
thirty (30) days of receipt of a Completed Application, tender a System Impact
Study Agreement pursuant to which the Eligible Customer shall agree to
reimburse the Transmission Provider for performing the required System
Impact Study. For a service request to remain a Completed Application, the
Eligible Customer shall execute the System Impact Study Agreement and
return it to the Transmission Provider within fifteen (15) days. If the Eligible
Customer elects not to execute the System Impact Study Agreement, its
Application shall be deemed withdrawn and its deposit shall be returned with
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32.2 System Impact Study Agreement and Cost Reimbursement:
(i) The System Impact Study Agreement will clearly specify the
Transmission Provider's estimate of the actual cost, and time for
completion of the System Impact Study. The charge shall not
exceed the actual cost of the study. In performing the System
Impact Study, the Transmission Provider shall rely, to the extent
reasonably practicable, on existing transmission planning studies.
The Eligible Customer will not be assessed a charge for such
existing studies; however, the Eligible Customer will be
responsible for charges associated with any modifications to
existing planning studies that are reasonably necessary to evaluate
the impact of the Eligible Customer's request for service on the
Transmission System.
(ii) If in response to multiple Eligible Customers requesting service in
relation to the same competitive solicitation, a single System
Impact Study is sufficient for the Transmission Provider to
accommodate the service requests, the costs of that study shall be
pro-rated among the Eligible Customers.
(iii) For System Impact Studies that the Transmission Provider
conducts on its own behalf, the Transmission Provider shall
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record the cost of the System Impact Studies pursuant to Section
32.3 System Impact Study Procedures:
Upon receipt of an executed System Impact Study Agreement, the
Transmission Provider will use due diligence to complete the required System
Impact Study within a sixty (60) day period. The System Impact Study shall
identify (1) any system constraints, identified with specificity by transmission
element or flowgate, (2) redispatch options (when requested by an Eligible
Customer) including, to the extent possible, an estimate of the cost of
redispatch, (3) available options for installation of automatic devices to curtail
service (when requested by an Eligible Customer), and (4) additional Direct
Assignment Facilities or Network Upgrades required to provide the requested
service. For customers requesting the study of redispatch options, the System
Impact Study shall (1) identify all resources located within the Transmission
Provider’s Control Area that can significantly contribute toward relieving the
system constraint and (2) provide a measurement of each resource’s impact on
the system constraint. If the Transmission Provider possesses information
indicating that any resource outside its Control Area could relieve the
constraint, it shall identify each such resource in the System Impact Study. In
the event that the Transmission Provider is unable to complete the required
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System Impact Study within such time period, it shall so notify the Eligible
Customer and provide an estimated completion date along with an explanation
of the reasons why additional time is required to complete the required
studies. A copy of the completed System Impact Study and related work
papers shall be made available to the Eligible Customer as soon as the System
Impact Study is complete. The Transmission Provider will use the same due
diligence in completing the System Impact Study for an Eligible Customer as
it uses when completing studies for itself. The Transmission Provider shall
notify the Eligible Customer immediately upon completion of the System
Impact Study if the Transmission System will be adequate to accommodate all
or part of a request for service or that no costs are likely to be incurred for new
transmission facilities or upgrades. In order for a request to remain a
Completed Application, within fifteen (15) days of completion of the System
Impact Study the Eligible Customer must execute a Service Agreement or
request the filing of an unexecuted Service Agreement, or the Application
shall be deemed terminated and withdrawn.
32.4 Facilities Study Procedures:
If a System Impact Study indicates that additions or upgrades to the
Transmission System are needed to supply the Eligible Customer's service
request, the Transmission Provider, within thirty (30) days of the completion
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of the System Impact Study, shall tender to the Eligible Customer a Facilities
Study Agreement pursuant to which the Eligible Customer shall agree to
reimburse the Transmission Provider for performing the required Facilities
Study. For a service request to remain a Completed Application, the Eligible
Customer shall execute the Facilities Study Agreement and return it to the
Transmission Provider within fifteen (15) days. If the Eligible Customer
elects not to execute the Facilities Study Agreement, its Application shall be
deemed withdrawn and its deposit shall be returned with interest. Upon
receipt of an executed Facilities Study Agreement, the Transmission Provider
will use due diligence to complete the required Facilities Study within a sixty
(60) day period. If the Transmission Provider is unable to complete the
Facilities Study in the allotted time period, the Transmission Provider shall
notify the Eligible Customer and provide an estimate of the time needed to
reach a final determination along with an explanation of the reasons that
additional time is required to complete the study. When completed, the
Facilities Study will include a good faith estimate of (i) the cost of Direct
Assignment Facilities to be charged to the Eligible Customer, (ii) the Eligible
Customer's appropriate share of the cost of any required Network Upgrades,
and (iii) the time required to complete such construction and initiate the
requested service. The Eligible Customer shall provide the Transmission
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Provider with a letter of credit or other reasonable form of security acceptable
to the Transmission Provider equivalent to the costs of new facilities or
upgrades consistent with commercial practices as established by the Uniform
Commercial Code. The Eligible Customer shall have thirty (30) days to
execute a Service Agreement or request the filing of an unexecuted Service
Agreement and provide the required letter of credit or other form of security
or the request no longer will be a Completed Application and shall be deemed
terminated and withdrawn.
32.5 Penalties for Failure to Meet Study Deadlines:
Section 19.9 defines penalties that apply for failure to meet the 60-day study
completion due diligence deadlines for System Impact Studies and Facilities
Studies under Part II of the Tariff. These same requirements and penalties
apply to service under Part III of the Tariff.
33 Load Shedding and Curtailments
33.1 Procedures:
Prior to the Service Commencement Date, the Transmission Provider and the
Network Customer shall establish Load Shedding and Curtailment procedures
pursuant to the Network Operating Agreement with the objective of
responding to contingencies on the Transmission System and on systems
directly and indirectly interconnected with Transmission Provider’s
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Transmission System. The Parties will implement such programs during any
period when the Transmission Provider determines that a system contingency
exists and such procedures are necessary to alleviate such contingency. The
Transmission Provider will notify all affected Network Customers in a timely
manner of any scheduled Curtailment.
33.2 Transmission Constraints:
During any period when the Transmission Provider determines that a
transmission constraint exists on the Transmission System, and such constraint
may impair the reliability of the Transmission Provider's system, the
Transmission Provider will take whatever actions, consistent with Good
Utility Practice, that are reasonably necessary to maintain the reliability of the
Transmission Provider's system. To the extent the Transmission Provider
determines that the reliability of the Transmission System can be maintained
by redispatching resources, the Transmission Provider will initiate procedures
pursuant to the Network Operating Agreement to redispatch all Network
Resources and the Transmission Provider's own resources on a least-cost basis
without regard to the ownership of such resources. Any redispatch under this
section may not unduly discriminate between the Transmission Provider's use
of the Transmission System on behalf of its Native Load Customers and any
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Network Customer's use of the Transmission System to serve its designated
Network Load.
33.3 Cost Responsibility for Relieving Transmission Constraints:
Whenever the Transmission Provider implements least-cost redispatch
procedures in response to a transmission constraint, the Transmission Provider
and Network Customers will each bear a proportionate share of the total
redispatch cost based on their respective Load Ratio Shares.
33.4 Curtailments of Scheduled Deliveries:
If a transmission constraint on the Transmission Provider's Transmission
System cannot be relieved through the implementation of least-cost redispatch
procedures and the Transmission Provider determines that it is necessary to
Curtail scheduled deliveries, the Parties shall Curtail such schedules in
accordance with the Network Operating Agreement or pursuant to the
Transmission Loading Relief procedures specified in Attachment J.
33.5 Allocation of Curtailments:
The Transmission Provider shall, on a non-discriminatory basis, Curtail the
transaction(s) that effectively relieve the constraint. However, to the extent
practicable and consistent with Good Utility Practice, any Curtailment will be
shared by the Transmission Provider and Network Customer in proportion to
their respective Load Ratio Shares. The Transmission Provider shall not
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direct the Network Customer to Curtail schedules to an extent greater than the
Transmission Provider would Curtail the Transmission Provider's schedules
under similar circumstances.
33.6 Load Shedding:
To the extent that a system contingency exists on the Transmission Provider's
Transmission System and the Transmission Provider determines that it is
necessary for the Transmission Provider and the Network Customer to shed
load, the Parties shall shed load in accordance with previously established
procedures under the Network Operating Agreement.
33.7 System Reliability:
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Tariff, the Transmission Provider
reserves the right, consistent with Good Utility Practice and on a not unduly
discriminatory basis, to Curtail Network Integration Transmission Service
without liability on the Transmission Provider's part for the purpose of making
necessary adjustments to, changes in, or repairs on its lines, substations and
facilities, and in cases where the continuance of Network Integration
Transmission Service would endanger persons or property. In the event of
any adverse condition(s) or disturbance(s) on the Transmission Provider's
Transmission System or on any other system(s) directly or indirectly
interconnected with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System, the
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Transmission Provider, consistent with Good Utility Practice, also may Curtail
Network Integration Transmission Service in order to (i) limit the extent or
damage of the adverse condition(s) or disturbance(s), (ii) prevent damage to
generating or transmission facilities, or (iii) expedite restoration of service.
The Transmission Provider will give the Network Customer as much advance
notice as is practicable in the event of such Curtailment. Any Curtailment of
Network Integration Transmission Service will be not unduly discriminatory
relative to the Transmission Provider's use of the Transmission System on
behalf of its Native Load Customers. The Transmission Provider shall specify
the rate treatment and all related terms and conditions applicable in the event
that the Network Customer fails to respond to established Load Shedding and
Curtailment procedures.
34 Rates and Charges
The Network Customer shall pay the Transmission Provider for any Direct
Assignment Facilities, Ancillary Services, and applicable study costs, consistent
with Commission policy, along with the following:
34.1 Monthly Demand Charge:
The Network Customer shall pay a monthly Demand Charge, which shall be
determined by multiplying its Load Ratio Share times one twelfth (1/12) of the
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Transmission Provider's Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement specified
in Schedule H.
34.2 Determination of Network Customer's Monthly Network Load:
The Network Customer's monthly Network Load is its hourly load (including
its designated Network Load not physically interconnected with the
Transmission Provider under Section 31.3) coincident with the Transmission
Provider's Monthly Transmission System Peak.
34.3 Determination of Transmission Provider's Monthly Transmission
System Load:
The Transmission Provider's monthly Transmission System load is the
Transmission Provider's Monthly Transmission System Peak minus the
coincident peak usage of all Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
customers pursuant to Part II of this Tariff plus the Reserved Capacity of all
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service customers.
34.4 Redispatch Charge:
The Network Customer shall pay a Load Ratio Share of any redispatch costs
allocated between the Network Customer and the Transmission Provider
pursuant to Section 33. To the extent that the Transmission Provider incurs an
obligation to the Network Customer for redispatch costs in accordance with
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Section 33, such amounts shall be credited against the Network Customer's
bill for the applicable month.
34.5 Stranded Cost Recovery:
The Transmission Provider may seek to recover stranded costs from the
Network Customer pursuant to this Tariff in accordance with the terms,
conditions and procedures set forth in FERC Order No. 888. However, the
Transmission Provider must separately file any proposal to recover stranded
costs under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act.
35 Operating Arrangements
35.1 Operation under The Network Operating Agreement:
The Network Customer shall plan, construct, operate and maintain its facilities
in accordance with Good Utility Practice and in conformance with the
Network Operating Agreement.
35.2 Network Operating Agreement:
The terms and conditions under which the Network Customer shall operate its
facilities and the technical and operational matters associated with the
implementation of Part III of the Tariff shall be specified in the Network
Operating Agreement. The Network Operating Agreement shall provide for
the Parties to (i) operate and maintain equipment necessary for integrating the
Network Customer within the Transmission Provider's Transmission System
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(including, but not limited to, remote terminal units, metering,
communications equipment and relaying equipment), (ii) transfer data
between the Transmission Provider and the Network Customer (including, but
not limited to, heat rates and operational characteristics of Network Resources,
generation schedules for units outside the Transmission Provider's
Transmission System, interchange schedules, unit outputs for redispatch
required under Section 33, voltage schedules, loss factors and other real time
data), (iii) use software programs required for data links and constraint
dispatching, (iv) exchange data on forecasted loads and resources necessary
for long-term planning, and (v) address any other technical and operational
considerations required for implementation of Part III of the Tariff, including
scheduling protocols. The Network Operating Agreement will recognize that
the Network Customer shall either (i) operate as a Control Area under
applicable guidelines of the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) as
defined in 18 C.F.R. § 39.1, (ii) satisfy its Control Area requirements,
including all necessary Ancillary Services, by contracting with the
Transmission Provider, or (iii) satisfy its Control Area requirements, including
all necessary Ancillary Services, by contracting with another entity, consistent
with Good Utility Practice, which satisfies the applicable reliability guidelines
of the ERO. The Transmission Provider shall not unreasonably refuse to
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accept contractual arrangements with another entity for Ancillary Services.
The Network Operating Agreement is included in Attachment G.
35.3 Network Operating Committee:
A Network Operating Committee (Committee) shall be established to
coordinate operating criteria for the Parties' respective responsibilities under
the Network Operating Agreement. Each Network Customer shall be entitled
to have at least one representative on the Committee. The Committee shall
meet from time to time as need requires, but no less than once each calendar
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Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service
This service is required to schedule the movement of power through, out of,
within, or into a Control Area. This service can be provided only by the operator of the
Control Area in which the transmission facilities used for transmission service are
located. Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service is to be provided directly by
the Transmission Provider (if the Transmission Provider is the Control Area operator) or
indirectly by the Transmission Provider making arrangements with the Control Area
operator that performs this service for the Transmission Provider's Transmission System.
The Transmission Customer must purchase this service from the Transmission Provider
or the Control Area operator. The charges for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch
Service are to be based on the rates set forth below. To the extent the Control Area
operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission
Customer are to reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the Transmission
Provider by that Control Area operator.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 133 -
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from
Generation or Other Sources Service
In order to maintain transmission voltages on the Transmission Provider's
transmission facilities within acceptable limits, generation facilities and non-generation
resources capable of providing this service that are under the control of the control area
operator are operated to produce (or absorb) reactive power. Thus, Reactive Supply and
Voltage Control from Generation or Other Sources Service must be provided for each
transaction on the Transmission Provider's transmission facilities. The amount of
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other Sources Service that
must be supplied with respect to the Transmission Customer's transaction will be
determined based on the reactive power support necessary to maintain transmission
voltages within limits that are generally accepted in the region and consistently adhered
to by the Transmission Provider.
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other Sources Service is
to be provided directly by the Transmission Provider (if the Transmission Provider is the
Control Area operator) or indirectly by the Transmission Provider making arrangements
with the Control Area operator that performs this service for the Transmission Provider's
Transmission System. The Transmission Customer must purchase this service from the
Transmission Provider or the Control Area operator. The charges for such service will be
based on the rates set forth below. To the extent the Control Area operator performs this
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 134 -
service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to
reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by the
Control Area operator.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 135 -
Regulation and Frequency Response Service
Regulation and Frequency Response Service is necessary to provide for the
continuous balancing of resources (generation and interchange) with load and for
maintaining scheduled Interconnection frequency at sixty cycles per second (60 Hz).
Regulation and Frequency Response Service is accomplished by committing on-line
generation whose output is raised or lowered (predominantly through the use of
automatic generating control equipment) and by other non-generation resources capable
of providing this service as necessary to follow the moment-by-moment changes in load.
The obligation to maintain this balance between resources and load lies with the
Transmission Provider (or the Control Area operator that performs this function for the
Transmission Provider). The Transmission Provider must offer this service when the
transmission service is used to serve load within its Control Area. The Transmission
Customer must either purchase this service from the Transmission Provider or make
alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its Regulation and Frequency Response
Service obligation. The amount of and charges for Regulation and Frequency Response
Service are set forth below. To the extent the Control Area operator performs this service
for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a
pass-through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by that Control Area
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 136 -
Energy Imbalance Service
Energy Imbalance Service is provided when a difference occurs between the
scheduled and the actual delivery of energy to a load located within a Control Area over a
single hour. The Transmission Provider must offer this service when the transmission
service is used to serve load within its Control Area. The Transmission Customer must
either purchase this service from the Transmission Provider or make alternative
comparable arrangements, which may include use of non-generation resources capable of
providing this service, to satisfy its Energy Imbalance Service obligation. To the extent
the Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to
the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the
Transmission Provider by that Control Area operator. The Transmission Provider may
charge a Transmission Customer a penalty for either hourly energy imbalances under this
Schedule or a penalty for hourly generator imbalances under Schedule 9 for imbalances
occurring during the same hour, but not both unless the imbalances aggravate rather than
offset each other.
The Transmission Provider shall establish charges for energy imbalance based on
the deviation bands as follows: (i) deviations within +/- 1.5 percent (with a minimum of
2 MW) of the scheduled transaction to be applied hourly to any energy imbalance that
occurs as a result of the Transmission Customer's scheduled transaction(s) will be netted
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 137 -
on a monthly basis and settled financially, at the end of the month, at 100 percent of
incremental or decremental cost; (ii) deviations greater than +/- 1.5 percent up to 7.5
percent (or greater than 2 MW up to 10 MW) of the scheduled transaction to be applied
hourly to any energy imbalance that occurs as a result of the Transmission Customer’s
scheduled transaction(s) will be settled financially, at the end of each month, at 110
percent of incremental cost or 90 percent of decremental cost, and (iii) deviations greater
than +/- 7.5 percent (or 10 MW) of the scheduled transaction to be applied hourly to any
energy imbalance that occurs as a result of the Transmission Customer’s scheduled
transaction(s) will be settled financially, at the end of each month, at 125 percent of
incremental cost or 75 percent of decremental cost.
For purposes of this Schedule, incremental cost and decremental cost represent the
Transmission Provider’s actual average hourly cost of the last 10 MW dispatched for any
purpose, i.
e.g., to supply the Transmission Provider’s Native Load Customers, correct
imbalances, or make off-system sales, based on the replacement cost of fuel, unit heat
rates, start-up costs (including any commitment and redispatch costs), incremental
operation and maintenance costs, and purchased and interchange power costs and taxes,
as applicable.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 138 -
Operating Reserve - Spinning Reserve Service
Spinning Reserve Service is needed to serve load immediately in the event of a
system contingency. Spinning Reserve Service may be provided by generating units that
are on-line and loaded at less than maximum output and by non-generation resources
capable of providing this service. The Transmission Provider must offer this service
when the transmission service is used to serve load within its Control Area. The
Transmission Customer must either purchase this service from the Transmission Provider
or make alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its Spinning Reserve Service
obligation. The amount of and charges for Spinning Reserve Service are set forth below.
To the extent the Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission
Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass-through of the
costs charged to the Transmission Provider by that Control Area operator.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 139 -
Operating Reserve - Supplemental Reserve Service
Supplemental Reserve Service is needed to serve load in the event of a system
contingency; however, it is not available immediately to serve load but rather within a
short period of time. Supplemental Reserve Service may be provided by generating units
that are on-line but unloaded, by quick-start generation or by interruptible load or other
non-generation resources capable of providing this service. The Transmission Provider
must offer this service when the transmission service is used to serve load within its
Control Area. The Transmission Customer must either purchase this service from the
Transmission Provider or make alternative comparable arrangements to satisfy its
Supplemental Reserve Service obligation. The amount of and charges for Supplemental
Reserve Service are set forth below. To the extent the Control Area operator performs
this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the Transmission Customer are to
reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the Transmission Provider by that
Control Area operator.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 140 -
Long-Term Firm and Short-Term Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service
The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Transmission Provider each
month for Reserved Capacity at the sum of the applicable charges set forth below:
1) Yearly delivery: one-twelfth of the demand charge of $
/KW of Reserved
Capacity per year.
2) Monthly delivery: $
/KW of Reserved Capacity per month.
3) Weekly delivery: $
/KW of Reserved Capacity per week.
4) Daily delivery: $
/KW of Reserved Capacity per day.
The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery,
shall not exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in
kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week.
5) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for transmission
service as follows (1) any offer of a discount made by the Transmission Provider
must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2)
any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one's
wholesale merchant or an Affiliate's use) must occur solely by posting on the
OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted
on the OASIS. For any discount agreed upon for service on a path, from point(s)
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 141 -
of receipt to point(s) of delivery, the Transmission Provider must offer the same
discounted transmission service rate for the same time period to all Eligible
Customers on all unconstrained transmission paths that go to the same point(s) of
delivery on the Transmission System.
6) Resales: The rates and rules governing charges and discounts stated above shall
not apply to resales of transmission service, compensation for which shall be
governed by section 23.1 of the Tariff.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 142 -
Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Transmission Provider for Non-
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service up to the sum of the applicable charges set
forth below:
1) Monthly delivery: $
/KW of Reserved Capacity per month.
2) Weekly delivery: $
/KW of Reserved Capacity per week.
3) Daily delivery: $
/KW of Reserved Capacity per day.
The total demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Daily delivery,
shall not exceed the rate specified in section (2) above times the highest amount in
kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any day during such week.
4) Hourly delivery: The basic charge shall be that agreed upon by the Parties at the
time this service is reserved and in no event shall exceed $
/MWH. The total
demand charge in any day, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly delivery, shall not
exceed the rate specified in section (3) above times the highest amount in
kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such day. In addition, the total
demand charge in any week, pursuant to a reservation for Hourly or Daily
delivery, shall not exceed the rate specified in section (2) above times the highest
amount in kilowatts of Reserved Capacity in any hour during such week.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 143 -
5) Discounts: Three principal requirements apply to discounts for transmission
service as follows (1) any offer of a discount made by the Transmission Provider
must be announced to all Eligible Customers solely by posting on the OASIS, (2)
any customer-initiated requests for discounts (including requests for use by one's
wholesale merchant or an Affiliate's use) must occur solely by posting on the
OASIS, and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted
on the OASIS. For any discount agreed upon for service on a path, from point(s)
of receipt to point(s) of delivery, the Transmission Provider must offer the same
discounted transmission service rate for the same time period to all Eligible
Customers on all unconstrained transmission paths that go to the same point(s) of
delivery on the Transmission System.
6) Resales: The rates and rules governing charges and discounts stated above shall
not apply to resales of transmission service, compensation for which shall be
governed by section 23.1 of the Tariff.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 144 -
Generator Imbalance Service
Generator Imbalance Service is provided when a difference occurs between the
output of a generator located in the Transmission Provider’s Control Area and a delivery
schedule from that generator to (1) another Control Area or (2) a load within the
Transmission Provider’s Control Area over a single hour. The Transmission Provider
must offer this service, to the extent it is physically feasible to do so from its resources or
from resources available to it, when Transmission Service is used to deliver energy from
a generator located within its Control Area. The Transmission Customer must either
purchase this service from the Transmission Provider or make alternative comparable
arrangements, which may include use of non-generation resources capable of providing
this service, to satisfy its Generator Imbalance Service obligation. To the extent the
Control Area operator performs this service for the Transmission Provider, charges to the
Transmission Customer are to reflect only a pass-through of the costs charged to the
Transmission Provider by that Control Area Operator. The Transmission Provider may
charge a Transmission Customer a penalty for either hourly generator imbalances under
this Schedule or a penalty for hourly energy imbalances under Schedule 4 for imbalances
occurring during the same hour, but not both unless the imbalances aggravate rather than
offset each other.
The Transmission Provider shall establish charges for generator imbalance based
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 145 -
on the deviation bands as follows: (i) deviations within +/- 1.5 percent (with a minimum
of 2 MW) of the scheduled transaction to be applied hourly to any generator imbalance
that occurs as a result of the Transmission Customer's scheduled transaction(s) will be
netted on a monthly basis and settled financially, at the end of each month, at 100 percent
of incremental or decremental cost, (ii) deviations greater than +/- 1.5 percent up to 7.5
percent (or greater than 2 MW up to 10 MW) of the scheduled transaction to be applied
hourly to any generator imbalance that occurs as a result of the Transmission Customer's
scheduled transaction(s) will be settled financially, at the end of each month, at 110
percent of incremental cost or 90 percent of decremental cost, and (iii) deviations greater
than +/- 7.5 percent (or 10 MW) of the scheduled transaction to be applied hourly to any
generator imbalance that occurs as a result of the Transmission Customer's scheduled
transaction(s) will be settled at 125 percent of incremental cost or 75 percent of
decremental cost, except that an intermittent resource will be exempt from this deviation
band and will pay the deviation band charges for all deviations greater than the larger of
1.5 percent or 2 MW. An intermittent resource, for the limited purpose of this Schedule
is an electric generator that is not dispatchable and cannot store its fuel source and
therefore cannot respond to changes in system demand or respond to transmission
security constraints.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, deviations from scheduled transactions in order to
respond to directives by the Transmission Provider, a balancing authority, or a reliability
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 146 -
coordinator shall not be subject to the deviation bands identified above and, instead, shall
be settled financially, at the end of the month, at 100 percent of incremental and
decremental cost. Such directives may include instructions to correct frequency decay,
respond to a reserve sharing event, or change output to relieve congestion.
For purposes of this Schedule, incremental cost and decremental cost represent the
Transmission Provider’s actual average hourly cost of the last 10 MW dispatched for any
purpose, i.
e.g., to supply the Transmission Provider’s Native Load Customers, correct
imbalances, or make off-system sales, based on the replacement cost of fuel, unit heat
rates, start-up costs (including any commitment and redispatch costs), incremental
operation and maintenance costs, and purchased and interchange power costs and taxes,
as applicable.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 147 -
Page 1 of 4
Form Of Service Agreement For
Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
1.0 This Service Agreement, dated as of _______________, is entered into, by and
between _____________ (the Transmission Provider), and ____________
("Transmission Customer").
2.0 The Transmission Customer has been determined by the Transmission Provider to
have a Completed Application for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
under the Tariff.
3.0 The Transmission Customer has provided to the Transmission Provider an
Application deposit in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.3 of the
4.0 Service under this agreement shall commence on the later of (l) the requested
service commencement date, or (2) the date on which construction of any Direct
Assignment Facilities and/or Network Upgrades are completed, or (3) such other
date as it is permitted to become effective by the Commission. Service under this
agreement shall terminate on such date as mutually agreed upon by the parties.
5.0 The Transmission Provider agrees to provide and the Transmission Customer
agrees to take and pay for Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service in
accordance with the provisions of Part II of the Tariff and this Service Agreement.
6.0 Any notice or request made to or by either Party regarding this Service Agreement
shall be made to the representative of the other Party as indicated below.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Transmission Provider:
Transmission Customer:
7.0 The Tariff is incorporated herein and made a part hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Service Agreement to be
executed by their respective authorized officials.
Transmission Provider:
By: ______________________ _______________ ______________
Name Title Date
Transmission Customer:
By: ______________________ _______________ ______________
Name Title Date
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 149 -
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Specifications For Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service
1.0 Term of Transaction: __________________________________
Start Date: ___________________________________________
Termination Date: _____________________________________
2.0 Description of capacity and energy to be transmitted by Transmission Provider
including the electric Control Area in which the transaction originates.
3.0 Point(s) of Receipt:___________________________________
Delivering Party:_______________________________________
4.0 Point(s) of Delivery:__________________________________
Receiving Party:______________________________________
5.0 Maximum amount of capacity and energy to be transmitted
(Reserved Capacity):___________________________________
6.0 Designation of party(ies) subject to reciprocal service
7.0 Name(s) of any Intervening Systems providing transmission
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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8.0 Service under this Agreement may be subject to some combination of the charges
detailed below. (The appropriate charges for individual transactions will be
determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Tariff.)
8.1 Transmission Charge:________________________________
8.2 System Impact and/or Facilities Study Charge(s):
8.3 Direct Assignment Facilities Charge:____________________
8.4 Ancillary Services Charges: ______________________
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 151 -
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Form Of Service Agreement For
The Resale, Reassignment Or Transfer Of
Point-To-Point Transmission Service
1.0 This Service Agreement, dated as of _______________, is entered into, by and
between ____________ (the Transmission Provider), and ____________ (the
2.0 The Assignee has been determined by the Transmission Provider to be an Eligible
Customer under the Tariff pursuant to which the transmission service rights to be
transferred were originally obtained.
3.0 The terms and conditions for the transaction entered into under this Service
Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Part II of the
Transmission Provider’s Tariff, except for those terms and conditions negotiated
by the Reseller of the reassigned transmission capacity (pursuant to Section 23.1
of this Tariff) and the Assignee, to include: contract effective and termination
dates, the amount of reassigned capacity or energy, point(s) of receipt and
delivery. Changes by the Assignee to the Reseller’s Points of Receipt and Points
of Delivery will be subject to the provisions of Section 23.2 of this Tariff.
4.0 The Transmission Provider shall credit the Reseller for the price reflected in the
Assignee’s Service Agreement or the associated OASIS schedule.
5.0 Any notice or request made to or by either Party regarding this Service Agreement
shall be made to the representative of the other Party as indicated below.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 152 -
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Transmission Provider
6.0 The Tariff is incorporated herein and made a part hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Service Agreement to be
executed by their respective authorized officials.
Transmission Provider
By:____________________________ ______________________ _______________
Name Title Date
By:____________________________ ______________________ _______________
Name Title Date
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 153 -
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Specifications For The Resale, Reassignment Or Transfer of
Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service
1.0 Term of Transaction: ___________________________________
Start Date: ___________________________________________
Termination Date: _____________________________________
2.0 Description of capacity and energy to be transmitted by Transmission Provider
including the electric Control Area in which the transaction originates.
3.0 Point(s) of Receipt:___________________________________
Delivering Party:_______________________________________
4.0 Point(s) of Delivery:__________________________________
Receiving Party:______________________________________
5.0 Maximum amount of reassigned capacity: __________________
6.0 Designation of party(ies) subject to reciprocal service
7.0 Name(s) of any Intervening Systems providing transmission
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
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Page 4 of 4
8.0 Service under this Agreement may be subject to some combination of the charges
detailed below. (The appropriate charges for individual transactions will be
determined in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Tariff.)
8.1 Transmission Charge:________________________________
8.2 System Impact and/or Facilities Study Charge(s):
8.3 Direct Assignment Facilities Charge:____________________
8.4 Ancillary Services Charges: ______________________
9.0 Name of Reseller of the reassigned transmission capacity:
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 155 -
Form Of Service Agreement For Non-Firm Point-To-Point
Transmission Service
1.0 This Service Agreement, dated as of _______________, is entered into, by and
between _______________ (the Transmission Provider), and ____________
(Transmission Customer).
2.0 The Transmission Customer has been determined by the Transmission Provider to
be a Transmission Customer under Part II of the Tariff and has filed a Completed
Application for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service in accordance
with Section 18.2 of the Tariff.
3.0 Service under this Agreement shall be provided by the Transmission Provider
upon request by an authorized representative of the Transmission Customer.
4.0 The Transmission Customer agrees to supply information the Transmission
Provider deems reasonably necessary in accordance with Good Utility Practice in
order for it to provide the requested service.
5.0 The Transmission Provider agrees to provide and the Transmission Customer
agrees to take and pay for Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service in
accordance with the provisions of Part II of the Tariff and this Service Agreement.
6.0 Any notice or request made to or by either Party regarding this Service Agreement
shall be made to the representative of the other Party as indicated below.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 156 -
Transmission Provider:
Transmission Customer:
7.0 The Tariff is incorporated herein and made a part hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Service Agreement to be
executed by their respective authorized officials.
Transmission Provider:
By: ______________________ _______________ ______________
Name Title Date
Transmission Customer:
By: ______________________ _______________ ______________
Name Title Date
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 157 -
Methodology To Assess Available Transfer Capability
The Transmission Provider must include, at a minimum, the following information
concerning its ATC calculation methodology:
(1) A detailed description of the specific mathematical algorithm used to calculate
firm and non-firm ATC (and AFC, if applicable) for its scheduling horizon (same day
and real-time), operating horizon (day ahead and pre-schedule) and planning horizon
(beyond the operating horizon);
(2) A process flow diagram that illustrates the various steps through which ATC/AFC
is calculated; and
(3) A detailed explanation of how each of the ATC components is calculated for both
the operating and planning horizons.
(a) For TTC, a Transmission Provider shall: (i) explain its definition of TTC; (ii)
explain its TTC calculation methodology; (iii) list the databases used in its TTC
assessments; and (iv) explain the assumptions used in its TTC assessments regarding load
levels, generation dispatch, and modeling of planned and contingency outages.
(b) For ETC, a transmission provider shall explain: (i) its definition of ETC; (ii) the
calculation methodology used to determine the transmission capacity to be set aside for
native load (including network load), and non-OATT customers (including, if applicable,
an explanation of assumptions on the selection of generators that are modeled in service);
(iii) how point-to-point transmission service requests are incorporated; (iv) how rollover
rights are accounted for; (v) its processes for ensuring that non-firm capacity is released
properly (e.g.
, when real time schedules replace the associated transmission service
requests in its real-time calculations); and (vi) describe the step-by-step modeling study
methodology and criteria for adding or eliminating flowgates (permanent and temporary).
(c) If a Transmission Provider uses an AFC methodology to calculate ATC, it shall:
(i) explain its definition of AFC; (ii) explain its AFC calculation methodology; (iii)
explain its process for converting AFC into ATC for OASIS posting; (iv) list the
databases used in its AFC assessments; and (v) explain the assumptions used in its AFC
assessments regarding load levels, generation dispatch, and modeling of planned and
contingency outages.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 158 -
(d) For TRM, a Transmission Provider shall explain: (i) its definition of TRM; (ii) its
TRM calculation methodology (e.g.
, its assumptions on load forecast errors, forecast
errors in system topology or distribution factors and loop flow sources); (iii) the
databases used in its TRM assessments; (iv) the conditions under which the transmission
provider uses TRM. A Transmission Provider that does not set aside transfer capability
for TRM must so state.
(e) For CBM, the Transmission Provider shall state include a specific and self-
contained narrative explanation of its CBM practice, including: (i) an identification of the
entity who performs the resource adequacy analysis for CBM determination; (ii) the
methodology used to perform generation reliability assessments (e.g.
, probabilistic or
deterministic); (iii) an explanation of whether the assessment method reflects a specific
regional practice; (iv) the assumptions used in this assessment; and (v) the basis for the
selection of paths on which CBM is set aside.
(f) In addition, for CBM, a Transmission Provider shall: (i) explain its definition of
CBM; (ii) list the databases used in its CBM calculations; and (iii) demonstrate that there
is no double-counting of contingency outages when performing CBM, TTC, and TRM
(g) The Transmission Provider shall explain its procedures for allowing the use of
CBM during emergencies (with an explanation of what constitutes an emergency, the
entities that are permitted to use CBM during emergencies and the procedures which
must be followed by the transmission providers’ merchant function and other load-
serving entities when they need to access CBM). If the Transmission Provider’s practice
is not to set aside transfer capability for CBM, it shall so state.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 159 -
Methodology for Completing a System Impact Study
To be filed by the Transmission Provider
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 160 -
Index Of Point-To-Point Transmission Service Customers
Date of
Service Agreement
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 161 -
Service Agreement For
Network Integration Transmission Service
To be filed by the Transmission Provider
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 162 -
Network Operating Agreement
To be filed by the Transmission Provider
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 163 -
Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement
For Network Integration Transmission Service
1. The Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement for purposes of the Network
Integration Transmission Service shall be ____________________________.
2. The amount in (1) shall be effective until amended by the Transmission Provider
or modified by the Commission.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 164 -
Index Of Network Integration Transmission Service Customers
Date of
Service Agreement
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 165 -
Procedures for Addressing Parallel Flows
To be filed by the Transmission Provider
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 166 -
Transmission Planning Process
The Transmission Provider shall establish a coordinated, open and transparent planning
process with its Network and Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Customers and other
interested parties, including the coordination of such planning with interconnected
systems within its region, to ensure that the Transmission System is planned to meet the
needs of both the Transmission Provider and its Network and Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Customers on a comparable and nondiscriminatory basis. The
Transmission Provider’s coordinated, open and transparent planning process shall be
provided as an attachment to the Transmission Provider’s Tariff.
The Transmission Provider’s planning process shall satisfy the following nine principles,
as defined in the Final Rule in Docket No. RM05-25-000: coordination, openness,
transparency, information exchange, comparability, dispute resolution, regional
participation, economic planning studies, and cost allocation for new projects. The
planning process shall also provide a mechanism for the recovery and allocation of
planning costs consistent with the Final Rule in Docket No. RM05-25-000.
The Transmission Provider’s planning process must include sufficient detail to enable
Transmission Customers to understand:
(i) The process for consulting with customers and neighboring transmission providers;
(ii) The notice procedures and anticipated frequency of meetings;
(iii) The methodology, criteria, and processes used to develop transmission plans;
(iv) The method of disclosure of criteria, assumptions and data underlying transmission
system plans;
(v) The obligations of and methods for customers to submit data to the transmission
(vi) The dispute resolution process;
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 167 -
(vii) The transmission provider’s study procedures for economic upgrades to address
congestion or the integration of new resources; and
(viii) The relevant cost allocation procedures or principles.
(Name of Transmission Provider) Open Access Transmission Tariff
Original Sheet No. - 168 -
Creditworthiness Procedures
For the purpose of determining the ability of the Transmission Customer to meet its
obligations related to service hereunder, the Transmission Provider may require
reasonable credit review procedures. This review shall be made in accordance with
standard commercial practices and must specify quantitative and qualitative criteria to
determine the level of secured and unsecured credit
The Transmission Provider may require the Transmission Customer to provide and
maintain in effect during the term of the Service Agreement, an unconditional and
irrevocable letter of credit as security to meet its responsibilities and obligations under
the Tariff, or an alternative form of security proposed by the Transmission Customer and
acceptable to the Transmission Provider and consistent with commercial practices
established by the Uniform Commercial Code that protects the Transmission Provider
against the risk of non-payment.
Additionally, the Transmission Provider must include, at a minimum, the following
information concerning its creditworthiness procedures:
(1) a summary of the procedure for determining the level of secured and unsecured credit;
(2) a list of the acceptable types of collateral/security;
(3) a procedure for providing customers with reasonable notice of changes in credit levels
and collateral requirements;
(4) a procedure for providing customers, upon request, a written explanation for any
change in credit levels or collateral requirements;
(5) a reasonable opportunity to contest determinations of credit levels or collateral
requirements; and
(6) a reasonable opportunity to post additional collateral, including curing any non-
creditworthy determination.