Customer Service Award
Angela oversees the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests for the
Department of Buildings. Angela was chosen for her stellar customer
service skills while interacting with individuals from private, corporate and
Angela White
Department of Buildings
As an Assistant Examiner at the Manhattan Citywide Testing Center, Donet
administers all exam events for candidates seeking employment or
promotions. Some of her duties include processing applicants, answering
candidates' questions and providing instruction regarding testing process.
Donet is a professional in all aspect of her work. She is extremely
knowledgeable and provides customer service to each candidate with love!
Donet goes above and beyond to assist customers. Her colleagues consider
her to be a very patient and caring colleague. Donet is often recognized by
customers for providing exemplary service.
Donet Irving-Pryce
Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Cynthia Chaplin
Department of Correction
In an effort to recognize the Department of Correction members of staff for
their hard work and dedication, the Health Affairs Division, under the
purview of Deputy Commissioner James Saunders nominates the Americans
with Disabilities (ADA) team for all of their effortless commitment to the
persons in custody. The ADA team consists of three (3) members of staff
working primarily within the facilities. They are responsible for ensuring
compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act as it relates to
equality and non-discrimination against individuals within DOC's custody
who have disabilities of either a physical or mental nature.
Duties of the team include the following:
Ensure disability policies, practices, and procedures are implemented
and enforced
Handle disability-related complaints and reasonable accommodation
Visit persons in custody with disabilities
Serve as a resource for DOC staff who have questions or concerns
regarding ADA-related issues
Maintain an ADA database of persons in custody with disabilities to
ensure they are provided appropriate access
Ensure staff are provided adequate information and training
Jean Townes
Department of Finance
Ms. Jean Townes is a Processing Specialist for the Parking Tax Exemption
Unit and Customer Service representative for the City Pay-by-Phone
Program. She handles all aspects of the Manhattan Parking Tax Exemption
Program, including customer inquiries via email and 311 transfer, and
provides direct customer service, walking taxpayers through the process of
making property tax payments.
Every week, DOF receives customer accolades for Jean. She truly enjoys
speaking with NYC taxpayers and her care, kindness, and professionalism
shines through. Jean is particularly fond aiding the senior population. One
senior called the City Pay-by-Phone line extremely nervous about getting
her property taxes paid. Jean patiently and calmly allayed her fears and
walked her through every step of the process. The woman cried tears of joy,
thanking Jean repeatedly for her patience, gentleness, and understanding.
This customer has subsequently called Jean many times to get help with the
process and tells Jean that she “feels her wonderful vibes and smile over the
phone all the time.This is only one of many customers whom Jean has
Jean consistently shows sensitivity and compassion while shepherding NYC
taxpayers through what can be an intimidating process. She is a gem.
Eugene Massey
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Eugene Massey’s role as Community Research Program Coordinator for the Air
Quality and Climate Health Programs in the Bureau of Environmental
Surveillance and Policy (BESP) included development of two networks of
community-based organizations (CBOs) during FY23. The Houses of Worship
(HOW) Heat Safety Initiative brought together faith-based organizations to train
and support them in responding to extreme heat events with their
congregants. The Climate Resilience Action Network (CRAN) is a new initiative
to bring community voices into DOHMH's climate health work from the onset
rather than at the conclusion of research, program and policy development
processes. Eugene led recruitment of organizations and creation of materials
and outreach for both networks and continues to act as CRAN coordinator.
Eugene demonstrates the standards of Respect, Trust, Empathy and
Accountability in their work through their clear enthusiasm for implementing
these networks in ways that meet the community where they are, optimizing the
benefits to participating community-and faith-based organizations. They
respect the time of the often over-burdened staff of our partners, making every
attempt to lessen the administrative load on them in order to encourage the
CBO's participation. In very practical customer service, Eugene has provided
hours of support to participating organizations in registering with the city and
invoicing for the deliverables on their projects, filling a significant gap in
VIPS/PIPS City system of reimbursement and providing actionable feedback
through DOHMH administration. Another example of their dedication was
Eugene's decision to visit each of the CBOs involved in CRAN at their offices to
get a better understanding of their work and community. Eugene also has
challenged the epidemiologists in BESP to identify opportunities for the CBOs
to have truly meaningful input to their work, thereby laying a solid foundation
for the long-term success of CRAN.
Jeanne Battista
Department of Parks and Recreation
Jeanne works in district operations. She keeps supervisors informed, follows
up on work orders, and follows through on task completion to ensure
borough office needs are met. She also helps POP workers with various
tasks like setting up their direct deposit.
Jeanne has a great rapport with the community. They all stop in and say
hello, most of them with their dogs. She keeps treats at the ready and a dog
bowl for water when they arrive after a long walk with their master around
Willow Brook Park trails and lake (Staten Island). Jeanne has been a
dedicated Parks employee for over 39 years!
Eleanor Prince
Department of Records and Information Services
The Department of Records and Information Services (DORIS) nominates
Eleanor Prince, Grant Unit Supervisor, for the 2023 Customer Service Award.
Not all DORIS “customers” are members of the public; the agency also
provides service to other city agencies. Eleanor Prince has served as the
Grant Unit Supervisor since May 2018. The Grant Unit is responsible for
administering $1 million annually in grant funds awarded by the New York
State Archives to New York City mayoral agencies to improve their records
management programs. The funding has been critical in helping agencies
modernize their records programs. As Supervisor of the Unit, Eleanor
Prince helps agencies identify records-related problems and propose
solutions. Ms. Prince assists mayoral agencies in preparing grant
applications to Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund
(LGRMIF) administered by the New York State Archives. She conducts
research, advises on compliance with mandated programs, edits, and
submits the final proposals. She acts as liaison with the LGRMIF staff in
Albany and provides guidance and assistance to agencies once they have
been notified of a grant award. Eleanor’s excellent work has brought more
than $5 million to the City during her tenure as Supervisor of the program.
In addition to her important work for the Grant Unit, Eleanor regularly
volunteers her time at an Asylum Seeker Respite Center operated by NYC
DOHMH. Eleanor has also volunteered to participate in the DOHMH-
sponsored Post Emergency Canvassing Operation (PECO) program. Eleanor
Prince is a valued member of the DORIS team and is a worthy recipient of
the Customer Service Award.
Pamela St. Francis
Fire Department of New York City
Pamela (Pam) Francis launched and manages the first Customer Service
Desk for the FDNY. The Customer Service Desk serves the 5 Boroughs of
NYC and the FDNY Bureau of Fire Prevention as well as FDNY Operations.
She strived for customer service excellence during the first year of
operation resulting in the Mayoral nomination for a Customer Service
Award. Pam is also the main point of contact between FDNY, DOB, 311,
HPD, and FDNY operations to name a few.
Pam provides instructions, maintenance and problem solving as necessary
to ensure optimal efficiency within the Customer Services Center (CSC). She
reviews the organizational functions and utilizes staff as necessary to devise
and ensure appropriate logistical controls. Lastly, she directs the daily front
end operations of the CSC, manages the CSC regarding assigned special
projects in coordination with field operations, Fire Prevention Units and
other NYC public safety agencies.
Lisa Spezio is a personnel representative. She handles the onboarding of
new hires and transfers from various divisions at the Law Department. She
also handles hiring pools and offboarding of staff. Her in-depth knowledge
of the civil service rules and regulations makes her a real asset to our
Lisa Spezio is a professional and dedicated personnel representative at the
NYC the Law Department. She consistently demonstrates the values that the
Law Department challenges its employees to embody. Her dedication to
understanding the unique needs of our agency and all the divisions see
oversees is amazing. The scope of her knowledge allows us to more easily
understand and navigate the often-complicated Civil Service rules. She
shows a deep respect for the confidential nature of her work and is ready to
teach those of us who are unfamiliar with the Civil Service rules and
regulations the correct paths to follow or pitfalls of which to be mindful.
Lisa creates a supportive work environment which encourages
communication between divisions and Human Resources which is key to
any successful relationship.
Lisa makes the onboarding process for new hires and transfers easy for all
divisions assigned to her. Her knowledge of conducting hiring pools is also
a plus for the agency. Lisa’s attitude is professional, but real. Her positivity is
impossible to overlook (and is truly admirable giving the crushing amount
of work that she has on her plate). She never rushes a conversation or
ignores a question. She is always very professional and courteous.
Lisa L. Spezio
Law Department
As Operations Manager, Jonelle coordinates staff orientations and technology platform
support office wide. She is also responsible for reporting and keeping leadership
informed via meetings and memos, the educational “lunch and learns” as well as team
building initiatives.
Jonelle is a dedicated public servant with an unwavering commitment to public service.
She has been an asset to the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
(MOCEJ) and has been part of the city’s resiliency efforts post Superstorm Sandy. Over
the past year there have been many changes in the office and Jonelle has handled all of
them with grace and professionalism, making sure team needs are met. With a relatively
new staff team, Jonelle makes sure everyone on staff feels welcome and supported from
their very first day on the job. Jonelle consistently goes above and beyond to support the
policy teams with anything they may need. Despite the high-pressure work environment,
Jonelle is always stepping up, without being asked, to handle complex tasks and provide
guidance to everyone with courtesy and empathy. Jonelle’s initiative and leadership
skills are beyond comparison.
Jonelle is an unsung hero in the office and her often behind the scenes hard work
enables the office to deliver for New Yorkers on climate and environmental justice. No
matter the task, Jonelle can always be counted on to follow through, and we are lucky to
have her represent the City and MOCEJ.
Jonelle Hooper
Mayors Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
Delicia Asencio (Dely) is the office manager for NYC Media, but her daily tasks and duties
unwaveringly extend to supporting four out of the five divisions within the Mayor’s Office of Media
and Entertainment (MOME.) She approaches her responsibilities with enthusiasm and a dedication
that truly exemplifies the essence of teamwork and collaboration within our agency. One of Dely's
most remarkable attributes is her outstanding customer service skills, which are highly appreciated by
not only her colleagues, but executives alike.
Her role goes beyond internal support as she takes on the pivotal responsibility of responding to
public inquiries on behalf of NYC Media. This includes addressing inquiries submitted through 311,
where she consistently provides accurate and concise information about the intricate operations of
MOME. Furthermore, Dely manages three distinct email accounts that serve as crucial communication
channels for the public to submit their questions, suggestions, comments, disapproval, and inquiries.
She handles these communications with exceptional professionalism, care, and attention to detail,
ensuring that each inquiry is routed to the appropriate division within MOME.
Her comprehensive responses and commitment to addressing the public's concerns fully reflect her
dedication to enhancing the experience of every New Yorker she serves.
One of the greatest achievements of Dely Asencio's tenure is her consistent track record of excellence
in customer service. She embodies the values of our agency and the City itself by representing New
York City with dignity, respect, and a wealth of institutional knowledge accrued over her 30+ years of
dedicated service with the City. Dely Asencio’s dedication, passion, and professionalism make her a
deserving candidate for the Excellence in Customer Service award and we, her colleagues, are proud
to work alongside her.
Delicia (Dely) Asencio
Mayors Office of Media and Entertainment
Karl is part of the Street Condition Observation Unit (SCOUT) and is an
inspector for the Customer Observation Research Experience (CORE.)
Karl Brown has 15+ years of city service, eight with DOT (Department of
Transportation) as a HIQA Inspector and six at the Mayor Office’s SCOUT
program where he, along with a team of field inspectors, conduct regular
assessments of commonly report “quality of life” conditions throughout the
boroughs. Karl’s experience at DOT and SCOUT over the years has played a
huge role within the CORE program where SCOUT inspectors make
unannounced visits to 250+ agency walk in facilities reporting on physical
conditions, customer wait time and Language Access. Karl takes a
meticulous approach to reporting conditions and consistently maintains a
high level of detail to projects.
Karl Brown
Mayors Office of Operations
Rebekah is a Content Analyst who maintains and curates content in the 311
system. She is responsible for the strategic design of content architecture.
Aside from Rebekah's day-to-day content management work, she is also the
point of contact for a bulk of overlapping, at times months-long, project
work requiring content analysis. This includes Mobile App Redesign,
Production Support Releases and the Service Request (SR) Messaging
Rebekah overhauled the 311 Mobile App content to set standardized
language, while taking into consideration feedback from Customer
Experience and User Interface teams. This enables a more consistent 311
Mobile customer experience. Rebekah supports multi-channel, production
support releases impacting multiple city agencies, including a major release
for Dept of Consumer and Worker Protection. A new initiative was
launched and led by Deputy Mayor Banks, Mayor's Office of Operations,
Chief Efficiency Office and OTI to improve 311's customer experience by
improving 311 SR resolution descriptions. The intent is to make them more
customer friendly and accurately describe the steps agencies take to serve
New Yorkers. Agencies could not begin this effort without having baseline
spreadsheets of their existing SR resolutions. Rebekah worked for weeks
with multiple iterations of data and multiple data sources to sort hundreds
of SR problem types in a way that simplified the starting point for the 13
Mayoral Agencies impacted.
Rebekah Rose
Ruby is responsible for ensuring the timely and efficient processing of
personnel actions consisting of the onboarding of discretionary placements,
many in very high volume. These staff are the front-line employees that
provide direct service to our residents, as well as the numerous other
support staff across various functional departments.
Ruby exemplifies customer service.” Simply put, she puts the “Human” in
Human Resources, as she understands and puts into action the fact that
behind every number and every personnel action there is a person. A
human being, who is affected by the transaction and whose livelihood
depends in some way large or small on the action to be handled timely and
accurately and with respect. Ruby cares. She puts in the extra hours and
effort to ensure that items move through the process and are not
bottlenecked. She troubleshoots problem cases and pays attention to
details, because large or small, they all matter. At the same time, she fully
embraces the NYCHA mission: To provide quality housing for New Yorkers
that is sustainable, inclusive and safe, while fostering opportunities for
economic mobility.” Ruby ensures that all candidates are carefully and
properly screened, and is respectful of rights so that the best quality talent
that can be sourced, is hired by NYCHA and placed where needed most.
Ruby is approachable and friendly, which complements her high
Our team, and indeed all of NYCHA, its employees and its residents, benefit
daily by the fine work done by Ruby.
Ruby Davis
New York City Housing Authority
Police Officer Familia is the Community Affairs Bureau Disability Liaison and
trains members of the NYPD on how to engage the deaf community.
Officer Familia works in the Community Affairs Bureau where he is the
bridge between the deaf community and the NYPD.
Officer Familia was essential in creating an internship program this summer;
at NYPD for deaf young people to work with police officers. His mother and
father are both deaf. His first language is “sign language.Officer Familia
had to learn how to speak English- everyone thought he was deaf. He
approaches his job with an energy and enthusiasm which makes you think
that everyday is his first day on the job, but he employs wisdom when
needed which also makes you think he is a veteran.
Angel Familia
New York Police Department
Mediating Establishment and Neighborhood Disputes (MEND) was launched as a partnership
between OATH and the Office of Nightlife in the summer of 2020. Maggie took on the role of
Intake Specialist and has been an integral part of MENDs success since day one. MEND is a
citywide initiative that provides free and voluntary mediation and conflict resolution services for
quality of life issues that impact neighborhoods and businesses. Many MEND disputes center
around noise/sound, loitering outside of establishments, outdoor dining, lights, littering, and
more. Since its inception, MEND has serviced 850 inquiries and Maggie is the first point of
contact for each inquiry. Maggie explains the MEND program by email and by phone to each
party. If she receives an interest in mediation from the initiating party, she then reaches out to the
second party to inform them that a neighbor or a business would like to mediate with them.
Once she receives consent from both parties to the program, she sends that referral to the Center
for Creative Conflict Resolution for a mediation session. There have been 76 mediations sent
over to the Center to date, each one of them directly because of Maggie’s contact with the
parties. Beginning in 2021, MEND began taking interns and externs to support the program.
Maggie has been the point of contact for the intake process and has been their go-to support for
instruction and troubleshooting. She has overseen the work of 3 interns to date and is
responsible for their success and the program’s ability to expand.
Maggie’s customer service traits are exemplary. She treats each person with respect, kindness,
courtesy, and empathy. Each person that she speaks with is someone in conflict, who needs
support to help address issues that are negatively impacting their quality of life. Maggie is the
face of the MEND program; she is the person whose professionalism and credibility is why the
parties say “yes” to mediation and move forward with the process. With each person, neighbor or
business, Maggie offers them understanding, patience, and information about the mediation
process. Maggie is timely with her responses, which is even more important because oftentimes
Maggie is the first human being these people have encountered that can directly help their
situation. The MEND program would simply not exist without Maggie’s critical work. Her
organization, professionalism, kindness, and integrity for her work is what makes her excellent in
customer service.
Migdalia (Maggie) Nieves
Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings
Nicholas Schultz is the Deputy Director of Forensic Investigations. He
oversees the Medicolegal Investigation and Communications Units in the
Forensic Investigations Dept. Since joining the OCME in 2015, Nicholas
Schultz has been an instrumental voice and leader in improving the OCME’s
customer experience.
Overseeing critical 24/7 operations, Deputy Director Schultz works long
hours and consistently goes above and beyond, without hesitation, to
ensure that families, external partners, colleagues, and the public are
provided the answers they needed in a prompt, professional and dignified
manner. His dedication and commitment to service is evident through his
exemplary work and we are lucky to have him serving the City of New York.
Nicholas Schultz
Office of the City Medical Examiner
Captain Devon Williams has proudly served the City of New York for over 17 years, exemplifying
professionalism and an enthusiasm to always exceed expectations. As the Captain of Training for the
Safety and Emissions division within the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission, he has undertaken the
overwhelming task of managing the division’s training requirements, pilot programs and new
inspection criteria implementation. Captain Devon Williams is assigned to oversee the SHL Pilot
process at S&E from its inception. He trained staff in all aspects of inspection, including identifying the
specific vehicles; inspecting; and the new process of applying specialized decals. He has provided
feedback to senior staff about the process and improvements implemented such as using different
tools and methods to apply the decals. He worked hand in hand with the Automated Inspection
System (AIS) vendor during the testing period and his work was beneficial in getting the process up
and running even when the IT systems had not yet been in place. He is patient, understanding and
able to communicate exceptionally with staff, the AIS vendor and senior management. When the SHL
Pilot cars came for inspection, he treated the licensees with respect and courteousness. He
meticulously explained the process to the licensees, especially the last stage when the decal was
applied, which for some was concerning. Based on his experience and interactions, he realized that
many of the questions asked which were already answered on the TLC website particularly the FAQs.
He created a document with a QR code that linked to the FAQs. He gave that sheet and posted it by
the inspection waiting and intake areas so licensees can use their mobile device to access the FAQs.
This either provided the answers for the licensees or was a guide to reference as he provided
explanation. If a licensee’s preferred language wasn’t English, he would bring an inspector who was
fluent or utilized tools for translation. He also worked with staff for knowledge transfer to ensure that
they would provide the same level of expertise and empathy to the licensees.
Captain Williams provides excellent customer service both to internal and external stakeholders. His
exceptional customer service allows him to demonstrate and train staff so that Safety and Emissions
provides the best possible customer experience. His talent and emphasis on excellence and
timeliness continues to enhance the operations at the Safety and Emissions facility. He is a
representation of the dedication of the civil servants’ pledge to serve the public with respect and
quality work.
Devon Williams
Taxi and Limousine Commission
Administration for Children's Services
Cross-Agency Family Support Team
This cross-agency team, comprised of three units, goes above and beyond
the call of duty each and every day to provide concrete supports to families
and children.
Whether its delivering exceptional customer service and teamwork needed
to process thousands of childcare vouchers and enrollments each week;
fulfil service requests to ACS’ borough offices, detention centers or
Children’s Center; or provide youth with new suits, dresses, shoes, bikes,
books, computers, baby formula - even turkeys at Thanksgiving for families-
this team consistently ensures that children and families have a little more
hope and positivity in their lives.
We salute this group of public servants dedicated to supporting children
and families when they need it the most.
Team members:
Adeniyi Alabi
Jason Crouthers
Norman Duffy
Sonia Galarza
Frank Hasfal
Selena Hamilton
Cassandra Hendricks
Erica Layne
Pateena Long
Sandra Marcelino
Ronald Massiah
Jennifer Mena
Charles Newton
Tyrone Peters
Arnesha Porter
Joanna Querrard
Denisse Robles
Oscar Rojas
Bonnie Sanders
Over the past year, the BIC Violations Unit has worked to
implement a more efficient process through numerous system
improvements, greater internal communication, and increased
outreach to resolve outstanding matters.
The unit has prioritized communication to ensure clear
information is provided when the public has questions about
BIC rules. They interface with the public daily on the process of
settling their violations, scheduling/rescheduling hearing dates,
answering questions, and ensuring companies come into
compliance with BIC requirements and avoid future penalties.
The Violations Unit has demonstrated outstanding customer
service skills through their interactions with the public by
improved internal communication and their commitment to
becoming a cohesive team.
Business Integrity Commission
Violations Unit
Team members:
Marisol Almonte-Almanzar
Celena L. Ditchev
Rachel Montanez-Reyna
Denisse Ovalle
The Office of IT has consistently demonstrated exceptional customer
service by promptly addressing technical issue and providing effective
solutions to all employees.
Their dedication to resolving problems with a positive and helpful
attitude has significantly improved overall productivity and efficiency
within the agency. Moreover, their commitment to providing on-going
training and support has empowered employees and has not gone
unnoticed throughout the agency.
City Commission on Human Rights
Office of Information Technology
Team members:
Yelena Bezugly
Anthony Castro
Christopher Gomez
Evelyn Cuautle Suarez
Carlos Taveras
Department of Design and Construction
Humanitarian Emergency Relief and Respite Centers
During a period of unprecedented need, these team members
have risen above and beyond their everyday roles here at DDC to
spearhead and guide the development of facilities dedicated to
bettering the conditions that Asylum Seekers in the City of New
York face.
They have delivered short-term solutions in the form of tent
accommodations and longer-term purpose-built shelter facilities
that have required expedited design and delivery. This task has
required unprecedented coordination of designers, builders,
DOB, FDNY, H+H, and HPD along with in some instances private
landlords to deliver these facilities in a period of months.
It has meant days, nights, and weekends answering calls and
emails, early morning site visits, shepherding consultants and
landlords through government protocol and procedures,
negotiating inspections and walk-throughs, and countless
coordination meetings. All done without giving up on their
normal responsibilities here at DDC.
Team members:
Austen Ariniello
Joseph Castaneda
John Coppola
James Hancock
Kristina Kessler
Frank Kugler
Mandy LeBoeuf
Elizabeth Lowery
Fatima Murillo
Kenia Peralta
Wasmiya Tan
Department of Buildings
Crane and Parking Garage Collapse Responders
DOB’s Emergency Response and Cranes and Derricks inspectorial staff
responded to both the crane collapse and parking garage collapse. in 2023.
During both incidents, the team provided prompt, professional, technical.
skills and knowledge on site.
Team members:
Temidayo Adegboyega
Xhevdet Celo
Frank Cosimano
Frank Ddamiani
Marco Frias
Nyasha Gambrell
Ignazio Giacalone
Joseph Guirgis
Irving Haynes
Ramsarran Hoobraj
Mourad Houmita
Leslie James
Pashk Kalaba
Philip Ng
Marcus Peacock
Noel Powell
Jay Rubinstein
Randolph Scott
Kuang Shih
Zoey Tham
NSD’s Director of Compliance, Wing Tat Tsui “Danny” is dedicated to
resolving detainee complaints quickly and thoroughly among his other
duties. Danny resolves any disconnects by investigating and producing
permanent solutions for the prevention of recurring detainee 311 calls.
Geevarughese Mathews works expeditiously towards remedies whenever he
launches any of his various investigations. Mohammed Bhuiyan skillfully
detects which process or procedure has somehow gone wrong and makes
the appropriate recommendations to responsible staff member for cure.
These three individuals make everyday life better, safer for the detainees, and
staff alike, by protection, prevention, and being vigilante while performing
their roles at the Department of Correction, Nutritional Services Division.
Department of Correction
Nutritional Service Division
Team members:
Mohammed Bhuiyan
Geevarughese Matthews
Wing Tat Tsui
Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water and Sewer Operations Field Operations Queens Repair Crew
This crew laid down approximately 233 feet of new 8” diameter ductile iron
pipe along Dumont between Emerald and Amber streets to better drain the
two intersections that chronically flooded. They completed the storm sewer
extensions in the Jewel Street neighborhood. The residents in this
neighborhood had been suffering from chronic flooding during rainstorms.
A targeted investment by the City has increased drainage capacity and
helps to better manage stormwater. New storm sewers and catch basins at
problematic intersections identified by the community and DEP engineers
have significantly reduced chronic flooding caused by the area’s low
elevation, which creates a bowl that collects rainwater. As DEP continues to
work on long-term solutions, these short-term quick fixes have provided
much-needed immediate relief.
Team members:
Neron Banks
Sean Cochrane
Christopher Cruckshank
Miguel Garcia Tzul
Efthinios Georgeiou
Francesco Gioffre
Christian Paredes
Jorch Torres
Diego Velez
Harold Weidmeyer
Barrington G. Wendell
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Office of Vital Record Services (OVRS) - Front Facing Customer Service Staff
The Bureau of Vital Statistics Office of Vital Records Services provides in person
customer support to New Yorkers who request a NYC birth or death certificate or
who need to make changes to these records. Customers use these certificates to
obtain essential services, such as housing, employment, health insurance, a driver’s
license and enrolling a child in school. Amendments to birth certificates include
name changes, adding a parent, adoptions and changing the gender marker.
These documents are necessary to obtain key services and fundamental to
ensuring health and equity. The OVRS customer service team assists more than
100,000 New Yorkers every year with their in-person requests. Every day, staff
embody and implement the agency’s core customer service principles of respect,
trust, empathy and accountability. As an essential service, staff ensure that the
customer lobbies are staffed and open during challenges such as blizzards,
rainstorms, and they maintained in person support for the NYC public throughout
darkest days of COVID. Staff are driven by their desire to help customers. They
provide courteous service, troubleshoot issues and patiently explain agency
requirements in ways that help customers understand what documents are needed
to complete a request. Customers often share their appreciation, via email and in
person. Some even send pictures of themselves proudly holding their birth
certificate after a life affirming event, such as changing their gender, seeing their
pre-adoption birth certificate for the first time, or making their family vacation after
obtaining an emergency appointment for their birth certificate.
As a customer recently emailed, “I had a wonderful experience there with my birth
certificate appointment. Ms. Liang was very helpful and patient with me and others.
Supervisor Ms. Broomes was extremely helpful as well as patient in showing me
how to fill out my application. I am very pleased and greatly appreciative of the
service they provided. Thank you, they made my day.
Team members:
Jeanette Broomes
Joe Cordero
Tisha Brown-Daniels
Tanyelle Farrison
Bria Glen
Katherine Lee
Lucy Liang
Anita Martinez
Melanie McDonald
Genaea Miller
Mervyn Miller
Mickie Mitchell
Esther Moreno
Amril Ogiste
Pranshanta O’Neal
Diana Quiñones
John Rudy
Ian Simmons
Lillian White
Lee Wilks
Department of Finance
Office of The Taxpayer Advocate & Parking Summons Advocate
The Office of the Taxpayer Advocate (OTA) and Parking Summons Advocate (OPSA) have
joined to provide quality customer service and help New York City taxpayers resolve their NYC
tax issues with the Department of Finance. OTA case advocates provide hands on assistance
with property and business tax problems after taxpayers have tried to resolve their issues on
their own. Additionally, the rent freeze ombudspersons provide assistance and guidance to
older and disabled NYC renters who wish to receive or maintain their Rent Freeze benefits. By
solving cases brought to the office by the public, OTA identifies systemic issues affecting New
Yorkers and recommends policy changes to the Department of Finance. Similarly, parking
summons advocates assist motorists and members of the public with parking and camera
violation issues and complaints that cannot be resolved through normal Department of
Finance channels. Parking summons advocates guide motorists through the parking summons
adjudications process, educate the public on parking regulations, and serve as an
intermediary between the public and government agencies in the parking summons process.
From their in-person and virtual assistance, parking summons advocates identify and help
solve systemic issues impacting New York City motorists.
Case advocates provide immediate customer service with taxpayers who call our office and to
taxpayers who attend outreach events across the city. Additionally, parking summons
advocate provide in-person support every day in Department of Finance business centers
across all five boroughs, no appointment needed, as well as virtual assistance to motorists who
are unable to visit advocates in person. Across both teams, advocates provide problem-
solving services with professionalism and the highest level of customer service in property and
business tax, rent freeze, and parking summons issues.
Team members:
Abraham Buls
Erjon Ceco
Jung Hwan Choi
Edwin Elias
Alex Kolodka
Tara Kreiger
Alfonso Lopez
Inie Park
Grace Perry
Anthony Tse
Seung Hoo “Mike” Yon
Team Members:
Alaibi Abel Omar Barrios Nia Belfon Maria Cruz
Elvis De La Rosa Barbara Elie-Anderson Pilar Peralta-Guzman Cheryl L. Johnson
Angela Lumpkin Rodney Mitchell Eric Miu Cassandra Payne
Joan Renesca Deanna Spencer Cynthia Sweeney Alejandra George-Warren
Steven Waters
The Safety Education & Outreach Team works hard under the Vision Zero Program to
address the leading cause of serious injury and death: dangerous driver choices. This is
the cause or contributing factor in 70 percent of collisions. The SEO Team conducts Safety
Education & Outreach throughout the five boroughs of New York City targeting school
children in all grades from K -12 in all public and charter schools. They oversee the
Dangerous Vehicle Abatement Program which target drivers who disobey traffic lights and
school zones driving limit laws. In addition, they have an outreach team that conducts
daily outreach to older adults at senior centers across the city. Their Outreach Team works
daily in the field talking to all New Yorkers across the city about the choices of drivers and
sharing the road, working directly with deliveristas to educate on fire safety and what legal
to ride in NYC. The team also conducts helmet fittings and bike light giveaways in all five
boroughs. They provide important safety education to students at NYC public and
independent schools. They have staff of experienced educators that will lead a class in
learning, discussion, and hands-on activities, giving students the confidence and
knowledge to get around safely. They conduct education in all five borough of New York
City targeting students in high-risk communities. In addition to the above, they conduct
parent workshops in schools and health care facilities and senior workshops to older
adults in senior centers across the city.
This group deserves recognition as they encounter New Yorkers every day. We must have
patience and be able to conduct ourselves with professionalism even when confronted by
the public. This group deals with many Children, Older Adults, drivers and Cyclists/
Deliveristas and diverse groups daily. This can be challenging work talking with people.
All staff get bombarded with all types of questions regarding DOT related issues and bike
related information.
Department of Transportation
Safety Education and Outreach
Department of Parks and Recreation
The Parks Enforcement Patrol Honor Guard Unit
The Team attends sporting events, award ceremonies, parades, and
funerals, among others. They represent, not only the Urban Park
Service, but also Parks as a whole. Their origin dates back to 1990 and
they are called upon for many internal and external events.
Since October 2021, the unit and Bronx Parks Enforcement Patrol took
over the gravesite visits on Hart Island. Families who board the
Cosgrove ferry twice a month are greeted by the team and escorted to
their loved one's grave. Graves are plotted by the Honor Guard unit
prior to the visits to ensure the team knows where the families
scheduled should be taken upon arrival to the island.
Sadly, the team lost one of their beloved members - Sgt. Mariano De
Los Santos in June 2023, a nominee for the Excellence in Customer
Service Awards. The Honor Guard was involved in all aspects of his
funeral and came together to honor their coworker and friend.
Team members:
Jasmine Brooks
Washington Cardenas
Oscar Marrero
Johnpaul Rivera
Domingo Sanchez
Mariano De Los Santos
Jessica Torres
Department of Transportation
Safety Education & Outreach
The Safety Education & Outreach Team works hard under the Vision Zero Program
to address the leading cause of serious injury and death: dangerous driver choices.
This is the cause or contributing factor in 70 percent of collisions. The SEO Team
conducts Safety Education & Outreach throughout the five boroughs of New York
City targeting school children in all grades from K -12 in all public and charter
schools. They oversee the Dangerous Vehicle Abatement Program which target
drivers who disobey traffic lights and school zones driving limit laws. In addition,
they have an outreach team that conducts daily outreach to older adults at senior
centers across the city. Their Outreach Team works daily in the field talking to all
New Yorkers across the city about the choices of drivers and sharing the road,
working directly with deliveristas to educate on fire safety and what legal to ride in
NYC. The team also conducts helmet fittings and bike light giveaways in all five
boroughs. They provide important safety education to students at NYC public and
independent schools. They have staff of experienced educators that will lead a
class in learning, discussion, and hands-on activities, giving students the
confidence and knowledge to get around safely. They conduct education in all five
borough of New York City targeting students in high-risk communities. In addition
to the above, they conduct parent workshops in schools and health care facilities
and senior workshops to older adults in senior centers across the city.
This group deserves recognition as they encounter New Yorkers every day. We
must have patience and be able to conduct ourselves with professionalism even
when confronted by the public. This group deals with many Children, Older Adults,
drivers and Cyclists/ Deliveristas and diverse groups daily. This can be challenging
work talking with people. All staff get bombarded with all types of questions
regarding DOT related issues and bike related information.
Team members:
Alaibi Abel
Omar Barrios
Nia Belfon
Elvis De La Rosa
Barbara Elie-Anderson
Alejandra George-Warren
Pilar Peralta-Guzman
Cheryl L. Johnson
Angela Lumpkin
Rodney Mitchell
Eric Miu
Cassandra Payne
Joan Renesca
Deanna Spencer
Cynthia Sweeney
Steven Waters
Department of Veterans Services
Constituents Service Team
The Constituents Service Team, fulfills the mission by providing New
York City's Veterans with essential services and programs focused on
pivotal areas such as economic empowerment, housing security,
benefits, health and wellness, and culture.
DVS wholeheartedly endorses the Constituent Service Team for the
2023 Annual Excellence in Customer Service Award. This
recommendation is due to one of their standout qualities, the ability to
connect with peoplesome might even call their superpower. They
excel at transforming the lives of Veterans, guiding them from
potential victimhood to a triumphant stance against unexpected
obstacles. Their commitment to reshaping narratives aligns seamlessly
with the Agency's hands-on approach to enhancing the lives of New
York City’s Veterans and their families.
Team members:
Horng Chou
John Fowler
Jessica Jackson
Hon. Patti L. Jacobs
Joseph Liss
Sabine Phineus
Donee’ Smalls
Tanya Thomas
Stephen Turney
Every day our CAU Constituent Service team takes on constituents from all over
the city whether its by email, telephone calls, walk ins, or referred from City Hall.
The team puts care, concern, and understanding in handling each case
professionally and in a timely manner. Not only does the team have constituent
cases addressed by related municipalities, it also compiled a database on
resources that can efficiently assist the constituents appropriately in resolving
their issues.
Mayors Office Community Affairs Unit
Constituent Service Team
Team members:
Yvette Bermudez
Malcolm McDaniel
Charmaine Parrish
Simone Zito
The Legal Unit of MOME plays an indispensable role in the organization, providing
comprehensive legal and support services to all five divisions. Their responsibilities are
vast and encompass drafting contracts, processing Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
requests, ensuring the legal compliance of our television and radio programs,
promoting legal adherence across our operations, offering counseling, preparing vital
reports, and providing answers to a wide array of legal inquiries.
Their expertise is the cornerstone upon which we build our partnerships and
collaborations with external partners, ensuring that every contract they draft is legally
accurate and aligned with the City's goals. Their meticulous handling of FOIL requests
promotes transparency and accountability, reinforcing the City's commitment to open
governance. What sets the Legal Unit apart is not only their expertise but also their
remarkable friendliness and supportiveness. Colleagues and stakeholders alike have
repeatedly commented on the approachability and willingness of these attorneys to
offer guidance and counsel. Their warm demeanor fosters a positive work environment
and embodies the ethos of customer service excellence.
The Legal Unit of MOME exemplifies dedication, commitment, and professionalism in
their service to the City of New York. Their contributions are invaluable, ensuring that
MOME operates seamlessly and remains in compliance with the law. I wholeheartedly
endorse their nomination for the Excellence in Customer Service award, and I believe
that their unwavering commitment to New York City deserves to be celebrated.
The legal unit goes out of their way to help staff solve legal and business problems.
Because our agency operates on a 24/7 schedule, they often must work very quickly to
make sure the programs can be broadcast on the City's radio and TV stations, and they
have other time-sensitive work. The legal unit exudes positivity and a "we can get it
done" attitude, while also balancing their duty to make sure we comply with the law.
They explain law in plain language to make it relatively easy for our clients to
understand. They approach many projects as a supportive partner.
Mayors Office of Media and Entertainment
The Legal Unit
Team members:
Jonathan Ling
Stanislav Skarbo
Chisom Ananaba
Jake Dore
311 Tech Services team assists in the management of 311 Call Center technical
services, risk management and systems analysis for 24/7 contact operations
across multiple contact center channels. They coordinate tasks with multiple IT
and business teams and serve as 311 environment/business subject matter
experts for review, prioritization and resolution of technical changes and incidents
including, but not limited to, software and hardware deployment, upgrade,
implementation, and quality control. The 311 Tech Services team also reviews
technical documentation and business requirements to support new technology
projects and initiatives for call center modernization.
Although the 311 Tech Services team is scheduled during business hours, they
make themselves available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for
planned or unplanned outages/maintenance, in which call center operations
requires additional support. This allows Operations to focus on customer needs
while the team handles change and incident management. For Citywide remote
work allowances, the team equips and trains 311 support staff, and provides in-
person support as needed. This allows for a more personal, customized, and
efficient approach to address the different remote site needs for each person.
To improve quality control standards, the team increased 311 IVR QA weekly
testing coverage by 80% resulting in proactively finding NLU IVR discrepancies
and improving 311 phone channel customer experience. The team leverages OTI
partnerships to serve as unofficial liaisons between the OTI IT world, and 311
business to work towards satisfactory outcomes for both parties. Examples
include managing new security processes, Service Desk ticket mediation and
request and incident escalations.
311 Technical Services Team
Team members:
Chee Liang
Anthony DeMagistris
Gerald Shaw
New York City Housing Authority
Pest Management Exclusion Team
The Pest Management Exclusion team is responsible for the eradication of
rodent infestation at NYCHA developments. The team is charged with
closing off entry points on basements of NYCHA developments, grounds
and surrounding areas throughout the five boroughs.
The NYCHA Pest Management Exclusion Team is dedicated to the health
and safety of NYCHA residents. So much so that when they are trying to
eradicate the rodents, they do not use pesticides. Moreover, they also work
with residents to get them to understand the importance of various things
that they can do to prevent rodent infestations on their own.
Team members:
Rodney Brown
David Clark
Kevin Farrel
Hamza Abdul Karim
Richard Lane
Ilebor Lucky
Steven Glover
Bertel Matthews
Dolis Selby
Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings
Reaching the People
Starting in 2015, several OATH Divisions took on the additional responsibility of
creating outreach programs and public events to help educate the public and
increase awareness of OATH's services and its role in NYC government. In doing so,
the team would be helping to promote access to justice for NYC businesses and
residents in all five boroughs no matter their income or background. Each month
(and sometimes each week), OATH staff are in the field meeting with New Yorkers to
help them understand how they can approach OATH if they receive a civil summons.
Today, the team has expanded to include members of different OATH units to
maximize the services provided to the public. This program also developed from the
passage of the Criminal Justice Reform Act. It is the first outreach program for an
Administrative Law Court in the country.
OATH’s outreach team reaches the people in neighborhoods across the city so they
can meet New Yorkers where they are. The team brings information that is easy to
understand and is translated into multiple languages. More importantly, the team
engages one-on-one with individuals and businesses to explain OATH and to help
them navigate city processes. When people have more complex issues, the outreach
team follows-up and connects people with staff who can assist further.
Lastly, it is a multi-disciplinary effort that pulls on skills from across the agency,
including support from our Legislative Affairs staff, our Public Affairs staff, our Help
Center, our Clerk’s Office, our Facilities staff, our Data Analysis, and IT staff, and more.
Everyone that participates serves the public with knowledge and professionalism.
Team members:
Rachel Amar
Prabal Bhowmick
John Castelli
Brian Connell
Joseph Hughes
LaMarque Marc
Maria Marchiano
James Moore
Ashford Morgan
Issah Musah
Michael Ragolia
Chris Schmidt
Marisa Senigo
Mavis Szeto
Peter Tumminelli
Mohammad Jamal Uddin
Donni Villaruel
Jean C. Wesh
Melody Williams
Andrew Zammitto
Mark Zhuravsky
Office of Chief Medical Examiner
The Forensic Pathology Coordinators
The Forensic Pathology Coordinators (FPC) work tirelessly in the service
of both external and internal customers. They are on our front line of
communication with members of the community and support multiple
departments with their efforts.
The FPCs work tirelessly in the service of both external and internal
customers. They are constantly on the phone with family members,
health care providers, and other members of the community, answering
questions and relaying information. Their efforts support various
departments throughout the agency, managing office supplies, mortuary
inventory, and medical record requests. They are OCME’s liaisons with
numerous government agencies, including the Administration for
Children’s Services and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Team members:
Victoria Andre
Trishita DeySarkar
Christopher Gomez
Mishah Jahangir
Natalie Medders
Haley Moore
Fransheska Oliveras-Perez
Nicole Romero