September-October 2016
Vol. 9 No. 1
nai Torah
Temple B’nai Torah • 2900 Jerusalem Avenue • Wantagh, New York 11793-2025
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Sept. 10 Andrew Kaufman Ronald & Mary
Shalom! My name is Andrew Kaufman and I will be celebrating my bar mitzvah this September. I
attend Salk Middle School and am in the eighth grade. I have really enjoyed preparing for my bar
mitzvah. I am looking forward to sharing this special day with my brothers Matthew, Jake, and
Jesse. I would like to thank my parents and my entire family for supporting me throughout this
special journey. I would also like to thank all of my Hebrew teachers and a special thanks to my
Hebrew instructor, Ms. Altman. See you on the tenth!
Sept. 17 Julia Schnee Arthur & Faith
Julia Schnee is thirteen years old. She is an eighth grader and attends Alfred G. Berner Middle
School. She is very active and loves to spend her spare time outdoors. Julia loves animals and her
hobbies include swimming, softball, and reading. She also volunteered at Temple B’nai Torah, and
at her middle school for a ten week Cultural Arts program. She would like to thank Mrs. Altman,
Rabbi Bellows, Rabbi Nacht, and Cantor Sher for being there, helping me learn, and supporting me
along the way. Julia is excited to share my special day with all of you!
Oct. 1 Mikayla Cecora Michael & Shari
My name is Mikayla Cecora. I attend Berner Middle School in Massapequa. I enjoy running in
track and cross country at school. For my mitzvah project I wanted to be able to help the troops that
ght for us every day. I volunteered at Adopt-a-Battalion. I donated many items to send the troops
and spent time packaging the items that are donated to them. I would like to thank Mrs. Altman, the
rabbi and the cantor for helping me prepare for my bat mitzvah. I enjoyed studying the Torah and
am excited to become a Jewish adult.
Sept. 3 Jake Richman Artie & Lara
My name is Jake Richman. I am a soccer player and I also play trumpet. My mitzvah project was
donating clothes and other items to many charities. I worked as a referee and donated my earnings
to Smile Train. It was one of my Grandma’s favorite charities. I would like to thank my parents for
their support and my grandpa for always being there for me. I would also like to thank my brother,
Max, for making my haftorah studying fun. Thank you Cantor Sher for helping me to prepare for
my bar mitzvah.
Oct. 22 Alexander Lubman Andrew & Laurie
My name is Alexander Lubman. I attend Wantagh Middle School and I am twelve. For my mitzvah
project, I collected money for breast cancer research and participated in a fundraising walk. My
hobbies are riding my bike and playing drums and percussion. This year I participated in the
NYSSMA festival and got a score of 26 out of 28. I have done a very good job with my Torah
portion and I could not have done this without my family constantly telling me to study. The Cantor
is also a big help when it comes to my bar mitzvah practice. Thank you to both my family and the
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Oct. 22 David Tretter Kenneth & Stacey
David Tretter is twelve years old and in eighth grade at Wantagh Middle School. He is a very
friendly and kind person. David loves playing all sports, and spends as much time as possible on
the baseball eld or on the basketball court. In school he has achieved high honor roll recognition.
A special thank you to Cantor Sher for the bar mitzvah preparations!
Oct. 29 Russell Taustine Michael & Lucie
Russell Elliott is an eighth grade honor student at Berner Middle School. He has studied Kenpo
karate since he was four years old, and he is a serious computer and technology acionado. For his
bar mitzvah project, he collected clothing, personal care items and monetary donations for the Ali
Forney Center, which is a shelter and support program for LGBTPQIA and gender non-conforming
teens and young adults. Russell is a life-long vegetarian and animal-rights supporter. The family is
thankful to Cantor Sher, Rabbi Nacht, Rabbi Bellows and the teachers of the TBT Religious School
for providing a solid foundation in Judaism.
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RITUAL CALENDAR – September/October 2016
Friday, September 2 7:30 pm Family Service
Saturday, September 3 10:30 am Shabbat Service – 1 BM
Friday, September 9 5:30 pm Tot Shabbat Service
8:00 pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, September 10 10:30 am Shabbat Service – 1 BM
Tuesday, September 13 7:30 pm Ritual Committee Meeting
Friday, September 16 6:00 pm Pre-Neg
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, September 17 10:30 am Shabbat Service – 1 BM
Friday, September 23 8:00 pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, September 24 10:30 am Shabbat Service – 1 BM
Friday, September 30 8:00 pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, October 1 10:30 am Shabbat Service – 1 BM
Sunday, October 2 10:00 am Construction of Sukkah
Sunday, October 2 7:30 pm Rosh Hashanah Evening Service
Monday, October 3 9:00 am Rosh Hashanah Family Service
10:30 am Rosh Hashanah Morning Service
1:30 pm Tashlich at Forest City Park
Tuesday, October 4 10:30 am Rosh Hashanah Second Day Service
Friday, October 7 7:30 pm Family Service - Shabbat Shuvah
Tuesday, October 11 7:30 pm Yom Kippur - Kol Nidre Service
Wednesday, October 12 9:00 am Yom Kippur- Family Service
10:30 am Yom Kippur Morning Service
1:15 pm Yizkor (approximate)
2:00 pm Text Study
3:30 pm Yom Kippur Afternoon Service
5:45 pm Ne’ilah Service (approximate)
Friday, October 14 5:30 pm Tot Shabbat Service
8:00 pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, October 15 10:30 am Shabbat Service
Sunday, October 16 12 Noon Decoration of Sukkah
7:30 pm Sukkot Service
Sunday, October 17 10:30 am Sukkot Morning Service
Tuesday, October 18 7:30 pm Ritual Committee Meeting (away)
Friday, October 21 6:00 pm Pre-Neg
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, October 22 10:30 am Shabbat Service – 2 BM
Sunday, October 23 6:30 pm Yizkor
7:30 pm Simchat Torah Service
Monday, October 27 10:30 am Simchat Torah Morning Service
Friday, October 28 7:30 pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, October 29 10:30 am Shabbat Service 1-BM
Sunday, October 30 10:00 am Disassembly of Sukkah
Tot Shabbat - The Best Kept "Little" Secret at TBT
Beginning this September I will be found in our sanctuary on the second Friday of every month
celebrating Tot Shabbat with my granddaughter Gabriella. As other families can attest, Tot
Shabbat is a very special, intimate experience. The service, conducted by Rabbi Nacht, Cantor
Sher and Emily Altman, is geared to the younger set but enjoyed by all ages. Participants are
given the opportunity to light shabbat candles, sing songs, play small instruments, learn Hebrew
words, and open the ark doors to see torahs up close. There's nothing more joyous than seeing
the children's eyes light up when they are brought up on the bimah. Afterwards all families say
the motzi, kiddush and enjoy snacks and juice together. Tot Shabbat is the perfect way to
introduce our youngest ones to Judaism in a fun, loving, multi-generational way.
I sincerely hope to see many more of my fellow congregants there to share in this amazing
worship. Even if you don't have a little one, you may still find Tot Shabbat a worthwhile,
inspirational and meaningful experience.
As always, Ellice Toscano
Tot Shabbat - The Best Kept "Little" Secret at TBT
Beginning this September I will be found in our sanctuary on the second Friday of every month
celebrating Tot Shabbat with my granddaughter Gabriella. As other families can attest, Tot
Shabbat is a very special, intimate experience. The service, conducted by Rabbi Nacht, Cantor
Sher and Emily Altman, is geared to the younger set but enjoyed by all ages. Participants are
given the opportunity to light shabbat candles, sing songs, play small instruments, learn Hebrew
words, and open the ark doors to see torahs up close. There's nothing more joyous than seeing
the children's eyes light up when they are brought up on the bimah. Afterwards all families say
the motzi, kiddush and enjoy snacks and juice together. Tot Shabbat is the perfect way to
introduce our youngest ones to Judaism in a fun, loving, multi-generational way.
I sincerely hope to see many more of my fellow congregants there to share in this amazing
worship. Even if you don't have a little one, you may still find Tot Shabbat a worthwhile,
inspirational and meaningful experience.
As always, Ellice Toscano
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Shalom, and Shanah Tovah,
As we at Temple B’nai Torah prepare to welcome the New
Year, 5777, I am proud to be part of this caring community,
and honored to be your rabbi. By now many of you know
that I have been privileged to serve as your rabbi since this
past March, and I’m looking forward to sharing this coming
year with you. I have gotten to meet and know some of you,
and I’m looking forward to meeting all of you. If we have
not yet met, then please be sure to introduce yourself at the
earliest opportunity.
Once again the circle of the year comes to an end and a
new beginning. Once again, during the month of Elul and
the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, each
of us has the chance to reect and review the year that is
closing. Each of us, for ourselves, can evaluate those things
that we take pride in, as well as those where we believe we
missed the mark. Each of us has the prospect of planning
positive change for the New Year, the chance to do better, a
second chance, or perhaps even a third.
The cycle of holidays also continues to revolve. We move
from the awesome solemnity of Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur to the fragility of Sukkot and the joyful excitement
of Simchat Torah. Come join us and be part of what is going
Yes, we are a caring community, and I have been working
with temple leadership to identify more ways to let you all
know that. If you have suggestions, I’m listening. I am
hopeful that as the year progresses, we will have more and
better communication.
I have already learned that there is always something
going on at Temple B’nai Torah, not just services. So, don’t
sit at home complaining about what’s on TV. Join us for
Torah study, no experience necessary. Come to an exciting
Brotherhood or Sisterhood program, join in a Chai Club or
Circle of Friends event, or volunteer to help us work Bingo.
This is an exciting time in the history of Temple B’nai
Torah. Come and be an active part of it. Help us to grow this
wonderful community. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Lshana tova tikateivu v’tikateimu,
May you all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life
This has been a big year for Kehilat Birkat Shalom, a regional
Reform congregation between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. We
now have our own building. Following the success and
precedence of an Israeli Supreme Court case won in 2007,
we were able to get some assistance from the Ministry of
Religious Aairs. Although it is a modest pre-fab building
of 1,500 square feet, our new space brings a dignity and
openness to attract Israeli Jews who are looking for their
spiritual home outside the more widely available Orthodox
We are much better equipped to celebrate bar (and
signicantly, bat) mitzvah ceremonies, and we attract
families who want to mark life-cycle events in a modern,
meaningful way. We also host events of a growing local
inter-faith community, and most of all, have an inviting
space for our Shabbat and holiday services. We also welcome
visits from Reform Jewish community in North America,
to strengthen the connections between Israel and the world
Jewish community. As the New Year approaches, one of
my wishes is that there will be continued ties between B’nai
Torah and Birkat Shalom. We invite you to visit us next time
you are in Israel.
With the power of community, and with help from the
Israeli Reform Movement, and friends like you, we are able
to carry out mitzvoth of social action. One of our primary
goals every year is to provide food cartons so that needy
families and elderly people can celebrate the Pesach seder
with joy and honor. In turn, “Keren B’kavod” (a fund
for tzedakah and g’milut hasadim) of the Israeli Reform
Movement, facilitates the purchase, packaging (with the
help of the Reform Movement’s youth group), and delivery
of the packages. Our supportive relationship of this fund has
also brought support to our synagogue community for our
dialogue and encounter groups of Jewish and Arab women,
including eld trips and other visits that cement these human
relationships. It is a way to spread our belief that every
human being is created in the image of God. Overcoming
barriers of fear leads to a healthier society in our immediate
area and nation-wide.
Birkat Shalom is also part of a project in the nearby city
of Ramla, working with Spanish-speaking new immigrant
children and their families, to provide Jewish cultural
enrichment. It is truly heartening that we are partners with
the municipality, when at one time we were shunned because
we are Reform Jews.
We thank you for your support, primarily through
Sisterhood (WRJ), and helping us to reach out and perform
good deeds.
Chag Sameach, Rabbi Miri Gold
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I rarely, if ever, write about a specific individual with whom I have direct knowledge. I have
often written about outstanding figures in the history of Jewish music, the cantorate and other
areas of endeavor. However, I have written about them with complete objectivity in an effort
to enlighten and educate. Without precedent, my column, this month, departs from those
parameters and I will concentrate on someone I know, whose acquaintance has, to say the
least, enhanced, enriched and edified my own presence, here, at Temple B’nai Torah.
I am speaking of Rabbi Deanna Pasternak. While I also pay tribute to her husband Andrew, I have spent
much more time working with Rabbi Pasternak and would like to attend primarily to that relationship.
In my 38 years of experience working in the cantorate, I have worked with many professional Jewish
educators. Yes, Rabbi Pasternak is, first and foremost, a Jewish educator. She has devoted her career to
bringing her passion for Jewish learning and education to her adult and child congregants, often times, I shall
conjecture, at personal and professional risk. Hopefully, this has been counter-balanced by the expression
of appreciation, deeply felt, and joyfully expressed.
Of all the educators with whom I have worked, not one has embodied all of what, I feel, are the important
and exemplary qualities that Rabbi Pasternak possesses: that she is incredibly well organized; that she is
thoughtful in anticipating the needs of her colleagues and staff members, even when they don’t realize them;
that she is self-effacing and reflects a genuine humility that only builds roads between her and everyone with
whom she interacts; that her values, ethics and goals are expressed in the highest form of our tradition; that
she is genuinely proud of the achievements of those around her; that she informs everyone with a warm and
embracing sense of humor; and that she appreciates the talents and contributions of her colleagues without
jealousy or envy. These are the marks of a truly remarkable individual, for Rabbi Pasternak is that and more.
It says in Pirke Avot, the Ethics of the Fathers, the 56th and final tractate of the Talmud, that, although we
are not necessarily obligated to finish a task in our lifetime, nevertheless, we are not free of the obligation
to contribute to that objective. I firmly believe that Rabbi Deanna Pasternak has exemplified the true
spirit of that mitzvah, so important to the growth, survival and flourishing of our community, our culture and
our existence. As Rabbi Deanna and Andrew Pasternak enter this new transition in their lives, may they
always go and grow, from strength to strength.
Cantor Steve Sher
SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2013
10 AM 5 PM
In July Nani and I journeyed to the
three Scandinavian cities of Stockholm,
Sweden, Oslo, Norway and Copenhagen,
Denmark. Each city is aesthetically,
historically and architecturally stunning,
unique and breathtakingly beautiful.
All three countries and their respective
urban capitals reect successful and
socialistically inspired support systems
for their citizenry, including the entitlements of medical
care, primary, secondary and college education and state
sponsored retirement pensions. Of course, these do not
come without a demanding taxation, but are well worth it.
Of particular interest are the Jewish history, culture and
communities therein. While their development over the
centuries is fascinating, nevertheless for Sweden, Norway
and Denmark, the Holocaust has left a pall of dark shadows,
an “Angel of Death” so to speak, which seems to be the
major focus of exhibition and education. Its imprint is the
overwhelming message these countries share in common,
especially Norway and Denmark.
Yet, the intrepid determination of Jewish life, seeking
shelter in the storm of forced wanderings before and after
the Shoah, is a wellspring of inspiration.
Unfortunately, because we arrived in Sweden on
Shabbat, we weren’t able to tour the synagogue or
Jewish Museum in Stockholm. Yet, you will see in the
accompanying photograph, the stately magnicence of
the synagogue. The largest and the oldest of the three
synagogues of Stockholm, the Great Synagogue is located
in the city center, close to Berzeli Park and not far away
from the Old town of Stockholm.
The Great Synagogue was inaugurated in 1870, the
same year the last restrictions on the legal status of Jews
living in Sweden were abolished and they were nally
granted full emancipation. The Great Synagogue replaced
an earlier synagogue that was established in Stockholm in
1795. Ever since its inauguration, the Great Synagogue of
Stockholm has served as the focal point of the Jewish life
in the city and indeed in the whole of Sweden.
It was, perhaps, impervious to the Shoah, as the Jews of
Sweden suered less at the hands of the Nazis than those of
Norway or Denmark.
Jews began immigrating to Sweden in the late 1600’s as
a result of their membership in Northern European merchant
“guilds,” or leagues of merchants sharing the same skills and
desired commerce. While the Swedish ruling classes and
successive royalty were reluctant to allow their entrance, yet
the nancial skills of these Jews were seen as necessary to
the bolstering and maintaining of a healthy economy.
While the stereotypes of Jews and money have always
resulted in a negative perception, they were life-saving to the
Jews of Sweden.
I will continue my “tour” of Jewish Sweden, Norway and
Denmark in future articles in our bulletin, as well as present a
multi-media lecture in the format of my former “Wandering
Jew” lecture series, following a Kabbalat Shabbat service
this coming season.
While this article is being written in July, if you are
reading it, we are soon to participate in the High Holiday
season. May this time of reection and rejoicing bring with
it good health, happiness and the potential fulllment to be
gleaned from our services, music and prayer.
I specically used the word, “participate,” to denote
that the true fulllment to be gained can only be done so
if realized through interaction rather than mere observation.
The only quality that separates our synagogue experience
from attending theatre is our willingness to “participate” in
the experience beyond whatever impact is passively realized.
In that spirit, I wish you a truly fullling, meaningful and
joyful “Days of Awe.”
Cantor Steve Sher
Jews began immigrating to Sweden in the late 1600’s as a result of their membership in Northern
European merchant “guilds,” or leagues of merchants sharing the same skills and desired
commerce. While the Swedish ruling classes and successive royalty were reluctant to allow their
entrance, yet the financial skills of these Jews were seen as necessary to the bolstering and
maintaining of a healthy economy.
While the stereotypes of Jews and money have always resulted in a negative perception, they
were life-saving to the Jews of Sweden.
I will continue my “tour” of Jewish Sweden, Norway and Denmark in future articles in our
bulletin, as well as present a multi-media lecture in the format of my former “Wandering Jew”
lecture series, following a Kabbalat Shabbat service this coming season.
While this article is being written in July, if you are reading it, we are soon to participate in the
High Holiday season. May this time of reflection and rejoicing bring with it good health,
happiness and the potential fulfillment to be gleaned from our services, music and prayer.
I specifically used the word, “participate,” to denote that the true fulfillment to be gained can
only be done so if realized through interaction rather than mere observation. The only quality
that separates our synagogue experience from attending theatre is our willingness to “participate”
in the experience beyond whatever impact is passively realized.
In that spirit, I wish you a truly fulfilling, meaningful and joyful “Days of Awe.”
Rhymes With Reprinted with permission.
Rhymes With
Reprinted with permission.
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Greetings to all. The
new Temple season has
started, so I want to
remind all Brotherhood
members who have not
already done so to send
in their dues. It’s only $45 for the entire year. To those of
you who have never become members or who for some
reason ceased to be members, it’s time to consider being
part of the fellowship.
Let me bring you up to date on some of the summers
During the period from June 24-26 I was our
Brotherhood delegate to the Men of Reformed Judaism
Convention (MRJ), in New Orleans, LA and also served in
my position as a member of their Executive Council. If you
do not already know, MRJ is an arm of the URJ just as we are
an arm of our Temple. MRJ is the umbrella organization for
Brotherhoods in reform temples and provides leadership and
resources to individual Brotherhoods throughout the country.
In addition to adopting amendments to the constitution,
passing the budget and other business items, there was
an interesting workshop on successful fundraising. The
highlight by far was an historic event by which the Ocers
and Executive Council of MRJ and with those aliates in
attendance overwhelmingly approved a ‘Memorandum of
Understanding” between MRJ and the Federation of Jewish
Men’s Clubs (FJMC), serving in the same capacity in the
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. This is not
a merger but a pledge to share information, publications
and experiences to improve both organizations’ abilities to
assist their aliates in Organizational Services, Leadership
Development, Programming and Community Building.
At our Board meeting on July 12th, Brian Levy read
two more sincere letters received from our soldiers overseas
thanking Brotherhood for the care packages sent. Thank
you Brian for all the work you are doing in this important
Brotherhood Social Action project. Also, thank you to Arnie
Minsky for opening up his home for the board meeting
featuring a great barbecue. Arnie did this again for our
board meeting on August 9th.
On July 24th, Brotherhood held its annual Summer Street
Fair, which is our largest fundraiser. There were well over
100 vendors selling varied types of merchandise and services.
There was a steady ow of shoppers all day. Although the
day was hot and humid, we had bright sun all day. Thank
you to Rabbi Nacht for your special prayers for the weather.
I guess the saying is true, about knowing someone on the
inside. Thank you to Summer Fair Chairman Ben Cernese
and your entire sta of literally dozens, including volunteers
from Brotherhood and Sisterhood. While all the numbers
have yet to be nalized, I do believe we had a very successful
The holidays will soon be approaching and Brotherhood
will as usual provide ushering for the High Holy Days
services. The more men that volunteer make things easier
and safer for everyone in the Temple. Let’s have a good
turnout. Thank you to Ushering Chairman David Forman
and all your volunteers. Also, with the holidays in mind, you
will notice that Brotherhood has purchased a new sukkah to
replace the aging one we have used for many years. Thank
you to Ed Blecher and David Forman for doing the research
on the best sukkah to t our needs and the purchasing details.
Our rst Brotherhood Dinner of the year will be on
September 20. Head Chefs Mike Bruno and Dave Schuster
and their sta are anxious to get the calendar year started
o right. Come on down, get with the camaraderie of
Brotherhood and enjoy a great dinner.
On behalf of my Co-President Mark Chester, the entire
Brotherhood Board and its membership, I want to wish
everyone a happy, healthy and sweet New Year. L’Shanna
Tovah. Until the next issue of the TBT Times, I remain yours
in Brotherhood.
David Schuster
Brotherhood Co-President
As we prepare our house of worship for the High
Holidays, we extend our gratitude to our dedicated
custodial and oce sta. Our ark is polished. Our
home cleaned. The interior and exterior of our home
are constantly being maintained. Our oce sta makes
sure that our temple is running smoothly. Chairs have
been ordered to accommodate our
congregants and guests for the High
Holidays. Special holiday prayer books
are being organized.
Should you see something in our home
needing attention, please say something.
Make Sue-Ellen aware of the item.
Please join us at our next meeting on September 12th at
7 p.m. Bring your ideas.
Here’s To A Healthy, Sweet New Year, 5777!
From the Housing Committee:
As we prepare our house of worship for the High Holidays, we extend our gratitude to our
dedicated custodial and office staff. Our ark is polished. Our home cleaned. The interior and
exterior of our home are constantly being maintained. Our office staff makes sure that our temple
is running smoothly. Chairs have been ordered to accommodate our congregants and guests for
the High Holidays. Special holiday prayer books are being organized.
Should you see something in our home needing attention, please say something. Make Sue-Ellen
aware of the item. Please join us at our next meeting on September 12th at 7 p.m. Bring your
Here's To A Healthy, Sweet New Year, 5777!
8 B’nai Torah Times
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Eilu D’varim- one of the opening
prayers in our morning service,
“these are the things” for purposes
of teaching and prayer is translated
as these are the values that our
tradition cherishes as we transmit
our heritage from one generation
to the other. But as I begin this
new position as Director of Education I am being guided
by the translation “these are the things” that I hope to
accomplish, these are things that are happening, and these
are the principles that guide my decisions. Creating a warm
and nurturing Jewish educational experience for both
families and students is rst and foremost starting with the
teachers that are engaged, the personal relationships that
are created and the content of the experiences. Secondly are
the partnerships that are built with parents and the school.
Parents are the child’s rst Jewish educator; the school
enhances and enriches the teachings of parents and family.
Third but certainly not least, is the teaching that there is
joy and celebration in Jewish life. Judaism provides a deep
and broad dimension to life and together as families, as
individuals and as a community we celebrate Jewish life and
learning while engaging in Tikun Olam- building a better
world. As our new school year begins I hope that each one
of you will become my partner as we enter the path to Jewish
life, learning and celebration.
Wishing each one of you a Shanah Tova, a Happy &
Healthy New Year.
Fran Pearlman
I trust you all have had a wonderful
summer, relaxing and enjoying all the
season has to oer. Your sisterhood
has been very busy during this time,
planning a year of interesting and
exciting events. Our rst program on
Monday, September 19th is ‘How to
De-stu and De-stress Your Life”.
According to Dr. Duy Spencer, we are
hardwired to have stu, but sometimes
we accumulate extra stu that causes extra stress. Please
join us as Dr. Spencer gives us the tools to get rid of what
we do not need but cannot throw out.
Sunday evening, October 2nd is the start of Rosh
Hashanah. Our Judaica shop is fully stocked with everything
you might need for the holidays. Be sure to stop by and
check it out! This holiday is special because it is like oss
for the soul. We can look inside ourselves and decide what
is good to keep and what is just schmutz and needs to be
removed. We have the opportunity to really reect on how
to be a better person.
Sunday, October 16th begins the holiday of Sukkot. I
hope you will come down to the sanctuary at noon on the
16th to help decorate the bema. We have all the supplies; all
we are missing is you.
This year, your Sisterhood has added a social action
committee. As their rst project, they are collecting for
an organization called ‘Birthday Wishes’. This group
provides birthday parties for homeless children. Being
able to celebrate your birthday with family and friends is
something we take for granted. Some children do not have
that opportunity. Would you be willing to donate party goods
such as: themed paper goods, balloons, disposable cake pans
and/or wrapping paper? A box will be in the lobby by the
back door. Any donation will be deeply appreciated!
To our new members, your rst year with Sisterhood is
complimentary, so please come and experience all we have
to oer. To those thinking about becoming a member, I urge
you to do so. We are a caring, motivated group of women
who support each other and our temple. Plus, we love
having more sisters! If you are interested in helping out with
sisterhood functions, at whatever level you are available,
please contact me. There is a place for you in Sisterhood!
Marlyn Appelt
Sisterhood President
The Judaica Shop has gift certicates.
The perfect present when you don't know
what to get!
Available Now!
9 B’nai Torah Times
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TBT Sisterhood Social Action:
We are collecting items needed for a wonderful organization called
“Birthday Wishes”. They help homeless children enjoy a birthday party.
Donations can include: themed plates, cups, and napkins; tablecloths;
banners; streamers; party hats; balloons; disposable cake pans and
wrapping paper.
A box will be placed in the lobby by the back door (near the
coatroom). We will collect beginning in September through November 1
(and at the Sisterhood paid-up membership dinner).
Thank you for your generosity!
Questions? Call Andrea Ferrara 520-6712 or Susan Judson 796-4984
You can visit their website at
Congregation Breakfast
The Next Best Thing to Breakfast-in-Bed!
Brotherhood will once again prepare a
delicious breakfast on most Sunday mornings
when Religious School is in session. Check the
calendar below.
Coffee (decaf too!), eggs, bagels,
assorted omelets & more!
Serving 9:15am
Donation is a nominal $4.00
Please circle the dates and plan to join us!
September 11
September 25
October 2
(Raise Sukkah Frame)
October 16
(Complete Sukkah)
October 30
November 6
November 20
December 4
December 18
Rita Bogatch & Paula Kanter on the
marriage of their children,
Ashley Bogatch and Howie Kanter
Janis & James Beldner on the marriage
of their son, Jordan to Nicole Grubard
Monica & Harvey Wiener on the birth of
their grandson, Nolan Barrett Gold
Diane & Jay Schoenberg on the marriage
of their son Mark to Allison Keane
Shari & Mitchell Macy on the marriage of
their daughter Andrea to Eric Niederman
Peter & Dale Pomeranz on the birth of their
grandson Bryce Alexander Pomeranz
Wendy Kornet on becoming an adult bat mitzvah
Lynne and Marty Happes, whose son,
Dr. Michael Happes has finished his
fellowship in Interventional Cardiology
and has entered private practice
Irwin Sponder, father of Melissa Coene
Jeanette Toscano, mother of Tom Toscano
Robert Maus, father of Tom Maus
Donald Williamson, husband of Karin Williamson,
father of Emily & Alex Williamson
Elaine Weinstein, wife of Al Weinstein
Harold Orrin, father of Alaina Walsh
Saul Weidler, partner of Stephanie Neigeborn
Allen Weiss, member of legacy Suburban Temple
Mildred Kellner, mother-in-law of Linda Kellner
Lillian Solop, mother of Arthur Solop,
grandmother of Brooke Myers & Brenna Solop
Lawrence Sactor, brother of Lisa Evans
Lillian Polak, wife of Bernard Polak
Ronald Smith, brother of Paula Krupnick
Phyllis Greenberg, member
Susan Ferrara, mother Gerard Ferrara
Wishing you a meaningful
10 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
I hope that everyone has enjoyed
some time away from work this
summer; I know that I did. This is the
time of the year when things always
start to “ramp up” here at Temple
B’nai Torah, and I nd that it is most
helpful to be re-energized as we enter
When I was writing my last column,
back in May, we were not yet sure who our Rabbi was
going to be, but the mystery has been solved, and Rabbi
Howard Nacht, who substituted for Rabbi Bellows during
her maternity leave, has agreed to stay with us for another
year, and possibly longer, depending on how other things
Many of you are aware that we have been having
informal discussions with Temple Emanu-el of East
Meadow, trying to see if we have the basis for a possible
merger together. A meeting was held on August 10, and
it does seem that a merger is a real possibility pending
formalities, including a vote by each of the two respective
congregations. As I noted at our Town Hall meeting in July,
this is a tremendous opportunity for both congregations,
and I feel strongly that we should embrace it whole-
heartedly. Each individual member will benet, but most
of all, the Temple as an institution will secure its future for
decades; I don’t think that the importance of this can be
overlooked or overstated.
In the meantime, life at TBT will be back in full
swing the weekend of September 9-11, starting with the
“Just Sixties” fundraiser on September 10; I urge everyone
who likes the music to come down and enjoy this terric
group. You can dance AND help the Temple at the same
time, a veritable mitzvah! Then, on Sunday, September
11, our Religious School, under the supervision of our
new director, Fran Pearlman, will start again; at the same
time, the men of Brotherhood will be busy creating their
Sunday morning breakfast, which is open to the entire
Temple community, and if you have not been down to one
of these breakfasts, it is worth the eort to get there. Fresh
eggs, in a number of dierent preparations, fresh bagels,
fresh coee, and a price you can’t beat anywhere; plus I
will be there, too!
On September 18 and 25, we will host the LI Cabaret,
featuring many members of our own congregation. We will
host the annual Selichot service on Saturday, September
24, which is quite educational and open to all members of
the congregation. As the calendar rolls over to October, we
will celebrate Rosh Hashanah (October 2-4) and observe
Yom Kippur (October 11-12), followed closely by Sukkot
(October 16-17) and nally, Simchat Torah on October
23-24. I hope that you will take these opportunities to
recharge your spiritual batteries, and maybe even decide
to get involved in one of the many volunteer opportunities
we have available. We can always use extra help.
From my house to yours, and on behalf of my wife,
Debra, we wish you all Lshana Tovah Tikateivu: a happy,
healthy, and joyous New Year.
Rob Saunders,
Congregation President
11 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
It’s back to school time for the TBT-PTA! During the
summer, your PTA Board has been hard at work planning
fun activities for our Religious School students and families!
As you open those school supplies and make plans for your
Rosh Hashanah dinners, don’t forget to start the year o
right by joining your PTA. Family membership is $18.00
and helps the PTA provide fun and educational programs for
the Hebrew School all year long. It is not only a wonderful
way to support your religious school, but a great way to meet
other temple families.
On September 11th, the rst day of Religious School,
we are thrilled to kick o the school year with the Shofar
Project, in which students from grades 3 and up are able to
craft their own shofar. More details and photos to come in
the next issue of your TBT Times.
On Sunday, September 25, we will be serving our
students apples and honey to wish them a sweet new year
and kick o the school year on a sweet note.
Saturday, October 22 will be our annual ‘Pizza, Prayer
and Pajamas’. This festive evening includes a Havdalah
Service, a pizza party and a movie night all in one! Wear
your coziest jammies and join us for a fun evening. All are
welcome. Look for forms in backpacks and please send them
back so we can plan for the appropriate number of kids.
Join us on Friday, November 4th for our PTA Service in
conjunction with the Consecration Service for all students
starting in our Religious School this year. It is such a
meaningful way to open our arms to the new students and
their families and is a warm and wonderful night for all.
Sunday, November 6th will be our Mitzvah Project
immediately following Religious School. This will include
making cards for our Veterans as well as making crayons
to donate to local shelters. It promises to be a meaningful
We hope to see you at upcoming meetings, Sunday,
October 16th at 10:00am and Sunday, November 20th at
9:00am. Meetings are held in Room 104. Come see old
friends, make new ones and learn about upcoming projects
and events the PTA is planning.
It is my pleasure to announce the 2016-2017 PTA Board:
Executive Board
Co- Presidents: Carrie Levitt and Stephanie Giwner
Co-Vice Presidents: Brooke Myers and Maryann
Secretary: Maryann Gross
Treasurer: Jessica Spar
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Parent Liaison: Darra Davis
Membership: Meredith Rothstein
Social Action: Susan Fioribello
Publicity: Ilene Hellman
Past President: Amy Herman
Don’t hesitate to reach out to any board member. We
welcome your ideas and participation!
I also encourage you to join our Facebook page “TBT-
PTA”. It is a great way to keep in touch, ask questions and
stay involved between meetings.
From our PTA family to yours, we wish everyone
Lshana Tova. May year 5777 be a year of health, happiness
and above all, peace.
Warmest regards,
Ilene Hellman
12 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
Temple B'nai Torah
Circle Of Friends
Membership Dues Are FREE for First Time TBT Members
Membership Year 2016 - 2017
Membership Dues $18. Per Person
Name(s) ___________________________________________
Home Phone______________________________________
Cells 1___________________ /2_____________________
Emails 1__________________/2______________________
Birthdays 1 ________________ /2____________________
Anniversary (if applicable) __________________________
Check # ____________ Amount_____________
Payable To: Temple B'nai Torah Circle of Friends
Mail To : Temple B'nai Torah Circle Of Friends
2900 Jerusalem Ave., Wantagh, N.Y. 11793
Or place in envelope in Temple office
Questions? Call – Paula & Arnie Minsky – (516) 541-1448
Come to our Events as a Member
Military Bridge
Sept 17
Chanukah Party
Dec 18
Jan 8
With lots
more to
13 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
14 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
Temple B’nai Torah follows a long and rich heritage of Tzedakah, consistent with our Jewish
tradition. Such giving often recognizes a birth, birthday, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding, anniversary, or
death. Your generosity, large and small, continues to provide for Temple B’nai Torah by sustaining
programs for its members. A beautifully inscribed card is sent acknowledging and commemorating your
Please mail this form to the Temple, together with your check payable to Temple B’nai Torah.
This will ensure that your donation is acknowledged in a timely fashion.
Enclosed is my gift of: ___$10 ___$18 ___$36 ___$54 ___$100 ___ Other $___________
Get Well to: ___________________ In Honor of: __________________In Memory of_______________
From _____________________ Send Card To___________________ Relationship__________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________
For either the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund or Cantor’s Discretionary Fund, please make your check payable
to the fund; for all other fund donations, please make your check payable to TEMPLE B’NAI TORAH.
Send to: Temple B’nai Torah, 2900 Jerusalem Avenue, Wantagh, NY 11793-2025
Adult Education Fund
Bishop Family B’nai Mitzvah / Religious School Fund
Cantor Walter Lewis Fund
Chapel Fund
Choir Fund
Holocaust Fund
Adult Library and
the Rabbi Deanna Pasternak Children’s Library Fund
Lowell Golden Mailing Center Fund
Prayer Book Fund
Rabbi Raab Fund
Rose Mandel Holocaust Education Fund
Sandi and Joel Friedman Stage Fund
School Enrichment Fund
Social Action Fund
Tot Shabbat Fund
Temple Beautication Fund
Torah Repair Fund
Dr. Pat Kussoy Youth Scholarship Fund
Youth Activities Fund
Joanne Scherzer Youth Fund
Bernard Weinstein Youth Fund
Roslyn Slomin Memorial Fund
Doris & Ed Kliegman Adult Education Fund
Jubilee Endowment Fund
Fund for Life
Harvey Beller Fund
Harvey Cohen
Judy Bardavid
Lisa Yucht
Steven Cohen
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15 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
Tessa Kean Head Shot for TBTTimes
Chai Club
It happens. It’s scary. How could this be
happening to you? You open your
mailbox and there it is. You just received
an invitation to join AARP. It was
delivered correctly. You are over 50. DO
NOT PANIC. Now that you are 50,
you are now eligible to join CHAI CLUB.
Of course, if you have been a member
of a temple for 18 or more years and you are not 50, you
can still join our friendship group. If you have not joined us
before, please do.
Attend our general meetings where we hear speakers,
get entertained, enjoy refreshments and enjoy camaraderie.
It is where you belong. Our Programming Committee is
working on contacting entertainers and speakers who will
make our meetings fun and educational. Check the temple
calendar, and your email to be aware of our meetings.
Please send your completed membership form with your
$18 check and place it in the envelope provided in the oce,
or mail it to Harvey Drucker, 3640 Locust Avenue, Seaford,
NY 11783. Please join us at our meetings and as a member
at our renowned Membership Dinner in November.
Most importantly, remember that being over 50 can be
fun. Come join us and have fun.
May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life.
Tessa Kean
([email protected] or 516-504-0012)
Have you ever seen a full rainbow, one that travels across
the sky? Was it a life altering experience? Earth Science
and meteorology teach us to know it isn’t actually there, it
is a fortuitous refraction of light, but there it is! It demands
an explanation. Torah has an explanation, bound to the
story of Noah & The Ark.
Did you know you can travel to Kentucky, not far from
Cincinnati, where a group has built a full-size replica of
Noah’s ark? Life-size to the inch -- or possibly to the cubit.
Admission is only $40, plus $10 parking. Hey, that’s less
than half-price of a day at Disneyland.
I have no complaint with a model of Noah’s Ark.
They’re usually so cute, especially the ones with the head
of the girae poking out from the top
turret. Those poor wet giraes. There are
even dozens and dozens of Ark-themed
Chanukah menorahs, talking about a
strange mixing of metaphors.
But the Ark Encounter, as the theme
park is called, is full-size, built by a group of Fundamentalist
Christians as a way to make the Noah story plausible and
Now we, all-of-us love, love the Noah story. A voice
speaks to the single best person on Earth of that time; there
is a testing of faith, and one fantastic weather prediction.
Then the arrival of the animals. Two-by-two in a line
stretching as far as the eye can see. There is no better mind
picture in the Bible. There are dozens of lms and cartoons
that re-tell the tale, and we anticipate the parade of the
All of which, in my opinion, misses the boat.
The Ark story has a direction, it has a nale. It
is the rainbow. Even as we learn about God and our
responsibilities to the animal kingdom, everything points
to the rainbow. The rainbow represents a
covenant with God and God’s promise to
humanity: in return for following a small
number of mitzvoth, God will get out of
the destruction business.
There is a second lesson: no matter how heavy the
rainstorm, or destructive the hurricane, or violent the
earthquake God is not out to punish us. Those are events
of the natural world. God has oered us an olive branch of
peace. It is up to us to keep our end of the agreement. No
longer will God bring together heaven and Earth and start
over. We’re on our own.
Editor’s Column
Have you ever seen a full rainbow, one that travels across the sky? Was it a life altering
experience? Earth Science and meteorology teach us to know it isn’t actually there, it is a
fortuitous refraction of light, but there it is! It demands an explanation. Torah has an explanation,
bound to the story of Noah & The Ark.
Did you know you can travel to Kentucky, not far from Cincinnati, where a group has built a
full-size replica of Noah’s ark? Life-size to the inch -- or possibly to the cubit. Admission is
only $40, plus $10 parking. Hey, that’s less than half-price of a day at Disneyland.
I have no complaint with a model of Noah’s Ark. They’re usually so cute, especially the ones
with the head of the giraffe poking out from the top turret. Those poor
wet giraffes. There are even dozens and dozens of Ark-themed Chanukah
menorahs, talking about a strange mixing of metaphors.
But the Ark Encounter, as the theme park is called, is full-size, built by a
group of Fundamentalist Christians as a way to make the Noah story plausible and literal.
Now we, all-of-us love, love the Noah story. A voice speaks to the single best person on Earth of
that time; there is a testing of faith, and one fantastic weather prediction. Then the arrival of the
animals. Two-by-two in a line stretching as far as the eye can see. There is no better mind picture
in the Bible. There are dozens of films and cartoons that re-tell the tale, and we anticipate the
parade of the animals.
All of which, in my opinion, misses the boat.
The Ark story has a direction, it has a finale. It is the rainbow. Even as we learn about God and
our responsibilities to the animal kingdom, everything points to the rainbow. The rainbow
represents a covenant with God and God’s promise to humanity: in return for
following a small number of mitzvoth, God will get out of the destruction
There is a second lesson: no matter how heavy the rainstorm, or destructive the hurricane, or
violent the earthquake God is not out to punish us. Those are events of the natural world. God
has offered us an olive branch of peace. It is up to us to keep our end of the agreement. No
longer will God bring together heaven and Earth and start over. We’re on our own.
Editor’s Column
Have you ever seen a full rainbow, one that travels across the sky? Was it a life altering
experience? Earth Science and meteorology teach us to know it isn’t actually there, it is a
fortuitous refraction of light, but there it is! It demands an explanation. Torah has an explanation,
bound to the story of Noah & The Ark.
Did you know you can travel to Kentucky, not far from Cincinnati, where a group has built a
full-size replica of Noah’s ark? Life-size to the inch -- or possibly to the cubit. Admission is
only $40, plus $10 parking. Hey, that’s less than half-price of a day at Disneyland.
I have no complaint with a model of Noah’s Ark. They’re usually so cute, especially the ones
with the head of the giraffe poking out from the top turret. Those poor
wet giraffes. There are even dozens and dozens of Ark-themed Chanukah
menorahs, talking about a strange mixing of metaphors.
But the Ark Encounter, as the theme park is called, is full-size, built by a
group of Fundamentalist Christians as a way to make the Noah story plausible and literal.
Now we, all-of-us love, love the Noah story. A voice speaks to the single best person on Earth of
that time; there is a testing of faith, and one fantastic weather prediction. Then the arrival of the
animals. Two-by-two in a line stretching as far as the eye can see. There is no better mind picture
in the Bible. There are dozens of films and cartoons that re-tell the tale, and we anticipate the
parade of the animals.
All of which, in my opinion, misses the boat.
The Ark story has a direction, it has a finale. It is the rainbow. Even as we learn about God and
our responsibilities to the animal kingdom, everything points to the rainbow. The rainbow
represents a covenant with God and God’s promise to humanity: in return for
following a small number of mitzvoth, God will get out of the destruction
There is a second lesson: no matter how heavy the rainstorm, or destructive the hurricane, or
violent the earthquake God is not out to punish us. Those are events of the natural world. God
has offered us an olive branch of peace. It is up to us to keep our end of the agreement. No
longer will God bring together heaven and Earth and start over. We’re on our own.
The July 15th Shabbat-By-The-Shore Service
Mark Chester, Editor TBT Times
16 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Nacht from Joan Ayoub
Rabbi Nacht from Bernard Polak
In memory of:
Elaine Weinstein from Jack Klein
Billy Kasin from Pat & Herb Berger
Arthur Lerner from Pat & Herb Berger
In appreciation of:
Cantor Sher from Andrea Sternlieb & Family
Cantor Sher’s dedication to Tot Shabbat
from The Toscano Family
Cantor Sher from Bernard Polak
In memory of:
Lillian Solop from TBT Board of Trustees
In honor of:
Bart & Debra Cohen’s anniversary
from TBT Board Sunshine
In memory of:
Irwin Sponder from Rita Hofer
Elaine Weinstein from Marion Lifton
Lillian Solop from Rita Hofer
In appreciation of:
Cantor Sher from
Arthur & Deborah Schlesinger
TBT Choir Members from
TBT Adult Choir
In honor of:
Shelley Lomove from
Gerry & Harvey Alpert
In memory of:
Elaine Weinstein from Eileen Newberg
Elaine Weinstein from Marjorie Raab
Elaine Weinstein from
Gerry & Harvey Alpert
Lillian Solop from
Gerry & Harvey Alpert
Dorothy Klein from Marjorie Raab
Rebecca Geller from Marjorie Raab
Joan Raab Lippy from Marjorie Raab
Ruth Kallett from Marjorie Raab
Barney Sultzer from Marjorie Raab
In memory of:
Elaine Weinstein from Irene Nelson
Lillian Solop from Irene Nelson
Jeanette Toscano from Irene Nelson
In honor of:
Jordan Beldner & Nicole Grubard’s
marriage from Neysa & Mike Levenstein
In memory of:
Miriam Itzkowitz from
Janine & Michael Berg
Saul Weidler from
Astaire & Bob Greenberg
Lillian Polak from Rita Hofer
Lillian Polak from
Neysa & Mike Levenstein
Lillian Polak from
Francine & Richard Tepper
Sorol Lee Sussman from
Herb & Ruth Sussman
From Lynda & Arthur Goldman
In memory of:
Saul Weidler from Circle of Friends
In memory of:
Mary Gomes from
Donald & Barbara Gouveia
From Temple B’nai Torah Sisterhood
In appreciation of:
Emily Altman’s making Tot Shabbat
a special experience from
The Toscano Family
Julie Nietsch’s hard work for Sisterhood
from Marlyn Appelt
Patti Nacht’s hard work for Sisterhood
from Marlyn Appelt
Andrea Ferrara’s hard work for Sisterhood
from Marlyn Appelt
Diane Schoenberg’s hard work for Sisterhood
from Marlyn Appelt
Amy Herman’s hard work for Sisterhood
from Marlyn Appelt
In honor of:
Spencer Benjamin Lindenman’s birth
from The Spiller Family
Andrea Macy & Eric Niederman’s
marriage from Jan & Stan Friedman
J. Jacob Scotch’s Bar Mitzvah
from Teri Fields
In memory of:
Irwin Sponder from Jan & Stan Friedman
Elaine Weinstein from Barbara & Don Gouveia
Harold Orrin from Barbara & Don Gouveia
Harold Orrin from Jan & Stan Friedman
Harold Orrin from TBT Sisterhood
Irwin Sponder from TBT Sisterhood
Elaine Weinstein from Jan & Stan Friedman
Lillian Solop from Jan & Stan Friedman
Lillian Polak from Marian Lifton
In honor of:
Birth of Spencer Benjamin Lindenman
from TBT-PTA
In memory of:
Irwin Sponder from Joan & Brian Levy
Jeanette Toscano from Beverly Frank
Jeanette Toscano from Rita Hofer
Jeanette Toscano from
Stephanie & Jay Jacobson
Jeanette Toscano from Linda Lazarus
Elaine Weinstein from Rita Hofer
Elaine Weinstein from
Neysa & Michael Levenstein
Saul Weidler from Rita Hofer
Saul Weidler from Thursday Bingo Crew
Jeanette Toscano from
Lynne & Marty Happes
Saul Weidler from Joan & Brian Levy
Elaine Weinstein from Joan & Brian Levy
Lillian Solop from Francine & Richard Tepper
Saul Weidler from Francine & Richard Tepper
Saul Weidler from Marilynn & Stephen Block
Saul Weidler from Stephanie Neigeborn
Lawrence Stoff from Lynne & Marty Happes
Morty Held from TBT Chai Club
In honor of:
Birth of Leila Joy Joseph from Ed & Marilyn Pincus
Birth of Spencer Benjamin Lindenman
from Ed & Marilyn Pincus
Birth of Leila Joy Joseph
from Tom & Ellice Toscano
Shelley & Barry Lomove
from Tom & Ellice Toscano
Joni & Steve Christie from Ellie Dayton
Birth of Leila Joy Joseph
from Dorothy Duckstein
Shelley Lomove’s speedy recovery
from Dorothy Duckstein
Rob & Debra Saunders anniversary
from TBT Board Sunshine
Shelley Lomove’s speedy recovery
from Harvey & Rita Drucker
Shelley Lomove’s speedy recovery
from Vicki & Bernard Deutsch
Barry Lomove’s speedy recovery
from Vicki & Bernard Deutsch
Emily Katz’s high school graduation
from Vicki & Bernard Deutsch
Mark & Allison Schoenberg’s marriage
from Vicki & Bernard Deutsch
Jordan & Nicole Beldner’s marriage
from Vicki & Bernard Deutsch
Mark & Allison Schoenberg’s marriage
from Dorothy Duckstein
Elva Neysa’s speedy recovery
from Dorothy Duckstein
Naomi Berman from Tom & Ellice Toscano
Eliana Fischel’s engagement to Eric
from Dorothy Duckstein
In appreciation of:
Ellice Toscano’s beautiful artistry
from Diane Schoenberg
In honor of:
Shirley Haselkorn’s 94
from Ellen & Charles Fishman
In memory of:
Joseph Lamorte from Regina White-Chereskin
& Jerry Chereskin
Martin Weiss from Regina White-Chereskin
& Jerry Chereskin
Elaine Weinstein from Regina White-Chereskin
& Jerry Chereskin
Jeanette Toscano from Regina White-Chereskin
& Jerry Chereskin
Allen Nudelman from Regina White-Chereskin
& Jerry Chereskin
Lillian Polak from Regina White-Chereskin
& Jerry Chereskin
Louis Drucker from Regina White-Chereskin
& Jerry Chereskin
From Temple B’nai Torah Sisterhood
In memory of:
Susan Ferrara from Jeff & Beth Cohen & Family
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Nacht’s support of Tot Shabbat
from The Toscano Family
In memory of:
Irwin Sponder from TBT Board Sunshine
In memory of:
Fred Katz from Barbara & Martin Kimmelblatt
Michael Katz from Barbara & Martin Kimmelblatt
Edward Forman from Sharon & Dave Forman
Bernice Streickler from Sharon & Dave Forman
In honor of:
Amy Herman’s speedy recovery
from TBT Sisterhood
From Temple B’nai Torah Sisterhood
Bar Mitzvah of Jake Richman
from Artie & Lara Richman
Bar Mitzvah of Andrew Kaufman
from Ronald & Mary Kaufman
Bar Mitzvah of Alexander Lubman
from Andrew & Laurie Lubman
Bar Mitzvah of David Tretter
from Kenneth & Stacey Tretter
Bar Mitzvah of Russell Taustine
from Michael & Lucie Taustine
Bat Mitzvah of Julie Schnee
from Arthur & Faith Schnee
Bat Mitzvah of Mikayla Cecora
from Michael & Shari Cecora
17 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
For the TROOPS……….
Non-Perishable Snacks such as Pop-Tarts and
Powdered Drinks
Puzzle Books (Cross-Word, Word Search,
Brain Teasers)
Stationery (Note- Pads, Markers)
Personal Sized Shampoos and
Conditioners, Soaps
From: Hayes, Matthew W SGT USARMY 101 CAVN BDE (US) (US)
Date: Thursday, June 23, 2016
To: BELLOBL <[email protected]>
I received your box in the mail here at Bagram. Thank you to and the Brotherhood for your kindness. I have
already shared most of the things in the box and the Soldiers were very much appreciative. I hope you’re
doing well.
SGT Matt Hayes
B 101 Gray Eagle
From: Hayes, Matthew W SGT USARMY 101 CAVN BDE (US) (US)
Date: Thursday, June 23, 2016
I received your box in the mail here at Bagram. Thank you to and the Brotherhood for your
kindness. I have already shared most of the things in the box and the Soldiers were very much
appreciative. I hope youre doing well.
SGT Matt Hayes
B 101 Gray Eagle
18 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
Randy Brenner from Laurie Epler
Phyllis Hunt from Catherine Besthoff
Yuri Likht from Boris Likht
Frances Asher from Barbara Kitay
Sondra Sutz from Pearl Sutz
Harold Liebowitz from Rita & Harvey Drucker
Alfred Kaufman from Delia Dreyfus
Hannah Grossbard from Stacy & Bruce Grossbard
Lee Herbert Boyarsky from Marc Herbert
Morris Potashnik from Jerome Post
Isaac Noll from Francine & Richard Tepper
Charles David Rosenfeld from Gerry & Harvey Alpert
Elly Becker from Elaine Becker
Joseph Meizler from Elaine Becker
Morris Meizler from Elaine Becker
David Needleman from Yvette & Harvey Consor
William Cimbel from Dorothy Duckstein
Morris Shimansky from Dorothy Duckstein
Carol Rosen from Dan & Samantha Rosen
Sol Goldstein from Elaine Goldstein
Samuel Frishman from Audrey Golden
Annette Pollack from Cindy & Ken Larkin
Arnold Mates from Ellen & Richard Goolnick
Morris Futernick from Lois & David Swawite
Saul Kellner from Linda Kellner
Jeffrey Kellner from Linda Kellner
Aaron Kellner from Linda Kellner
Clara Richman from Beverly Frank
Frances Gumina from Joan & Brian Levy
Martin Block from Marilynn & Stephen Block
Molly Friedman from Yolanda & Ira Friedman
Howard Schmertz from Judith Schmertz
Leah Bobis from Florence Karmel
Cantor Walter J. Lewis from Diane Lewis
Judy Bardavid from Bill Bardavid
Helen Milch from Marilynn & Stephen Block
Samuel Milch from Marilynn & Stephen Block
Mortimer D. Goldstein from Marcia & Les Ratcliff
Carol Elliot from Dr. Lawrence Elliot & Family
Alfred St. George from Yolanda & Ira Friedman
Bernard Weissman from Jules & Toby Weissman
Betty Lee Schwartz from Jay Schwartz
Herbert Gringhaus from Rhea & Roy Gringhaus
Adele Greenbaum from Richard & Laurie Epler
Stella Jaffe from Edith S. Lane
Bernard Berg from Michael Berg
Ruth H. Klein from Jan & Stan Friedman
Sarah Sontag from Jan & Stan Friedman
Jacob Rebitch from Dorothy Duckstein
Goldie Rebitch from Dorothy Duckstein
Sally Bardavid from Bill Bardavid
Abraham Newberg from Eileen Newberg
Aaron Louis Nyer from Neal & Terry Nyer
Louis Pincus from Susan Healy
Abraham Lerman from Louise Ponticello
Pearl Lerman from Louise Ponticello
Laura Smolar from Linda Lazarus
Irving Jacobs from Alvin & Maxine Jacobs
Marilyn Fein from Alvin & Maxine Jacobs
Howard Daniel Dienstag from Ellen & Peter LeNoble
Elenore Goolnick from Ellen & Richard Goolnick
Sarah Schindler from Arthur & Sharon Schindler
Tilly Goldman from Monica Wiener
Abe Finkel from Carol & Jeff Finkel
Dorothy Epstein from Carol & Jeff Finkel
Sophie Epstein from Carol & Jeff Finkel
Hyman Wiener from Yvette & Harvey Consor
Yetta Wiener from Yvette & Harvey Consor
Robert Consor from Yvette & Harvey Consor
Abraham Deutsch from Bernard & Vicki Deutsch
Ethel Seftel from Allan & Marsha Seftel
Saul Locke from Elaine Goldstein
Estelle Swartz from Richard & Joan Swartz
Sol Scher from Leonard & Shirley Young
Morris Berman from Sharon & Barry Berman
Samuel Schantz from Ken & Dorothy Schantz
Goldie Rebitch from Dorothy Duckstein
Jacob Rebitch from Dorothy Duckstein
Yetta Shimansky from Dorothy Duckstein
Alex Rafael from Lorrie Schultz
Myron E. Steinberg from Mark & Lisa Steinberg
Norman Naps from Edith Naps
Harry Druckman from Alan Itzkowitz
Louis Leidner from Marilyn Leidner
Walter Wiener from Harvey & Monica Wiener
Yvette Rhoda Moed from Linda Nussbaum
Mortimer D. Goldstein from Jane Jackson
Leon Brukier from Michael Horwitz
Max Altman from Esta Regent
Jack Altman from Esta Regent
Jean Schuster from Esta Regent
Etta Satinoff from Esta Regent
Annie Meirowitz from William & Andrea Rifkin
Robert Meirson from William & Andrea Rifkin
Frank J. Bayer from William & Andrea Rifkin
Sophie Feldman from Arthur & Sharon Schindler
Claire Bernstein from Harriet & George Bernstein
Theodore L. Bernstein from Harriet & George Bernstein
Lucille Jacobs from Harriet & George Bernstein
Stanley H. Albert from Harvey Albert
Jerry Weinstein from Fradell Serpe
Sylvia Weinstein from Fradell Serpe
Seymour Chagrin from Stephanie Neigeborn
Anne Friedman from Jan & Stan Friedman
Anna Moskowitz from Jan & Stan Friedman
Herman Goodman from Charlotte Bornstein
Dave Ser from Wendy & Rich Ser
Alice Thayer from Wendy & Rich Ser
Michael Frank from Beverly Frank
Edwin Alpert from Harvey Alpert
Anna Kamper from Helene Kamper & Maureen Dominguez
David Scheinberg from Larry & Jane Prosky
Esther Epler from Richard Epler
Lowell Golden from Audrey Golden
Blanche Leidner from Marilyn Leidner
Marie Levy from Brian & Joan Levy
Leonard Cohen from Beth, Jeff, Adam & Ian Cohen
Helen Lubarsky from Janis & James Beldner
Alex Alpert from Harvey & Gerry Alpert
Barbara Conn from Barry & Shelley Lomove
Sharon Sulzer from Janet Krasner
Irving Rose from Rabbi Howard & Patti Nacht
Sylvia Topol from The Christie Family
Mary Christie from The Christie Family
Ray Freed from Glenn & Heidi Rosen
Julius Proct from Jerome Proct
Hyman Nadan from Marilyn & Michael Woronoff
Sylvia Hochberg from Irene Nelson
Leah Hochberg from Irene Nelson
Benjamin Hochberg from Irene Nelson
David Nelson from Irene Nelson
Frieda Kolinsky from Warren & Freyda Kolinsky
Beatrice Noll from Richard & Francine Tepper
Ruth Glazer from Bernice Albert
Edward Pepkin from Robert Pepkin
Nathan Gettenberg from Patricia Berger
Calotta S. Lowenfeld from Babette Gaines
Samuel Kessler from Sandra Dabrusin
Lon Kessler from Sandra Dabrusin
Bessie M. Rosenfeld from Gerry Alpert
Gilbert Leichman from Judy Herbert
Valerie Lopez from Diane Lewis
George Rothenberg from Shirley Rothenberg
Sarah Garber from Rhoda Goldstein
Abby R. Solomon from Rita & Harvey Drucker
Adele Drezen from Lori & Jarrett Freeman
Pauline Ast from Lori & Jarrett Freeman
Jack Schreck from The Grossbard Family
Susan Klein from Jack Klein
David Worgan from Barry Worgan
Helen Dayton from Ellie Dayton
Anne Berlow from Rita Hofer
William Schiffrin from Dale Pomeranz
Kitty Honig from Leonard & Saundra Honig
Robert Sass from Helen Sass
Blanche Wasserman from Florence Karmel
Shirley Pincus from Susan Healy
Louis Segel from Harvey & Gerry Alpert
Erwin Becker from Elaine Becker
Marian A. Schneider from Tom & Ellice Toscano
Ida Wein from Debra & Rob Saunders
Sheldon Wein from Debra & Rob Saunders
Rhoda Wein from Debra & Rob Saunders
Ben Gumina from Brian & Joan Levy
Irwin Jay Leidner from Marilyn Leidner
Joseph Bloomfield from Marilyn Leidner
Miriam Wengroff from Jeffry Wengroff
Calvin Kitay from Barbara Kitay
Yetta Futernick from Lois & David Swawite
Irving Pomeranz from Peter Pomeranz
Betty Pomeranz from Peter Pomeranz
Stanley Nochlin from Sharon & Arthur Schindler
Benjamin Chain from Francine & Richard Tepper
Vera Horowitz from Edward Horowitz
Morris Bergman from Esta Regent
Irwin Paul from Jay Paul
Bernard Spielberg from Sondra Spielberg
Yetta Slutsky from Sondra Spielberg
Irving Slutsky from Sondra Spielberg
Gary Adam Rosen from Heidi & Glenn Rosen
Sarah Branfeld from Joel & Marcia Kirschner
George Branfeld from Joel & Marcia Kirschner
Albert Beldner from Janis & James Beldner
Evelyn Beldner from Janis & James Beldner
Isadore R. Swarttz from Phoebe Stutman
Allen Asher from Barbara Kitay
Charles Newman from Marlene Newman
Rose Berg from Michael Berg
Maurice Berlow from Rita Hofer
Alan Hofer from Rita Hofer
Howard Fasbinder from Linda & Steven Rubano
Anita T. Schiffrin from Dale Pomeranz
Rose Gruber from Saundra & Len Honig
Doris St. George from Yolanda & Ira Friedman
Bella Proct from Jerome Proct
Rose Horwitz from Michael Horwitz
Bertha Kaufman from Florence Garnet
Herman “Hy” Goldman from Monica Wiener
Laura Kahn from Elaine Goldstein
Eddy Scheier from Herb & Hannah Feldman
Alfred Drucker from Carol & Marty Drucker & Family
Leah Duckstein from Dorothy Duckstein
Louis Kamper from Maureen Dominguez & Helene Kamper
Sam Goldstein from Elaine Goldstein
Rosa Blaier from Gail Calo
Ann Nadler from Irene Nelson
Sam Nadler from Irene Nelson
Jay Hochberg from Irene Nelson
Estelle Swartz from Richard & Joan Swartz
Sol Scher from Leonard & Shirley Young
Morris Berman from Sharon & Barry Berman
Samuel Schantz from Ken & Dorothy Schantz
Goldie Rebitch from Dorothy Duckstein
Jacob Rebitch from Dorothy Duckstein
Yetta Shimansky from Dorothy Duckstein
Alex Rafael from Lorrie Schultz
Myron E. Steinberg from Mark & Lisa Steinberg
Norman Naps from Edith Naps
Harry Druckman from Alan Itzkowitz
Louis Leidner from Marilyn Leidner
Walter Wiener from Harvey & Monica Wiener
Yvette Rhoda Moed from Linda Nussbaum
Mortimer D. Goldstein from Jane Jackson
Leon Brukier from Michael Horwitz
Max Altman from Esta Regent
Jack Altman from Esta Regent
Jean Schuster from Esta Regent
Etta Satinoff from Esta Regent
Annie Meirowitz from William & Andrea Rifkin
Robert Meirson from William & Andrea Rifkin
Frank J. Bayer from William & Andrea Rifkin
Sophie Feldman from Arthur & Sharon Schindler
Claire Bernstein from Harriet & George Bernstein
Theodore L. Bernstein from Harriet & George Bernstein
Lucille Jacobs from Harriet & George Bernstein
Stanley H. Albert from Harvey Albert
Jerry Weinstein from Fradell Serpe
Sylvia Weinstein from Fradell Serpe
Seymour Chagrin from Stephanie Neigeborn
Anne Friedman from Jan & Stan Friedman
Anna Moskowitz from Jan & Stan Friedman
Herman Goodman from Charlotte Bornstein
Dave Ser from Wendy & Rich Ser
Alice Thayer from Wendy & Rich Ser
Michael Frank from Beverly Frank
Edwin Alpert from Harvey Alpert
Anna Kamper from Helene Kamper & Maureen Dominguez
David Scheinberg from Larry & Jane Prosky
Esther Epler from Richard Epler
Lowell Golden from Audrey Golden
Blanche Leidner from Marilyn Leidner
Marie Levy from Brian & Joan Levy
Leonard Cohen from Beth, Jeff, Adam & Ian Cohen
Helen Lubarsky from Janis & James Beldner
Alex Alpert from Harvey & Gerry Alpert
Barbara Conn from Barry & Shelley Lomove
Sharon Sulzer from Janet Krasner
Irving Rose from Rabbi Howard & Patti Nacht
Sylvia Topol from The Christie Family
Mary Christie from The Christie Family
Ray Freed from Glenn & Heidi Rosen
Julius Proct from Jerome Proct
Hyman Nadan from Marilyn & Michael Woronoff
Sylvia Hochberg from Irene Nelson
Leah Hochberg from Irene Nelson
Benjamin Hochberg from Irene Nelson
David Nelson from Irene Nelson
Frieda Kolinsky from Warren & Freyda Kolinsky
Beatrice Noll from Richard & Francine Tepper
Ruth Glazer from Bernice Albert
Edward Pepkin from Robert Pepkin
Nathan Gettenberg from Patricia Berger
Calotta S. Lowenfeld from Babette Gaines
Samuel Kessler from Sandra Dabrusin
Lon Kessler from Sandra Dabrusin
Bessie M. Rosenfeld from Gerry Alpert
Gilbert Leichman from Judy Herbert
Valerie Lopez from Diane Lewis
George Rothenberg from Shirley Rothenberg
Sarah Garber from Rhoda Goldstein
Abby R. Solomon
from Rita & Harvey Drucker
Adele Drezen from Lori & Jarrett Freeman
Pauline Ast from Lori & Jarrett Freeman
Jack Schreck from The Grossbard Family
Susan Klein from Jack Klein
David Worgan from Barry Worgan
Helen Dayton from Ellie Dayton
Anne Berlow from Rita Hofer
William Schiffrin from Dale Pomeranz
Kitty Honig from Leonard & Saundra Honig
Robert Sass from Helen Sass
Blanche Wasserman from Florence Karmel
Shirley Pincus from Susan Healy
Louis Segel from Harvey & Gerry Alpert
Erwin Becker from Elaine Becker
Marian A. Schneider from Tom & Ellice Toscano
Ida Wein from Debra & Rob Saunders
Sheldon Wein from Debra & Rob Saunders
Rhoda Wein from Debra & Rob Saunders
Ben Gumina from Brian & Joan Levy
Irwin Jay Leidner from Marilyn Leidner
Joseph Bloomfield from Marilyn Leidner
Miriam Wengroff from Jeffry Wengroff
Calvin Kitay from Barbara Kitay
Yetta Futernick from Lois & David Swawite
Irving Pomeranz from Peter Pomeranz
Betty Pomeranz from Peter Pomeranz
Stanley Nochlin from Sharon & Arthur Schindler
Benjamin Chain from Francine & Richard Tepper
Vera Horowitz from Edward Horowitz
Morris Bergman from Esta Regent
Irwin Paul from Jay Paul
Bernard Spielberg from Sondra Spielberg
Yetta Slutsky from Sondra Spielberg
Irving Slutsky from Sondra Spielberg
Gary Adam Rosen from Heidi & Glenn Rosen
Sarah Branfeld from Joel & Marcia Kirschner
George Branfeld from Joel & Marcia Kirschner
Albert Beldner from Janis & James Beldner
Evelyn Beldner from Janis & James Beldner
Isadore R. Swarttz from Phoebe Stutman
Allen Asher from Barbara Kitay
Charles Newman from Marlene Newman
Rose Berg from Michael Berg
Maurice Berlow from Rita Hofer
Alan Hofer from Rita Hofer
Howard Fasbinder from Linda & Steven Rubano
Anita T. Schiffrin from Dale Pomeranz
Rose Gruber from Saundra & Len Honig
Doris St. George from Yolanda & Ira Friedman
Bella Proct from Jerome Proct
Rose Horwitz from Michael Horwitz
Bertha Kaufman from Florence Garnet
Herman “Hy” Goldman from Monica Wiener
Laura Kahn from Elaine Goldstein
Eddy Scheier from Herb & Hannah Feldman
Alfred Drucker from Carol & Marty Drucker & Family
Leah Duckstein from Dorothy Duckstein
Louis Kamper from Maureen Dominguez & Helene Kamper
Sam Goldstein from Elaine Goldstein
Rosa Blaier from Gail Calo
Ann Nadler from Irene Nelson
Sam Nadler from Irene Nelson
Jay Hochberg from Irene Nelson
Rita Bogatch & Paula Kanter on the
marriage of their children,
Ashley Bogatch and Howie Kanter
Janis & James Beldner on the marriage
of their son, Jordan to Nicole Grubard
Monica & Harvey Wiener on the birth of
their grandson, Nolan Barrett Gold
Diane & Jay Schoenberg on the marriage
of their son Mark to Allison Keane
Shari & Mitchell Macy on the marriage of
their daughter Andrea to Eric Niederman
Peter & Dale Pomeranz on the birth of their
grandson Bryce Alexander Pomeranz
Wendy Kornet on becoming an adult bat mitzvah
Lynne and Marty Happes, whose son,
Dr. Michael Happes has finished his
fellowship in Interventional Cardiology
and has entered private practice
Irwin Sponder, father of Melissa Coene
Jeanette Toscano, mother of Tom Toscano
Robert Maus, father of Tom Maus
Donald Williamson, husband of Karin Williamson,
father of Emily & Alex Williamson
Elaine Weinstein, wife of Al Weinstein
Harold Orrin, father of Alaina Walsh
Saul Weidler, partner of Stephanie Neigeborn
Allen Weiss, member of legacy Suburban Temple
Mildred Kellner, mother-in-law of Linda Kellner
Lillian Solop, mother of Arthur Solop,
grandmother of Brooke Myers & Brenna Solop
Lawrence Sactor, brother of Lisa Evans
Lillian Polak, wife of Bernard Polak
Ronald Smith, brother of Paula Krupnick
Phyllis Greenberg, member
Susan Ferrara, mother Gerard Ferrara
19 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
September 2016 - (122)
7:30pm Bingo
7:30pm Boy Scouts
6:00pm Cub Scouts
7:30pm Erev
Shabbat Family Svc
9:30am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat
Svc (1) B/M Richman
Building Closed
Labor Day
Building Closed
10:00am Al Anon
Teacher Workshop
6:45pm Sisterhood
Exec. Mtg-K/L
7:00pm Brotherhood
Exec. Board Mtg (104)
7:30pm Sisterhood
7:30pm Brother
rd Mtg (101)
10:30am Bingo (S/H)
6:00pm Cub Scouts
7:30pm Bingo (S/H)
7:30pm Boy Scouts
5:30pm Tot Shabbat
8:00pm Erev
Shabbat Service
9:30am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat
Svc (1) B/M Kaufman
3:00pm Concert set-
up (S/H)
7:00pm Fundraising
Concert (S/H)
8:15 B/M photos
Kaufman (Sanc.)
9:00am Rel School
9:15am Brother-
Breakfast (S/H)
9:45-11:45am Book
Club (Library)
10:00am Member-
ship Mtg (S/H)
11:30am PTA Shofar
workshop Y/L
Temple Show
Auditions (S/H)
Cabaret (S/H)
12:00pm Torah
Study (K/L)
3:00pm Staff
Meeting (Library)
5:30pm BNTY Jr.
6:00pm Youth Choir
6:30pm Teen Choir-
6:30pm Fundraising
meeting (104)
7:00-9:00pm Temple
Show Auditions (S/H)
7:00pm Housing
Meeting (K/L)
Religious School
7:30pm Adult Choir
8:30pm BNTY Sr.
10:00am Al Anon
Religious School
7:00pm Jewish War
Vets (104)
Cabaret (S/H)
7:30pm Ritual Mtg
10:30am Bingo (S/H)
6:00pm Cub Scouts
9:00pm Temple
Show Auditions
7:30pm Bingo (S/H)
7:30pm Boy Scouts
6:00pm Pre-Neg
6:30pm Kabbalat
9:30am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat
Svc (1) B/M Schnee
7:00-11:00pm C of F
Military Bridge (S/H)
9:00am Rel School
9:15am Meet the
Teachers (Y/L
10:00am Circle of
Friends Board Mtg
10:00am PTA Mtg
Temple Show Reh.
Cabaret (S/H)
12:00pm Torah
Study (K/L)
5:30pm BNTY Jr.
6:00pm Youth Choir
6:30pm Teen Choir
7:00pm Sisterhood
Program (K/L)
Religious School
7:00pm Temple
Show Reh. (101/103)
7:30pm Chai Club
General Mtg
7:30pm Adult Choir
8:30pm BNTY Sr.
10:00am Al Anon
Religious School
5:00pm Brother-
Dinner (K/L)
9:00pm Temple
Show Reh. (101/103)
Cabaret (S/H)
7:30pm Religious Ed
Mtg (Library)
10:30am Bingo (S/H)
6:00pm Cub Scouts
9:00pm Temple
Show Reh. (101/103)
7:30pm Bingo (S/H)
7:30pm Boy Scouts
8:00pm Erev
Shabbat Service
9:30am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat
Svc (1) B/M Kornet
12:00-3:00pm Rental
7:30pm Selichot
Service - S/H-Sanc.
9:00am Rel School
9:00am Family Ed -
5th Grade (Y/L
9:15am Brother-hood
Breakfast (S/H)
9:15am New Mmber
Breakfast (S/H)
PTA Apples & Honey
11:30am PTA
Meeting (104)
11:45am B/M
Orientation Sept
2017 (K/L)
12:30pm Temple
Show Reh. (S/H)
Cabaret (S/H)
12:00pm Torah
Study (K/L)
1:15pm M.W.I. (K/L)
3:00pm Staff
Meeting (Library)
5:30pm BNTY Jr.
6:00pm Youth Choir
6:30pm Teen Choir
eligious School
7:00pm Temple Show
Reh. (S/H)
7:30pm Adult Choir-
8:30pm BNTY Sr.
7:30pm Chai Club
Board Mtg-K/L
10:00am Al Anon
Religious School
9:00pm Temple
Show Reh. (101/103)
Cabaret (S/H)
7:15pm Exec. Board
Mtg (104)
8:00pm TBT Board
Mtg (K/L)
10:30am Bingo (S/H)
6:00pm Cub Scouts
7:00-9:00pm Temple
Show Reh. (S/H)
7:30pm Boy Scouts
7:30pm Bingo (S/H)
8:00pm Erev
Shabbat Service
20 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
9:30am Torah
Study (K/L)
10:30am Shabbat
Svc (1) B/M Cecora
1:00pm Rosh
Hashanah set-up S/H
9:00am Rel School
construct Sukkah
9:15am Brother-
hood Breakfast (S/H)
10:00am Member-
ship Mtg (Lib.)
12:00noon Rosh
Hashanah set-up S/H
Temple Show Reh.
7:30pm Erev Rosh
Hashanah Svc
Office Closed
9:00am Rosh
Hashanah Family Svc
10:30am Rosh
Hashanah Svc
@1:30pm Tashlich
Svc Forest City Park
Office Closed
10:30am Rosh
Hashanah Second
Day Svc
@12:30pm Second
Day Luncheon-K/L
10:30am Bingo
6:00pm Cub Scouts
Temple Show Reh.
7:30pm Boy Scouts
7:30pm Bingo
7:30pm Erev
Shabbat Family Svc
(Shabbat Shuvah)
9:30am Torah
Study (Away)
Building Closed
No Rel School
Cabaret (101/103)
Columbus Day
Office Closed
NO Rel School
Columbus Day
10:00am Al Anon
Office Closes at
7:30pm Erev Yom
Kippur/Kol Nidre Svc
Office Closed
9:00am Yom Kippur
Family Svc
10:30am Yom
Kippur Svc
1:30pm Yizkor Svc
2:30pm Text Study
4:00pm Yom Kippur
afternoon svc
@5:30pm Yom
Kippur concluding
following svc
No Bingo
6:00pm Cub Scouts
Temple Show Reh.
7:30pm Boy Scouts
7:30pm Bingo
5:30pm Tot
8:00pm Erev
Shabbat Service
9:30am Torah
Study (K/L)
10:30am Shabbat
2:30pm rental set-
up (S/H)
7:00pm Rental
9:00am Rel School
9:15am Brother-
hood Breakfast (S/H)
10:00am PTA
Meeting (104)
Sisterhood Decorate
for Sukkot (Sanc.)
construct Sukkah
Temple Show Reh.
7:30pm Erev
Sukkot svc
Office Closed
10:30am Sukkot
Morning svc
Brotherhood Football
Dinner (Away)
NO Religious
Religious School
6:45pm Sisterhood
Exec. Mtg (K/L)
-9:00pm Temple
Show Reh. (101/103)
Cabaret (S/H)
7:00pm Brother
Exec. Mtg (Y/L)
7;30pm Sisterhood
Board Mtg (K/L)
7:30pm Ritual Mtg
7:30pm Brother-
hood Board Mtg (Y/L)
7:30pm Budget
Meeting (104)
10:30am Bingo
6:00pm Cub Scouts
Temple Show Reh.
7:30pm Boy Scouts
7:30pm Bingo
6:00pm Pre-Neg
6:30pm Kabbalat
9:30am Torah
Study (K/L)
10:30am Shabbat
Svc (2) B/M Lubman
& Tretter
5:00-9:00-m PTA
(S/H - K/L)
9:00am Rel School
PTA Sukkot
Celebration (Sukkah)
Temple Show Reh.
6:30pm Yizkor Svc
7:30pm Simchat
Torah Celebration
Office Closed
No Rel School
10:30am Simchat
Torah Morning
Temple Show Reh.
Cabaret (S/H)
7:15pm Exec.
Board Mtg (104)
8:00pm TBT Board
Mtg (K/L)
10:30am Bingo
6:00pm Cub Scouts
Temple Show Reh.
7:30pm Bingo
7:30pm Boy Scouts
New Member
7:30pm Erev
Shabbat Svc
9:30am Torah
Study (k/l)
10:30am Shabbat
Svc (1) B/M Taustine
Taustine B/M (S/H)
1:00-2:00pm ACDS
drop off for Sunday
9:00am Rel School
9:15am Brother-
hood Breakfast (S/H)
Brotherhood dis-
assembly of Sukkah
9:00am Family Ed -
6th Grade (Y/L-Sanc.)
12:00pm ACDS set-
up S/H (rental)
6:00pm ACDS
Rental (S/H)
12:00pm Torah
Study (K/L)
5:30pm BNTY Jr.
6:00pm Youth Choir
6:30pm Fund
meeting (104)
6:30pm Teen Choir
7:00pm Rel. School
7:30pm Adult Choir
7:30pm Chai Club
Board Mtg
8:30pm BNTY Sr.
21 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
e following is a list of the boys and girls who will
be celebrating their Bar/Bat Mitzvah
SEPT. 3,2016 THROUGH DEC. 10, 2016.
Circle the names of those to whom you would
like to send congratulations, and PRINT your
name as you want it to appear on the Uniongrams.
Please return the list promptly with $1.25 for each
Uniongram made payable to
and send to Neysa Levenstein
15 Downhill Lane, Wantagh, NY 11793
Sept. 3 Jake Richman Artie & Lara
Sept. 10 Andrew Kaufman Ronald & Mary
Sept. 17 Julia Schnee Arthur & Faith
Oct. 1 Mikayla Cecora Michael & Shari
Oct. 22 Alexander Lubman Andrew & Laurie
David Tretter Kenneth & Stacey
Oct. 29 Russell Taustine Michael & Lucie
Nov. 5 Mark Russo Max & Sally
Nov. 26 Julia Bottari Phillip & Caroline
Dec. 3 Ben Homan Seth & Tracy
Dec.10 Jacob Falco Carie
Uniongrams @ $1.25 each = $____________
PLEASE PRINT ____________________________________
PLEASE NOTE: All uniongrams requested must be submitted TWO
WEEKS IN ADVANCE, either by mail or le in the Uniongram box
in the Temple oce.
We cannot be responsible for lost money.
The Bingo fundraising project of TBT keeps our Temple
open. If we did not have Bingo, each of us would pay over
$700 more in dues to fund our expenses. Therefore we must
work together.
Everyone can help in some way. You can volunteer Wed
from 9-1PM, Thursdays from 5-10:30 PM or Sundays (just
3 times a year) from 5-10:30 PM. Help out for about 2 hours.
You can sit and sell paper, you can walk around and sell,
you can sit on the stage and pick the balls, sit in the Kiddush
Lounge, learn to call, and/or help in the kitchens. Every job
is very easy and very important.
Many of our workers have moved, and the number of
players has increased tremendously. Many games in Nassau
have closed. We need each and every one of you. Call me
and we can arrange a time and job that you like.
Rita 785-5827
Beginning this September I will be found in our sanctuary
on the second Friday of every month celebrating Tot Shabbat
with my granddaughter Gabriella. As other families can
attest, Tot Shabbat is a very special, intimate experience.
The service, conducted by Rabbi Nacht, Cantor Sher and
Emily Altman, is geared to
the younger set but enjoyed
by all ages. Participants are
given the opportunity to
light shabbat candles, sing
songs, play small instruments, learn Hebrew words, and
open the ark doors to see torahs up close. There's nothing
more joyous than seeing the children's eyes light up when
they are brought up on the bimah. Afterwards all families
say the motzi, kiddush and enjoy snacks and juice together.
Tot Shabbat is the perfect way to introduce our youngest
ones to Judaism in a fun, loving, multi-generational way.
I sincerely hope to see many more of my fellow
congregants there to share in this amazing worship. Even if
you don't have a little one, you may still nd Tot Shabbat a
worthwhile, inspirational and meaningful experience.
As always, Ellice Toscano
Tot Shabbat - The Best Kept "Little" Secret at TBT
Beginning this September I will be found in our sanctuary on the second Friday of every month
celebrating Tot Shabbat with my granddaughter Gabriella. As other families can attest, Tot
Shabbat is a very special, intimate experience. The service, conducted by Rabbi Nacht, Cantor
Sher and Emily Altman, is geared to the younger set but enjoyed by all ages. Participants are
given the opportunity to light shabbat candles, sing songs, play small instruments, learn Hebrew
words, and open the ark doors to see torahs up close. There's nothing more joyous than seeing
the children's eyes light up when they are brought up on the bimah. Afterwards all families say
the motzi, kiddush and enjoy snacks and juice together. Tot Shabbat is the perfect way to
introduce our youngest ones to Judaism in a fun, loving, multi-generational way.
I sincerely hope to see many more of my fellow congregants there to share in this amazing
worship. Even if you don't have a little one, you may still find Tot Shabbat a worthwhile,
inspirational and meaningful experience.
As always, Ellice Toscano
22 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
Meeting called to order at 7:32 by President Robert Saunders.
New Business – Rabbi Nacht made a suggestion to adapt a Kosher
Style at functions that are sponsored by the temple. Martha
Kolodkin made a motion as follows: We adopt a policy that on
temple property no one bring in pork or shellsh products. For
temple sponsored functions, a Kosher Style will be be adopted,
meaning no serving meat and dairy products together. Ben
Cernese second.
Discussion ensued. Motion passed by a majority of hands with 3
opposed and 3 abstentions.
President’s Report – Rob Saunders presented Jan Friedman, Stan
Friedman, and Rita Hofer each an engraved leaf in the temple’s
tree of life to thank them on behalf of the board for their service.
All three have been past presidents and highly involved from a
leadership perspective. We will miss your guidance and we hope
you will oer your assistance and unique perspective on the temple
for many years to come. Thank you to Harvey Drucker and Brian
Levy for coordinating this.
House and Administration –Fundraising – Joni Christie noted
that this past week she went to see a group called Just 60’s along
with a lot of people from the temple. Brian Levy negotiated a
great price and so September 10 will be the rst fundraiser of the
year featuring the Just 60’s band. They have a following, it will
be a great night.
Membership and Community – Helaine Schnall – Report stands.
We look forward to seeing our new, updated website on July 1.
Financial Secretary ReportAlan Loewenstein – We are starting
with special arrangements for 2016-2017 year. Please note that
when we make special arrangements for Bar/Bat Mitzvah families
the congregation ends up supplementing for costs such as bima
owers, etc.
Temple Administrator Report – Sue-Ellen Pennington – A letter
was sent to all funeral homes in the area to give them information
about who to contact if there is a funeral for our temple members.
The Goldbergers sent a letter to Sue-Ellen Pennington that Square
dance fundraiser netted out $1193.82.
Investments Report Alan Loewenstein - Report stands.
$12,000 check was written to the temple from the investments for
capital improvements for new water fountains, hot water heater,
paint striping in parking lot. We yielded about a 3.5 percent yield
from the investments. We are at $992,000 as of today’s close. We
are not really involved in the stock market so that is not really
impacting us.
BINGO/Gift Certicates/Purchasing Report – Rita Hofer –
Report stands. The Gift Certicate program has been handed over
to Diane Schoenberg and Sherrill Spatz. Rita Hofer and Harriet
Bernstein have been running the program for 21 years. Thank you
very much to them both. This year, $250,589.000 has been made
at BINGO. Bingo is in strong need of volunteers, please help out!
Minyan Committee - Tessa Kean – Please keep joining the
Minyan committee- we need more people!
Respectfully submitted: Sharon Curry, Congregation Secretary
Sal St. George will be coming back to Chai Club with an hilarious
presentation. Be sure to be there: September 19 at 7:30 p.m.
The “I Love Lucy” Story: Birth of the Modern Day Sitcom
Comedy Authority Sal St. George presents a behind-the-scenes look at one of the
most beloved television shows ever created.
When Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball fell in love on the movie set of Too Many Girls
they never imagined that together they would revolutionize the television industry.
During this program we will examine the early careers of both Lucy and Desi, how
they met, their battles with CBS, the ultimate creation of Desilu Studios and their
influence on today’s sitcoms.
23 B’nai Torah Times
Visit for the latest information.
Michael C. Horwitz, CPA, P.C.
4190 Sunrise Highway - 2nd Floor, Massapequa, New York 11758
Tel: 516-795-7100 Fax: 516-795-7125 E-Mail: [email protected]
Main Telephone: 516-221-2370
#10 Marilyn Pomeranz, Admin Asst.
#13 Sue-Ellen Pennington,
Temple Administrator
#15 Paula Metzger ,
Bookkeeping & Billing
#19 Cantor Sher
#20 Kitchen
#21 Rabbi Nacht
#22 Kim Mills,
Religious School Asst.
#24 Fran Pearlman,
Religious School Director
Rabbi Emeritus:
Rabbi Sanford Jarashow
Rabbi Robert Raab
Mission Statement
Temple B’nai Torahs mission is to
embody, enhance and perpetuate
Jewish tradition by providing a
welcoming spiritual home where
the community gathers to worship
God, study Torah, engage in acts of
Tikun Olam (repairing the world),
participate in Jewish rituals and
life cycle events, and experience
the joy of being part of a caring
Associate Editor: Rob Saunders
Sta Photographer: Harvey Drucker
Laurie Chester
Tessa Kean
Lynne Happes • Brian Levy
2900 Jerusalem Avenue
Wantagh, NY 11793
Tel: 221-2370
Fax: 221-5082
Rabbi Howard Nacht.
Cantor Steven Sher
B’nai Torah Times
is published bi-monthly
by Temple B’nai Torah
Mark Chester
Dated Material - Please Rush!
Address Correction Requested
TBT Jr. Players is pleased to announce this year’s production will
be Guys and Dolls. Auditions for our cast, ages 10 18, will be
held on Sunday September 11
from Noon to 2pm and Monday
September 12
from 7:00 to 9:00PM. Auditions will be held in
the Social Hall. Be prepared to sing, and possibly dance. Must be
familiar with either “A Bushel and a Peck” or “Luck Be a Lady
from the musical’s score. $75 performance fee.
TBT Jr. Players is pleased to announce
this years production will be Guys and Dolls. Auditions
for our cast, ages 10 – 18,
will be held on
Sunday, September 11th from Noon to 2pm
Monday, September 12th from 7:00 to 9:00PM. Auditions
will be held in the Social Hall.
Be prepared to sing, and possibly dance.
Must be familiar with either
“A Bushel and a Peck” or “Luck Be a Lady”
from the musical’s score. $75 performance fee
For the most up-to-date TBT calendar please visit: